blob: 1bec36d7c35b58f7f506ee2fae308193cdc3d611 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.access.tests.e2e;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.Statement;
import org.apache.access.provider.file.PolicyFile;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
public class TestSandboxOps extends AbstractTestWithStaticDFS {
private PolicyFile policyFile;
private File dataFile;
private String loadData;
public void setup() throws Exception {
context = createContext();
dataFile = new File(dataDir, SINGLE_TYPE_DATA_FILE_NAME);
FileOutputStream to = new FileOutputStream(dataFile);
Resources.copy(Resources.getResource(SINGLE_TYPE_DATA_FILE_NAME), to);
policyFile = PolicyFile.createAdminOnServer1(ADMIN1);
loadData = "server=server1->uri=file://" + dataFile.getPath();
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
if (context != null) {
private PolicyFile addTwoUsersWithAllDb() {
.addGroupsToUser("user1", "user_group")
.addGroupsToUser("user2", "user_group")
.addPermissionsToRole("db1_all", "server=server1->db=db1")
.addPermissionsToRole("db2_all", "server=server1->db=db2")
.addRolesToGroup("user_group", "db1_all", "db2_all");
return policyFile;
* Tests to ensure that users with all@db can create tables
* and that they cannot create databases or load data
public void testDbPrivileges() throws Exception {
String[] dbs = new String[] { "db1", "db2" };
for (String dbName : dbs) {
dropDb(ADMIN1, dbName);
createDb(ADMIN1, dbName);
for (String user : new String[] { "user1", "user2" }) {
for (String dbName : new String[] { "db1", "db2" }) {
Connection userConn = context.createConnection(user, "foo");
String tabName = user + "_tab1";
Statement userStmt = context.createStatement(userConn);
// Positive case: test user1 and user2 has
// permissions to access db1 and db2
userStmt.execute("use " + dbName);
userStmt.execute("create table " + tabName + " (id int)");
context.assertAuthzException(userStmt, "load data local inpath '" + dataFile + "' into table " + tabName);
assertTrue(userStmt.execute("select * from " + tabName));
// negative users cannot create databases
context.assertAuthzException(userStmt, "CREATE DATABASE " + user + "_db");
for (String dbName : dbs) {
dropDb(ADMIN1, dbName);
* Test Case 2.11 admin user create a new database DB_1 and grant ALL to
* himself on DB_1 should work
public void testAdminDbPrivileges() throws Exception {
Connection adminCon = context.createConnection(ADMIN1, "password");
Statement adminStmt = context.createStatement(adminCon);
String dbName = "db1";
adminStmt.execute("use default");
adminStmt.execute("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS " + dbName + " CASCADE");
adminStmt.execute("CREATE DATABASE " + dbName);
// access the new databases
adminStmt.execute("use " + dbName);
String tabName = "admin_tab1";
adminStmt.execute("create table " + tabName + "(c1 string)");
adminStmt.execute("load data local inpath '" + dataFile.getPath() + "' into table "
+ tabName);
adminStmt.execute("select * from " + tabName);
// cleanup
adminStmt.execute("use default");
adminStmt.execute("DROP DATABASE " + dbName + " CASCADE");
* Test Case 2.16 admin user create a new database DB_1 create TABLE_1 and
* TABLE_2 (same schema) in DB_1 admin user grant SELECT, INSERT to USER_1's
* group on TABLE_2 negative test case: USER_1 try to do following on TABLE_1
* will fail: --insert overwrite TABLE_2 select * from TABLE_1
public void testNegativeUserDMLPrivileges() throws Exception {
.addPermissionsToRole("db1_tab2_all", "server=server1->db=db1->table=table_2")
.addRolesToGroup("group1", "db1_tab2_all")
.addGroupsToUser("user3", "group1");
Connection adminCon = context.createConnection(ADMIN1, "password");
Statement adminStmt = context.createStatement(adminCon);
String dbName = "db1";
adminStmt.execute("use default");
adminStmt.execute("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS " + dbName + " CASCADE");
adminStmt.execute("CREATE DATABASE " + dbName);
adminStmt.execute("use " + dbName);
adminStmt.execute("create table table_1 (id int)");
adminStmt.execute("create table table_2 (id int)");
Connection userConn = context.createConnection("user3", "password");
Statement userStmt = context.createStatement(userConn);
userStmt.execute("use " + dbName);
// user3 doesn't have select privilege on table_1, so insert/select should fail
context.assertAuthzException(userStmt, "insert overwrite table table_2 select * from table_1");
context.assertAuthzException(userStmt, "insert overwrite directory '" + baseDir.getPath() + "' select * from table_1");
* Test Case 2.17 Execution steps a) Admin user creates a new database DB_1,
* b) Admin user grants ALL on DB_1 to group GROUP_1 c) User from GROUP_1
* creates table TAB_1, TAB_2 in DB_1 d) Admin user grants SELECT on TAB_1 to
* group GROUP_2
* 1) verify users from GROUP_2 have only SELECT privileges on TAB_1. They
* shouldn't be able to perform any operation other than those listed as
* requiring SELECT in the privilege model.
* 2) verify users from GROUP_2 can't perform queries involving join between
* TAB_1 and TAB_2.
* 3) verify users from GROUP_1 can't perform operations requiring ALL @
* SERVER scope. Refer to list
public void testNegUserPrivilegesAll() throws Exception {
String testPolicies[] = {
"admin_group = admin_role",
"user_group1 = db1_all",
"user_group2 = db1_tab1_select",
"db1_all = server=server1->db=db1",
"db1_tab1_select = server=server1->db=db1->table=table_1->action=select",
"admin_role = server=server1",
"user1 = user_group1",
"user2 = user_group2",
"admin = admin_group"
// create dbs
Connection adminCon = context.createConnection("admin", "foo");
Statement adminStmt = context.createStatement(adminCon);
String dbName = "db1";
adminStmt.execute("use default");
adminStmt.execute("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS " + dbName + " CASCADE");
adminStmt.execute("CREATE DATABASE " + dbName);
adminStmt.execute("use " + dbName);
adminStmt.execute("create table table_1 (name string)");
adminStmt.execute("load data local inpath '" + dataFile.getPath() + "' into table table_1");
adminStmt.execute("create table table_2 (name string)");
adminStmt.execute("load data local inpath '" + dataFile.getPath() + "' into table table_2");
adminStmt.execute("create view v1 AS select * from table_1");
adminStmt.execute("create table table_part_1 (name string) PARTITIONED BY (year INT)");
adminStmt.execute("ALTER TABLE table_part_1 ADD PARTITION (year = 2012)");
Connection userConn = context.createConnection("user2", "foo");
Statement userStmt = context.createStatement(userConn);
userStmt.execute("use " + dbName);
context.assertAuthzException(userStmt, "alter table table_2 add columns (id int)");
context.assertAuthzException(userStmt, "drop database " + dbName);
context.assertAuthzException(userStmt, "CREATE INDEX x ON TABLE table_1(name) AS 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.index.compact.CompactIndexHandler'");
context.assertAuthzException(userStmt, "CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION strip AS 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.udf.generic.GenericUDFPrintf'");
context.assertAuthzException(userStmt, "create table c_tab_2 as select * from table_2");
context.assertAuthzException(userStmt, "ALTER DATABASE " + dbName + " SET DBPROPERTIES ('foo' = 'bar')");
context.assertAuthzException(userStmt, "ALTER VIEW v1 SET TBLPROPERTIES ('foo' = 'bar')");
context.assertAuthzException(userStmt, "DROP VIEW IF EXISTS v1");
context.assertAuthzException(userStmt, "create table table_5 (name string)");
context.assertAuthzException(userStmt, "ALTER TABLE table_1 RENAME TO table_99");
context.assertAuthzException(userStmt, "insert overwrite table table_2 select * from table_1");
context.assertAuthzException(userStmt, "ALTER TABLE table_part_1 ADD IF NOT EXISTS PARTITION (year = 2012)");
context.assertAuthzException(userStmt, "ALTER TABLE table_part_1 PARTITION (year = 2012) SET LOCATION '" + baseDir.getPath() + "'");
* Steps:
* 1. admin user create databases, DB_1 and DB_2, no table or other
* object in database
* 2. admin grant all to USER_1's group on DB_1 and DB_2
* positive test case:
* a)USER_1 has the privilege to create table, load data,
* drop table, create view, insert more data on both databases
* b) USER_1 can switch between DB_1 and DB_2 without
* exception negative test case:
* c) USER_1 cannot drop database
* 3. admin remove all to group1 on DB_2
* positive test case:
* d) USER_1 has the privilege to create view on tables in DB_1
* negative test case:
* e) USER_1 cannot create view on tables in DB_1 that select
* from tables in DB_2
* 4. admin grant select to group1 on DB_2.ta_2
* positive test case:
* f) USER_1 has the privilege to create view to select from
* DB_1.tb_1 and DB_2.tb_2
* negative test case:
* g) USER_1 cannot create view to select from DB_1.tb_1
* and DB_2.tb_3
* @throws Exception
public void testSandboxOpt9() throws Exception {
.addPermissionsToRole(GROUP1_ROLE, ALL_DB1, ALL_DB2, loadData)
.addRolesToGroup(GROUP1, GROUP1_ROLE)
.addGroupsToUser(USER1, GROUP1);
dropDb(ADMIN1, DB1, DB2);
createDb(ADMIN1, DB1, DB2);
Connection connection = context.createConnection(USER1, "password");
Statement statement = context.createStatement(connection);
// a
statement.execute("USE " + DB1);
createTable(USER1, DB1, dataFile, TBL1);
statement.execute("DROP VIEW IF EXISTS " + VIEW1);
statement.execute("CREATE VIEW " + VIEW1 + " (value) AS SELECT value from " + TBL1 + " LIMIT 10");
createTable(USER1, DB2, dataFile, TBL2, TBL3);
// c
context.assertAuthzException(statement, "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS " + DB1 + " CASCADE");
context.assertAuthzException(statement, "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS " + DB2 + " CASCADE");
// d
statement.execute("USE " + DB1);
policyFile.removePermissionsFromRole(GROUP1_ROLE, ALL_DB2);
// e
// create db1.view1 as select from db2.tbl2
statement.execute("DROP VIEW IF EXISTS " + VIEW2);
context.assertAuthzException(statement, "CREATE VIEW " + VIEW2 +
" (value) AS SELECT value from " + DB2 + "." + TBL2 + " LIMIT 10");
// create db1.tbl2 as select from db2.tbl2
statement.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + TBL2);
context.assertAuthzException(statement, "CREATE TABLE " + TBL2 +
" AS SELECT value from " + DB2 + "." + TBL2 + " LIMIT 10");
// f
policyFile.addPermissionsToRole(GROUP1_ROLE, SELECT_DB2_TBL2);
statement.execute("DROP VIEW IF EXISTS " + VIEW2);
statement.execute("CREATE VIEW " + VIEW2
+ " (value) AS SELECT value from " + DB2 + "." + TBL2 + " LIMIT 10");
// g
statement.execute("DROP VIEW IF EXISTS " + VIEW3);
context.assertAuthzException(statement, "CREATE VIEW " + VIEW3
+ " (value) AS SELECT value from " + DB2 + "." + TBL3 + " LIMIT 10");
dropDb(ADMIN1, DB1, DB2);
* Tests select on table with index.
* Steps:
* 1. admin user create a new database DB_1
* 2. admin create TABLE_1 in DB_1
* 3. admin create INDEX_1 for COLUMN_1 in TABLE_1 in DB_1
* 4. admin user grant INSERT and SELECT to USER_1's group on TABLE_1
* negative test case:
* a) USER_1 try to SELECT * FROM TABLE_1 WHERE COLUMN_1 == ...
* should NOT work
* b) USER_1 should not be able to check the list of view or
* index in DB_1
* @throws Exception
public void testSandboxOpt13() throws Exception {
// unrelated permission to allow user1 to connect to db1
.addPermissionsToRole(GROUP1_ROLE, SELECT_DB1_TBL2)
.addRolesToGroup(GROUP1, GROUP1_ROLE)
.addGroupsToUser(USER1, GROUP1);
dropDb(ADMIN1, DB1);
createDb(ADMIN1, DB1);
createTable(ADMIN1, DB1, dataFile, TBL1);
Connection connection = context.createConnection(ADMIN1, "password");
Statement statement = context.createStatement(connection);
statement.execute("USE " + DB1);
statement.execute("DROP INDEX IF EXISTS " + INDEX1 + " ON " + TBL1);
statement.execute("CREATE INDEX " + INDEX1 + " ON TABLE " + TBL1
+ " (under_col) as 'COMPACT' WITH DEFERRED REBUILD");
connection = context.createConnection(USER1, "password");
statement = context.createStatement(connection);
statement.execute("USE " + DB1);
context.assertAuthzException(statement, "SELECT * FROM " + TBL1 + " WHERE under_col == 5");
context.assertAuthzException(statement, "SHOW INDEXES ON " + TBL1);
policyFile.addPermissionsToRole(GROUP1_ROLE, SELECT_DB1_TBL1, INSERT_DB1_TBL1, loadData);
statement.execute("USE " + DB1);
assertTrue(statement.execute("SELECT * FROM " + TBL1 + " WHERE under_col == 5"));
assertTrue(statement.execute("SHOW INDEXES ON " + TBL1));
dropDb(ADMIN1, DB1, DB2);
* Steps:
* 1. Admin user creates a new database DB_1
* 2. Admin user grants ALL on DB_1 to group GROUP_1
* 3. User from GROUP_1 creates table TAB_1, TAB_2 in DB_1
* 4. Admin user grants SELECT/INSERT on TAB_1 to group GROUP_2
* a) verify users from GROUP_2 have only SELECT/INSERT
* privileges on TAB_1. They shouldn't be able to perform
* any operation other than those listed as
* requiring SELECT in the privilege model.
* b) verify users from GROUP_2 can't perform queries
* involving join between TAB_1 and TAB_2.
* c) verify users from GROUP_1 can't perform operations
* requiring ALL @SERVER scope:
* *) create database
* *) drop database
* *) show databases
* *) show locks
* *) execute ALTER TABLE .. SET LOCATION on a table in DB_1
* *) execute ALTER PARTITION ... SET LOCATION on a table in DB_1
* *) execute CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE ... in DB_1
* *) execute ADD JAR
* *) execute a query with TRANSOFORM
* @throws Exception
public void testSandboxOpt17() throws Exception {
// edit policy file
File policyFile = context.getPolicyFile();
PolicyFileEditor editor = new PolicyFileEditor(policyFile);
editor.addPolicy("admin = admin", "groups");
editor.addPolicy("group1 = all_db1, load_data", "groups");
editor.addPolicy("group2 = select_tb1", "groups");
editor.addPolicy("select_tb1 = server=server1->db=db_1->table=tbl_1->action=select", "roles");
editor.addPolicy("all_db1 = server=server1->db=db_1", "roles");
editor.addPolicy("load_data = server=server1->uri=file://" + dataFile.toString(), "roles");
editor.addPolicy("admin = server=server1", "roles");
editor.addPolicy("admin1 = admin", "users");
editor.addPolicy("user1 = group1", "users");
editor.addPolicy("user2 = group2", "users");
dropDb(ADMIN1, DB1);
createDb(ADMIN1, DB1);
createTable(USER1, DB1, dataFile, TBL1, TBL2);
Connection connection = context.createConnection(USER1, "password");
Statement statement = context.createStatement(connection);
// c
statement.execute("USE " + DB1);
context.assertAuthzException(statement, "CREATE DATABASE " + DB3);
context.assertAuthzException(statement, "DROP DATABASE " + DB1);
ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery("SHOW DATABASES");
assertEquals(DB1, rs.getString(1));
context.assertAuthzException(statement, "ALTER TABLE " + TBL1 +
" ADD PARTITION (value = 10) LOCATION '" + dataDir.getPath() + "'");
context.assertAuthzException(statement, "ALTER TABLE " + TBL1
+ " PARTITION (value = 10) SET LOCATION '" + dataDir.getPath() + "'");
context.assertAuthzException(statement, "CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE " + TBL3
+ " (under_col int, value string) LOCATION '" + dataDir.getPath() + "'");
connection = context.createConnection(USER2, "password");
statement = context.createStatement(connection);
// a
statement.execute("USE " + DB1);
context.assertAuthzException(statement, "SELECT * FROM TABLE " + TBL2 + " LIMIT 10");
context.assertAuthzException(statement, "EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM TABLE " + TBL2 + " WHERE under_col > 5 LIMIT 10");
context.assertAuthzException(statement, "DESCRIBE " + TBL2);
context.assertAuthzException(statement, "LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '" + dataFile.getPath() + "' INTO TABLE " + TBL2);
context.assertAuthzException(statement, "analyze table " + TBL2 + " compute statistics for columns under_col, value");
// b
context.assertAuthzException(statement, "SELECT " + TBL1 + ".* FROM " + TBL1 + " JOIN " + TBL2 +
" ON (" + TBL1 + ".value = " + TBL2 + ".value)");
* Positive and negative tests for INSERT OVERWRITE [LOCAL] DIRECTORY and
* LOAD DATA [LOCAL] INPATH. EXPORT/IMPORT are handled in separate junit class.
* Formerly testSandboxOpt18
public void testInsertOverwriteAndLoadData() throws Exception {
long counter = System.currentTimeMillis();
File allowedDir = assertCreateDir(new File(baseDir,
"test-" + (counter++)));
File restrictedDir = assertCreateDir(new File(baseDir,
"test-" + (counter++)));
Path allowedDfsDir = assertCreateDfsDir(new Path(dfsBaseDir, "test-" + (counter++)));
Path restrictedDfsDir = assertCreateDfsDir(new Path(dfsBaseDir, "test-" + (counter++)));
File policyFile = context.getPolicyFile();
PolicyFileEditor editor = new PolicyFileEditor(policyFile);
editor.addPolicy("admin = admin", "groups");
editor.addPolicy("group1 = all_db1, load_data", "groups");
editor.addPolicy("all_db1 = server=server1->db=db_1", "roles");
editor.addPolicy("admin = server=server1", "roles");
editor.addPolicy("load_data = server=server1->uri=file://" + allowedDir.getPath() +
", server=server1->uri=file://" + allowedDir.getPath() +
", server=server1->uri=" + allowedDfsDir.toString(), "roles");
editor.addPolicy("admin1 = admin", "users");
editor.addPolicy("user1 = group1", "users");
dropDb(ADMIN1, DB1);
createDb(ADMIN1, DB1);
createTable(ADMIN1, DB1, dataFile, TBL1);
Connection connection = context.createConnection(USER1, "password");
Statement statement = context.createStatement(connection);
statement.execute("USE " + DB1);
statement.execute("INSERT OVERWRITE LOCAL DIRECTORY 'file://" + allowedDir.getPath() + "' SELECT * FROM " + TBL1);
statement.execute("INSERT OVERWRITE DIRECTORY '" + allowedDfsDir + "' SELECT * FROM " + TBL1);
statement.execute("LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH 'file://" + allowedDir.getPath() + "' INTO TABLE " + TBL1);
statement.execute("LOAD DATA INPATH '" + allowedDfsDir + "' INTO TABLE " + TBL1);
context.assertAuthzException(statement, "INSERT OVERWRITE LOCAL DIRECTORY 'file://" + restrictedDir.getPath() + "' SELECT * FROM " + TBL1);
context.assertAuthzException(statement, "INSERT OVERWRITE DIRECTORY '" + restrictedDfsDir + "' SELECT * FROM " + TBL1);
context.assertAuthzException(statement, "LOAD DATA INPATH 'file://" + restrictedDir.getPath() + "' INTO TABLE " + TBL1);
context.assertAuthzException(statement, "LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH 'file://" + restrictedDir.getPath() + "' INTO TABLE " + TBL1);
* test create table as with cross database ref
* @throws Exception
public void testSandboxOpt10() throws Exception {
String rTab1 = "rtab_1";
String rTab2 = "rtab_2";
.addPermissionsToRole(GROUP1_ROLE, ALL_DB1, SELECT_DB2_TBL2, loadData)
.addRolesToGroup(GROUP1, GROUP1_ROLE)
.addGroupsToUser(USER1, GROUP1);
dropDb(ADMIN1, DB1, DB2);
createDb(ADMIN1, DB1, DB2);
createTable(ADMIN1, DB1, dataFile, TBL1);
createTable(ADMIN1, DB2, dataFile, TBL2, TBL3);
// a
Connection connection = context.createConnection(USER1, "password");
Statement statement = context.createStatement(connection);
statement.execute("USE " + DB1);
statement.execute("CREATE TABLE " + rTab1 + " AS SELECT * FROM " + DB2 + "." + TBL2);
// user1 doesn't have access to db2, so following create table as should fail
context.assertAuthzException(statement, "CREATE TABLE " + rTab2 + " AS SELECT * FROM " + DB2 + "." + TBL3);
dropDb(ADMIN1, DB1, DB2);