blob: 426154ee0cd9ed2c434b6dcdb32be991cbbaeee6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package common
import (
appsv1 ""
corev1 ""
servingv1 ""
operatorapi ""
kubeutil ""
// ImageDeploymentMutateVisitor creates a visitor that mutates a vanilla Kubernetes Deployment to apply the given image in the DefaultContainerName container
// Only overrides the image if .spec.podTemplate.container.Image is empty.
func ImageDeploymentMutateVisitor(workflow *operatorapi.SonataFlow, image string) MutateVisitor {
return func(object client.Object) controllerutil.MutateFn {
// noop since we already have an image in the flow container defined by the user.
if workflow.HasContainerSpecImage() {
return func() error {
return nil
return func() error {
deployment := object.(*appsv1.Deployment)
_, idx := kubeutil.GetContainerByName(operatorapi.DefaultContainerName, &deployment.Spec.Template.Spec)
deployment.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers[idx].Image = image
deployment.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers[idx].ImagePullPolicy = kubeutil.GetImagePullPolicy(image)
return nil
// ImageKServiceMutateVisitor same as ImageDeploymentMutateVisitor for Knative Serving
func ImageKServiceMutateVisitor(workflow *operatorapi.SonataFlow, image string) MutateVisitor {
return func(object client.Object) controllerutil.MutateFn {
// noop since we already have an image in the flow container defined by the user.
if workflow.HasContainerSpecImage() {
return func() error {
return nil
return func() error {
ksvc := object.(*servingv1.Service)
_, idx := kubeutil.GetContainerByName(operatorapi.DefaultContainerName, &ksvc.Spec.Template.Spec.PodSpec)
ksvc.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers[idx].Image = image
ksvc.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers[idx].ImagePullPolicy = kubeutil.GetImagePullPolicy(image)
return nil
// DeploymentMutateVisitor guarantees the state of the default Deployment object
func DeploymentMutateVisitor(workflow *operatorapi.SonataFlow, plf *operatorapi.SonataFlowPlatform) MutateVisitor {
return func(object client.Object) controllerutil.MutateFn {
return func() error {
if kubeutil.IsObjectNew(object) {
return nil
original, err := DeploymentCreator(workflow, plf)
if err != nil {
return err
return EnsureDeployment(original.(*appsv1.Deployment), object.(*appsv1.Deployment))
// EnsureDeployment Ensure that the original Deployment fields are immutable.
func EnsureDeployment(original *appsv1.Deployment, object *appsv1.Deployment) error {
object.Spec.Replicas = original.Spec.Replicas
object.Spec.Selector = original.Spec.Selector
object.Labels = original.GetLabels()
// Clean up the volumes, they are inherited from original, additional are added by other visitors
object.Spec.Template.Spec.Volumes = nil
for i := range object.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers {
object.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers[i].VolumeMounts = nil
// we do a merge to not keep changing the spec since k8s will set default values to the podSpec
return mergo.Merge(&object.Spec.Template.Spec, original.Spec.Template.Spec, mergo.WithOverride)
// KServiceMutateVisitor guarantees the state of the default Knative Service object
func KServiceMutateVisitor(workflow *operatorapi.SonataFlow, plf *operatorapi.SonataFlowPlatform) MutateVisitor {
return func(object client.Object) controllerutil.MutateFn {
return func() error {
if kubeutil.IsObjectNew(object) {
return nil
original, err := KServiceCreator(workflow, plf)
if err != nil {
return err
return EnsureKService(original.(*servingv1.Service), object.(*servingv1.Service))
// EnsureKService Ensure that the original Knative Service fields are immutable.
func EnsureKService(original *servingv1.Service, object *servingv1.Service) error {
object.Labels = original.GetLabels()
// Clean up the volumes, they are inherited from original, additional are added by other visitors
object.Spec.Template.Spec.Volumes = nil
for i := range object.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers {
object.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers[i].VolumeMounts = nil
// we do a merge to not keep changing the spec since k8s will set default values to the podSpec
return mergo.Merge(&object.Spec.Template.Spec.PodSpec, original.Spec.Template.Spec.PodSpec, mergo.WithOverride)
func ServiceMutateVisitor(workflow *operatorapi.SonataFlow) MutateVisitor {
return func(object client.Object) controllerutil.MutateFn {
return func() error {
if kubeutil.IsObjectNew(object) {
return nil
original, err := ServiceCreator(workflow)
if err != nil {
return err
object.(*corev1.Service).Spec.Ports = original.(*corev1.Service).Spec.Ports
object.(*corev1.Service).Labels = original.GetLabels()
return nil
func ManagedPropertiesMutateVisitor(ctx context.Context, catalog discovery.ServiceCatalog,
workflow *operatorapi.SonataFlow, plf *operatorapi.SonataFlowPlatform, userProps *corev1.ConfigMap) MutateVisitor {
return func(object client.Object) controllerutil.MutateFn {
return func() error {
managedProps := object.(*corev1.ConfigMap)
managedProps.Labels = workflow.GetLabels()
_, hasKey := managedProps.Data[workflowproj.GetManagedPropertiesFileName(workflow)]
if !hasKey {
managedProps.Data = make(map[string]string, 1)
managedProps.Data[workflowproj.GetManagedPropertiesFileName(workflow)] = ""
userProperties, hasKey := userProps.Data[workflowproj.ApplicationPropertiesFileName]
if !hasKey {
userProperties = ""
propertyHandler, err := properties.NewManagedPropertyHandler(workflow, plf)
if err != nil {
return err
managedProps.Data[workflowproj.GetManagedPropertiesFileName(workflow)] = propertyHandler.WithUserProperties(userProperties).
WithServiceDiscovery(ctx, catalog).
return nil
// RolloutDeploymentIfCMChangedMutateVisitor forces a pod refresh if the workflow definition suffered any changes.
// This method can be used as an alternative to the Kubernetes ConfigMap refresher.
// See:
func RolloutDeploymentIfCMChangedMutateVisitor(workflow *operatorapi.SonataFlow, userPropsCM *corev1.ConfigMap, managedPropsCM *corev1.ConfigMap) MutateVisitor {
return func(object client.Object) controllerutil.MutateFn {
return func() error {
deployment := object.(*appsv1.Deployment)
err := kubeutil.AnnotateDeploymentConfigChecksum(workflow, deployment, userPropsCM, managedPropsCM)
return err