blob: 74fdcd568dc74d423baadcc02bc39f5b94ded95d [file] [log] [blame]
package brooklyn.entity.proxy.nginx;
import static java.lang.String.format;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import brooklyn.entity.basic.AbstractSoftwareProcessSshDriver;
import brooklyn.entity.basic.Attributes;
import brooklyn.entity.basic.Lifecycle;
import brooklyn.entity.basic.lifecycle.CommonCommands;
import brooklyn.entity.basic.lifecycle.ScriptHelper;
import brooklyn.location.OsDetails;
import brooklyn.location.basic.SshMachineLocation;
import brooklyn.util.MutableMap;
import brooklyn.util.NetworkUtils;
import brooklyn.util.task.Tasks;
* Start a {@link NginxController} in a {@link brooklyn.location.Location} accessible over ssh.
public class NginxSshDriver extends AbstractSoftwareProcessSshDriver implements NginxDriver {
public static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(NginxSshDriver.class);
private static final String NGINX_PID_FILE = "logs/";
protected boolean customizationCompleted = false;
public NginxSshDriver(NginxController entity, SshMachineLocation machine) {
super(entity, machine);
protected String getLogFileLocation() {
return format("%s/logs/error.log", getRunDir());
protected Integer getHttpPort() {
return entity.getAttribute(NginxController.PROXY_HTTP_PORT);
public void rebind() {
customizationCompleted = true;
public void postLaunch() {
entity.setAttribute(Attributes.HTTP_PORT, getHttpPort());
public void install() {
newScript("disable requiretty").
setFlag("allocatePTY", true).
String nginxUrl = format("", getVersion());
String nginxSaveAs = format("nginx-%s.tar.gz", getVersion());
String stickyModuleUrl = "";
String stickyModuleSaveAs = "nginx-sticky-module-1.0.tar.gz";
boolean sticky = ((NginxController) entity).isSticky();
ScriptHelper script = newScript(INSTALLING);
MutableMap<String, String> installPackageFlags = MutableMap.of(
"yum", "gcc make openssl-devel pcre-devel",
"apt", "gcc make libssl-dev zlib1g-dev libpcre3-dev",
"port", null);
script.body.append(CommonCommands.installPackage(installPackageFlags, "nginx-prerequisites"));
script.body.append(CommonCommands.downloadUrlAs(nginxUrl, getEntityVersionLabel("/"), nginxSaveAs));
script.body.append(format("tar xvzf %s", nginxSaveAs));
script.body.append(format("cd %s/nginx-%s", getInstallDir(), getVersion()));
if (sticky) {
script.body.append("cd src");
script.body.append(CommonCommands.downloadUrlAs(stickyModuleUrl, getEntityVersionLabel("/"), stickyModuleSaveAs));
script.body.append(format("tar xvzf %s", stickyModuleSaveAs));
script.body.append("cd ..");
"mkdir -p dist",
format(" --prefix=%s/nginx-%s/dist", getInstallDir(), getVersion()) +
" --with-http_ssl_module"+
(sticky ? format(" --add-module=%s/nginx-%s/src/nginx-sticky-module-1.0 ", getInstallDir(), getVersion()) : ""),
"make install");
script.header.prepend("set -x");
int result = script.execute();
if (result != 0) {
String notes = "likely an error building nginx. consult the brooklyn log ssh output for further details.\n"+
"note that this Brooklyn nginx driver compiles nginx from source. " +
"it attempts to install common prerequisites but this does not always succeed.\n";
OsDetails os = getMachine().getOsDetails();
if (os.isMac()) {
notes += "deploying to Mac OS X, you will require Xcode and Xcode command-line tools, and on " +
"some versions the pcre library (e.g. using macports, sudo port install pcre).\n";
if (os.isWindows()) {
notes += "this nginx driver is not designed for windows, unless cygwin is installed, and you are patient.\n";
if (getEntity().getApplication().getClass().getCanonicalName().startsWith("brooklyn.demo.")) {
// this is maybe naughty ... but since we use nginx in the first demo example,
// and since it's actually pretty complicated, let's give a little extra hand-holding
notes +=
"if debugging this is all a bit much and you just want to run a demo, " +
"you have two fairly friendly options.\n" +
"1. you can use a well known cloud, like AWS or Rackspace, where this should run " +
"in a tried-and-tested Ubuntu or CentOS environment, without any problems " +
"(and if it does let us know and we'll fix it!).\n"+
"2. or you can just use the demo without nginx, instead access the appserver instances directly.\n";
if (!script.getResultStderr().isEmpty())
notes += "\n" + "STDERR\n" + script.getResultStderr()+"\n";
if (!script.getResultStdout().isEmpty())
notes += "\n" + "STDOUT\n" + script.getResultStdout()+"\n";
throw new IllegalStateException("Installation of nginx failed (shell returned non-zero result "+result+")");
public void customize() {
format("mkdir -p %s", getRunDir()),
format("cp -R %s/nginx-%s/dist/{conf,html,logs,sbin} %s", getInstallDir(), getVersion(), getRunDir())
customizationCompleted = true;
((NginxController) entity).doExtraConfigurationDuringStart();
public boolean isCustomizationCompleted() {
return customizationCompleted;
public void launch() {
// By default, nginx writes the pid of the master process to "logs/"
NetworkUtils.checkPortsValid(MutableMap.of("httpPort", getHttpPort()));
Map flags = MutableMap.of("usePidFile", false);
newScript(flags, LAUNCHING).
format("cd %s", getRunDir()),
sudoIfPrivilegedPort(getHttpPort(), format("nohup ./sbin/nginx -p %s/ -c conf/server.conf > ./console 2>&1 &", getRunDir()))
public static String sudoIfPrivilegedPort(int port, String command) {
return port < 1024 ? CommonCommands.sudo(command) : command;
public boolean isRunning() {
Map flags = MutableMap.of("usePidFile", NGINX_PID_FILE);
return newScript(flags, CHECK_RUNNING).execute() == 0;
public void stop() {
// Don't `kill -9`, as that doesn't stop the worker processes
String pidFile = NGINX_PID_FILE;
Map flags = MutableMap.of("usePidFile", false);
newScript(flags, STOPPING).
format("cd %s", getRunDir()),
format("export PID=`cat %s`", pidFile),
"[[ -n \"$PID\" ]] || exit 0",
sudoIfPrivilegedPort(getHttpPort(), "kill $PID")
public void kill() {
stop(); // TODO Don't `kill -9`, as that doesn't stop the worker processes
public void restart() {
try {
if (isRunning()) {
} catch (Exception e) {
log.debug(getEntity() + " stop failed during restart (but wasn't in stop state, so not surprising): " + e);
private final ExecController reloadExecutor = new ExecController(
new Runnable() {
public void run() {
public void reload() {
// If there are concurrent calls to reload (such that some calls come in when another call is queued), then
// don't bother doing the subsequent calls. Instead just rely on the currently queued call.
// Motivation is that calls to nginx.reload were backing up: we ended up executing lots of them in parallel
// when there were several changes to the nginx conifg that requiring a reload. The problem can be particularly
// bad because the ssh commands take a second or two - if 10 changes were made to the config in that time, we'd
// end up executing reload 10 times in parallel.;
private void reloadImpl() {
// Note that previously, if serviceUp==false then we'd restart nginx.
// That caused a race on stop()+reload(): nginx could simultaneously be stopping and also reconfiguring
// (e.g. due to a cluster-resize), the restart() would leave nginx running even after stop() had returned.
// Now we rely on NginxController always calling update (and thus reload) once it has started. This is
// done in AbstractController.postActivation().
// If our blocking check sees that !isRunning() (and if a separate thread is starting it, and subsequently
// calling waitForEntityStart()), we can guarantee that the start-thread's call to update will happen after
// this call to reload. So we this can be a no-op, and just rely on that subsequent call to update.
Lifecycle lifecycle = entity.getAttribute(NginxController.SERVICE_STATE);
boolean running = isRunning();
if (!running) {
log.debug("Ignoring reload of nginx "+entity+", because service is not running (state "+lifecycle+")");
* Instructs nginx to reload its configuration (without restarting, so don't lose any requests).
* Can be overridden if necessary, to change the call used for reloading.
protected void doReloadNow() {
* We use kill -HUP because that is recommended at,
* but there is no noticeable difference (i.e. no impact on #365) compared to:
* sudoIfPrivilegedPort(getHttpPort(), format("./sbin/nginx -p %s/ -c conf/server.conf -s reload", getRunDir()))
* Note that if conf file is invalid, you'll get no stdout/stderr from `kill` but you
* do from using `nginx ... -s reload` so that can be handly when manually debugging.
format("cd %s", getRunDir()),
format("export PID=`cat %s`", NGINX_PID_FILE),
"kill -HUP $PID"
* Executes the given task, but only if another thread hasn't executed it for us (where the other thread
* began executing it after the current caller of {@link #run()} began attempting to do so itself).
* @author aled
private static class ExecController {
private final String summary;
private final Runnable task;
private final AtomicLong counter = new AtomicLong();
ExecController(String summary, Runnable task) {
this.summary = summary;
this.task = task;
void run() {
long preCount = counter.get();
synchronized (this) {
if (counter.compareAndSet(preCount, preCount+1)) {
try {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Executing {}; incremented count to {}", new Object[] {summary, counter});;
} catch (Exception e) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Failed executing {}; reseting count to {} and propagating exception: {}", new Object[] {summary, preCount, e});
throw Throwables.propagate(e);
} else {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Not executing {} because executed by another thread subsequent to us attempting (preCount {}; count {})", new Object[] {summary, preCount, counter});