blob: ee449b750b39e7bf8ba3bd45eff3c7e78859b925 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import { InternalSerializerType } from "../type";
import { ArrayTypeDescription, MapTypeDescription, ObjectTypeDescription, OneofTypeDescription, SetTypeDescription, TupleTypeDescription, TypeDescription } from "../description";
import { CodegenRegistry } from "./router";
import { CodecBuilder } from "./builder";
import { Scope } from "./scope";
import "./array";
import "./object";
import "./string";
import "./binary";
import "./bool";
import "./datetime";
import "./map";
import "./number";
import "./set";
import "./tuple";
import "./typedArray";
import Fury from "../fury";
import "./enum";
export { AnySerializer } from "./any";
const external = CodegenRegistry.getExternal();
export const generate = (fury: Fury, description: TypeDescription) => {
const InnerGeneratorClass = CodegenRegistry.get(description.type);
if (!InnerGeneratorClass) {
throw new Error(`${description.type} generator not exists`);
const scope = new Scope();
const generator = new InnerGeneratorClass(description, new CodecBuilder(scope, fury), scope);
const funcString = generator.toSerializer();
if (fury.config && fury.config.hooks) {
const afterCodeGenerated = fury.config.hooks.afterCodeGenerated;
if (typeof afterCodeGenerated === "function") {
return new Function(afterCodeGenerated(funcString));
return new Function(funcString);
function regDependencies(fury: Fury, description: TypeDescription) {
if (description.type === InternalSerializerType.OBJECT) {
const options = (<ObjectTypeDescription>description).options;
if (options.props) {
Object.values(options.props).forEach((x) => {
regDependencies(fury, x);
const func = generate(fury, description);
fury.classResolver.registerSerializerByTag(options.tag, func()(fury, external));
if (description.type === InternalSerializerType.ARRAY) {
regDependencies(fury, (<ArrayTypeDescription>description).options.inner);
if (description.type === InternalSerializerType.SET) {
regDependencies(fury, (<SetTypeDescription>description).options.key);
if (description.type === InternalSerializerType.MAP) {
regDependencies(fury, (<MapTypeDescription>description).options.key);
regDependencies(fury, (<MapTypeDescription>description).options.value);
if (description.type === InternalSerializerType.TUPLE) {
(<TupleTypeDescription>description).options.inner.forEach((x) => {
regDependencies(fury, x);
if (description.type === InternalSerializerType.ONEOF) {
const options = (<OneofTypeDescription>description).options;
if (options.inner) {
Object.values(options.inner).forEach((x) => {
regDependencies(fury, x);
export const generateSerializer = (fury: Fury, description: TypeDescription) => {
regDependencies(fury, description);
if (description.type === InternalSerializerType.OBJECT) {
return fury.classResolver.getSerializerByTag((<ObjectTypeDescription>description).options.tag);
const func = generate(fury, description);
return func()(fury, external);