blob: 383be40ce6a19e77d45549fdc1e3a1f26f191061 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
package org.apache.fury.format.type;
import static org.apache.fury.util.Preconditions.checkArgument;
import java.nio.channels.Channels;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.complex.MapVector;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.ipc.ReadChannel;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.ipc.WriteChannel;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.ipc.message.MessageSerializer;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.types.DateUnit;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.types.FloatingPointPrecision;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.types.TimeUnit;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.types.pojo.ArrowType;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.types.pojo.Field;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.types.pojo.FieldType;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.types.pojo.Schema;
import org.apache.fury.exception.FuryException;
import org.apache.fury.memory.MemoryBuffer;
import org.apache.fury.type.Type;
import org.apache.fury.util.DecimalUtils;
import org.apache.fury.util.Preconditions;
/** Arrow data type utils. */
public class DataTypes {
public static Field PRIMITIVE_BOOLEAN_ARRAY_FIELD = primitiveArrayField(ArrowType.Bool.INSTANCE);
public static Field PRIMITIVE_BYTE_ARRAY_FIELD = primitiveArrayField(intType(8));
public static Field PRIMITIVE_SHORT_ARRAY_FIELD = primitiveArrayField(intType(16));
public static Field PRIMITIVE_INT_ARRAY_FIELD = primitiveArrayField(intType(32));
public static Field PRIMITIVE_LONG_ARRAY_FIELD = primitiveArrayField(intType(64));
primitiveArrayField(new ArrowType.FloatingPoint(FloatingPointPrecision.SINGLE));
primitiveArrayField(new ArrowType.FloatingPoint(FloatingPointPrecision.DOUBLE));
// Array item field default name
public static final String ARRAY_ITEM_NAME = "item";
private static final ArrowType.ArrowTypeVisitor<Integer> typeWidthVisitor =
new DefaultTypeVisitor<Integer>() {
public Integer visit(ArrowType.Struct type) {
return -1;
public Integer visit(ArrowType.List type) {
return -1;
public Integer visit(ArrowType.Map type) {
return -1;
public Integer visit(ArrowType.Bool type) {
return 1;
public Integer visit(ArrowType.Int type) {
return type.getBitWidth() / 8;
public Integer visit(ArrowType.FloatingPoint type) {
switch (type.getPrecision()) {
case SINGLE:
return 4;
case DOUBLE:
return 8;
return unsupported(type);
public Integer visit(ArrowType.Date type) {
return 4;
public Integer visit(ArrowType.Timestamp type) {
return 8;
public Integer visit(ArrowType.Binary type) {
return -1;
public Integer visit(ArrowType.Decimal type) {
return -1;
public Integer visit(ArrowType.Utf8 type) {
return -1;
private static final ArrowType.ArrowTypeVisitor<Type> typeIdVisitor =
new DefaultTypeVisitor<Type>() {
public Type visit(ArrowType.Bool type) {
return Type.BOOL;
public Type visit(ArrowType.Int type) {
if (type.getIsSigned()) {
int byteWidth = type.getBitWidth() / 8;
switch (byteWidth) {
case 1:
return Type.INT8;
case 2:
return Type.INT16;
case 4:
return Type.INT32;
case 8:
return Type.INT64;
return unsupported(type);
return unsupported(type);
public Type visit(ArrowType.FloatingPoint type) {
switch (type.getPrecision()) {
case SINGLE:
return Type.FLOAT;
case DOUBLE:
return Type.DOUBLE;
return unsupported(type);
public Type visit(ArrowType.Date type) {
switch (type.getUnit()) {
case DAY:
return Type.DATE32;
return Type.DATE64;
return unsupported(type);
public Type visit(ArrowType.Timestamp type) {
return Type.TIMESTAMP;
public Type visit(ArrowType.Binary type) {
return Type.BINARY;
public Type visit(ArrowType.Decimal type) {
return Type.DECIMAL;
public Type visit(ArrowType.Utf8 type) {
return Type.STRING;
public Type visit(ArrowType.Struct type) {
return Type.STRUCT;
public Type visit(ArrowType.List type) {
return Type.LIST;
public Type visit(ArrowType.Map type) {
return Type.MAP;
public static int getTypeWidth(ArrowType type) {
return type.accept(typeWidthVisitor);
public static Type getTypeId(ArrowType type) {
return type.accept(typeIdVisitor);
public static short getTypeIdValue(ArrowType type) {
return type.accept(typeIdVisitor).getId();
public static ArrowType.Bool bool() {
return ArrowType.Bool.INSTANCE;
public static ArrowType.Int intType(int bitWidth) {
return new ArrowType.Int(bitWidth, true);
public static ArrowType.Int int8() {
return intType(8);
public static ArrowType.Int int16() {
return intType(16);
public static ArrowType.Int int32() {
return intType(32);
public static ArrowType.Int int64() {
return intType(64);
public static ArrowType.FloatingPoint float32() {
return new ArrowType.FloatingPoint(FloatingPointPrecision.SINGLE);
public static ArrowType.FloatingPoint float64() {
return new ArrowType.FloatingPoint(FloatingPointPrecision.DOUBLE);
public static ArrowType.Date date32() {
return new ArrowType.Date(DateUnit.DAY);
public static ArrowType.Date date64() {
return new ArrowType.Date(DateUnit.MILLISECOND);
public static ArrowType.Timestamp timestamp() {
return new ArrowType.Timestamp(TimeUnit.MICROSECOND, null);
public static ArrowType.Binary binary() {
return ArrowType.Binary.INSTANCE;
public static ArrowType.Utf8 utf8() {
return ArrowType.Utf8.INSTANCE;
public static ArrowType.Decimal decimal() {
return decimal(DecimalUtils.MAX_PRECISION, DecimalUtils.MAX_SCALE);
public static ArrowType.Decimal decimal(int precision, int scale) {
return new ArrowType.Decimal(precision, scale);
public static ArrowType.Decimal bigintDecimal() {
return decimal(DecimalUtils.MAX_PRECISION, 0);
/* ========================= field utils ========================= */
public static Field field(String name, FieldType fieldType) {
return field(name, fieldType, Collections.emptyList());
public static Field field(String name, boolean nullable, ArrowType type, Field... children) {
return field(name, new FieldType(nullable, type, null), children);
public static Field field(String name, FieldType fieldType, Field... children) {
return field(name, fieldType, Arrays.asList(children));
public static Field field(String name, boolean nullable, ArrowType type, List<Field> children) {
return field(name, new FieldType(nullable, type, null), children);
public static Field field(String name, ArrowType type, Field... children) {
return field(name, true, type, children);
public static Field field(String name, FieldType fieldType, List<Field> children) {
return new ExtField(name, fieldType, children);
public static Field notNullField(String name, ArrowType type, Field... children) {
return field(name, false, type, children);
public static FieldType notNullFieldType(ArrowType type) {
return new FieldType(false, type, null);
/* ========================= array field utils ========================= */
public static Field primitiveArrayField(ArrowType type) {
return primitiveArrayField("", type);
public static Field primitiveArrayField(String name, ArrowType type) {
return field(
Collections.singletonList(field(ARRAY_ITEM_NAME, false, type)));
public static Field arrayField(ArrowType type) {
return arrayField("", type);
public static Field arrayField(String name, ArrowType type) {
return field(
Collections.singletonList(field(ARRAY_ITEM_NAME, true, type)));
public static Field arrayField(FieldType valueType) {
return arrayField("", valueType);
public static Field arrayField(String name, FieldType valueType) {
return field(
Collections.singletonList(field(ARRAY_ITEM_NAME, valueType)));
public static Field arrayField(Field valueField) {
return arrayField("", valueField);
public static Field arrayField(String name, Field valueField) {
return field(
name, FieldType.nullable(ArrowType.List.INSTANCE), Collections.singletonList(valueField));
public static Field arrayElementField(Field field) {
return field.getChildren().get(0);
/* ========================= map field utils start ========================= */
public static Field mapField(ArrowType keyType, ArrowType itemType) {
return mapField("", keyType, itemType);
public static Field mapField(String name, ArrowType keyType, ArrowType itemType) {
return mapField(
field(MapVector.KEY_NAME, false, keyType),
field(MapVector.VALUE_NAME, true, itemType));
* Map data is nested data where each value is a variable number of key-item pairs. Maps can be
* recursively nested, for example map(utf8, map(utf8, int32)). see more about MapType in type.h
public static Field mapField(String name, Field keyField, Field itemField) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(!keyField.isNullable(), "Map's keys must be non-nullable");
// Map's key-item pairs must be non-nullable structs
Field valueField = structField(false, keyField, itemField);
return field(name, true, new ArrowType.Map(false), valueField);
public static Field keyFieldForMap(Field mapField) {
Field field = mapField.getChildren().get(0).getChildren().get(0);
if (field.getClass() != ExtField.class) {
return new ExtField(field.getName(), field.getFieldType(), field.getChildren());
return field;
public static Field itemFieldForMap(Field mapField) {
Field field = mapField.getChildren().get(0).getChildren().get(1);
if (field.getClass() != ExtField.class) {
return new ExtField(field.getName(), field.getFieldType(), field.getChildren());
return field;
public static Field keyArrayFieldForMap(Field mapField) {
return arrayField("keys", keyFieldForMap(mapField));
public static Field itemArrayFieldForMap(Field mapField) {
return arrayField("items", itemFieldForMap(mapField));
/* ========================= struct field utils start ========================= */
public static Schema schemaFromStructField(Field structField) {
return new Schema(structField.getChildren(), structField.getMetadata());
public static Schema createSchema(Field field) {
if (field.getClass() != ExtField.class) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
String.format("Field %s got wrong type %s", field, field.getClass()));
ExtField extField = (ExtField) field;
Object extData = extField.extData;
if (extData == null) {
extField.extData = extData = new Schema(field.getChildren(), field.getMetadata());
return (Schema) extData;
static class ExtField extends Field {
Object extData;
public ExtField(String name, FieldType fieldType, List<Field> children) {
super(name, fieldType, children);
public static Field structField(boolean nullable, Field... fields) {
return structField("", nullable, fields);
public static Field structField(String name, boolean nullable, Field... fields) {
return field(name, nullable, ArrowType.Struct.INSTANCE, fields);
public static Field structField(String name, boolean nullable, List<Field> fields) {
return field(name, nullable, ArrowType.Struct.INSTANCE, fields);
/* ========================= struct field utils end ========================= */
public static Field fieldOfSchema(Schema schema, int index) {
return schema.getFields().get(index);
public static void serializeSchema(Schema schema, MemoryBuffer buffer) {
try (MemoryBufferOutputStream outputStream = new MemoryBufferOutputStream(buffer);
WriteChannel writeChannel = new WriteChannel(Channels.newChannel(outputStream))) {
MessageSerializer.serialize(writeChannel, schema);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new FuryException(String.format("Write schema %s failed", schema), e);
public static byte[] serializeSchema(Schema schema) {
try (ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
WriteChannel writeChannel = new WriteChannel(Channels.newChannel(outputStream))) {
MessageSerializer.serialize(writeChannel, schema);
return outputStream.toByteArray();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new FuryException(String.format("Write schema %s failed", schema), e);
public static Schema deserializeSchema(byte[] bytes) {
try (ReadChannel readChannel =
new ReadChannel(Channels.newChannel(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes)))) {
return MessageSerializer.deserializeSchema(readChannel);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new FuryException("Deserialize schema failed", e);
public static long computeSchemaHash(Schema schema) {
long hash = 17;
for (Field field : schema.getFields()) {
hash = computeHash(hash, field);
return hash;
private static long computeHash(long hash, Field field) {
Type typeID = getTypeId(field.getType());
while (true) {
try {
hash = Math.addExact(Math.multiplyExact(hash, 31), (long) typeID.getId());
} catch (ArithmeticException e) {
hash = hash >> 2;
List<Field> fields = new ArrayList<>();
switch (typeID) {
case LIST:
case MAP:
case STRUCT:
field.getChildren().size() == 0,
"field type should not be nested, but got type id %s field %s.",
for (Field child : fields) {
hash = computeHash(hash, child);
return hash;