blob: ddf49726eed3a6b814e0539e72c575a1a9ebf3e6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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package org.apache.fury.serializer.collection;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodType;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Function;
import org.apache.fury.Fury;
import org.apache.fury.memory.MemoryBuffer;
import org.apache.fury.type.Type;
import org.apache.fury.util.Platform;
import org.apache.fury.util.unsafe._JDKAccess;
/** Serializers for common guava types. */
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"})
public class GuavaCollectionSerializers {
abstract static class GuavaCollectionSerializer<T extends Collection>
extends CollectionSerializer<T> {
public GuavaCollectionSerializer(Fury fury, Class<T> cls) {
super(fury, cls, true);
fury.getClassResolver().setSerializer(cls, this);
public T xread(MemoryBuffer buffer) {
int size = buffer.readVarUint32Small7();
List list = new ArrayList<>();
xreadElements(fury, buffer, list, size);
return xnewInstance(list);
protected abstract T xnewInstance(Collection collection);
public static final class ImmutableListSerializer<T extends ImmutableList>
extends GuavaCollectionSerializer<T> {
public ImmutableListSerializer(Fury fury, Class<T> cls) {
super(fury, cls);
fury.getClassResolver().setSerializer(cls, this);
public Collection newCollection(MemoryBuffer buffer) {
int numElements = buffer.readVarUint32Small7();
return new CollectionContainer<>(numElements);
public T onCollectionRead(Collection collection) {
Object[] elements = ((CollectionContainer) collection).elements;
ImmutableList list = ImmutableList.copyOf(elements);
return (T) list;
public short getXtypeId() {
return (short) -Type.LIST.getId();
public T xnewInstance(Collection collection) {
return (T) ImmutableList.copyOf(collection);
private static final String pkg = "";
private static Function regularImmutableListInvokeCache;
private static synchronized Function regularImmutableListInvoke() {
if (regularImmutableListInvokeCache == null) {
Class<?> cls = loadClass(pkg + ".RegularImmutableList", ImmutableList.of(1, 2).getClass());
MethodHandles.Lookup lookup = _JDKAccess._trustedLookup(cls);
MethodHandle ctr = null;
try {
ctr = lookup.findConstructor(cls, MethodType.methodType(void.class, Object[].class));
} catch (NoSuchMethodException | IllegalAccessException e) {
regularImmutableListInvokeCache = _JDKAccess.makeJDKFunction(lookup, ctr);
return regularImmutableListInvokeCache;
public static final class RegularImmutableListSerializer<T extends ImmutableList>
extends GuavaCollectionSerializer<T> {
private final Function<Object[], ImmutableList> function;
public RegularImmutableListSerializer(Fury fury, Class<T> cls) {
super(fury, cls);
function = (Function<Object[], ImmutableList>) regularImmutableListInvoke();
public Collection newCollection(MemoryBuffer buffer) {
int numElements = buffer.readVarUint32Small7();
return new CollectionContainer(numElements);
public T onCollectionRead(Collection collection) {
Object[] elements = ((CollectionContainer) collection).elements;
return (T) function.apply(elements);
public short getXtypeId() {
return (short) -Type.LIST.getId();
protected T xnewInstance(Collection collection) {
return (T) ImmutableList.copyOf(collection);
public static final class ImmutableSetSerializer<T extends ImmutableSet>
extends GuavaCollectionSerializer<T> {
public ImmutableSetSerializer(Fury fury, Class<T> cls) {
super(fury, cls);
public Collection newCollection(MemoryBuffer buffer) {
int numElements = buffer.readVarUint32Small7();
return new CollectionContainer<>(numElements);
public T onCollectionRead(Collection collection) {
Object[] elements = ((CollectionContainer) collection).elements;
return (T) ImmutableSet.copyOf(elements);
public short getXtypeId() {
return (short) -Type.FURY_SET.getId();
protected T xnewInstance(Collection collection) {
return (T) ImmutableSet.copyOf(collection);
public static final class ImmutableSortedSetSerializer<T extends ImmutableSortedSet>
extends CollectionSerializer<T> {
public ImmutableSortedSetSerializer(Fury fury, Class<T> cls) {
super(fury, cls, false);
fury.getClassResolver().setSerializer(cls, this);
public Collection onCollectionWrite(MemoryBuffer buffer, T value) {
fury.writeRef(buffer, value.comparator());
return value;
public Collection newCollection(MemoryBuffer buffer) {
int numElements = buffer.readVarUint32Small7();
Comparator comparator = (Comparator) fury.readRef(buffer);
return new SortedCollectionContainer(comparator, numElements);
public T onCollectionRead(Collection collection) {
SortedCollectionContainer data = (SortedCollectionContainer) collection;
Object[] elements = data.elements;
return (T) new ImmutableSortedSet.Builder<>(data.comparator).add(elements).build();
abstract static class GuavaMapSerializer<T extends Map> extends MapSerializer<T> {
public GuavaMapSerializer(Fury fury, Class<T> cls) {
super(fury, cls, true);
fury.getClassResolver().setSerializer(cls, this);
protected abstract ImmutableMap.Builder makeBuilder(int size);
public Map newMap(MemoryBuffer buffer) {
int numElements = buffer.readVarUint32Small7();
return new MapContainer(numElements);
public T onMapRead(Map map) {
MapContainer container = (MapContainer) map;
int size = container.size;
ImmutableMap.Builder builder = makeBuilder(size);
Object[] keyArray = container.keyArray;
Object[] valueArray = container.valueArray;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
builder.put(keyArray[i], valueArray[i]);
return (T);
public short getXtypeId() {
return (short) -Type.MAP.getId();
public T xread(MemoryBuffer buffer) {
int size = buffer.readVarUint32Small7();
Map map = new HashMap();
xreadElements(fury, buffer, map, size);
return xnewInstance(map);
protected abstract T xnewInstance(Map map);
private static final ClassValue<Function> builderCtrCache =
new ClassValue<Function>() {
protected Function computeValue(Class<?> builderClass) {
MethodHandles.Lookup lookup = _JDKAccess._trustedLookup(builderClass);
MethodHandle ctr = null;
try {
ctr =
lookup.findConstructor(builderClass, MethodType.methodType(void.class, int.class));
} catch (NoSuchMethodException | IllegalAccessException e) {
return _JDKAccess.makeJDKFunction(lookup, ctr);
public static final class ImmutableMapSerializer<T extends ImmutableMap>
extends GuavaMapSerializer<T> {
private final Function<Integer, ImmutableMap.Builder> builderCtr;
public ImmutableMapSerializer(Fury fury, Class<T> cls) {
super(fury, cls);
builderCtr = builderCtrCache.get(ImmutableMap.Builder.class);
fury.getClassResolver().setSerializer(cls, this);
protected ImmutableMap.Builder makeBuilder(int size) {
return builderCtr.apply(size);
protected T xnewInstance(Map map) {
return (T) ImmutableMap.copyOf(map);
public static final class ImmutableBiMapSerializer<T extends ImmutableBiMap>
extends GuavaMapSerializer<T> {
private final Function<Integer, ImmutableBiMap.Builder> builderCtr;
public ImmutableBiMapSerializer(Fury fury, Class<T> cls) {
super(fury, cls);
builderCtr = builderCtrCache.get(ImmutableBiMap.Builder.class);
fury.getClassResolver().setSerializer(cls, this);
protected ImmutableMap.Builder makeBuilder(int size) {
return builderCtr.apply(size);
protected T xnewInstance(Map map) {
return (T) ImmutableBiMap.copyOf(map);
public static final class ImmutableSortedMapSerializer<T extends ImmutableSortedMap>
extends MapSerializer<T> {
public ImmutableSortedMapSerializer(Fury fury, Class<T> cls) {
super(fury, cls);
fury.getClassResolver().setSerializer(cls, this);
public Map onMapWrite(MemoryBuffer buffer, T value) {
fury.writeRef(buffer, value.comparator());
return value;
public Map newMap(MemoryBuffer buffer) {
int numElements = buffer.readVarUint32Small7();
Comparator comparator = (Comparator) fury.readRef(buffer);
return new SortedMapContainer<>(comparator, numElements);
public T onMapRead(Map map) {
SortedMapContainer mapContainer = (SortedMapContainer) map;
ImmutableMap.Builder builder = new ImmutableSortedMap.Builder(mapContainer.comparator);
int size = mapContainer.size;
Object[] keyArray = mapContainer.keyArray;
Object[] valueArray = mapContainer.valueArray;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
builder.put(keyArray[i], valueArray[i]);
return (T);
// TODO guava serializers
// guava/ArrayListMultimapSerializer - serializer for guava-libraries' ArrayListMultimap
// guava/ArrayTableSerializer - serializer for guava-libraries' ArrayTable
// guava/HashBasedTableSerializer - serializer for guava-libraries' HashBasedTable
// guava/HashMultimapSerializer -- serializer for guava-libraries' HashMultimap
// guava/ImmutableListSerializer - serializer for guava-libraries' ImmutableList
// guava/ImmutableSetSerializer - serializer for guava-libraries' ImmutableSet
// guava/ImmutableMapSerializer - serializer for guava-libraries' ImmutableMap
// guava/ImmutableMultimapSerializer - serializer for guava-libraries' ImmutableMultimap
// guava/ImmutableSortedSetSerializer - serializer for guava-libraries' ImmutableSortedSet
// guava/ImmutableTableSerializer - serializer for guava-libraries' ImmutableTable
// guava/LinkedHashMultimapSerializer - serializer for guava-libraries' LinkedHashMultimap
// guava/LinkedListMultimapSerializer - serializer for guava-libraries' LinkedListMultimap
// guava/ReverseListSerializer - serializer for guava-libraries' Lists.ReverseList / Lists.reverse
// guava/TreeBasedTableSerializer - serializer for guava-libraries' TreeBasedTable
// guava/TreeMultimapSerializer - serializer for guava-libraries' TreeMultimap
// guava/UnmodifiableNavigableSetSerializer - serializer for guava-libraries'
// UnmodifiableNavigableSet
public static void registerDefaultSerializers(Fury fury) {
// Note: Guava common types are not public API, don't register by `ImmutableXXX.of()`,
// since different guava version may return different type objects, which make class
// registration
// inconsistent if peers load different version of guava.
// For example: guava 20 return ImmutableBiMap for ImmutableMap.of(), but guava 27 return
// ImmutableMap.
Class cls = loadClass(pkg + ".RegularImmutableBiMap", ImmutableBiMap.of().getClass());
fury.registerSerializer(cls, new ImmutableBiMapSerializer(fury, cls));
cls = loadClass(pkg + ".SingletonImmutableBiMap", ImmutableBiMap.of(1, 2).getClass());
fury.registerSerializer(cls, new ImmutableBiMapSerializer(fury, cls));
cls = loadClass(pkg + ".RegularImmutableMap", ImmutableMap.of().getClass());
fury.registerSerializer(cls, new ImmutableMapSerializer(fury, cls));
cls = loadClass(pkg + ".RegularImmutableList", ImmutableList.of().getClass());
fury.registerSerializer(cls, new RegularImmutableListSerializer(fury, cls));
cls = loadClass(pkg + ".SingletonImmutableList", ImmutableList.of(1).getClass());
fury.registerSerializer(cls, new ImmutableListSerializer(fury, cls));
cls = loadClass(pkg + ".RegularImmutableSet", ImmutableSet.of().getClass());
fury.registerSerializer(cls, new ImmutableSetSerializer(fury, cls));
cls = loadClass(pkg + ".SingletonImmutableSet", ImmutableSet.of(1).getClass());
fury.registerSerializer(cls, new ImmutableSetSerializer(fury, cls));
// sorted set/map doesn't support xlang.
cls = loadClass(pkg + ".RegularImmutableSortedSet", ImmutableSortedSet.of(1, 2).getClass());
fury.registerSerializer(cls, new ImmutableSortedSetSerializer<>(fury, cls));
cls = loadClass(pkg + ".ImmutableSortedMap", ImmutableSortedMap.of(1, 2).getClass());
fury.registerSerializer(cls, new ImmutableSortedMapSerializer<>(fury, cls));
static Class<?> loadClass(String className, Class<?> cache) {
if (cache.getName().equals(className)) {
return cache;
} else {
try {
return Class.forName(className);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);