blob: 170ec78365c9e4a05c00461a2b371654fac98c3e [file] [log] [blame]
package controllers;
import java.util.*;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Named;
import javax.inject.Singleton;
import javax.persistence.PersistenceException;
import models.ClimateService;
import models.ClimateServiceRepository;
import models.Dataset;
import models.DatasetAndUser;
import models.DatasetAndUserRepository;
import models.DatasetEntry;
import models.DatasetEntryRepository;
import models.DatasetLog;
//import models.DatasetLog;
import models.DatasetLogRepository;
import models.DatasetRepository;
import models.Parameter;
import models.ParameterRepository;
import models.ServiceConfiguration;
import models.ServiceConfigurationItem;
import models.ServiceConfigurationItemRepository;
import models.ServiceConfigurationRepository;
import models.ServiceEntry;
import models.ServiceEntryRepository;
import models.ServiceExecutionLog;
import models.ServiceExecutionLogRepository;
import models.User;
import models.UserRepository;
import play.mvc.Controller;
import play.mvc.Result;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
* The main set of web services.
public class ServiceExecutionLogController extends Controller {
public static final String WILDCARD = "%";
private final DatasetRepository datasetRepository;
private final DatasetEntryRepository datasetEntryRepository;
private final ServiceExecutionLogRepository serviceExecutionLogRepository;
private final ServiceEntryRepository serviceEntryRepository;
private final UserRepository userRepository;
private final ClimateServiceRepository climateServiceRepository;
private final ParameterRepository parameterRepository;
private final ServiceConfigurationItemRepository serviceConfigurationItemRepository;
private final DatasetLogRepository datasetLogRepository;
private final ServiceConfigurationRepository serviceConfigurationRepository;
private final DatasetAndUserRepository datasetAndUserRepository;
// We are using constructor injection to receive a repository to support our
// desire for immutability.
public ServiceExecutionLogController(
ServiceExecutionLogRepository serviceExecutionLogRepository,
ParameterRepository parameterRepository,
ServiceConfigurationItemRepository serviceConfigurationItemRepository,
UserRepository userRepository,
ClimateServiceRepository climateServiceRepository,
DatasetLogRepository datasetLogRepository,
ServiceConfigurationRepository serviceConfigurationRepository,
ServiceEntryRepository serviceEntryRepository,
DatasetEntryRepository datasetEntryRepository,
DatasetRepository datasetRepository,
DatasetAndUserRepository datasetAndUserRepository) {
this.parameterRepository = parameterRepository;
this.serviceExecutionLogRepository = serviceExecutionLogRepository;
this.userRepository = userRepository;
this.serviceConfigurationItemRepository = serviceConfigurationItemRepository;
this.climateServiceRepository = climateServiceRepository;
this.datasetLogRepository = datasetLogRepository;
this.serviceConfigurationRepository = serviceConfigurationRepository;
this.serviceEntryRepository = serviceEntryRepository;
this.datasetEntryRepository = datasetEntryRepository;
this.datasetRepository = datasetRepository;
this.datasetAndUserRepository = datasetAndUserRepository;
public Result queryServiceExecutionLogs() {
// JsonNode json = request().body().asJson();
// if (json == null) {
// System.out
// .println("ServiceExecutionLog cannot be queried, expecting Json data");
// return
// badRequest("ServiceExecutionLog cannot be queried, expecting Json data");
// }
// String result = new String();
// try {
// // Parse JSON file
// Long userId = json.findPath("userId").asLong();
// // long datasetLogId = json.findPath("datasetLogId").asLong();
// String purpose = json.findPath("purpose").asText();
// if (purpose.isEmpty()) {
// purpose = WILDCARD;
// } else {
// purpose = WILDCARD + purpose + WILDCARD;
// }
// Date start = new Date(0);
// Date end = new Date();
// long executionStartTimeNumber = json.findPath("executionStartTime")
// .asLong();
// long executionEndTimeNumber = json.findPath("executionEndTime")
// .asLong();
// if (executionStartTimeNumber > 0) {
// start = new Date(executionStartTimeNumber);
// }
// if (executionEndTimeNumber > 0) {
// end = new Date(executionEndTimeNumber);
// }
// // If we change the date format later, we can modify here.
// //
// // String executionStartTimeString =
// // json.findPath("executionStartTime").asText();
// // String executionEndTimeString =
// // json.findPath("executionEndTime").asText();
// // SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new
// // SimpleDateFormat(util.Common.DATE_PATTERN);
// //
// // try {
// // executionStartTime =
// // simpleDateFormat.parse(executionStartTimeString);
// // } catch (ParseException e) {
// // // TODO Auto-generated catch block
// // e.printStackTrace();
// // System.out.println("Wrong Date Format :" +
// // executionStartTimeString);
// // return badRequest("Wrong Date Format :" +
// // executionStartTimeString);
// // }
// // try {
// // executionEndTime =
// // simpleDateFormat.parse(executionEndTimeString);
// // } catch (ParseException e) {
// // // TODO Auto-generated catch block
// // e.printStackTrace();
// // System.out.println("Wrong Date Format :" +
// // executionEndTimeString);
// // return badRequest("Wrong Date Format :" +
// // executionEndTimeString);
// // }
// JsonNode parameters = json.findPath("parameters");
// Iterator<String> iterator = parameters.fieldNames();
// List<ServiceExecutionLog> logs;
// if (!iterator.hasNext()) {
// if (userId != 0) {
// logs = serviceExecutionLogRepository
// .findByExecutionStartTimeGreaterThanEqualAndExecutionEndTimeLessThanEqualAndPurposeLikeAndUser_Id(
// start, end, purpose, userId);
// } else {
// logs = serviceExecutionLogRepository
// .findByExecutionStartTimeGreaterThanEqualAndExecutionEndTimeLessThanEqualAndPurposeLike(
// start, end, purpose);
// }
// } else {
// Set<ServiceConfiguration> configurationsSet = null;
// while (iterator.hasNext()) {
// String parameterName =;
// String value = parameters.findPath(parameterName).asText();
// if (value != null && !value.isEmpty()) {
// List<Parameter> parameterList = parameterRepository
// .findByName(parameterName);
// // Find the serviceConfigurationItems that match the
// // parameters
// // If parameter is not ranged
// List<ServiceConfigurationItem> serviceConfigurationItem =
// serviceConfigurationItemRepository
// .findByParameterInAndValue(parameterList, value);
// Set<ServiceConfiguration> tempConfigSet = new
// HashSet<ServiceConfiguration>();
// for (ServiceConfigurationItem items : serviceConfigurationItem) {
// tempConfigSet.add(items.getServiceConfiguration());
// }
// configurationsSet = intersectServiceConfiguration(
// configurationsSet, tempConfigSet);
// }
// }
// // DatasetLog datasetLog =
// // datasetLogRepository.findOne(datasetLogId);
// if (configurationsSet == null || configurationsSet.isEmpty()) {
// // If no parameter matches, just return the empty set
// logs = new ArrayList<ServiceExecutionLog>();
// } else {
// if (userId != 0) {
// logs = serviceExecutionLogRepository
// .findByExecutionStartTimeGreaterThanEqualAndExecutionEndTimeLessThanEqualAndPurposeLikeAndUser_IdAndServiceConfigurationIn(
// start, end, purpose, userId,
// configurationsSet);
// } else {
// logs = serviceExecutionLogRepository
// .findByExecutionStartTimeGreaterThanEqualAndExecutionEndTimeLessThanEqualAndPurposeLikeAndServiceConfigurationIn(
// start, end, purpose, configurationsSet);
// }
// }
// }
// result = new Gson().toJson(logs);
// } catch (Exception e) {
// System.out
// .println("ServiceExecutionLog cannot be queried, query is corrupt");
// return
// badRequest("ServiceExecutionLog cannot be queried, query is corrupt");
// }
// return ok(result);
List<ServiceExecutionLog> logs = queryServiceExecutionLogsAsList();
String result = new Gson().toJson(logs);
return ok(result);
public List<ServiceExecutionLog> queryServiceExecutionLogsAsList() {
JsonNode json = request().body().asJson();
List<ServiceExecutionLog> logs = null;
if (json == null) {
.println("ServiceExecutionLog cannot be queried, expecting Json data");
return logs;
try {
// Parse JSON file
Long userId = json.findPath("userId").asLong();
// long datasetLogId = json.findPath("datasetLogId").asLong();
String purpose = json.findPath("purpose").asText();
if (purpose.isEmpty()) {
purpose = WILDCARD;
} else {
purpose = WILDCARD + purpose + WILDCARD;
Date start = new Date(0);
Date end = new Date();
long executionStartTimeNumber = json.findPath("executionStartTime")
long executionEndTimeNumber = json.findPath("executionEndTime")
if (executionStartTimeNumber > 0) {
start = new Date(executionStartTimeNumber);
if (executionEndTimeNumber > 0) {
end = new Date(executionEndTimeNumber);
JsonNode parameters = json.findPath("parameters");
Iterator<String> iterator = parameters.fieldNames();
if (!iterator.hasNext()) {
if (userId != 0) {
logs = serviceExecutionLogRepository
start, end, purpose, userId);
} else {
logs = serviceExecutionLogRepository
start, end, purpose);
} else {
Set<ServiceConfiguration> configurationsSet = null;
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
String parameterName =;
String value = parameters.findPath(parameterName).asText();
if (value != null && !value.isEmpty()) {
List<Parameter> parameterList = parameterRepository
// Find the serviceConfigurationItems that match the
// parameters
// If parameter is not ranged
List<ServiceConfigurationItem> serviceConfigurationItem = serviceConfigurationItemRepository
.findByParameterInAndValue(parameterList, value);
Set<ServiceConfiguration> tempConfigSet = new HashSet<ServiceConfiguration>();
for (ServiceConfigurationItem items : serviceConfigurationItem) {
configurationsSet = intersectServiceConfiguration(
configurationsSet, tempConfigSet);
if (configurationsSet == null || configurationsSet.isEmpty()) {
// If no parameter matches, just return the empty set
logs = new ArrayList<ServiceExecutionLog>();
} else {
if (userId != 0) {
logs = serviceExecutionLogRepository
start, end, purpose, userId,
} else {
logs = serviceExecutionLogRepository
start, end, purpose, configurationsSet);
} catch (Exception e) {
.println("ServiceExecutionLog cannot be queried, query is corrupt");
return logs;
return logs;
private Set<ServiceConfiguration> intersectServiceConfiguration(
Set<ServiceConfiguration> configurationsSet,
Set<ServiceConfiguration> tempConfigSet) {
if (configurationsSet == null) {
configurationsSet = tempConfigSet;
} else {
return configurationsSet;
public Result addServiceExecutionLog() {
JsonNode json = request().body().asJson();
if (json == null) {
.println("ServiceExecutionLog not saved, expecting Json data");
return badRequest("ServiceExecutionLog not saved, expecting Json data");
// Parse JSON file
long serviceId = json.findPath("serviceId").asLong();
long userId = json.findPath("userId").asLong();
// long datasetLogId = json.findPath("datasetLogId").asLong();
String purpose = json.findPath("purpose").asText();
String plotUrl = json.findPath("url").asText();
String dataUrl = json.findPath("dataUrl").asText();
String url = json.findPath("urlLink").asText();
JsonNode datasetArray = json.get("datasets");
SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(util.Common.DATE_PATTERN);
long executionStartTimeNumber = json.findPath("executionStartTime")
long executionEndTimeNumber = json.findPath("executionEndTime")
String executionStartTimeStr = formatter.format(new Date(executionStartTimeNumber));
String executionEndTimeStr = formatter.format(new Date(executionEndTimeNumber));
Date executionStartTime = new Date();
Date executionEndTime = new Date();;
try {
executionStartTime = formatter.parse(executionStartTimeStr);
executionEndTime = formatter.parse(executionEndTimeStr);
} catch (ParseException e1) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
String datasetStudyStartTimeNumber = json.findPath("datasetStudyStartTime")
String datasetStudyEndTimeNumber = json.findPath("datasetStudyEndTime")
Date datasetStudyStartTime = new Date();
Date datasetStudyEndTime = new Date();
// If we change the date format later, we can modify here.
SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(util.Common.DATASET_DATE_PATTERN);
try {
datasetStudyStartTime = simpleDateFormat.parse(datasetStudyStartTimeNumber);
datasetStudyEndTime = simpleDateFormat.parse(datasetStudyEndTimeNumber);
} catch (ParseException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
System.out.println("Wrong Date Format :" + datasetStudyStartTime + " " +datasetStudyEndTime);
return badRequest("Wrong Date Format :" + datasetStudyStartTime + " " +datasetStudyEndTime);
try {
User user = userRepository.findOne(userId);
ClimateService climateService = climateServiceRepository
List<ServiceEntry> serviceEntries = serviceEntryRepository
ServiceEntry serviceEntry = null;
if (serviceEntries.size() == 0) {
String registerNote = "ClimateService Name: "
+ climateService.getName() + ", VersionNo: "
+ climateService.getVersionNo();
serviceEntry = new ServiceEntry(climateService.getCreateTime(),
climateService.getCreateTime(), registerNote, 0,
} else {
serviceEntry = serviceEntries.get(0);
long difference = executionEndTime.getTime()
- executionStartTime.getTime();
ServiceConfiguration serviceConfiguration = new ServiceConfiguration(
climateService, user, difference + "ms");
ServiceExecutionLog serviceExecutionLog = new ServiceExecutionLog(
climateService, user, serviceConfiguration, purpose,
executionStartTime, executionEndTime, dataUrl, plotUrl,
datasetStudyStartTime, datasetStudyEndTime, url);
ServiceExecutionLog savedServiceExecutionLog = serviceExecutionLogRepository
ServiceConfiguration savedServiceConfiguration = savedServiceExecutionLog
User admin = userRepository.findOne((long) 1);
JsonNode parameters = json.findPath("parameters");
Iterator<String> iterator = parameters.fieldNames();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
String fieldName =;
String value = parameters.findPath(fieldName).asText();
if (fieldName.equals("model") || fieldName.equals("model1")
|| fieldName.equals("model2")) {
List<Dataset> datasets = datasetRepository
if (datasets.size() != 0) {
Dataset dataset = datasets.get(0);
List<DatasetEntry> datasetEntries = datasetEntryRepository
DatasetEntry updateDatasetEntry = new DatasetEntry();
if (datasetEntries.size() != 0) {
updateDatasetEntry = datasetEntries.get(0);
int count = updateDatasetEntry.getCount();
updateDatasetEntry.setCount(count + 1);
updateDatasetEntry.setLatestAccessTimeStamp(new Date());
} else {
updateDatasetEntry = new DatasetEntry( "1.0", new Date(),
"Dataset Name:" + dataset.getVariableNameInWebInterface()
+ " VersionNo: 1.0", 1, new Date(), dataset, admin);
DatasetEntry savedDatasetEntry = datasetEntryRepository
System.out.print("DatasetEntry saved:"
+ savedDatasetEntry.getId());
Parameter parameter = parameterRepository
.findByNameAndClimateService(fieldName, climateService);
ServiceConfigurationItem serviceConfigurationItem = new ServiceConfigurationItem(
savedServiceConfiguration, parameter, value);
ServiceConfigurationItem savedServiceConfigurationItem = serviceConfigurationItemRepository
System.out.println("ServiceConfigurationItem saved: "
+ savedServiceConfigurationItem.getId());
serviceEntry.setCount(serviceEntry.getCount() + 1);
serviceEntry.setLatestAccessTimestamp(new Date());
ServiceEntry savedServiceEntry = serviceEntryRepository
System.out.println("ServiceExecutionLog saved: "
+ savedServiceEntry.getId());
//Save DatasetLog
if (datasetArray.isArray()) {
for (JsonNode datasetNode : datasetArray) {
String source = datasetNode.get("source").asText();
String variable = datasetNode.get("variable").asText();
Dataset dataset = datasetRepository.findByDataSourceAndCMIP5VarName(source, variable).get(0);
DatasetLog datasetLog = new DatasetLog(savedServiceExecutionLog,
dataset, user, plotUrl, dataUrl, dataset,
dataset, executionStartTime, executionEndTime,
datasetStudyStartTime, datasetStudyEndTime);
DatasetLog savedDatasetLog =;
System.out.print("DatasetLog saved:" + savedDatasetLog.getId());
List<DatasetAndUser> datasetAndUsers = datasetAndUserRepository.findByUserAndDataset(user, dataset);
if(datasetAndUsers.size() == 0) {
DatasetAndUser datasetAndUser = new DatasetAndUser(user, dataset, 1);;
else {
DatasetAndUser datasetAndUser = datasetAndUsers.get(0);
datasetAndUser.setCount(datasetAndUser.getCount() + 1);;
return created(new Gson().toJson(savedServiceExecutionLog.getId()));
} catch (PersistenceException pe) {
System.out.println("ServiceExecutionLog not saved");
return badRequest("ServiceExecutionLog not saved");
public Result deleteServiceExecutionLog(Long id) {
ServiceExecutionLog serviceExecutionLog = serviceExecutionLogRepository
if (serviceExecutionLog == null) {
System.out.println("ServiceExecutionLog not found with id: " + id);
return notFound("ServiceExecutionLog not found with id: " + id);
for (ServiceConfigurationItem items : serviceConfigurationItemRepository
.getServiceConfiguration().getId())) {
System.out.println("ServiceExecutionLog is deleted: " + id);
return ok("ServiceExecutionLog is deleted: " + id);
public Result updateServiceExecutionLog(long id) {
JsonNode json = request().body().asJson();
if (json == null) {
.println("ServiceExecutionLog not saved, expecting Json data");
return badRequest("ServiceExecutionLog not saved, expecting Json data");
// Parse JSON file
long serviceId = json.findPath("serviceId").asLong();
long userId = json.findPath("userId").asLong();
String purpose = json.findPath("purpose").asText();
String plotUrl = json.findPath("url").asText();
String dataUrl = json.findPath("dataUrl").asText();
long executionStartTimeNumber = json.findPath("executionStartTime")
long executionEndTimeNumber = json.findPath("executionEndTime")
Date executionStartTime = new Date(executionStartTimeNumber);
Date executionEndTime = new Date(executionEndTimeNumber);
try {
User user = userRepository.findOne(userId);
ClimateService climateService = climateServiceRepository
ServiceExecutionLog serviceExecutionLog = serviceExecutionLogRepository
ServiceConfiguration serviceConfiguration = serviceExecutionLog
JsonNode parameters = json.findPath("parameters");
Iterator<String> iterator = parameters.fieldNames();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
String fieldName =;
String value = parameters.findPath(fieldName).asText();
Parameter parameter = parameterRepository
.findByNameAndClimateService(fieldName, climateService);
ServiceConfigurationItem serviceConfigurationItem = serviceConfigurationItemRepository
// if NULL?
ServiceConfigurationItem savedServiceConfigurationItem = serviceConfigurationItemRepository
System.out.println("ServiceConfigurationItem saved: "
+ savedServiceConfigurationItem.getId());
ServiceExecutionLog savedServiceExecutionLog = serviceExecutionLogRepository
System.out.println("ServiceExecutionLog updated: "
+ savedServiceExecutionLog.getId());
return created("ServiceExecutionLog updated: "
+ savedServiceExecutionLog.getId());
} catch (PersistenceException pe) {
System.out.println("ServiceExecutionLog not updated: " + id);
return badRequest("ServiceExecutionLog not updated: " + id);
public Result getServiceExecutionLog(Long id, String format) {
if (id < 0) {
System.out.println("id is negative!");
return badRequest("id is negative!");
ServiceExecutionLog serviceExecutionLog = serviceExecutionLogRepository
if (serviceExecutionLog == null) {
System.out.println("ServiceExecutionLog not found with id: " + id);
return notFound("ServiceExecutionLog not found with id: " + id);
String result = new String();
if (format.equals("json")) {
result = new Gson().toJson(serviceExecutionLog);
return ok(result);
public Result getAllServiceExecutionLogs(String format) {
String result = new String();
if (format.equals("json")) {
result = new Gson().toJson(serviceExecutionLogRepository.findAllByOrderByExecutionStartTimeDesc());
return ok(result);
// public Result replaceUserWithPurpose() {
// //Replace the previous
// Iterable<ServiceExecutionLog> executionLogs = serviceExecutionLogRepository.findAll();
// HashMap<String, User> uniqueUsers = new HashMap<>();
// for (ServiceExecutionLog log : executionLogs) {
// String name = log.getUser().getFirstName();
// if (name.startsWith("CCS student"))
// {
// if (!uniqueUsers.containsKey(name))
// {
// uniqueUsers.put(name,log.getUser());
// }
// else
// {
// log.setUser(uniqueUsers.get(name));
// }
// }
// }
// Get all execution logs with userid = 1
// List<ServiceExecutionLog> executionLogs = serviceExecutionLogRepository.findByUser_Id(1);
// if(executionLogs == null || executionLogs.isEmpty()){
// System.out.println("No logs need to be updated");
// return notFound("No logs need to be updated");
// }
// For each log, set its user to a new user with new name
// for(ServiceExecutionLog log: executionLogs){
// String userName = "";
// String purpose = log.getPurpose().trim();
// if(purpose.startsWith("CCS student")) {
// System.out.println(purpose);
// // Temporarily
// userName = purpose.substring(0, 11)+" ";
// for(int i = 12; i < purpose.length(); i++)
// if(Character.isDigit(purpose.charAt(i))){
// userName += purpose.charAt(i);
// }
// else break;
// User newUser = new User(userName,"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "");
// log.setUser(newUser);
// }
// }
// String result = new Gson().toJson(serviceExecutionLogRepository.findAll());
// return ok(result);
// }