blob: c36d10ab2f35b6c2b57c840e2c23b3f73aef6042 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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package groovy
import org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException
import static groovy.lang.Closure.IDENTITY
* Tests Closures in Groovy
* @author <a href="">James Strachan</a>
class ClosureTest extends GroovyTestCase {
def count
void testSimpleBlockCall() {
count = 0
def block = {owner-> owner.incrementCallCount() }
assert count == 1
assertClosure({owner-> owner.incrementCallCount() })
assert count == 2
void testVariableLengthParameterList() {
def c1 = {Object[] args -> args.each{count += it}}
count = 0
c1(1, 2, 3)
assert count == 6
count = 0
assert count == 1
count = 0
c1([1, 2, 3] as Object[])
assert count == 6
def c2 = {a, Object[] args -> count += a; args.each{count += it}}
count = 0
c2(1, 2, 3)
assert count == 6
count = 0
assert count == 1
count = 0
c2(1, [2, 3] as Object[])
assert count == 6
void testBlockAsParameter() {
count = 0
callBlock(5, {owner-> owner.incrementCallCount() })
assert count == 6
callBlock2(5, {owner-> owner.incrementCallCount() })
assert count == 12
void testMethodClosure() {
def block = this.&incrementCallCount
count = 0
assert count == 1
block = Math.&min
assert, 7) == 3
def incrementCallCount() {
//System.out.println("invoked increment method!")
count = count + 1
def assertClosure(Closure block) {
assert block != null
protected void callBlock(Integer num, Closure block) {
for ( i in 0..num ) {
protected void callBlock2(num, block) {
for ( i in 0..num ) {
int numAgents = 4
boolean testDone = false
void testIntFieldAccess() {
def agents = new ArrayList();
numAgents.times {
TinyAgent btn = new TinyAgent()
testDone = true
btn.x = numAgents
assert agents.size() == numAgents
void testWithIndex() {
def str = ''
def sum = 0
['a','b','c','d'].eachWithIndex { item, index -> str += item; sum += index }
assert str == 'abcd' && sum == 6
void testMapWithEntryIndex() {
def keyStr = ''
def valStr = ''
def sum = 0
['a':'z','b':'y','c':'x','d':'w'].eachWithIndex { entry, index ->
keyStr += entry.key
valStr += entry.value
sum += index
assert keyStr == 'abcd' && valStr == 'zyxw' && sum == 6
void testMapWithKeyValueIndex() {
def keyStr = ''
def valStr = ''
def sum = 0
['a':'z','b':'y','c':'x','d':'w'].eachWithIndex { k, v, index ->
keyStr += k
valStr += v
sum += index
assert keyStr == 'abcd' && valStr == 'zyxw' && sum == 6
* Test access to Closure's properties
* cf GROOVY-2089
void testGetProperties() {
def c = { println it }
assert c.delegate == c.getDelegate()
assert c.owner == c.getOwner()
assert c.maximumNumberOfParameters == c.getMaximumNumberOfParameters()
assert c.parameterTypes == c.getParameterTypes()
assert c.class == c.getClass()
assert c.directive == c.getDirective()
assert c.resolveStrategy == c.getResolveStrategy()
assert c.thisObject == c.getThisObject()
// no idea why this one fails
// assert c.metaClass == c.getMetaClass()
void testGetPropertiesGenerically() {
// ensure closure metaclass is the original one
Closure.metaClass = null { property ->
def closure = { println it }
closure."$" == closure."${MetaProperty.getGetterName(, property.type)}"()
void testSetProperties() {
def c = { println it }
def myDelegate = new Object()
c.delegate = myDelegate
assert c.getDelegate() == myDelegate
c.resolveStrategy = Closure.DELEGATE_ONLY
assert c.getResolveStrategy() == Closure.DELEGATE_ONLY
c.directive = Closure.DONE
assert c.directive == Closure.DONE
// like in testGetProperties(), don't know how to test metaClass property
* GROOVY-2150 ensure list call is available on closure
void testCallClosureWithlist() {
def list = [1,2]
def cl = {a,b->a+b }
assert cl(list)==3
* GROOVY-4484 ensure variable can be used in assignment inside closure
void testDeclarationOutsideWithAssignmentInsideAndReferenceInNestedClosure() {
assertScript """
class Dummy{}
Dummy foo(arg){new Dummy()}
def phasePicker
def c = {
phasePicker = foo(bar: {phasePicker})
assert c() instanceof Dummy
void testIdentity() {
assert IDENTITY(42) == 42
assert IDENTITY([42, true, 'foo']) == [42, true, 'foo']
def items = [0, 1, 2, '', 'foo', [], ['bar'], true, false]
assert items.grep(IDENTITY) == [1, 2, 'foo', ['bar'], true]
assert items.findAll(IDENTITY) == [1, 2, 'foo', ['bar'], true]
assert items.grep(IDENTITY).groupBy(IDENTITY) == [1:[1], 2:[2], 'foo':['foo'], ['bar']:[['bar']], (true):[true]]
assert items.collect(IDENTITY) == items
def twice = { it + it }
def alsoTwice = twice >> IDENTITY
assert alsoTwice(6) == 12
def twiceToo = IDENTITY >> twice
assert twiceToo(6) == 12
def fortyTwo = IDENTITY.curry(42)
assert fortyTwo() == 42
def foo = IDENTITY.rcurry('foo')
assert foo() == 'foo'
def map = [a:1, b:2]
assert map.collectEntries(IDENTITY) == map
void testEachWithArray() {
def l = []
l << ([1, 2] as Object[])
l.each {
assert it == [1,2] as Object[]
void testClosureDehydrateAndRehydrate() {
def closure = { 'Hello' }
assert closure.delegate !=null
assert closure.owner != null
assert closure.thisObject != null
assert closure() == 'Hello'
def serializable = closure.dehydrate()
assert !
assert serializable.delegate == null
assert serializable.owner == null
assert serializable.thisObject == null
assert serializable() == 'Hello'
def rehydrate = serializable.rehydrate(closure.delegate, closure.owner, closure.thisObject)
assert !
assert !
assert rehydrate() == 'Hello'
// GROOVY-5151
void testClosureSerialization() {
// without dehydrate, as Controller is not serializable, the serialization will fail
shouldFail(NotSerializableException) {
assertScript '''
class Controller { // not Serializable
def action = { 'Hello' }
def action2 = { action() } // call to other closure
def ctrl = new Controller()
def bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
bos.withObjectOutputStream {
it << ctrl.action
// dehydrated action1 should be serializable
assertScript '''
class Controller { // not Serializable
def action = { 'Hello' }
def action2 = { action() } // call to other closure
def ctrl = new Controller()
def a1 = ctrl.action.dehydrate()
def bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
bos.withObjectOutputStream {
it << a1
// dehydrated action2 should be serializable
assertScript '''
class Controller { // not Serializable
def action = { 'Hello' }
def action2 = { action() } // call to other closure
def ctrl = new Controller()
def a2 = ctrl.action2.dehydrate()
def bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
bos.withObjectOutputStream {
it << a2
// restore action
assertScript '''
class Controller { // not Serializable
def action = { 'Hello' }
def action2 = { action() } // call to other closure
def ctrl = new Controller()
def a1 = ctrl.action.dehydrate()
def bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
bos.withObjectOutputStream {
it << a1
byte[] arr = bos.toByteArray()
def rehyd
new ByteArrayInputStream(arr).withObjectInputStream(this.class.classLoader) {
it.eachObject { o -> rehyd = o }
assert rehyd() == 'Hello'
// restore action2
assertScript '''
class Controller { // not Serializable
def action = { 'Hello' }
def action2 = { action() } // call to other closure
def ctrl = new Controller()
def a2 = ctrl.action2.dehydrate()
def bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
bos.withObjectOutputStream {
it << a2
byte[] arr = bos.toByteArray()
def rehyd
new ByteArrayInputStream(arr).withObjectInputStream(this.class.classLoader) {
it.eachObject { o -> rehyd = o }
ctrl = new Controller() // assert new instance
rehyd = rehyd.rehydrate(ctrl,ctrl,ctrl)
assert rehyd() == 'Hello'
shouldFail(NotSerializableException) {
assertScript '''
class X{}
def x = new X ()
def cl = {x}
def dehyd = cl.dehydrate() // true means to dehydrate non serializable fields too
def bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
bos.withObjectOutputStream {
it << dehyd
// GROOVY-5875
void testStaticInnerClassDelegateFirstAccess() {
assertScript '''
class Owner {
Object delegate
String ownerProp = "owner"
void run() {
def c = {
delegateProp = ownerProp
c.delegate = delegate
c.resolveStrategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST
assert c.delegate.delegateProp == ownerProp
class Container {
static class Delegate {
String delegateProp = "delegate"
def owner = new Owner()
owner.delegate = new Container.Delegate()
void testStaticInnerClassOwnerFirstAccess() {
assertScript '''
class Owner {
Object delegate
String ownerProp = "owner"
void run() {
def c = {
delegateProp = ownerProp
c.delegate = delegate
c.resolveStrategy = Closure.OWNER_FIRST
assert c.delegate.delegateProp == ownerProp
class Container {
static class Delegate {
String delegateProp = "delegate"
def owner = new Owner()
owner.delegate = new Container.Delegate()
void testStaticInnerClassOwnerWithPropertyMissingImplementation() {
def gcl = new GroovyClassLoader()
def msg = shouldFail MultipleCompilationErrorsException, {
public class ClosureTestA {
static class ClosureTestB {
def propertyMissing(String myName, Object myValue) {
return myValue
def propertyMissing(String myName) {
return 42
def methodMissing(String myName, Object myArgs) {
return 42
assert msg.contains('"methodMissing" implementations are not supported on static inner classes as a synthetic version of "methodMissing" is added during compilation for the purpose of outer class delegation.')
assert msg.contains('"propertyMissing" implementations are not supported on static inner classes as a synthetic version of "propertyMissing" is added during compilation for the purpose of outer class delegation.')
void testInnerClassOwnerWithPropertyMissingImplementation() {
def gcl = new GroovyClassLoader()
public class ClosureTestA {
class ClosureTestB {
def propertyMissing(String myName, Object myValue) {
return myValue
def propertyMissing(String myName) {
return 42
def methodMissing(String myName, Object myArgs) {
return 42
void testStaticInnerClassHierarchyWithMethodMissing() {
def gcl = new GroovyClassLoader()
def msg = shouldFail MultipleCompilationErrorsException, {
public class ClosureTestA {
static class ClosureTestB {
def methodMissing(String myName, Object myArgs) {
return 42
static class ClosureTestB1 extends ClosureTestB {
assert msg.contains('"methodMissing" implementations are not supported on static inner classes as a synthetic version of "methodMissing" is added during compilation for the purpose of outer class delegation.')
// GROOVY-6989
void testEachCall() {
assertScript '''
Object[] arr = new Object[1]
arr[0] = "1"
List list = new ArrayList()
list.each { def obj ->
assert obj[0] == "1"
list.each { Object[] obj ->
assert obj[0] == "1"
public class TinyAgent {
int x