.NET: Fix Apache.Ignite.exe command line help
diff --git a/modules/platforms/dotnet/Apache.Ignite/IgniteRunner.cs b/modules/platforms/dotnet/Apache.Ignite/IgniteRunner.cs
index 68a8445..5703aa6 100644
--- a/modules/platforms/dotnet/Apache.Ignite/IgniteRunner.cs
+++ b/modules/platforms/dotnet/Apache.Ignite/IgniteRunner.cs
@@ -126,17 +126,19 @@
             Console.WriteLine("Usage: Apache.Ignite.exe [/install] [/uninstall] [-options]");
-            Console.WriteLine("\t/install [-options]    installs Ignite Windows service with provided options");
-            Console.WriteLine("\t/uninstall             uninstalls Ignite Windows service");
+            Console.WriteLine("\t/install [-options]    installs Ignite Windows service with provided options.");
+            Console.WriteLine("\t/uninstall             uninstalls Ignite Windows service.");
-            Console.WriteLine("\t-IgniteHome            path to Ignite installation directory (if not provided IGNITE_HOME environment variable is used)");
-            Console.WriteLine("\t-springConfigUrl       path to spring configuration file (if not provided \"config/default-config.xml\" is used)");
-            Console.WriteLine("\t-jvmDllPath            path to JVM library jvm.dll (if not provided JAVA_HOME environment variable is used)");
-            Console.WriteLine("\t-jvmClasspath          classpath passed to JVM (enlist additional jar files here)");
-            Console.WriteLine("\t-suppressWarnings      wether to print warnings");
-            Console.WriteLine("\t-J<javaOption>         JVM options passed to created JVM");
-            Console.WriteLine("\t-assembly=userLib.dll  additional .Net assemblies");
+            Console.WriteLine("\t-IgniteHome            path to Ignite installation directory (if not provided IGNITE_HOME environment variable is used).");
+            Console.WriteLine("\t-ConfigSectionName     name of the IgniteConfigurationSection in app.config to use.");
+            Console.WriteLine("\t-ConfigFileName        path to the app.config file (if not provided Apache.Ignite.exe.config is used).");
+            Console.WriteLine("\t-springConfigUrl       path to Spring configuration file.");
+            Console.WriteLine("\t-jvmDllPath            path to JVM library jvm.dll (if not provided JAVA_HOME environment variable is used).");
+            Console.WriteLine("\t-jvmClasspath          classpath passed to JVM (enlist additional jar files here).");
+            Console.WriteLine("\t-suppressWarnings      whether to print warnings.");
+            Console.WriteLine("\t-J<javaOption>         JVM options passed to created JVM.");
+            Console.WriteLine("\t-assembly=userLib.dll  additional .NET assemblies to be loaded.");
             Console.WriteLine("\t-jvmInitialMemoryMB    Initial Java heap size, in megabytes. Maps to -Xms Java parameter. Defaults to 512.");
             Console.WriteLine("\t-jvmMaxMemoryMB        Maximum Java heap size, in megabytes. Maps to -Xmx Java parameter. Defaults to 1024.");