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<manualpage metafile="auth.xml.meta">
<parentdocument href="./">How-To / Tutoriales</parentdocument>
<title>Autenticación y Autorización</title>
<p>Autenticación es cualquier proceso por el cuál se verifica que uno es
quien dice ser. Autorización es cualquier proceso en el cuál cualquiera
está permitido a estar donde se quiera, o tener información la cuál se
quiera tener.
<p>Para información de control de acceso de forma genérica visite<a href="access.html">How to de Control de Acceso</a>.</p>
<section id="related"><title>Módulos y Directivas Relacionados</title>
<p>Hay tres tipos de módulos involucrados en los procesos de la autenticación
y autorización. Normalmente deberás escoger al menos un módulo de cada grupo.</p>
<li>Modos de Autenticación (consulte la directiva
<directive module="mod_authn_core">AuthType</directive> )
<li>Proveedor de Autenticación (consulte la directiva
<directive module="mod_auth_basic">AuthBasicProvider</directive> y
<directive module="mod_auth_digest">AuthDigestProvider</directive>)
<li>Autorización (consulte la directiva
<directive module="mod_authz_core">Require</directive>)
<p>A parte de éstos módulos, también están
<module>mod_authn_core</module> y
<module>mod_authz_core</module>. Éstos módulos implementan las directivas
esenciales que son el centro de todos los módulos de autenticación.</p>
<p>El módulo <module>mod_authnz_ldap</module> es tanto un proveedor de
autenticación como de autorización. El módulo
<module>mod_authz_host</module> proporciona autorización y control de acceso
basado en el nombre del Host, la dirección IP o características de la propia
petición, pero no es parte del sistema proveedor de
autenticación. Para tener compatibilidad inversa con el mod_access,
hay un nuevo modulo llamado <module>mod_access_compat</module>.</p>
<p>También puedes mirar el how-to de <a
href="access.html">Control de Acceso </a>, donde se plantean varias formas del control de acceso al servidor.</p>
<section id="introduction"><title>Introducción</title>
<p>Si se tiene información en nuestra página web que sea información
sensible o pensada para un grupo reducido de usuarios/personas,
las técnicas que se describen en este manual, le servirán
de ayuda para asegurarse de que las personas que ven esas páginas sean
las personas que uno quiere.</p>
<p>Este artículo cubre la parte "estándar" de cómo proteger partes de un
sitio web que muchos usarán.</p>
<p>Si de verdad es necesario que tus datos estén en un sitio seguro,
considera usar <module>mod_ssl</module> como método de autenticación adicional a cualquier forma de autenticación.</p>
<section id="theprerequisites"><title>Los Prerequisitos</title>
<p>Las directivas que se usan en este artículo necesitaran ponerse ya sea
en el fichero de configuración principal del servidor ( típicamente en
la sección
<directive module="core" type="section">Directory</directive> de httpd.conf ), o
en cada uno de los ficheros de configuraciones del propio directorio
(los archivos <code>.htaccess</code>).</p>
<p>Si planea usar los ficheros <code>.htaccess</code> , necesitarás
tener en la configuración global del servidor, una configuración que permita
poner directivas de autenticación en estos ficheros. Esto se hace con la
directiva <directive module="core">AllowOverride</directive>, la cual especifica
que directivas, en su caso, pueden ser puestas en cada fichero de configuración
por directorio.</p>
<p>Ya que estamos hablando aquí de autenticación, necesitarás una directiva
<directive module="core">AllowOverride</directive> como la siguiente:
<highlight language="config">
AllowOverride AuthConfig
<p>O, si solo se van a poner las directivas directamente en la configuración
principal del servidor, deberás tener, claro está, permisos de escritura
en el archivo. </p>
<p>Y necesitarás saber un poco de como está estructurado el árbol de
directorios de tu servidor, para poder saber donde se encuentran algunos
archivos. Esto no debería ser una tarea difícil, aún así intentaremos
dejarlo claro llegado el momento de comentar dicho aspecto.</p>
<p>También deberás de asegurarte de que los módulos
<module>mod_authn_core</module> y <module>mod_authz_core</module>
han sido incorporados, o añadidos a la hora de compilar en tu binario httpd o
cargados mediante el archivo de configuración <code>httpd.conf</code>. Estos
dos módulos proporcionan directivas básicas y funcionalidades que son críticas
para la configuración y uso de autenticación y autorización en el servidor web.</p>
<section id="gettingitworking"><title>Conseguir que funcione</title>
<p>Aquí está lo básico de cómo proteger con contraseña un directorio en tu
<p>Primero, necesitarás crear un fichero de contraseña. Dependiendo de que
proveedor de autenticación se haya elegido, se hará de una forma u otra. Para empezar,
usaremos un fichero de contraseña de tipo texto.</p>
<p>Este fichero deberá estar en un sitio que no se pueda tener acceso desde
la web. Esto también implica que nadie pueda descargarse el fichero de
contraseñas. Por ejemplo, si tus documentos están guardados fuera de
<code>/usr/local/apache/htdocs</code>, querrás poner tu archivo de contraseñas en
<p>Para crear el fichero de contraseñas, usa la utilidad
<program>htpasswd</program> que viene con Apache. Esta herramienta se
encuentra en el directorio <code>bin</code> en donde sea que se ha
instalado el Apache. Si ha instalado Apache desde un paquete de terceros,
puede ser que se encuentre en su ruta de ejecución.</p>
<p>Para crear el fichero, escribiremos:</p>
htpasswd -c /usr/local/apache/passwd/passwords rbowen
<p><program>htpasswd</program> te preguntará por una contraseña, y después
te pedirá que la vuelvas a escribir para confirmarla:</p>
# htpasswd -c /usr/local/apache/passwd/passwords rbowen<br />
New password: mypassword<br />
Re-type new password: mypassword<br />
Adding password for user rbowen
<p>If <program>htpasswd</program> is not in your path, of course
you'll have to type the full path to the file to get it to run.
With a default installation, it's located at
<p>Next, you'll need to configure the server to request a
password and tell the server which users are allowed access.
You can do this either by editing the <code>httpd.conf</code>
file or using an <code>.htaccess</code> file. For example, if
you wish to protect the directory
<code>/usr/local/apache/htdocs/secret</code>, you can use the
following directives, either placed in the file
<code>/usr/local/apache/htdocs/secret/.htaccess</code>, or
placed in <code>httpd.conf</code> inside a &lt;Directory
"/usr/local/apache/htdocs/secret"&gt; section.</p>
<highlight language="config">
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Restricted Files"
# (Following line optional)
AuthBasicProvider file
AuthUserFile "/usr/local/apache/passwd/passwords"
Require user rbowen
<p>Let's examine each of those directives individually. The <directive
module="mod_authn_core">AuthType</directive> directive selects
that method that is used to authenticate the user. The most
common method is <code>Basic</code>, and this is the method
implemented by <module>mod_auth_basic</module>. It is important to be aware,
however, that Basic authentication sends the password from the client to
the server unencrypted. This method should therefore not be used for
highly sensitive data, unless accompanied by <module>mod_ssl</module>.
Apache supports one other authentication method:
<code>AuthType Digest</code>. This method is implemented by <module
>mod_auth_digest</module> and was intended to be more secure. This is no
longer the case and the connection should be encrypted with <module
>mod_ssl</module> instead.</p>
<p>The <directive module="mod_authn_core">AuthName</directive> directive sets
the <dfn>Realm</dfn> to be used in the authentication. The realm serves
two major functions. First, the client often presents this information to
the user as part of the password dialog box. Second, it is used by the
client to determine what password to send for a given authenticated
<p>So, for example, once a client has authenticated in the
<code>"Restricted Files"</code> area, it will automatically
retry the same password for any area on the same server that is
marked with the <code>"Restricted Files"</code> Realm.
Therefore, you can prevent a user from being prompted more than
once for a password by letting multiple restricted areas share
the same realm. Of course, for security reasons, the client
will always need to ask again for the password whenever the
hostname of the server changes.</p>
<p>The <directive
module="mod_auth_basic">AuthBasicProvider</directive> is,
in this case, optional, since <code>file</code> is the default value
for this directive. You'll need to use this directive if you are
choosing a different source for authentication, such as
<module>mod_authn_dbm</module> or <module>mod_authn_dbd</module>.</p>
<p>The <directive module="mod_authn_file">AuthUserFile</directive>
directive sets the path to the password file that we just
created with <program>htpasswd</program>. If you have a large number
of users, it can be quite slow to search through a plain text
file to authenticate the user on each request. Apache also has
the ability to store user information in fast database files.
The <module>mod_authn_dbm</module> module provides the <directive
module="mod_authn_dbm">AuthDBMUserFile</directive> directive. These
files can be created and manipulated with the <program>
dbmmanage</program> and <program>htdbm</program> programs. Many
other types of authentication options are available from third
party modules in the <a
href="">Apache Modules
<p>Finally, the <directive module="mod_authz_core">Require</directive>
directive provides the authorization part of the process by
setting the user that is allowed to access this region of the
server. In the next section, we discuss various ways to use the
<directive module="mod_authz_core">Require</directive> directive.</p>
<section id="lettingmorethanonepersonin"><title>Letting more than one
person in</title>
<p>The directives above only let one person (specifically
someone with a username of <code>rbowen</code>) into the
directory. In most cases, you'll want to let more than one
person in. This is where the <directive module="mod_authz_groupfile"
>AuthGroupFile</directive> comes in.</p>
<p>If you want to let more than one person in, you'll need to
create a group file that associates group names with a list of
users in that group. The format of this file is pretty simple,
and you can create it with your favorite editor. The contents
of the file will look like this:</p>
GroupName: rbowen dpitts sungo rshersey
<p>That's just a list of the members of the group in a long
line separated by spaces.</p>
<p>To add a user to your already existing password file,
htpasswd /usr/local/apache/passwd/passwords dpitts
<p>You'll get the same response as before, but it will be
appended to the existing file, rather than creating a new file.
(It's the <code>-c</code> that makes it create a new password
<p>Now, you need to modify your <code>.htaccess</code> file to
look like the following:</p>
<highlight language="config">
AuthType Basic
AuthName "By Invitation Only"
# Optional line:
AuthBasicProvider file
AuthUserFile "/usr/local/apache/passwd/passwords"
AuthGroupFile "/usr/local/apache/passwd/groups"
Require group GroupName
<p>Now, anyone that is listed in the group <code>GroupName</code>,
and has an entry in the <code>password</code> file, will be let in, if
they type the correct password.</p>
<p>There's another way to let multiple users in that is less
specific. Rather than creating a group file, you can just use
the following directive:</p>
<highlight language="config">
Require valid-user
<p>Using that rather than the <code>Require user rbowen</code>
line will allow anyone in that is listed in the password file,
and who correctly enters their password. You can even emulate
the group behavior here, by just keeping a separate password
file for each group. The advantage of this approach is that
Apache only has to check one file, rather than two. The
disadvantage is that you have to maintain a bunch of password
files, and remember to reference the right one in the
<directive module="mod_authn_file">AuthUserFile</directive> directive.</p>
<section id="possibleproblems"><title>Possible problems</title>
<p>Because of the way that Basic authentication is specified,
your username and password must be verified every time you
request a document from the server. This is even if you're
reloading the same page, and for every image on the page (if
they come from a protected directory). As you can imagine, this
slows things down a little. The amount that it slows things
down is proportional to the size of the password file, because
it has to open up that file, and go down the list of users
until it gets to your name. And it has to do this every time a
page is loaded.</p>
<p>A consequence of this is that there's a practical limit to
how many users you can put in one password file. This limit
will vary depending on the performance of your particular
server machine, but you can expect to see slowdowns once you
get above a few hundred entries, and may wish to consider a
different authentication method at that time.</p>
<section id="dbmdbd"><title>Alternate password storage</title>
<p>Because storing passwords in plain text files has the above
problems, you may wish to store your passwords somewhere else, such
as in a database.</p>
<p><module>mod_authn_dbm</module> and <module>mod_authn_dbd</module> are two
modules which make this possible. Rather than selecting <code><directive
module="mod_auth_basic">AuthBasicProvider</directive> file</code>, instead
you can choose <code>dbm</code> or <code>dbd</code> as your storage
<p>To select a dbm file rather than a text file, for example:</p>
<highlight language="config">
&lt;Directory "/www/docs/private"&gt;
AuthName "Private"
AuthType Basic
AuthBasicProvider dbm
AuthDBMUserFile "/www/passwords/passwd.dbm"
Require valid-user
<p>Other options are available. Consult the
<module>mod_authn_dbm</module> documentation for more details.</p>
<section id="multprovider"><title>Using multiple providers</title>
<p>With the introduction of the new provider based authentication and
authorization architecture, you are no longer locked into a single
authentication or authorization method. In fact any number of the
providers can be mixed and matched to provide you with exactly the
scheme that meets your needs. In the following example, both the
file and LDAP based authentication providers are being used.</p>
<highlight language="config">
&lt;Directory "/www/docs/private"&gt;
AuthName "Private"
AuthType Basic
AuthBasicProvider file ldap
AuthUserFile "/usr/local/apache/passwd/passwords"
AuthLDAPURL ldap://ldaphost/o=yourorg
Require valid-user
<p>In this example the file provider will attempt to authenticate
the user first. If it is unable to authenticate the user, the LDAP
provider will be called. This allows the scope of authentication
to be broadened if your organization implements more than
one type of authentication store. Other authentication and authorization
scenarios may include mixing one type of authentication with a
different type of authorization. For example, authenticating against
a password file yet authorizing against an LDAP directory.</p>
<p>Just as multiple authentication providers can be implemented, multiple
authorization methods can also be used. In this example both file group
authorization as well as LDAP group authorization is being used.</p>
<highlight language="config">
&lt;Directory "/www/docs/private"&gt;
AuthName "Private"
AuthType Basic
AuthBasicProvider file
AuthUserFile "/usr/local/apache/passwd/passwords"
AuthLDAPURL ldap://ldaphost/o=yourorg
AuthGroupFile "/usr/local/apache/passwd/groups"
Require group GroupName
Require ldap-group cn=mygroup,o=yourorg
<p>To take authorization a little further, authorization container
directives such as
<directive module="mod_authz_core" type="section">RequireAll</directive>
<directive module="mod_authz_core" type="section">RequireAny</directive>
allow logic to be applied so that the order in which authorization
is handled can be completely controlled through the configuration.
See <a href="../mod/mod_authz_core.html#logic">Authorization
Containers</a> for an example of how they may be applied.</p>
<section id="beyond"><title>Beyond just authorization</title>
<p>The way that authorization can be applied is now much more flexible
than just a single check against a single data store. Ordering, logic
and choosing how authorization will be done is now possible.</p>
<section id="authandororder"><title>Applying logic and ordering</title>
<p>Controlling how and in what order authorization will be applied
has been a bit of a mystery in the past. In Apache 2.2 a provider-based
authentication mechanism was introduced to decouple the actual
authentication process from authorization and supporting functionality.
One of the side benefits was that authentication providers could be
configured and called in a specific order which didn't depend on the
load order of the auth module itself. This same provider based mechanism
has been brought forward into authorization as well. What this means is
that the <directive module="mod_authz_core">Require</directive> directive
not only specifies which authorization methods should be used, it also
specifies the order in which they are called. Multiple authorization
methods are called in the same order in which the
<directive module="mod_authz_core">Require</directive> directives
appear in the configuration.</p>
<p>With the introduction of authorization container directives
such as
<directive module="mod_authz_core" type="section">RequireAll</directive>
<directive module="mod_authz_core" type="section">RequireAny</directive>,
the configuration also has control over when the
authorization methods are called and what criteria determines when
access is granted. See
<a href="../mod/mod_authz_core.html#logic">Authorization Containers</a>
for an example of how they may be used to express complex
authorization logic.</p>
<p>By default all
<directive module="mod_authz_core">Require</directive>
directives are handled as though contained within a
<directive module="mod_authz_core" type="section">RequireAny</directive>
container directive. In other words, if
any of the specified authorization methods succeed, then authorization
is granted.</p>
<section id="reqaccessctrl"><title>Using authorization providers for access control</title>
<p>Authentication by username and password is only part of the
story. Frequently you want to let people in based on something
other than who they are. Something such as where they are
coming from.</p>
<p>The authorization providers <code>all</code>,
<code>env</code>, <code>host</code> and <code>ip</code> let you
allow or deny access based on other host based criteria such as
host name or ip address of the machine requesting a
<p>The usage of these providers is specified through the
<directive module="mod_authz_core">Require</directive> directive.
This directive registers the authorization providers
that will be called during the authorization stage of the request
processing. For example:</p>
<highlight language="config">
Require ip <var>address</var>
<p>where <var>address</var> is an IP address (or a partial IP
address) or:</p>
<highlight language="config">
Require host <var>domain_name</var>
<p>where <var>domain_name</var> is a fully qualified domain name
(or a partial domain name); you may provide multiple addresses or
domain names, if desired.</p>
<p>For example, if you have someone spamming your message
board, and you want to keep them out, you could do the
<highlight language="config">
Require all granted
Require not ip
<p>Visitors coming from that address will not be able to see
the content covered by this directive. If, instead, you have a
machine name, rather than an IP address, you can use that.</p>
<highlight language="config">
Require all granted
Require not host
<p>And, if you'd like to block access from an entire domain,
you can specify just part of an address or domain name:</p>
<highlight language="config">
Require all granted
Require not ip 192.168.205
Require not host moreidiots.example
Require not host ke
<p>Using <directive module="mod_authz_core" type="section">RequireAll</directive>
with multiple <directive module="mod_authz_core"
type="section">Require</directive> directives, each negated with <code>not</code>,
will only allow access, if all of negated conditions are true. In other words,
access will be blocked, if any of the negated conditions fails.</p>
<section id="filesystem"><title>Access Control backwards compatibility</title>
<p>One of the side effects of adopting a provider based mechanism for
authentication is that the previous access control directives
<directive module="mod_access_compat">Order</directive>,
<directive module="mod_access_compat">Allow</directive>,
<directive module="mod_access_compat">Deny</directive> and
<directive module="mod_access_compat">Satisfy</directive> are no longer needed.
However to provide backwards compatibility for older configurations, these
directives have been moved to the <module>mod_access_compat</module> module.</p>
<note type="warning"><title>Note</title>
<p>The directives provided by <module>mod_access_compat</module> have
been deprecated by <module>mod_authz_host</module>.
Mixing old directives like <directive
module="mod_access_compat">Order</directive>, <directive
module="mod_access_compat">Allow</directive> or <directive
module="mod_access_compat">Deny</directive> with new ones like
<directive module="mod_authz_core">Require</directive> is technically possible
but discouraged. The <module>mod_access_compat</module> module was created to support
configurations containing only old directives to facilitate the 2.4 upgrade.
Please check the <a href="../upgrading.html">upgrading</a> guide for more
<section id="socache"><title>Authentication Caching</title>
<p>There may be times when authentication puts an unacceptable load
on a provider or on your network. This is most likely to affect users
of <module>mod_authn_dbd</module> (or third-party/custom providers).
To deal with this, HTTPD 2.3/2.4 introduces a new caching provider
<module>mod_authn_socache</module> to cache credentials and reduce
the load on the origin provider(s).</p>
<p>This may offer a substantial performance boost to some users.</p>
<section id="moreinformation"><title>More information</title>
<p>You should also read the documentation for
<module>mod_auth_basic</module> and <module>mod_authz_host</module>
which contain some more information about how this all works. The
directive <directive type="section"
module="mod_authn_core">AuthnProviderAlias</directive> can also help
in simplifying certain authentication configurations.</p>
<p>The various ciphers supported by Apache for authentication data are
explained in <a href="../misc/password_encryptions.html">Password
<p>And you may want to look at the <a href="access.html">Access
Control</a> howto, which discusses a number of related topics.</p>