blob: 91ff672ec943003460e38892fd536444596b5795 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/local/bin/thrift -java
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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# Thrift Service that the MetaStore is built on
include "share/fb303/if/fb303.thrift"
include "sentry_common_service.thrift"
include "sentry_policy_service.thrift"
namespace java org.apache.sentry.provider.db.generic.service.thrift
namespace php sentry.provider.db.service.db.generic.serivce.thrift
namespace cpp Apache.Sentry.Provider.Db.Generic.Service.Thrift
typedef sentry_common_service.TSentryResponseStatus TSentryResponseStatus
# Represents a new generic model privilege for solr or other component in transport
# from the client to the server
enum TSentryGrantOption {
TRUE = 1,
FALSE = 0,
UNSET = -1
# Represents a authorizable resource in the privilege
# like DATABASE=db1 in the hive, COLLECTION=collection1 in the solr
struct TAuthorizable {
1: required string type,
2: required string name
struct TSentryPrivilege {
1: required string component,
2: required string serviceName,
3: required list<TAuthorizable> authorizables,
4: required string action,
5: optional i64 createTime, # Set on server side
6: optional string grantorPrincipal, # Set on server side
7: optional TSentryGrantOption grantOption = sentry_policy_service.TSentryGrantOption.FALSE
struct TCreateSentryRoleRequest {
1: required i32 protocol_version = sentry_common_service.TSENTRY_SERVICE_V2,
2: required string requestorUserName, # user on whose behalf the request is issued
3: required string roleName,
4: required string component # The request is issued to which component
struct TCreateSentryRoleResponse {
1: required TSentryResponseStatus status
struct TDropSentryRoleRequest {
1: required i32 protocol_version = sentry_common_service.TSENTRY_SERVICE_V2,
2: required string requestorUserName, # user on whose behalf the request is issued
3: required string roleName,
4: required string component # The request is issued to which component
struct TDropSentryRoleResponse {
1: required TSentryResponseStatus status
struct TAlterSentryRoleAddGroupsRequest {
1: required i32 protocol_version = sentry_common_service.TSENTRY_SERVICE_V2,
2: required string requestorUserName, # user on whose behalf the request is issued
3: required string roleName,
4: required string component, # The request is issued to which component
5: required set<string> groups
struct TAlterSentryRoleAddGroupsResponse {
1: required TSentryResponseStatus status
struct TAlterSentryRoleDeleteGroupsRequest {
1: required i32 protocol_version = sentry_common_service.TSENTRY_SERVICE_V2,
2: required string requestorUserName, # user on whose behalf the request is issued
3: required string roleName,
4: required string component, # The request is issued to which component
5: required set<string> groups
struct TAlterSentryRoleDeleteGroupsResponse {
1: required TSentryResponseStatus status
# GRANT ... ON ... TO ROLE ...
struct TAlterSentryRoleGrantPrivilegeRequest {
1: required i32 protocol_version = sentry_common_service.TSENTRY_SERVICE_V2,
2: required string requestorUserName, # user on whose behalf the request is issued
3: required string roleName,
4: required string component, # The request is issued to which component
5: required TSentryPrivilege privilege
struct TAlterSentryRoleGrantPrivilegeResponse {
1: required TSentryResponseStatus status
# REVOKE ... ON ... FROM ROLE ...
struct TAlterSentryRoleRevokePrivilegeRequest {
1: required i32 protocol_version = sentry_common_service.TSENTRY_SERVICE_V2,
2: required string requestorUserName, # user on whose behalf the request is issued
3: required string roleName,
4: required string component, # The request is issued to which component
5: required TSentryPrivilege privilege
struct TAlterSentryRoleRevokePrivilegeResponse {
1: required TSentryResponseStatus status
struct TListSentryRolesRequest {
1: required i32 protocol_version = sentry_common_service.TSENTRY_SERVICE_V2,
2: required string requestorUserName, # user on whose behalf the request is issued
3: optional string groupName, # for this group, or all roles for all groups if null
4: required string component # The request is issued to which component
# used only for TListSentryRolesResponse
struct TSentryRole {
1: required string roleName,
2: required set<string> groups
struct TListSentryRolesResponse {
1: required TSentryResponseStatus status
2: optional set<TSentryRole> roles
struct TListSentryPrivilegesRequest {
1: required i32 protocol_version = sentry_common_service.TSENTRY_SERVICE_V2,
2: required string requestorUserName, # user on whose behalf the request is issued
3: required string roleName, # get privileges assigned for this role
4: required string component, # The request is issued to which component
5: required string serviceName, # The privilege belongs to which service
6: optional list<TAuthorizable> authorizables # get privileges assigned for this authorizable hierarchys
struct TListSentryPrivilegesResponse {
1: required TSentryResponseStatus status
2: optional set<TSentryPrivilege> privileges
# Drop privilege
struct TDropPrivilegesRequest {
1: required i32 protocol_version = sentry_common_service.TSENTRY_SERVICE_V2,
2: required string requestorUserName, # user on whose behalf the request is issued
3: required TSentryPrivilege privilege
4: required string component, # The request is issued to which component
struct TDropPrivilegesResponse {
1: required TSentryResponseStatus status
# Rename privilege
struct TRenamePrivilegesRequest {
1: required i32 protocol_version = sentry_common_service.TSENTRY_SERVICE_V2,
2: required string requestorUserName, # user on whose behalf the request is issued
3: required string component, # The request is issued to which component
4: required string serviceName, # The privilege belongs to which service
5: required list<TAuthorizable> oldAuthorizables, # get old privileges assigned for this authorizable hierarchys
6: required list<TAuthorizable> newAuthorizables # change to new authorizable hierarchys
struct TRenamePrivilegesResponse {
1: required TSentryResponseStatus status
# This API was created specifically for ProviderBackend.getPrivileges
# and is not mean for general purpose privilege retrieval.
# This request/response pair are created specifically so we can
# efficiently obtain the specific privilges for a user query
struct TSentryActiveRoleSet {
1: required bool all,
2: required set<string> roles,
struct TListSentryPrivilegesForProviderRequest {
1: required i32 protocol_version = sentry_common_service.TSENTRY_SERVICE_V2,
2: required string component, # The request is issued to which component
3: required string serviceName, # The privilege belongs to which service
4: required set<string> groups,
5: required TSentryActiveRoleSet roleSet,
6: optional list<TAuthorizable> authorizables # authorizable hierarchys
struct TListSentryPrivilegesForProviderResponse {
1: required TSentryResponseStatus status
2: required set<string> privileges
service SentryGenericPolicyService
TCreateSentryRoleResponse create_sentry_role(1:TCreateSentryRoleRequest request)
TDropSentryRoleResponse drop_sentry_role(1:TDropSentryRoleRequest request)
TAlterSentryRoleGrantPrivilegeResponse alter_sentry_role_grant_privilege(1:TAlterSentryRoleGrantPrivilegeRequest request)
TAlterSentryRoleRevokePrivilegeResponse alter_sentry_role_revoke_privilege(1:TAlterSentryRoleRevokePrivilegeRequest request)
TAlterSentryRoleAddGroupsResponse alter_sentry_role_add_groups(1:TAlterSentryRoleAddGroupsRequest request)
TAlterSentryRoleDeleteGroupsResponse alter_sentry_role_delete_groups(1:TAlterSentryRoleDeleteGroupsRequest request)
TListSentryRolesResponse list_sentry_roles_by_group(1:TListSentryRolesRequest request)
TListSentryPrivilegesResponse list_sentry_privileges_by_role(1:TListSentryPrivilegesRequest request)
TListSentryPrivilegesForProviderResponse list_sentry_privileges_for_provider(1:TListSentryPrivilegesForProviderRequest request)
TDropPrivilegesResponse drop_sentry_privilege(1:TDropPrivilegesRequest request);
TRenamePrivilegesResponse rename_sentry_privilege(1:TRenamePrivilegesRequest request);