blob: 8a16f1a984fe302d4791391675a6ac3c5553d5e1 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<version>0.6.0-rc.3</version> <!-- BROOKLYN_VERSION -->
<name>Brooklyn Parent Project</name>
Brooklyn parent / project root,
serving as the ancestor POM for all projects --
declaring versions, profiles, and the modules to build
<!-- useful custom properties/defines to specify to control the build:
brooklyn.explicitModules :: only builds explicit modules (instead of default modules)
brooklyn.deployTo={cloudsoftFilesystem,cloudsoftArtifactory,sonatype} ::
:: required when deploying; specify the deployment target
javadoc :: build javadoc (adds a minute or two; enabled automatically for target deploy)
skipSources :: don't make the -sources.jar (saves a second or two, not much)
skipTests :: does the usual thing (saves a lot of time, but at some cost of build quality!)
simply activate with -Dbrooklyn.theCustomProperty on the mvn build line
(some of these are used to trigger profile selection, since maven activeByDefault
only works if _no_ profiles are triggered, see suggestion/background at: )
<name>The Apache Software License, Version 2.0</name>
<name>Brooklyn Committers</name>
<!-- enable sonatype snapshots repo (only for snapshots) -->
<name>Sonatype Nexus Snapshots</name>
<releases> <enabled>false</enabled> </releases>
<snapshots> <enabled>true</enabled> </snapshots>
<name>Cloudsoft Repository</name>
<brooklyn.version>0.6.0-rc.3</brooklyn.version> <!-- BROOKLYN_VERSION -->
<slf4j.version>1.6.6</slf4j.version> <!-- used for java.util.logging jul-to-slf4j interception -->
<jersey.version>1.12</jersey.version> <!-- NB: 1.17 requires changes to how we hanlde multipart in CatalogApi -->
<includedTestGroups />
<!-- no passphrase by default, so we can do automated deploy builds;
you can still supply your own passphrase with -Dgpg.passphrase=XXX -->
<!-- include version numbers for common dependencies (including common brooklyn deps) -->
<!-- NB: if this version is changed, update the MavenArtifactTest -->
<!-- disabling use because of NPE deploying to sonatype:;jsessionid=ac084ab7f47c4e7f1df2117cecd?bug_id=5101868
<detectLinks />
<!-- 'release' is not used; easier just to checkout, tag, `mvn deploy` manually
with -Dbrooklyn.deployTo=TARGET ... and note we need to update docs and examples,
which is a non-maven task!) -->
<!-- whirr, among others, uses services which need careful attention -->
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ServicesResourceTransformer" />
<argLine>-Xms256m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m</argLine>
<!-- This configuration is used for Eclipse settings only. -->
<ignore />
<ignore />
<ignore />
<ignore />
<!-- workaround for src/main/resources excluding all in eclipse, as per
<xpath>/classpath/classpathentry[@path='src/main/resources' and @kind='src' and @excluding='**']/@excluding</xpath>
<xpath>/classpath/classpathentry[@path='src/test/resources' and @kind='src' and @excluding='**']/@excluding</xpath>
<activation> <property><name> !brooklyn.explicitModules </name></property> </activation>
<activation> <property><name> !brooklyn.explicitModules </name></property> </activation>
<activation> <property><name> !brooklyn.explicitModules </name></property> </activation>
<activation> <property><name> !brooklyn.explicitModules </name></property> </activation>
<activation> <property><name> !brooklyn.explicitModules </name></property> </activation>
<activation> <property><name> !brooklyn.explicitModules </name></property> </activation>
<detectLinks />
<!-- NB - this is all the leaf projects, including logback-* (with no src);
the archetype project neatly ignores this however -->
<file> <exists>${basedir}/src/test</exists> </file>
<!-- add any more generated source code directories here -->
<id>instrument classes</id>
<taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/" classpathref="maven.plugin.classpath" />
<taskdef resource="" classpathref="maven.plugin.classpath" />
<available property="gogocobertura" file="target/test-classes" />
<!-- Ensure any and all bits of our project are copied in first -->
<copy todir="target/cobertura/coverage-classes">
<fileset erroronmissingdir="false" dir="target/classes" />
<cobertura-instrument datafile="target/cobertura/cobertura.ser"
<fileset erroronmissingdir="false" dir="target/classes">
<include name="brooklyn/**/*.class" />
<exclude name="brooklyn/**/*Test.class" />
<fileset erroronmissingdir="false" dir="target/cobertura/dependency-classes">
<include name="brooklyn/**/*.class" />
<exclude name="brooklyn/**/*Test.class" />
<id>coverage report</id>
<taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/" classpathref="maven.plugin.classpath" />
<taskdef resource="" classpathref="maven.plugin.classpath" />
<available property="gogocobertura" file="target/cobertura/cobertura.ser" />
<cobertura-report format="xml" destdir="target/site/cobertura"
<fileset erroronmissingdir="false" dir="src/java" />
<fileset erroronmissingdir="false" dir="target/cobertura/dependency-sources" />
<!-- build sources jars by default, it's quick -->
<activation> <property><name>!skipSources</name></property> </activation>
<!-- only build javadoc if asked, or if deploying (it's slow) -->
<activation> <property><name>javadoc</name></property> </activation>
<!-- sign and make javadoc when deploying; note, this means you'll need gpg set up to deploy -->
<activation> <property><name>brooklyn.deployTo</name></property> </activation>
<!-- different properties used to deploy to different locations depending on profiles;
default is cloudsoft filesystem repo, but some sources still use cloudsoft artifactory as source
(and soon we will support artifactory) -->
<activation> <property><name>brooklyn.deployTo</name><value>cloudsoftFilesystem</value></property> </activation>
<name>Cloudsoft Release Filesystem repo (used as origin for cloudfront)</name>
<name>Cloudsoft Snapshot Filesystem repo (used as origin for cloudfront)</name>
<activation> <property><name>brooklyn.deployTo</name><value>cloudsoftArtifactory</value></property> </activation>
<name>Cloudsoft Artifactory libs-release-local repo</name>
<name>Cloudsoft Artifactory libs-snapshot-local repo</name>
<activation> <property><name>brooklyn.deployTo</name><value>sonatype</value></property> </activation>
<name>Nexus Release Repository</name>
<name>Sonatype Nexus Snapshots</name>