blob: 9680511c2e9e991b1481048535c3f2d5cdf47ed3 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.helix.messaging.handling;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.apache.helix.ConfigAccessor;
import org.apache.helix.HelixConstants;
import org.apache.helix.HelixDataAccessor;
import org.apache.helix.HelixException;
import org.apache.helix.HelixManager;
import org.apache.helix.MessageListener;
import org.apache.helix.NotificationContext;
import org.apache.helix.NotificationContext.MapKey;
import org.apache.helix.NotificationContext.Type;
import org.apache.helix.PropertyKey;
import org.apache.helix.PropertyKey.Builder;
import org.apache.helix.model.CurrentState;
import org.apache.helix.model.HelixConfigScope;
import org.apache.helix.model.HelixConfigScope.ConfigScopeProperty;
import org.apache.helix.model.Message;
import org.apache.helix.model.Message.MessageState;
import org.apache.helix.model.Message.MessageType;
import org.apache.helix.model.builder.HelixConfigScopeBuilder;
import org.apache.helix.monitoring.ParticipantMonitor;
import org.apache.helix.monitoring.mbeans.MessageQueueMonitor;
import org.apache.helix.participant.HelixStateMachineEngine;
import org.apache.helix.util.StatusUpdateUtil;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
public class HelixTaskExecutor implements MessageListener, TaskExecutor {
* Put together all registration information about a message handler factory
class MsgHandlerFactoryRegistryItem {
private final MessageHandlerFactory _factory;
private final int _threadPoolSize;
public MsgHandlerFactoryRegistryItem(MessageHandlerFactory factory, int threadPoolSize) {
if (factory == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Message handler factory is null");
if (threadPoolSize <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal thread pool size: " + threadPoolSize);
_factory = factory;
_threadPoolSize = threadPoolSize;
int threadPoolSize() {
return _threadPoolSize;
MessageHandlerFactory factory() {
return _factory;
private static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(HelixTaskExecutor.class);
// TODO: we need to further design how to throttle this.
// From storage point of view, only bootstrap case is expensive
// and we need to throttle, which is mostly IO / network bounded.
public static final int DEFAULT_PARALLEL_TASKS = 40;
// TODO: create per-task type threadpool with customizable pool size
protected final Map<String, MessageTaskInfo> _taskMap;
private final Object _lock;
private final StatusUpdateUtil _statusUpdateUtil;
private final ParticipantMonitor _monitor;
public static final String MAX_THREADS = "maxThreads";
private MessageQueueMonitor _messageQueueMonitor;
* Map of MsgType->MsgHandlerFactoryRegistryItem
final ConcurrentHashMap<String, MsgHandlerFactoryRegistryItem> _hdlrFtyRegistry;
final ConcurrentHashMap<String, ExecutorService> _executorMap;
final Map<String, Integer> _resourceThreadpoolSizeMap;
// timer for schedule timeout tasks
final Timer _timer;
public HelixTaskExecutor() {
_taskMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, MessageTaskInfo>();
_hdlrFtyRegistry = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, MsgHandlerFactoryRegistryItem>();
_executorMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, ExecutorService>();
_resourceThreadpoolSizeMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Integer>();
_lock = new Object();
_statusUpdateUtil = new StatusUpdateUtil();
_monitor = new ParticipantMonitor();
_timer = new Timer(true); // created as a daemon timer thread to handle task timeout
public void registerMessageHandlerFactory(String type, MessageHandlerFactory factory) {
registerMessageHandlerFactory(type, factory, DEFAULT_PARALLEL_TASKS);
public void registerMessageHandlerFactory(String type, MessageHandlerFactory factory,
int threadpoolSize) {
if (!type.equalsIgnoreCase(factory.getMessageType())) {
throw new HelixException("Message factory type mismatch. Type: " + type + ", factory: "
+ factory.getMessageType());
MsgHandlerFactoryRegistryItem newItem =
new MsgHandlerFactoryRegistryItem(factory, threadpoolSize);
MsgHandlerFactoryRegistryItem prevItem = _hdlrFtyRegistry.putIfAbsent(type, newItem);
if (prevItem == null) {
ExecutorService newPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(threadpoolSize);
ExecutorService prevExecutor = _executorMap.putIfAbsent(type, newPool);
if (prevExecutor != null) {
LOG.warn("Skip creating a new thread pool for type: " + type + ", already existing pool: "
+ prevExecutor + ", isShutdown: " + prevExecutor.isShutdown());
newPool = null;
}"Registered message handler factory for type: " + type + ", poolSize: "
+ threadpoolSize + ", factory: " + factory + ", pool: " + _executorMap.get(type));
} else {"Skip register message handler factory for type: " + type + ", poolSize: "
+ threadpoolSize + ", factory: " + factory + ", already existing factory: "
+ prevItem.factory());
newItem = null;
public ParticipantMonitor getParticipantMonitor() {
return _monitor;
private void startMonitorThread() {
// start a thread which monitors the completions of task
void checkResourceConfig(String resourceName, HelixManager manager) {
if (!_resourceThreadpoolSizeMap.containsKey(resourceName)) {
int threadpoolSize = -1;
ConfigAccessor configAccessor = manager.getConfigAccessor();
if (configAccessor != null) {
HelixConfigScope scope =
new HelixConfigScopeBuilder(ConfigScopeProperty.RESOURCE)
String threadpoolSizeStr = configAccessor.get(scope, MAX_THREADS);
try {
if (threadpoolSizeStr != null) {
threadpoolSize = Integer.parseInt(threadpoolSizeStr);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("", e);
if (threadpoolSize > 0) {
String key = MessageType.STATE_TRANSITION.toString() + "." + resourceName;
_executorMap.put(key, Executors.newFixedThreadPool(threadpoolSize));"Added per resource threadpool for resource: " + resourceName + " with size: "
+ threadpoolSize);
_resourceThreadpoolSizeMap.put(resourceName, threadpoolSize);
* Find the executor service for the message. A message can have a per-statemodelfactory
* executor service, or per-message type executor service.
ExecutorService findExecutorServiceForMsg(Message message) {
ExecutorService executorService = _executorMap.get(message.getMsgType());
if (message.getMsgType().equals(MessageType.STATE_TRANSITION.toString())) {
ResourceId resourceId = message.getResourceId();
if (resourceId != null) {
String key = message.getMsgType() + "." + resourceId;
if (_executorMap.containsKey(key)) {"Find per-resource thread pool with key: " + key);
executorService = _executorMap.get(key);
return executorService;
// ExecutorService impl's in JDK are thread-safe
public List<Future<HelixTaskResult>> invokeAllTasks(List<MessageTask> tasks, long timeout,
TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException {
if (tasks == null || tasks.size() == 0) {
return null;
// check all tasks use the same executor-service
ExecutorService exeSvc = findExecutorServiceForMsg(tasks.get(0).getMessage());
for (int i = 1; i < tasks.size(); i++) {
MessageTask task = tasks.get(i);
ExecutorService curExeSvc = findExecutorServiceForMsg(task.getMessage());
if (curExeSvc != exeSvc) {
LOG.error("Fail to invoke all tasks because they are not using the same executor-service");
return null;
// TODO: check if any of the task has already been scheduled
// this is a blocking call
List<Future<HelixTaskResult>> futures = exeSvc.invokeAll(tasks, timeout, unit);
return futures;
public boolean cancelTimeoutTask(MessageTask task) {
synchronized (_lock) {
String taskId = task.getTaskId();
if (_taskMap.containsKey(taskId)) {
MessageTaskInfo info = _taskMap.get(taskId);
if (info._timerTask != null) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean scheduleTask(MessageTask task) {
String taskId = task.getTaskId();
Message message = task.getMessage();
NotificationContext notificationContext = task.getNotificationContext();
try {
if (message.getMsgType().equals(MessageType.STATE_TRANSITION.toString())) {
checkResourceConfig(message.getResourceId().toString(), notificationContext.getManager());
}"Scheduling message: " + taskId);
// System.out.println("sched msg: " + message.getPartitionName() + "-"
// + message.getTgtName() + "-" + message.getFromState() + "-"
// + message.getToState());
_statusUpdateUtil.logInfo(message, HelixTaskExecutor.class,
"Message handling task scheduled", notificationContext.getManager()
// this sync guarantees that ExecutorService.submit() task and put taskInfo into map are
// sync'ed
synchronized (_lock) {
if (!_taskMap.containsKey(taskId)) {
ExecutorService exeSvc = findExecutorServiceForMsg(message);"Submit task: " + taskId + " to pool: " + exeSvc);
Future<HelixTaskResult> future = exeSvc.submit(task);
TimerTask timerTask = null;
if (message.getExecutionTimeout() > 0) {
timerTask = new MessageTimeoutTask(this, task);
_timer.schedule(timerTask, message.getExecutionTimeout());"Message starts with timeout " + message.getExecutionTimeout() + " MsgId: "
+ task.getTaskId());
} else {
LOG.debug("Message does not have timeout. MsgId: " + task.getTaskId());
_taskMap.put(taskId, new MessageTaskInfo(task, future, timerTask));"Message: " + taskId + " handling task scheduled");
return true;
} else {
_statusUpdateUtil.logWarning(message, HelixTaskExecutor.class,
"Message handling task already sheduled for " + taskId, notificationContext
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Error while executing task. " + message, e);
_statusUpdateUtil.logError(message, HelixTaskExecutor.class, e, "Error while executing task "
+ e, notificationContext.getManager().getHelixDataAccessor());
return false;
public boolean cancelTask(MessageTask task) {
Message message = task.getMessage();
NotificationContext notificationContext = task.getNotificationContext();
String taskId = task.getTaskId();
synchronized (_lock) {
if (_taskMap.containsKey(taskId)) {
MessageTaskInfo taskInfo = _taskMap.get(taskId);
// cancel timeout task
if (taskInfo._timerTask != null) {
// cancel task
Future<HelixTaskResult> future = taskInfo.getFuture();
_statusUpdateUtil.logInfo(message, HelixTaskExecutor.class, "Canceling task: " + taskId,
// If the thread is still running it will be interrupted if cancel(true)
// is called. So state transition callbacks should implement logic to
// return if it is interrupted.
if (future.cancel(true)) {
_statusUpdateUtil.logInfo(message, HelixTaskExecutor.class, "Canceled task: " + taskId,
return true;
} else {
_statusUpdateUtil.logInfo(message, HelixTaskExecutor.class, "fail to cancel task: "
+ taskId, notificationContext.getManager().getHelixDataAccessor());
} else {
_statusUpdateUtil.logWarning(message, HelixTaskExecutor.class, "fail to cancel task: "
+ taskId + ", future not found", notificationContext.getManager()
return false;
public void finishTask(MessageTask task) {
Message message = task.getMessage();
String taskId = task.getTaskId();"message finished: " + taskId + ", took "
+ (new Date().getTime() - message.getExecuteStartTimeStamp()));
synchronized (_lock) {
if (_taskMap.containsKey(taskId)) {
MessageTaskInfo info = _taskMap.remove(taskId);
if (info._timerTask != null) {
// ok to cancel multiple times
} else {
LOG.warn("message " + taskId + " not found in task map");
private void updateMessageState(List<Message> readMsgs, HelixDataAccessor accessor,
String instanceName) {
Builder keyBuilder = accessor.keyBuilder();
List<PropertyKey> readMsgKeys = new ArrayList<PropertyKey>();
for (Message msg : readMsgs) {
readMsgKeys.add(msg.getKey(keyBuilder, instanceName));
accessor.setChildren(readMsgKeys, readMsgs);
private void shutdownAndAwaitTermination(ExecutorService pool) {"Shutting down pool: " + pool);
pool.shutdown(); // Disable new tasks from being submitted
try {
// Wait a while for existing tasks to terminate
if (!pool.awaitTermination(200, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) {
List<Runnable> waitingTasks = pool.shutdownNow(); // Cancel currently executing tasks"Tasks that never commenced execution: " + waitingTasks);
// Wait a while for tasks to respond to being cancelled
if (!pool.awaitTermination(200, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) {
LOG.error("Pool did not fully terminate in 200ms. pool: " + pool);
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
// (Re-)Cancel if current thread also interrupted
LOG.error("Interruped when waiting for shutdown pool: " + pool, ie);
// Preserve interrupt status
* remove message-handler factory from map, shutdown the associated executor
* @param type
void unregisterMessageHandlerFactory(String type) {
MsgHandlerFactoryRegistryItem item = _hdlrFtyRegistry.remove(type);
ExecutorService pool = _executorMap.remove(type);"Unregistering message handler factory for type: " + type + ", factory: "
+ item.factory() + ", pool: " + pool);
if (pool != null) {
// reset state-model
if (item != null) {
}"Unregistered message handler factory for type: " + type + ", factory: "
+ item.factory() + ", pool: " + pool);
void reset() {"Reset HelixTaskExecutor");
if (_messageQueueMonitor != null) {
for (String msgType : _hdlrFtyRegistry.keySet()) {
// don't un-register factories, just shutdown all executors
ExecutorService pool = _executorMap.remove(msgType);
if (pool != null) {"Reset exectuor for msgType: " + msgType + ", pool: " + pool);
MsgHandlerFactoryRegistryItem item = _hdlrFtyRegistry.get(msgType);
if (item.factory() != null) {
// Log all tasks that fail to terminate
for (String taskId : _taskMap.keySet()) {
MessageTaskInfo info = _taskMap.get(taskId);
LOG.warn("Task: " + taskId + " fails to terminate. Message: " + info._task.getMessage());
void init() {"Init HelixTaskExecutor");
if (_messageQueueMonitor != null) {
// Re-init all existing factories
for (String msgType : _hdlrFtyRegistry.keySet()) {
MsgHandlerFactoryRegistryItem item = _hdlrFtyRegistry.get(msgType);
ExecutorService newPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(item.threadPoolSize());
ExecutorService prevPool = _executorMap.putIfAbsent(msgType, newPool);
if (prevPool != null) {
// Will happen if we register and call init"Skip init a new thread pool for type: " + msgType + ", already existing pool: "
+ prevPool + ", isShutdown: " + prevPool.isShutdown());
newPool = null;
public void onMessage(String instanceName, List<Message> messages,
NotificationContext changeContext) {
HelixManager manager = changeContext.getManager();
if (_messageQueueMonitor == null) {
_messageQueueMonitor =
new MessageQueueMonitor(manager.getClusterName(), manager.getInstanceName());
// If FINALIZE notification comes, reset all handler factories
// and terminate all the thread pools
// TODO: see if we should have a separate notification call for resetting
if (changeContext.getType() == Type.FINALIZE) {
if (changeContext.getType() == Type.INIT) {
// continue to process messages
if (messages == null || messages.size() == 0) {"No Messages to process");
// Update message count
// sort message by creation timestamp, so message created earlier is processed first
Collections.sort(messages, Message.CREATE_TIME_COMPARATOR);
HelixDataAccessor accessor = manager.getHelixDataAccessor();
Builder keyBuilder = accessor.keyBuilder();
// message handlers created
List<MessageHandler> handlers = new ArrayList<MessageHandler>();
// message read
List<Message> readMsgs = new ArrayList<Message>();
String sessionId = manager.getSessionId();
List<String> curResourceNames =
accessor.getChildNames(keyBuilder.currentStates(instanceName, sessionId));
List<PropertyKey> createCurStateKeys = new ArrayList<PropertyKey>();
List<CurrentState> metaCurStates = new ArrayList<CurrentState>();
Set<String> createCurStateNames = new HashSet<String>();
for (Message message : messages) {
// nop messages are simply removed. It is used to trigger onMessage() in
// situations such as register a new message handler factory
if (message.getMsgType().equalsIgnoreCase(MessageType.NO_OP.toString())) {"Dropping NO-OP message. mid: " + message.getId() + ", from: "
+ message.getMsgSrc());
accessor.removeProperty(message.getKey(keyBuilder, instanceName));
SessionId tgtSessionId = message.getTypedTgtSessionId();
// sessionId mismatch normally means message comes from expired session, just remove it
if (tgtSessionId == null ||
(!sessionId.equals(tgtSessionId.toString()) && !tgtSessionId.toString().equals("*"))) {
String warningMessage =
"SessionId does NOT match. expected sessionId: " + sessionId
+ ", tgtSessionId in message: " + tgtSessionId + ", messageId: "
+ message.getMessageId();
accessor.removeProperty(message.getKey(keyBuilder, instanceName));
_statusUpdateUtil.logWarning(message, HelixStateMachineEngine.class, warningMessage,
// don't process message that is of READ or UNPROCESSABLE state
if (MessageState.NEW != message.getMsgState()) {
// It happens because we don't delete message right after
// read. Instead we keep it until the current state is updated.
// We will read the message again if there is a new message but we
// check for the status and ignore if its already read
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOG.trace("Message already read. msgId: " + message.getMessageId());
// create message handlers, if handlers not found, leave its state as NEW
try {
MessageHandler createHandler = createMessageHandler(message, changeContext);
if (createHandler == null) {
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Failed to create message handler for " + message.getMessageId(), e);
String error =
"Failed to create message handler for " + message.getMessageId() + ", exception: " + e;
_statusUpdateUtil.logError(message, HelixStateMachineEngine.class, e, error, accessor);
accessor.removeProperty(message.getKey(keyBuilder, instanceName));
LOG.error("Message cannot be processed: " + message.getRecord(), e);
// update msgState to read
message.setReadTimeStamp(new Date().getTime());
_statusUpdateUtil.logInfo(message, HelixStateMachineEngine.class, "New Message", accessor);
// batch creation of all current state meta data
// do it for non-controller and state transition messages only
if (!message.isControlerMsg()
&& message.getMsgType().equals(Message.MessageType.STATE_TRANSITION.toString())) {
ResourceId resourceId = message.getResourceId();
if (!curResourceNames.contains(resourceId.stringify())
&& !createCurStateNames.contains(resourceId.stringify())) {
createCurStateKeys.add(keyBuilder.currentState(instanceName, sessionId,
CurrentState metaCurState = new CurrentState(resourceId.stringify());
String ftyName = message.getStateModelFactoryName();
if (ftyName != null) {
} else {
// batch create curState meta
if (createCurStateKeys.size() > 0) {
try {
accessor.createChildren(createCurStateKeys, metaCurStates);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("fail to create cur-state znodes for messages: " + readMsgs, e);
// update message state to READ in batch and schedule all read messages
if (readMsgs.size() > 0) {
updateMessageState(readMsgs, accessor, instanceName);
for (MessageHandler handler : handlers) {
HelixTask task = new HelixTask(handler._message, changeContext, handler, this);
public MessageHandler createMessageHandler(Message message, NotificationContext changeContext) {
String msgType = message.getMsgType().toString();
MsgHandlerFactoryRegistryItem item = _hdlrFtyRegistry.get(msgType);
MessageHandlerFactory handlerFactory = item.factory();
// Fail to find a MessageHandlerFactory for the message
// we will keep the message and the message will be handled when
// the corresponding MessageHandlerFactory is registered
if (handlerFactory == null) {
LOG.warn("Fail to find message handler factory for type: " + msgType + " msgId: "
+ message.getMessageId());
return null;
// pass the executor to msg-handler since batch-msg-handler needs task-executor to schedule
// sub-msgs
changeContext.add(MapKey.TASK_EXECUTOR.toString(), this);
return handlerFactory.createHandler(message, changeContext);
public void shutdown() {"Shutting down HelixTaskExecutor");
_monitor.shutDown();"Shutdown HelixTaskExecutor finished");