blob: 6272d3f31bb318ecabea10ac33e9cd38d3073a87 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package common
import (
appsv1 ""
metav1 ""
servingv1 ""
ctrl ""
operatorapi ""
kubeutil ""
var _ WorkflowDeploymentManager = &deploymentHandler{}
const knativeDeploymentSuffix = "-deployment"
// WorkflowDeploymentManager interface to handle workflow deployment features.
type WorkflowDeploymentManager interface {
// SyncDeploymentStatus updates the workflow status aligned with the deployment counterpart.
// For example, if the deployment is in a failed state, it sets the status to
// Running `false` and the Message and Reason to human-readable format.
SyncDeploymentStatus(ctx context.Context, workflow *operatorapi.SonataFlow) (ctrl.Result, error)
// RolloutDeployment rolls out the underlying deployment object for the given workflow.
RolloutDeployment(ctx context.Context, workflow *operatorapi.SonataFlow) error
// DeploymentManager creates a new WorkflowDeploymentManager implementation based on the current profile.
func DeploymentManager(c client.Client) WorkflowDeploymentManager {
return &deploymentHandler{c: c}
type deploymentHandler struct {
c client.Client
func (d *deploymentHandler) getDeployment(ctx context.Context, workflow *operatorapi.SonataFlow) (*appsv1.Deployment, error) {
deploymentName := workflow.Name
if workflow.IsKnativeDeployment() {
ksvc := &servingv1.Service{}
if err := d.c.Get(ctx, client.ObjectKeyFromObject(workflow), ksvc); err != nil {
if errors.IsNotFound(err) {
return nil, nil
return nil, err
deploymentName = ksvc.Status.LatestCreatedRevisionName + knativeDeploymentSuffix
deployment := &appsv1.Deployment{}
if err := d.c.Get(ctx, types.NamespacedName{Namespace: workflow.Namespace, Name: deploymentName}, deployment); err != nil {
if errors.IsNotFound(err) {
return nil, nil
return nil, err
return deployment, nil
func (d *deploymentHandler) RolloutDeployment(ctx context.Context, workflow *operatorapi.SonataFlow) error {
deployment, err := d.getDeployment(ctx, workflow)
if err != nil || deployment == nil {
return err
if err = kubeutil.MarkDeploymentToRollout(deployment); err != nil {
return err
return d.c.Update(ctx, deployment)
func (d *deploymentHandler) SyncDeploymentStatus(ctx context.Context, workflow *operatorapi.SonataFlow) (ctrl.Result, error) {
deployment, err := d.getDeployment(ctx, workflow)
if err != nil || deployment == nil {
// we should have the deployment by this time, so even if the error above is not found, we should halt.
workflow.Status.Manager().MarkFalse(api.RunningConditionType, api.DeploymentUnavailableReason, "Couldn't find the workflow deployment")
return ctrl.Result{RequeueAfter: constants.RequeueAfterFailure}, err
// Deployment is available, we can return after setting Running = TRUE
if kubeutil.IsDeploymentAvailable(deployment) {
klog.V(log.I).InfoS("Workflow is in Running Condition")
return ctrl.Result{RequeueAfter: constants.RequeueAfterIsRunning}, nil
if kubeutil.IsDeploymentFailed(deployment) {
// Fallback to a general failure message if we can't determine if the deployment has minimum replicas available.
failedReason := GetDeploymentUnavailabilityMessage(deployment)
workflow.Status.LastTimeRecoverAttempt = metav1.Now()
workflow.Status.Manager().MarkFalse(api.RunningConditionType, api.DeploymentFailureReason, failedReason)
klog.V(log.I).InfoS("Workflow deployment failed", "Reason Message", failedReason)
return ctrl.Result{RequeueAfter: constants.RequeueAfterFailure}, nil
// Deployment hasn't minimum replicas, let's find out why to give users a meaningful information
if kubeutil.IsDeploymentMinimumReplicasUnavailable(deployment) {
message, err := kubeutil.DeploymentTroubleshooter(d.c, deployment, operatorapi.DefaultContainerName).ReasonMessage()
if err != nil {
return ctrl.Result{RequeueAfter: constants.RequeueAfterFailure}, err
if len(message) > 0 {
klog.V(log.I).InfoS("Workflow is not in Running condition duo to a deployment unavailability issue", "reason", message)
workflow.Status.Manager().MarkFalse(api.RunningConditionType, api.DeploymentUnavailableReason, message)
return ctrl.Result{RequeueAfter: constants.RequeueAfterFailure}, nil
workflow.Status.Manager().MarkFalse(api.RunningConditionType, api.WaitingForDeploymentReason, "")
klog.V(log.I).InfoS("Workflow is in WaitingForDeployment Condition")
return ctrl.Result{RequeueAfter: constants.RequeueAfterFollowDeployment, Requeue: true}, nil
// GetDeploymentUnavailabilityMessage gets the replica failure reason.
// MUST be called after checking that the Deployment is NOT available.
// If there's no reason, the Deployment state has no apparent reason to be in failed state.
func GetDeploymentUnavailabilityMessage(deployment *appsv1.Deployment) string {
failure := kubeutil.GetDeploymentUnavailabilityMessage(deployment)
if len(failure) == 0 {
failure = fmt.Sprintf("Workflow Deployment %s is unavailable", deployment.Name)
return failure