blob: c4f573abe8b51bbf36961618f02fbc37f7b718a3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.harmony.pack200;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* Abstract superclass for a set of bands
public abstract class BandSet {
protected final SegmentHeader segmentHeader;
final int effort;
// Minimum size of band for each effort level where we consider alternative codecs
// Note: these values have been tuned - please test carefully if changing them
private static final int[] effortThresholds = new int[] {0, 0, 1000, 500, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 0};
private long[] canonicalLargest;
private long[] canonicalSmallest;
* Create a new BandSet
* @param effort - the packing effort to be used (must be 1-9)
* @param header - the segment header
public BandSet(int effort, SegmentHeader header) {
this.effort = effort;
this.segmentHeader = header;
* Write the packed set of bands to the given output stream
* @param out
* @throws IOException
* @throws Pack200Exception
public abstract void pack(OutputStream out) throws IOException, Pack200Exception;
* Encode a band without considering other Codecs
* @param band - the band
* @param codec - the Codec to use
* @return the encoded band
* @throws Pack200Exception
public byte[] encodeScalar(int[] band, BHSDCodec codec) throws Pack200Exception {
return codec.encode(band);
* Encode a single value with the given Codec
* @param value - the value to encode
* @param codec - Codec to use
* @return the encoded value
* @throws Pack200Exception
public byte[] encodeScalar(int value, BHSDCodec codec) throws Pack200Exception {
return codec.encode(value);
* Encode a band of integers. The default codec may be used, but other
* Codecs are considered if effort is greater than 1.
* @param name
* - name of the band (used for debugging)
* @param ints
* - the band
* @param defaultCodec
* - the default Codec
* @return the encoded band
* @throws Pack200Exception
public byte[] encodeBandInt(String name, int[] ints, BHSDCodec defaultCodec) throws Pack200Exception {
byte[] encodedBand = null;
// Useful for debugging
// if(ints.length > 0) {
// System.out.println("encoding " + name + " " + ints.length);
// }
if(effort > 1 && (ints.length >= effortThresholds[effort])) {
BandAnalysisResults results = analyseBand(name, ints, defaultCodec);
Codec betterCodec = results.betterCodec;
encodedBand = results.encodedBand;
if(betterCodec != null) {
if(betterCodec instanceof BHSDCodec) {
int[] specifierBand = CodecEncoding.getSpecifier(betterCodec, defaultCodec);
int specifier = specifierBand[0];
if(specifierBand.length > 1) {
for (int i = 1; i < specifierBand.length; i++) {
if(defaultCodec.isSigned()) {
specifier = -1 -specifier;
} else {
specifier = specifier + defaultCodec.getL();
byte[] specifierEncoded = defaultCodec.encode(new int[] {specifier});
byte[] band = new byte[specifierEncoded.length + encodedBand.length];
System.arraycopy(specifierEncoded, 0, band, 0, specifierEncoded.length);
System.arraycopy(encodedBand, 0, band, specifierEncoded.length, encodedBand.length);
return band;
} else if (betterCodec instanceof PopulationCodec) {
int[] extraSpecifierInfo = results.extraMetadata;
for (int i = 0; i < extraSpecifierInfo.length; i++) {
return encodedBand;
} else if (betterCodec instanceof RunCodec) {
// If we get here then we've decided to use the default codec.
if(ints.length > 0) {
if(encodedBand == null) {
encodedBand = defaultCodec.encode(ints);
int first = ints[0];
if(defaultCodec.getB() != 1) {
if (defaultCodec.isSigned() && first >= -256 && first <= -1) {
int specifier = -1 - CodecEncoding.getSpecifierForDefaultCodec(defaultCodec);
byte[] specifierEncoded = defaultCodec.encode(new int[] {specifier});
byte[] band = new byte[specifierEncoded.length + encodedBand.length];
System.arraycopy(specifierEncoded, 0, band, 0, specifierEncoded.length);
System.arraycopy(encodedBand, 0, band, specifierEncoded.length, encodedBand.length);
return band;
} else if (!defaultCodec.isSigned() && first >= defaultCodec.getL()
&& first <= defaultCodec.getL() + 255) {
int specifier = CodecEncoding.getSpecifierForDefaultCodec(defaultCodec) + defaultCodec.getL();
byte[] specifierEncoded = defaultCodec.encode(new int[] {specifier});
byte[] band = new byte[specifierEncoded.length + encodedBand.length];
System.arraycopy(specifierEncoded, 0, band, 0, specifierEncoded.length);
System.arraycopy(encodedBand, 0, band, specifierEncoded.length, encodedBand.length);
return band;
return encodedBand;
return new byte[0];
private BandAnalysisResults analyseBand(String name, int[] band,
BHSDCodec defaultCodec) throws Pack200Exception {
BandAnalysisResults results = new BandAnalysisResults();
if(canonicalLargest == null) {
canonicalLargest = new long[116];
canonicalSmallest = new long[116];
for (int i = 1; i < canonicalLargest.length; i++) {
canonicalLargest[i] = CodecEncoding.getCanonicalCodec(i).largest();
canonicalSmallest[i] = CodecEncoding.getCanonicalCodec(i).smallest();
BandData bandData = new BandData(band);
// Check that there is a reasonable saving to be made
byte[] encoded = defaultCodec.encode(band);
results.encodedBand = encoded;
// Note: these values have been tuned - please test carefully if changing them
if(encoded.length <= band.length + 23 - 2*effort) { // TODO: tweak
return results;
// Check if we can use BYTE1 as that's a 1:1 mapping if we can
if(!bandData.anyNegatives() && bandData.largest <= Codec.BYTE1.largest()) {
results.encodedBand = Codec.BYTE1.encode(band) ;
results.betterCodec = Codec.BYTE1;
return results;
// Consider a population codec (but can't be nested)
if(effort > 3 && !name.equals("POPULATION")) {
int numDistinctValues = bandData.numDistinctValues();
float distinctValuesAsProportion = (float)numDistinctValues / (float)band.length;
// Note: these values have been tuned - please test carefully if changing them
if(numDistinctValues < 100 || distinctValuesAsProportion < 0.02 || (effort > 6 && distinctValuesAsProportion < 0.04)) { // TODO: tweak
encodeWithPopulationCodec(name, band, defaultCodec, bandData, results);
if(timeToStop(results)) {
return results;
List codecFamiliesToTry = new ArrayList();
// See if the deltas are mainly small increments
if(bandData.mainlyPositiveDeltas() && bandData.mainlySmallDeltas()) {
if (bandData.wellCorrelated()) { // Try delta encodings
if (bandData.mainlyPositiveDeltas()) {
} else {
} else {
if (bandData.anyNegatives()) {
} else {
if(name.equalsIgnoreCase("cpint")) {
for (Iterator iterator = codecFamiliesToTry.iterator(); iterator
.hasNext();) {
BHSDCodec[] family = (BHSDCodec[]);
tryCodecs(name, band, defaultCodec, bandData, results, encoded,
if (timeToStop(results)) {
return results;
private boolean timeToStop(BandAnalysisResults results) {
// if tried more than effort number of codecs for this band then return
// Note: these values have been tuned - please test carefully if changing them
if(effort > 6) {
return results.numCodecsTried >= effort * 2;
return results.numCodecsTried >= effort;
// May want to also check how much we've saved if performance needs improving, e.g. saved more than effort*2 %
// || (float)results.saved/(float)results.encodedBand.length > (float)effort * 2/100;
private void tryCodecs(String name, int[] band, BHSDCodec defaultCodec, BandData bandData,
BandAnalysisResults results, byte[] encoded,
BHSDCodec[] potentialCodecs) throws Pack200Exception {
for (int i = 0; i < potentialCodecs.length; i++) {
BHSDCodec potential = potentialCodecs[i];
if(potential.equals(defaultCodec)) {
return; // don't try codecs with greater cardinality in the same 'family' as the default codec as there won't be any savings
if (potential.isDelta()) {
if (potential.largest() >= bandData.largestDelta
&& potential.smallest() <= bandData.smallestDelta
&& potential.largest() >= bandData.largest
&& potential.smallest() <= bandData.smallest) {
// TODO: can represent some negative deltas with overflow
byte[] encoded2 = potential.encode(band);
byte[] specifierEncoded = defaultCodec.encode(CodecEncoding
.getSpecifier(potential, null));
int saved = encoded.length - encoded2.length
- specifierEncoded.length;
if (saved > results.saved) {
results.betterCodec = potential;
results.encodedBand = encoded2;
results.saved = saved;
} else if (potential.largest() >= bandData.largest
&& potential.smallest() <= bandData.smallest) {
byte[] encoded2 = potential.encode(band);
byte[] specifierEncoded = defaultCodec.encode(CodecEncoding
.getSpecifier(potential, null));
int saved = encoded.length - encoded2.length
- specifierEncoded.length;
if (saved > results.saved) {
results.betterCodec = potential;
results.encodedBand = encoded2;
results.saved = saved;
if(timeToStop(results)) {
// This could be useful if further enhancements are done but is not currently used
// private void encodeWithRunCodec(String name, int[] band, int index,
// BHSDCodec defaultCodec, BandData bandData,
// BandAnalysisResults results) throws Pack200Exception {
// int[] firstBand = new int[index];
// int[] secondBand = new int[band.length - index];
// System.arraycopy(band, 0, firstBand, 0, index);
// System.arraycopy(band, index, secondBand, 0, secondBand.length);
// BandAnalysisResults firstResults = analyseBand(name + "A", firstBand, defaultCodec);
// BandAnalysisResults secondResults = analyseBand(name + "B", secondBand, defaultCodec);
// int specifier = 117;
// byte[] specifierEncoded = defaultCodec.encode(new int[] {specifier});
// int totalLength = firstResults.encodedBand.length + secondResults.encodedBand.length + specifierEncoded.length + 4; // TODO actual
// if(totalLength < results.encodedBand.length) {
// System.out.println("using run codec");
// results.saved += results.encodedBand.length - totalLength;
// byte[] encodedBand = new byte[specifierEncoded.length + firstResults.encodedBand.length + secondResults.encodedBand.length];
// System.arraycopy(specifierEncoded, 0, encodedBand, 0, specifierEncoded.length);
// System.arraycopy(firstResults.encodedBand, 0, encodedBand, specifierEncoded.length, firstResults.encodedBand.length);
// System.arraycopy(secondResults.encodedBand, 0, encodedBand, specifierEncoded.length + firstResults.encodedBand.length, secondResults.encodedBand.length);
// results.encodedBand = encodedBand;
// results.betterCodec = new RunCodec(index, firstResults.betterCodec, secondResults.betterCodec);
// }
// }
private void encodeWithPopulationCodec(String name, int[] band,
BHSDCodec defaultCodec, BandData bandData, BandAnalysisResults results) throws Pack200Exception {
results.numCodecsTried += 3; // quite a bit more effort to try this codec
final Map distinctValues = bandData.distinctValues;
List favoured = new ArrayList();
for (Iterator iterator = distinctValues.keySet().iterator(); iterator
.hasNext();) {
Integer value = (Integer);
Integer count = (Integer) distinctValues.get(value);
if(count.intValue() > 2 || distinctValues.size() < 256) { // TODO: tweak
// Sort the favoured list with the most commonly occurring first
if(distinctValues.size() > 255) {
Collections.sort(favoured, new Comparator() {
public int compare(Object arg0, Object arg1) {
return ((Integer)distinctValues.get(arg1)).compareTo((Integer)distinctValues.get(arg0));
IntList unfavoured = new IntList();
Map favouredToIndex = new HashMap();
for (int i = 0; i < favoured.size(); i++) {
Integer value = (Integer) favoured.get(i);
favouredToIndex.put(value, new Integer(i));
int[] tokens = new int[band.length];
for (int i = 0; i < band.length; i++) {
Integer favouredIndex = (Integer)favouredToIndex.get(new Integer(band[i]));
if(favouredIndex == null) {
tokens[i] = 0;
} else {
tokens[i] = favouredIndex.intValue() + 1;
favoured.add(favoured.get(favoured.size() - 1)); // repeat last value
int[] favouredBand = integerListToArray(favoured);
int[] unfavouredBand = unfavoured.toArray();
// Analyse the three bands to get the best codec
BandAnalysisResults favouredResults = analyseBand("POPULATION", favouredBand, defaultCodec);
BandAnalysisResults unfavouredResults = analyseBand("POPULATION", unfavouredBand, defaultCodec);
int tdefL = 0;
int l = 0;
Codec tokenCodec = null;
byte[] tokensEncoded;
int k = favoured.size() - 1;
if(k < 256) {
tdefL = 1;
tokensEncoded = Codec.BYTE1.encode(tokens);
} else {
BandAnalysisResults tokenResults = analyseBand("POPULATION", tokens, defaultCodec);
tokenCodec = tokenResults.betterCodec;
tokensEncoded = tokenResults.encodedBand;
if(tokenCodec == null) {
tokenCodec = defaultCodec;
l = ((BHSDCodec) tokenCodec).getL();
int h = ((BHSDCodec) tokenCodec).getH();
int s = ((BHSDCodec) tokenCodec).getS();
int b = ((BHSDCodec) tokenCodec).getB();
int d = ((BHSDCodec) tokenCodec).isDelta() ? 1 : 0;
if(s == 0 && d == 0) {
boolean canUseTDefL = true;
if(b > 1) {
BHSDCodec oneLowerB = new BHSDCodec(b-1, h);
if(oneLowerB.largest() >= k) {
canUseTDefL = false;
if(canUseTDefL) {
switch (l) {
case 4:
tdefL = 1;
case 8:
tdefL = 2;
case 16:
tdefL = 3;
case 32:
tdefL = 4;
case 64:
tdefL = 5;
case 128:
tdefL = 6;
case 192:
tdefL = 7;
case 224:
tdefL = 8;
case 240:
tdefL = 9;
case 248:
tdefL = 10;
case 252:
tdefL = 11;
byte[] favouredEncoded = favouredResults.encodedBand;
byte[] unfavouredEncoded = unfavouredResults.encodedBand;
Codec favouredCodec = favouredResults.betterCodec;
Codec unfavouredCodec = unfavouredResults.betterCodec;
int specifier = 141 + (favouredCodec == null ? 1 : 0) + (4 * tdefL) + (unfavouredCodec == null ? 2 : 0);
IntList extraBandMetadata = new IntList(3);
if(favouredCodec != null) {
int[] specifiers = CodecEncoding.getSpecifier(favouredCodec, null);
for (int i = 0; i < specifiers.length; i++) {
if(tdefL == 0) {
int[] specifiers = CodecEncoding.getSpecifier(tokenCodec, null);
for (int i = 0; i < specifiers.length; i++) {
if(unfavouredCodec != null) {
int[] specifiers = CodecEncoding.getSpecifier(unfavouredCodec, null);
for (int i = 0; i < specifiers.length; i++) {
int[] extraMetadata = extraBandMetadata.toArray();
byte[] extraMetadataEncoded = Codec.UNSIGNED5.encode(extraMetadata);
if(defaultCodec.isSigned()) {
specifier = -1 -specifier;
} else {
specifier = specifier + defaultCodec.getL();
byte[] firstValueEncoded = defaultCodec.encode(new int[] {specifier});
int totalBandLength = firstValueEncoded.length + favouredEncoded.length + tokensEncoded.length + unfavouredEncoded.length;
if(totalBandLength + extraMetadataEncoded.length < results.encodedBand.length) {
results.saved += results.encodedBand.length - (totalBandLength + extraMetadataEncoded.length);
byte[] encodedBand = new byte[totalBandLength];
System.arraycopy(firstValueEncoded, 0, encodedBand, 0, firstValueEncoded.length);
System.arraycopy(favouredEncoded, 0, encodedBand, firstValueEncoded.length, favouredEncoded.length);
System.arraycopy(tokensEncoded, 0, encodedBand, firstValueEncoded.length + favouredEncoded.length, tokensEncoded.length);
System.arraycopy(unfavouredEncoded, 0, encodedBand, firstValueEncoded.length + favouredEncoded.length + tokensEncoded.length, unfavouredEncoded.length);
results.encodedBand = encodedBand;
results.extraMetadata = extraMetadata;
if(l != 0) {
results.betterCodec = new PopulationCodec(favouredCodec, l, unfavouredCodec);
} else {
results.betterCodec = new PopulationCodec(favouredCodec, tokenCodec, unfavouredCodec);
* Encode a band of longs (values are split into their high and low 32 bits
* and then encoded as two separate bands
* @param name
* - name of the band (for debugging purposes)
* @param flags
* - the band
* @param loCodec
* - Codec for the low 32-bits band
* @param hiCodec
* - Codec for the high 32-bits band
* @param haveHiFlags
* - ignores the high band if true as all values would be zero
* @return the encoded band
* @throws Pack200Exception
protected byte[] encodeFlags(String name, long[] flags, BHSDCodec loCodec, BHSDCodec hiCodec,
boolean haveHiFlags) throws Pack200Exception {
if(!haveHiFlags) {
int[] loBits = new int[flags.length];
for (int i = 0; i < flags.length; i++) {
loBits[i] = (int) flags[i];
return encodeBandInt(name, loBits, loCodec);
} else {
int[] hiBits = new int[flags.length];
int[] loBits = new int[flags.length];
for (int i = 0; i < flags.length; i++) {
long l = flags[i];
hiBits[i] = (int) (l >> 32);
loBits[i] = (int) l;
byte[] hi = encodeBandInt(name, hiBits, hiCodec);
byte[] lo = encodeBandInt(name, loBits, loCodec);
byte[] total = new byte[hi.length + lo.length];
System.arraycopy(hi, 0, total, 0, hi.length);
System.arraycopy(lo, 0, total, hi.length + 1, lo.length);
return total;
* Converts a list of Integers to an int[] array
protected int[] integerListToArray(List integerList) {
int[] array = new int[integerList.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
array[i] = ((Integer)integerList.get(i)).intValue();
return array;
* Converts a list of Longs to an long[] array
protected long[] longListToArray(List longList) {
long[] array = new long[longList.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
array[i] = ((Long)longList.get(i)).longValue();
return array;
* Converts a list of ConstantPoolEntrys to an int[] array of their indices
protected int[] cpEntryListToArray(List list) {
int[] array = new int[list.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
array[i] = ((ConstantPoolEntry)list.get(i)).getIndex();
if(array[i] < 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("Index should be > 0");
return array;
* Converts a list of ConstantPoolEntrys or nulls to an int[] array of their
* indices +1 (or 0 for nulls)
protected int[] cpEntryOrNullListToArray(List theList) {
int[] array = new int[theList.size()];
for (int j = 0; j < array.length; j++) {
ConstantPoolEntry cpEntry = (ConstantPoolEntry) theList.get(j);
array[j] = cpEntry == null ? 0 : cpEntry.getIndex() + 1;
if(cpEntry != null && cpEntry.getIndex() < 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("Index should be > 0");
return array;
protected byte[] encodeFlags(String name, long[][] flags, BHSDCodec loCodec, BHSDCodec hiCodec,
boolean haveHiFlags) throws Pack200Exception {
return encodeFlags(name, flatten(flags), loCodec, hiCodec, haveHiFlags);
* Flatten a 2-dimension array into a 1-dimension array
private long[] flatten(long[][] flags) {
int totalSize = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < flags.length; i++) {
totalSize += flags[i].length;
long[] flatArray = new long[totalSize];
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < flags.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < flags[i].length; j++) {
flatArray[index] = flags[i][j];
return flatArray;
* BandData represents information about a band, e.g. largest value etc
* and is used in the heuristics that calculate whether an alternative
* Codec could make the encoded band smaller.
public class BandData {
private final int[] band;
private int smallest = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
private int largest = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
private int smallestDelta;
private int largestDelta;
private int deltaIsAscending = 0;
private int smallDeltaCount = 0;
private double averageAbsoluteDelta = 0;
private double averageAbsoluteValue = 0;
private Map distinctValues;
* Create a new instance of BandData. The band is then analysed.
* @param band - the band of integers
public BandData(int[] band) { = band;
Integer one = new Integer(1);
for (int i = 0; i < band.length; i++) {
if(band[i] < smallest) {
smallest = band[i];
if(band[i] > largest) {
largest = band[i];
if(i != 0) {
int delta = band[i] - band[i - 1];
if(delta < smallestDelta) {
smallestDelta = delta;
if(delta > largestDelta) {
largestDelta = delta;
if(delta >= 0) {
averageAbsoluteDelta += (double)Math.abs(delta)/(double)(band.length - 1);
if(Math.abs(delta) < 256) {
} else {
smallestDelta = band[0];
largestDelta = band[0];
averageAbsoluteValue += (double)Math.abs(band[i])/(double)band.length;
if(effort > 3) { // do calculations needed to consider population codec
if(distinctValues == null) {
distinctValues = new HashMap();
Integer value = new Integer(band[i]);
Integer count = (Integer) distinctValues.get(value);
if(count == null) {
count = one;
} else {
count = new Integer(count.intValue() + 1);
distinctValues.put(value, count);
* Returns true if the deltas between adjacent band elements are mainly
* small (heuristic)
public boolean mainlySmallDeltas() {
// Note: the value below has been tuned - please test carefully if changing it
return (float)smallDeltaCount/(float)band.length > 0.7F;
* Returns true if the band is well correlated (i.e. would be suitable
* for a delta encoding) (heuristic)
public boolean wellCorrelated() {
// Note: the value below has been tuned - please test carefully if changing it
return averageAbsoluteDelta * 3.1 < averageAbsoluteValue;
* Returns true if the band deltas are mainly positive (heuristic)
public boolean mainlyPositiveDeltas() {
// Note: the value below has been tuned - please test carefully if changing it
return (float)deltaIsAscending/(float)band.length > 0.95F;
* Returns true if any band elements are negative
public boolean anyNegatives() {
return smallest < 0;
* Returns the total number of distinct values found in the band
public int numDistinctValues() {
if(distinctValues == null) {
return band.length;
return distinctValues.size();
* Results obtained by trying different Codecs to encode a band
public class BandAnalysisResults {
// The number of Codecs tried so far
private int numCodecsTried = 0;
// The number of bytes saved by using betterCodec instead of the default codec
private int saved = 0;
// Extra metadata to pass to the segment header (to be appended to the
// band_headers band)
private int[] extraMetadata;
// The results of encoding the band with betterCodec
private byte[] encodedBand;
// The best Codec found so far, or should be null if the default is the
// best so far
private Codec betterCodec;