blob: 4e4114c16fb665e5bf32ede3853716d7ce1cf0b9 [file] [log] [blame]
use std::{
mem, ptr,
atomic::{AtomicPtr, AtomicUsize, Ordering},
use arena::{Arena, BasicStats};
use rand::Rng;
use crate::{slice::ArenaSlice, KeyComparator, MAX_HEIGHT};
const HEIGHT_INCREASE: u32 = u32::MAX / 3;
type KeySize = u16;
type ValueSize = u32;
pub const MAX_KEY_SIZE: u16 = u16::MAX;
/// The layout of Node
/// 1. height: usize
/// 2. tower: AtomicPtr<Node> x (height + 1)
/// 3. key_size: KeySize
/// 4. key: u8 x key_size
/// 5. value_size: ValueSize
/// 6. value: ValueSize
// Uses C layout to make sure tower is at the bottom
pub struct Node {
/// Height of node, different from badger, The valid range of tower is [0,
/// height]
height: usize,
/// The node tower
/// Only [0, height] parts is utilized to store node pointer, the key and
/// value block are start from tower[height + 1]
tower: [AtomicPtr<Node>; MAX_HEIGHT],
impl Node {
/// Allocate a new node from the arena, and copy the content of key/value
/// into the node
/// # Safety
/// - from_size_align_unchecked: align is got from [mem::align_of].
/// # Notice
/// This will only allocate the *exact* amount of memory needed within the
/// given height.
fn alloc<A>(arena: &A, key: &[u8], value: &[u8], height: usize) -> *mut Node
A: Arena<Stats = BasicStats>,
// Calculate node size to alloc
let size = mem::size_of::<Node>();
// Not all values in Node::tower will be utilized.
let not_used = (MAX_HEIGHT - height - 1) * mem::size_of::<AtomicPtr<Node>>();
// Space to store key/value: (key size) + key + (value size) + value
let kv_used =
mem::size_of::<KeySize>() + key.len() + mem::size_of::<ValueSize>() + value.len();
// UB in fact: the `not_used` size is able to be access in a "safe" way.
// It is guaranteed by the user to not use those memory.
let alloc_size = size - not_used + kv_used;
let layout =
unsafe { Layout::from_size_align_unchecked(alloc_size, mem::align_of::<Node>()) };
let node_ptr = arena.alloc(layout).as_ptr() as *mut Node;
unsafe {
let node = &mut *node_ptr;
node.height = height;
ptr::write_bytes(node.tower.as_mut_ptr(), 0, height + 1);
Self::init_key_value(node, key, value);
/// Fetch next node ptr in given height
fn next_ptr(&self, height: usize) -> *mut Node {
/// Get key
/// REQUIRE: This Node is created via `Node::alloc()`
unsafe fn key(&self) -> &[u8] {
let (key_block, key_size) = self.load_key_size();
slice::from_raw_parts(key_block, key_size as usize)
/// Get value
/// REQUIRE: This Node is created via `Node::alloc()`
unsafe fn value(&self) -> &[u8] {
let (key_block, key_size) = self.load_key_size();
let (value_block, value_size) = self.load_value_size(key_block, key_size);
slice::from_raw_parts(value_block, value_size as usize)
/// Set key and value parts of Node during creating Node
/// Will copy the content of key and value to the Node
/// REQUIRE: This Node is created via Arena and node.tower and node.height
/// is already set to correct value
/// Panic: The size of key/value must less than max value of
/// KeySize/ValueSize (u16/u32), otherwise this function will panic
unsafe fn init_key_value(node: &mut Node, key: &[u8], value: &[u8]) {
let key_block = node.tower.as_mut_ptr().add(node.height + 1) as *mut u8;
let key_size: KeySize = key.len().try_into().unwrap();
let key_size_bytes = key_size.to_ne_bytes();
let key_block = key_block.add(mem::size_of::<KeySize>());
ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(key.as_ptr(), key_block, key.len());
let value_block = key_block.add(key.len());
let value_size: ValueSize = value.len().try_into().unwrap();
let value_size_bytes = value_size.to_ne_bytes();
let value_block = value_block.add(mem::size_of::<ValueSize>());
ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(value.as_ptr(), value_block, value.len());
/// Load key pointer and size of key
/// REQUIRE: This Node is created via `Node::alloc()`
unsafe fn load_key_size(&self) -> (*const u8, KeySize) {
let tower = self.tower.as_ptr();
// Move to key block
let key_block = tower.add(self.height + 1) as *const u8;
// Load key size from key block
let key_size = u16::from_ne_bytes(*(key_block as *const [u8; mem::size_of::<KeySize>()]));
// Move key block to the start of key
let key_block = key_block.add(mem::size_of::<KeySize>());
(key_block, key_size)
/// Load value pointer and size of value
/// Given key_block and key_size returned from `load_key_size()`, loads
/// value pointer and value size
/// REQUIRE: This Node is created via `Node::alloc()`
unsafe fn load_value_size(
key_block: *const u8,
key_size: KeySize,
) -> (*const u8, ValueSize) {
// Move to value block
let value_block = key_block.add(key_size as usize);
// Load value size from value block
let value_size =
u32::from_ne_bytes(*(value_block as *const [u8; mem::size_of::<ValueSize>()]));
// Move value block to the start of value
let value_block = value_block.add(mem::size_of::<ValueSize>());
(value_block, value_size)
/// Get key with arena
/// REQUIRE: This Node is created via `Node::alloc()`
unsafe fn key_with_arena<A>(&self, arena: A) -> ArenaSlice<A>
A: Arena<Stats = BasicStats>,
let (key_block, key_size) = self.load_key_size();
ArenaSlice::from_raw_parts(arena, key_block, key_size as usize)
/// Get value with arena
/// REQUIRE: This Node is created via `Node::alloc()`
unsafe fn value_with_arena<A>(&self, arena: A) -> ArenaSlice<A>
A: Arena<Stats = BasicStats>,
let (key_block, key_size) = self.load_key_size();
let (value_block, value_size) = self.load_value_size(key_block, key_size);
ArenaSlice::from_raw_parts(arena, value_block, value_size as usize)
struct SkiplistCore<A> {
height: AtomicUsize,
head: NonNull<Node>,
arena: A,
/// FIXME(yingwen): Modify the skiplist to support arena that supports growth,
/// otherwise it is hard to avoid memory usage not out of the arena capacity
pub struct Skiplist<C, A> {
core: Arc<SkiplistCore<A>>,
c: C,
impl<C, A: Arena<Stats = BasicStats> + Clone> Skiplist<C, A> {
pub fn with_arena(c: C, arena: A) -> Skiplist<C, A> {
let head = Node::alloc(&arena, &[], &[], MAX_HEIGHT - 1);
let head = unsafe { NonNull::new_unchecked(head) };
Skiplist {
core: Arc::new(SkiplistCore {
height: AtomicUsize::new(0),
fn random_height(&self) -> usize {
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
for h in 0..(MAX_HEIGHT - 1) {
if !rng.gen_ratio(HEIGHT_INCREASE, u32::MAX) {
return h;
fn height(&self) -> usize {
pub fn arena_block_size(&self) -> usize {
impl<C: KeyComparator, A: Arena<Stats = BasicStats> + Clone> Skiplist<C, A> {
/// Finds the node near to key.
/// If less=true, it finds rightmost node such that node.key < key (if
/// allow_equal=false) or node.key <= key (if allow_equal=true).
/// If less=false, it finds leftmost node such that node.key > key (if
/// allowEqual=false) or node.key >= key (if allow_equal=true).
/// Returns the node found.
unsafe fn find_near(&self, key: &[u8], less: bool, allow_equal: bool) -> *const Node {
let mut cursor: *const Node = self.core.head.as_ptr();
let mut level = self.height();
loop {
// Assume cursor.key < key
let next_ptr = (*cursor).next_ptr(level);
if next_ptr.is_null() {
// cursor.key < key < END OF LIST
if level > 0 {
// Can descend further to iterate closer to the end
level -= 1;
// 1. Level=0. Cannot descend further. Let's return something that makes sense
// 2. Try to return cursor. Make sure it is not a head node
if !less || cursor == self.core.head.as_ptr() {
return ptr::null();
return cursor;
let next = &*next_ptr;
let res = self.c.compare_key(key, next.key());
if res == std::cmp::Ordering::Greater {
// cursor.key < next.key < key. We can continue to move right
cursor = next_ptr;
if res == std::cmp::Ordering::Equal {
// cursor.key < key == next.key
if allow_equal {
return next;
if !less {
// We want >, so go to base level to grab the next bigger node
return next.next_ptr(0);
// We want <. If not base level, we should go closer in the next level.
if level > 0 {
level -= 1;
// On base level. Return cursor
if cursor == self.core.head.as_ptr() {
return ptr::null();
return cursor;
// cursor.key < key < next.key
if level > 0 {
level -= 1;
// At base level. Need to return something
if !less {
return next;
// Try to return cursor. Make sure it is not a head node
if cursor == self.core.head.as_ptr() {
return ptr::null();
return cursor;
/// Returns (out_before, out_after) with out_before.key <= key <=
/// out_after.key
/// The input `before` tells us where to start looking
/// If we found a node with the same key, then we return out_before =
/// out_after. Otherwise, out_before.key < key < out_after.key
unsafe fn find_splice_for_level(
key: &[u8],
mut before: *mut Node,
level: usize,
) -> (*mut Node, *mut Node) {
loop {
// Assume before.key < key
let next_ptr = (*before).next_ptr(level);
if next_ptr.is_null() {
return (before, ptr::null_mut());
let next_node = &*next_ptr;
match self.c.compare_key(key, next_node.key()) {
// Equality case
std::cmp::Ordering::Equal => return (next_ptr, next_ptr),
// before.key < key < next.key. We are done for this level
std::cmp::Ordering::Less => return (before, next_ptr),
// Keep moving right on this level
_ => before = next_ptr,
/// Put the key-value into the skiplist if the key does not exists.
/// The content of key and value will be copied into the list. Returns true
/// if the node is inserted, otherwise return false (key is duplicated)
/// Panic: The skiplist will panic if the allocated memory
/// out of the capacity
pub fn put(&self, key: &[u8], value: &[u8]) -> bool {
let mut list_height = self.height();
let mut prev = [ptr::null_mut(); MAX_HEIGHT + 1];
let mut next = [ptr::null_mut(); MAX_HEIGHT + 1];
prev[list_height + 1] = self.core.head.as_ptr();
// Recompute splice levels
for i in (0..=list_height).rev() {
// Use higher level to speed up for current level
let (p, n) = unsafe { self.find_splice_for_level(key, prev[i + 1], i) };
prev[i] = p;
next[i] = n;
if p == n {
// Key already exists
return false;
// Create a new node
let height = self.random_height();
let node_ptr = Node::alloc(&self.core.arena, key, value, height);
// Try to increase skiplist height via CAS
while height > list_height {
match self.core.height.compare_exchange_weak(
) {
// Successfully increased skiplist height
Ok(_) => break,
Err(h) => list_height = h,
// We always insert from the base level and up. After you add a node in base
// level, we cannot create a node in the level above because it would
// have discovered the node in the base level
let x: &mut Node = unsafe { &mut *node_ptr };
for i in 0..=height {
loop {
if prev[i].is_null() {
// This cannot happen in base level
assert!(i > 1);
// We haven't computed prev, next for this level because height exceeds old
// list_height. For these levels, we expect the lists to be
// sparse, so we can just search from head.
let (p, n) =
unsafe { self.find_splice_for_level(x.key(), self.core.head.as_ptr(), i) };
prev[i] = p;
next[i] = n;
// Someone adds the exact same key before we are able to do so. This can only
// happen on the base level. But we know we are not on the
// base level.
assert_ne!(p, n);
x.tower[i].store(next[i], Ordering::SeqCst);
match unsafe { &*prev[i] }.tower[i].compare_exchange(
) {
// Managed to insert x between prev[i] and next[i]. Go to the next level.
Ok(_) => break,
Err(_) => {
// CAS failed. We need to recompute prev and next.
// It is unlikely to be helpful to try to use a different level as we redo
// the search, because it is unlikely that lots of
// nodes are inserted between prev[i] and next[i].
let (p, n) = unsafe { self.find_splice_for_level(x.key(), prev[i], i) };
if p == n {
assert_eq!(i, 0);
return false;
prev[i] = p;
next[i] = n;
/// Returns if the skiplist is empty
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
let node = self.core.head.as_ptr();
let next_ptr = unsafe { (*node).next_ptr(0) };
/// Returns len of the skiplist
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
let mut node = self.core.head.as_ptr();
let mut count = 0;
loop {
let next_ptr = unsafe { (*node).next_ptr(0) };
if !next_ptr.is_null() {
count += 1;
node = next_ptr;
return count;
/// Returns the last element. If head (empty list), we return null. All the
/// find functions will NEVER return the head nodes
fn find_last(&self) -> *const Node {
let mut node = self.core.head.as_ptr();
let mut level = self.height();
loop {
let next_ptr = unsafe { (*node).next_ptr(level) };
if !next_ptr.is_null() {
node = next_ptr;
// next is null
if level == 0 {
if node == self.core.head.as_ptr() {
return ptr::null();
return node;
level -= 1;
/// Gets the value associated with the key. It returns a valid value if it
/// finds equal or earlier version of the same key.
pub fn get(&self, key: &[u8]) -> Option<&[u8]> {
if let Some((_, value)) = self.get_with_key(key) {
} else {
/// Gets the key and value associated with the key. It returns a valid value
/// if it finds equal or earlier version of the same key.
pub fn get_with_key(&self, key: &[u8]) -> Option<(&[u8], &[u8])> {
// Find greater or equal
let node = unsafe { self.find_near(key, false, true) };
if node.is_null() {
return None;
if self.c.same_key(unsafe { (*node).key() }, key) {
return Some(unsafe { ((*node).key(), (*node).value()) });
/// Returns a skiplist iterator
pub fn iter_ref(&self) -> IterRef<&Skiplist<C, A>, C, A> {
IterRef {
list: self,
cursor: ptr::null(),
_key_cmp: std::marker::PhantomData,
_arena: std::marker::PhantomData,
/// Returns a skiplist iterator
pub fn iter(&self) -> IterRef<Skiplist<C, A>, C, A> {
IterRef {
list: self.clone(),
cursor: ptr::null(),
_key_cmp: std::marker::PhantomData,
_arena: std::marker::PhantomData,
/// Consider the total bytes allocated by the arena (not the bytes used).
pub fn mem_size(&self) -> u32 {
self.core.arena.stats().bytes_allocated() as u32
impl<C, A: Arena<Stats = BasicStats> + Clone> AsRef<Skiplist<C, A>> for Skiplist<C, A> {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &Skiplist<C, A> {
unsafe impl<C: Send, A: Arena<Stats = BasicStats> + Clone + Send> Send for Skiplist<C, A> {}
unsafe impl<C: Sync, A: Arena<Stats = BasicStats> + Clone + Sync> Sync for Skiplist<C, A> {}
pub struct IterRef<T, C, A>
T: AsRef<Skiplist<C, A>>,
A: Arena<Stats = BasicStats> + Clone,
list: T,
cursor: *const Node,
_key_cmp: std::marker::PhantomData<C>,
_arena: std::marker::PhantomData<A>,
impl<T: AsRef<Skiplist<C, A>>, C: KeyComparator, A: Arena<Stats = BasicStats> + Clone>
IterRef<T, C, A>
pub fn valid(&self) -> bool {
pub fn key(&self) -> &[u8] {
unsafe { (*self.cursor).key() }
pub fn value(&self) -> &[u8] {
unsafe { (*self.cursor).value() }
pub fn next(&mut self) {
unsafe {
self.cursor = (*self.cursor).next_ptr(0);
pub fn prev(&mut self) {
unsafe {
self.cursor = self.list.as_ref().find_near(self.key(), true, false);
pub fn seek(&mut self, target: &[u8]) {
unsafe {
self.cursor = self.list.as_ref().find_near(target, false, true);
pub fn seek_for_prev(&mut self, target: &[u8]) {
unsafe {
self.cursor = self.list.as_ref().find_near(target, true, true);
pub fn seek_to_first(&mut self) {
unsafe {
self.cursor = (*self.list.as_ref().core.head.as_ptr()).next_ptr(0);
pub fn seek_to_last(&mut self) {
self.cursor = self.list.as_ref().find_last();
pub fn key_with_arena(&self) -> ArenaSlice<A> {
unsafe { (*self.cursor).key_with_arena(self.list.as_ref().core.arena.clone()) }
pub fn value_with_arena(&self) -> ArenaSlice<A> {
unsafe { (*self.cursor).value_with_arena(self.list.as_ref().core.arena.clone()) }
unsafe impl<T: AsRef<Skiplist<C, A>>, C: Send, A: Arena<Stats = BasicStats> + Clone + Send> Send
for IterRef<T, C, A>
unsafe impl<T: AsRef<Skiplist<C, A>>, C: Sync, A: Arena<Stats = BasicStats> + Clone + Sync> Sync
for IterRef<T, C, A>
mod tests {
use arena::MonoIncArena;
use bytes::Bytes;
use super::*;
use crate::FixedLengthSuffixComparator;
fn test_node_alloc() {
let arena = MonoIncArena::new(1 << 10);
let key = b"key of node";
let value = b"value of node";
let node_ptr = Node::alloc(&arena, key, value, 5);
unsafe {
let node = &*node_ptr;
assert_eq!(5, node.height);
for i in 0..=node.height {
assert_eq!(key, node.key());
assert_eq!(value, node.value());
fn test_find_near() {
let comp = FixedLengthSuffixComparator::new(8);
let arena = MonoIncArena::new(1 << 10);
let list = Skiplist::with_arena(comp, arena);
for i in 0..1000 {
let key = Bytes::from(format!("{:05}{:08}", i * 10 + 5, 0));
let value = Bytes::from(format!("{i:05}"));
list.put(&key, &value);
let mut cases = vec![
("00001", false, false, Some("00005")),
("00001", false, true, Some("00005")),
("00001", true, false, None),
("00001", true, true, None),
("00005", false, false, Some("00015")),
("00005", false, true, Some("00005")),
("00005", true, false, None),
("00005", true, true, Some("00005")),
("05555", false, false, Some("05565")),
("05555", false, true, Some("05555")),
("05555", true, false, Some("05545")),
("05555", true, true, Some("05555")),
("05558", false, false, Some("05565")),
("05558", false, true, Some("05565")),
("05558", true, false, Some("05555")),
("05558", true, true, Some("05555")),
("09995", false, false, None),
("09995", false, true, Some("09995")),
("09995", true, false, Some("09985")),
("09995", true, true, Some("09995")),
("59995", false, false, None),
("59995", false, true, None),
("59995", true, false, Some("09995")),
("59995", true, true, Some("09995")),
for (i, (key, less, allow_equal, exp)) in cases.drain(..).enumerate() {
let seek_key = Bytes::from(format!("{}{:08}", key, 0));
let res = unsafe { list.find_near(&seek_key, less, allow_equal) };
if exp.is_none() {
assert!(res.is_null(), "{}", i);
let e = format!("{}{:08}", exp.unwrap(), 0);
assert_eq!(unsafe { (*res).key() }, e.as_bytes(), "{i}");