blob: c160da0c1fdf47b5a8268a18f31002d7d632d870 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 CeresDB Project Authors. Licensed under Apache-2.0.
//! This crate provides an user-friendly client for [HoraeDB]( /horaedb).
//! With this crate, you can access a standalone HoraeDB or a HoraeDB cluster
//! and manipulates the data in it. And the underlying communication between the
//! client the HoraeDB servers is based on the gRPC, and the protocol is defined in the [ceresdbproto]( /ceresdbproto).
//! ## Choose Mode
//! Two access [`Mode`](Mode)s are provided by the client, `Proxy` and `Direct`:
//! - When accessing HoraeDB cluster by `Direct` mode, the requests will be sent
//! directly to the right HoraeDB instance determined by routing information.
//! - When accessing HoraeDB by `Proxy` mode, the requests are just sent to any
//! one HoraeDB instance, which takes the responsibilities for forwarding the
//! requests.
//! If the client can't access the HoraeDB server directly because of the
//! network partition, `Proxy` mode is the only choice. Otherwise, `Direct` mode
//! is suggested for better performance.
//! ## Usage
//! Build the client, and then manipulate the HoraeDB by writing and querying.
//! ### Example
//! Here is an example to create a table in HoraeDB by the client.
//! ```rust,no_run
//! # use futures::prelude::*;
//! # use horaedb_client::{Builder, Mode, RpcContext, SqlQueryRequest};
//! # fn main() {
//! # futures::executor::block_on(async {
//! let client = Builder::new("".to_string(), Mode::Direct).build();
//! let rpc_ctx = RpcContext::default().database("public".to_string());
//! let create_table_sql = r#"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS horaedb (
//! str_tag string TAG,
//! int_tag int32 TAG,
//! var_tag varbinary TAG,
//! str_field string,
//! int_field int32,
//! bin_field varbinary,
//! t timestamp NOT NULL,
//! TIMESTAMP KEY(t)) ENGINE=Analytic with
//! (enable_ttl='false')"#;
//! let req = SqlQueryRequest {
//! tables: vec!["horaedb".to_string()],
//! sql: create_table_sql.to_string(),
//! };
//! let resp = client
//! .sql_query(&rpc_ctx, &req)
//! .await
//! .expect("Should succeed to create table");
//! println!("Create table result:{:?}", resp);
//! # });
//! # }
//! ```
mod config;
pub mod db_client;
mod errors;
pub mod model;
mod router;
mod rpc_client;
mod util;
pub use crate::{
db_client::{Builder, DbClient, Mode},
errors::{Error, Result},
sql_query::{Request as SqlQueryRequest, Response as SqlQueryResponse},
write::{Request as WriteRequest, Response as WriteResponse},