blob: 333c3397606af52d305484f8f2d5c338d36edab0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package preview
import (
corev1 ""
ctrl ""
operatorapi ""
kubeutil ""
type newBuilderState struct {
ensurers *ObjectEnsurers
func (h *newBuilderState) CanReconcile(workflow *operatorapi.SonataFlow) bool {
return workflow.Status.GetTopLevelCondition().IsUnknown() ||
workflow.Status.IsWaitingForPlatform() ||
func (h *newBuilderState) Do(ctx context.Context, workflow *operatorapi.SonataFlow) (ctrl.Result, []client.Object, error) {
pl, err := platform.GetActivePlatform(ctx, h.C, workflow.Namespace)
if err != nil {
if errors.IsNotFound(err) {
workflow.Status.Manager().MarkFalse(api.BuiltConditionType, api.WaitingForPlatformReason,
"No active Platform for namespace %s so the workflow cannot be built.", workflow.Namespace)
_, err = h.PerformStatusUpdate(ctx, workflow)
return ctrl.Result{RequeueAfter: requeueWhileWaitForPlatform}, nil, err
// We won't record events here to avoid spamming multiple events to the object, the status should alert the admin
// since a namespace without a platform means incorrect configuration.
klog.V(log.E).ErrorS(err, "Failed to get active platform")
return ctrl.Result{RequeueAfter: requeueWhileWaitForPlatform}, nil, err
// Perform status updated to ensure workflow.Status.Services references are set before properties calculation.
_, err = h.PerformStatusUpdate(ctx, workflow)
// Ensure the user and managed properties are prepared before starting the build process, and thus, we make them
// available at build time.
userPropsCM, _, err := h.ensurers.userPropsConfigMap.Ensure(ctx, workflow)
if err != nil {
workflow.Status.Manager().MarkFalse(api.RunningConditionType, api.ExternalResourcesNotFoundReason, "Unable to retrieve the user properties config map")
_, err = h.PerformStatusUpdate(ctx, workflow)
return ctrl.Result{}, nil, err
_, _, err = h.ensurers.managedPropsConfigMap.Ensure(ctx, workflow, pl,
common.ManagedPropertiesMutateVisitor(ctx, h.StateSupport.Catalog, workflow, pl, userPropsCM.(*corev1.ConfigMap)))
if err != nil {
workflow.Status.Manager().MarkFalse(api.RunningConditionType, api.ExternalResourcesNotFoundReason, "Unable to retrieve the managed properties config map")
_, err = h.PerformStatusUpdate(ctx, workflow)
return ctrl.Result{}, nil, err
// If there is an active platform we have got all the information to build but...
// ...let's check before if we have got already a build!
buildManager := builder.NewSonataFlowBuildManager(ctx, h.C)
build, err := buildManager.GetOrCreateBuild(workflow)
if err != nil {
//If we are not able to retrieve or create a Build CR for this Workflow we will mark
klog.V(log.E).ErrorS(err, "Failed to retrieve or create a Build CR")
workflow.Status.Manager().MarkFalse(api.BuiltConditionType, api.BuildFailedReason,
"Failed to retrieve or create a Build CR", workflow.Namespace)
_, err = h.PerformStatusUpdate(ctx, workflow)
return ctrl.Result{}, nil, err
if build.Status.BuildPhase != operatorapi.BuildPhaseFailed {
workflow.Status.Manager().MarkFalse(api.BuiltConditionType, api.BuildIsRunningReason, "")
workflow.Status.Manager().MarkFalse(api.RunningConditionType, api.WaitingForBuildReason, "")
_, err = h.PerformStatusUpdate(ctx, workflow)
h.Recorder.Eventf(workflow, corev1.EventTypeNormal, api.BuildIsRunningReason, "Workflow %s build has started.", workflow.Name)
} else {
klog.V(log.I).InfoS("Build is in failed state, you can mark the build to rebuild by setting to 'true' the ", "annotation", operatorapi.BuildRestartAnnotation)
return ctrl.Result{RequeueAfter: requeueAfterStartingBuild}, nil, err
func (h *newBuilderState) PostReconcile(ctx context.Context, workflow *operatorapi.SonataFlow) error {
//By default, we don't want to perform anything after the reconciliation, and so we will simply return no error
return nil
type followBuildStatusState struct {
func (h *followBuildStatusState) CanReconcile(workflow *operatorapi.SonataFlow) bool {
return workflow.Status.IsBuildRunningOrUnknown() || workflow.Status.IsWaitingForBuild()
func (h *followBuildStatusState) Do(ctx context.Context, workflow *operatorapi.SonataFlow) (ctrl.Result, []client.Object, error) {
// Let's retrieve the build to check the status
build, err := builder.NewSonataFlowBuildManager(ctx, h.C).GetOrCreateBuild(workflow)
if err != nil {
klog.V(log.E).ErrorS(err, "Failed to get or create the build for the workflow.")
workflow.Status.Manager().MarkFalse(api.BuiltConditionType, api.BuildFailedReason, err.Error())
if _, err = h.PerformStatusUpdate(ctx, workflow); err != nil {
return ctrl.Result{}, nil, err
return ctrl.Result{RequeueAfter: constants.RequeueAfterFailure}, nil, err
if build.Status.BuildPhase == operatorapi.BuildPhaseSucceeded {
klog.V(log.I).InfoS("Workflow build has finished")
if workflow.Status.IsReady() {
// Rollout our deployment to take the latest changes in the new image.
if err := common.DeploymentManager(h.C).RolloutDeployment(ctx, workflow); err != nil {
return ctrl.Result{RequeueAfter: constants.RequeueAfterFailure}, nil, err
h.Recorder.Eventf(workflow, corev1.EventTypeNormal, api.WaitingForDeploymentReason, "Rolling out workflow %s deployment.", workflow.Name)
workflow.Status.Manager().MarkFalse(api.RunningConditionType, api.WaitingForDeploymentReason, "Build has finished, rolling out deployment")
//If we have finished a build and the workflow is not running, we will start the provisioning phase
_, err = h.PerformStatusUpdate(ctx, workflow)
h.Recorder.Eventf(workflow, corev1.EventTypeNormal, api.BuildSuccessfulReason, "Workflow %s build has been finished successfully.", workflow.Name)
} else if build.Status.BuildPhase == operatorapi.BuildPhaseFailed || build.Status.BuildPhase == operatorapi.BuildPhaseError {
workflow.Status.Manager().MarkFalse(api.BuiltConditionType, api.BuildFailedReason,
"Workflow %s build failed. Error: %s", workflow.Name, build.Status.Error)
_, err = h.PerformStatusUpdate(ctx, workflow)
h.Recorder.Eventf(workflow, corev1.EventTypeWarning, api.BuildFailedReason, "Workflow %s build has failed. Error: %s", workflow.Name, build.Status.Error)
} else if build.Status.BuildPhase == operatorapi.BuildPhaseRunning && !workflow.Status.IsBuildRunning() {
workflow.Status.Manager().MarkFalse(api.BuiltConditionType, api.BuildIsRunningReason, "")
_, err = h.PerformStatusUpdate(ctx, workflow)
h.Recorder.Eventf(workflow, corev1.EventTypeNormal, api.BuildIsRunningReason, "Workflow %s build is running.", workflow.Name)
if err != nil {
return ctrl.Result{}, nil, err
return ctrl.Result{RequeueAfter: requeueWhileWaitForBuild}, nil, nil
func (h *followBuildStatusState) PostReconcile(ctx context.Context, workflow *operatorapi.SonataFlow) error {
//By default, we don't want to perform anything after the reconciliation, and so we will simply return no error
return nil
type deployWithBuildWorkflowState struct {
ensurers *ObjectEnsurers
deploymentVisitors []common.MutateVisitor
func (h *deployWithBuildWorkflowState) CanReconcile(workflow *operatorapi.SonataFlow) bool {
// If we have a built ready, we should deploy the object
return workflow.Status.GetCondition(api.BuiltConditionType).IsTrue()
func (h *deployWithBuildWorkflowState) Do(ctx context.Context, workflow *operatorapi.SonataFlow) (ctrl.Result, []client.Object, error) {
// Guard to avoid errors while getting a new builder manager.
// Maybe we can do typed errors in the buildManager and
// have something like sonataerr.IsPlatformNotFound(err) instead.
_, err := platform.GetActivePlatform(ctx, h.C, workflow.Namespace)
if err != nil {
workflow.Status.Manager().MarkFalse(api.RunningConditionType, api.WaitingForPlatformReason,
"No active Platform for namespace %s so the resWorkflowDef cannot be deployed. Waiting for an active platform", workflow.Namespace)
return ctrl.Result{RequeueAfter: requeueWhileWaitForPlatform}, nil, err
buildManager := builder.NewSonataFlowBuildManager(ctx, h.C)
build, err := buildManager.GetOrCreateBuild(workflow)
if err != nil {
return ctrl.Result{}, nil, err
if h.isWorkflowChanged(workflow) { // Let's check that the 2 resWorkflowDef definition are different
if err = buildManager.MarkToRestart(build); err != nil {
return ctrl.Result{}, nil, err
workflow.Status.Manager().MarkFalse(api.BuiltConditionType, api.BuildIsRunningReason, "Build marked to restart")
workflow.Status.Manager().MarkUnknown(api.RunningConditionType, "", "")
_, err = h.PerformStatusUpdate(ctx, workflow)
h.Recorder.Eventf(workflow, corev1.EventTypeNormal, api.BuildMarkedToRestartReason, "Workflow %s will start a new build.", workflow.Name)
return ctrl.Result{Requeue: false}, nil, err
// didn't change, business as usual
return NewDeploymentReconciler(h.StateSupport, h.ensurers).reconcileWithImage(ctx, workflow, build.Status.ImageTag)
func (h *deployWithBuildWorkflowState) PostReconcile(ctx context.Context, workflow *operatorapi.SonataFlow) error {
//By default, we don't want to perform anything after the reconciliation, and so we will simply return no error
return nil
// isWorkflowChanged marks the workflow status as unknown to require a new build reconciliation
func (h *deployWithBuildWorkflowState) isWorkflowChanged(workflow *operatorapi.SonataFlow) bool {
generation := kubeutil.GetLastGeneration(workflow.Namespace, workflow.Name, h.C, context.TODO())
if generation > workflow.Status.ObservedGeneration {
return true
return false