blob: 12716289b865a8aa9c68b7c50a991440ab1a8340 [file] [log] [blame]
Release Notes -- Apache Geronimo -- Version @VERSION@
Geronimo URLs
Home Page:
Mailing Lists:
Source Code:
Bug Tracking:
Please see for the
latest documentation on this release.
System Requirements
You need a platform that supports the Sun JDK 5.0+ (J2SE 1.5.0+) or greater.
Most testing has been done on Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows.
Geronimo @VERSION@ Enhancements
Annotation based gbeans
- GBean metadata can be specified via annotations rather than static code blocks.
In addition, collection-valued annotated constructor arguments support both plain and
wildcard generics.
Improvements to plugin generation and custom server assemblies
- The car-maven-plugin now follows maven transitive dependencies by default.
This greatly simplifies including all needed jars and cars into a custom server
Clustering Support
- WADI can now be used to support clustering of stateful seesion beans as well
as web applications.
- As an alternative to the deployment-based clustering support, the set of plugins
deployed in a cluster can now be centrally managed. In this
scheme, cluster membership is maintained through a multicast heartbeat, and
plugin-plugin-list and plugin-list-cluster association is tracked in a database.
ActiveMQ 5.3.0
- We have upgraded to the latest released ActiveMQ version. The ActiveMQ broker is
now configured through the native activemq/xbean/spring native xml.
Jetty 7
- Jetty support is upgraded to Jetty 7 from the eclipse foundation. This includes considerable
amounts of servlet 3.0 functionality, and JASPIC support.
- The Tomcat server is now configured through native server.xml configuration files rather than gbeans.
JASPIC support (jsr-196)
- Both the jetty and tomcat servers include tck-compliant support for the jsr-196 JASPIC specification
servlet profile. This enables standards-based integration of authentication protocols such as openId,
SPNEGO, and various SSO providers into container-managed authentication.
App-independent principal-role mapping
- principal-role mapping can be configured independently of an application and used by reference.
Geronimo @VERSION@ Issues Resolved
** Sub-task
* [GERONIMO-2474] - Pick the Jexl or Ognl parser for condition expression evaluation
* [GERONIMO-3936] - Make changes to openejb gbeans so that they can be modified at runtime
* [GERONIMO-4133] - Handle dependencies in EAR PlanCreator
* [GERONIMO-4146] - Handle Security in EAR PlanCreator
* [GERONIMO-4147] - EAR PlanCreator fix for Internet Explorer
* [GERONIMO-4192] - Do syntax highlighting of the generated plan in EAR PlanCreator
* [GERONIMO-4198] - Use a custom icon for PlanCreator in Admin Console
* [GERONIMO-4243] - EAR Deploy Error
* [GERONIMO-4715] - Make tomcat use our thread pools
* [GERONIMO-4830] - Commit new debug-view portlets codes
* [GERONIMO-4831] - stop building dojo-0.4.3 from ext
* [GERONIMO-4832] - Modify EJB portlets to fit the new APIs of Tree and TreeEntry
** Bug
* [GERONIMO-2622] - Implement PolicyContextHandlerSOAPMessage
* [GERONIMO-2969] - Transaction recovery broken for MDBs
* [GERONIMO-3243] - ActiveMQ violates System Properties
* [GERONIMO-3354] - Exception thrown by MDB involved in XA transaction
* [GERONIMO-3424] - Fatal error in geronimo-service-builder during copy-xmlbeans-schemas on windows
* [GERONIMO-3440] - DB2-XA: when trace file is not specified, it caused error when running the sample
* [GERONIMO-3469] - From console: database pool doesn't work well if the name contains a / like jdbc/EmployeeDataSource
* [GERONIMO-3503] - DBPool wizzard creates plans only for local-transactions
* [GERONIMO-3562] - customizable navigator icons for admin console extensions
* [GERONIMO-3599] - Unable to create new JMS Resource group through console in IE7
* [GERONIMO-3687] - classloader deadlock during server startup
* [GERONIMO-3700] - alias command fails
* [GERONIMO-3705] - Maven 2.0.8 causes build problems
* [GERONIMO-3719] - Monitoring agent uses sun classes
* [GERONIMO-3765] - monitoring console throws IllegalArgumentException when editting a bad server
* [GERONIMO-3768] - deployment failure is not logged in either geronimo.log or deployer.log
* [GERONIMO-3780] - MDB unable to access JNDI in ejbPostCreate
* [GERONIMO-3783] - MessageDrivenBean delivery problem
* [GERONIMO-3793] - "Not Known To This Context" JAXBException when attempting to return complex data type from a @WebMethod
* [GERONIMO-3806] - CLONE -Extraneous WARN messages during deployment of resource-env-refs in EJB jar
* [GERONIMO-3807] - ERROR's logged during plugin installation for non-existent plugins
* [GERONIMO-3814] - NPE in GBeanOverride
* [GERONIMO-3830] - GeronimoPropertiesFileMappedPasswordCredentialLoginModuleTest assumes a specific Set ordering
* [GERONIMO-3831] - Incomplete classpath fed to wsgen
* [GERONIMO-3833] - Hard-coded gbean names and versions in monitoring code
* [GERONIMO-3834] - Connection pool leak when connections cannot be created
* [GERONIMO-3836] - Deployment fails with FNFE due to missing jline_.dll on Cygwin
* [GERONIMO-3837] - allowLinking Tomcat atttibute in StandardContext not configurable through Geronimo
* [GERONIMO-3838] - Close potential denial of service attack vector (OOM) in Tomcat session handling
* [GERONIMO-3840] - Server may try to start modules in an order that won't work
* [GERONIMO-3841] - Need a way to load config.xml customizations without a whole config.xml file
* [GERONIMO-3843] - Plan creator fails to create plan and to deploy
* [GERONIMO-3845] - stop-server command ignores username/password
* [GERONIMO-3847] - The .tar.gz and .zip assembly files contain unnecessary META-INF directory
* [GERONIMO-3850] - Plan Creator suppresses exceptions rather than showing it to user
* [GERONIMO-3854] - deploy/assemble and ERROR GroovyRuntimeException: Ambiguous method overloading for method org.apache.geronimo.kernel.repository.Artifact#<init>
* [GERONIMO-3855] - PortletSecurityException in Plugins portlet
* [GERONIMO-3858] - start-server.bat fails to start server if there is a space in the path
* [GERONIMO-3864] - Security warning about installation a certificate from a CA claiming to represent: Me
* [GERONIMO-3865] - unresolved i18n keys
* [GERONIMO-3866] - Export Plugin from web console contains empty 'Unique ID" field and throws NPE, preventing any possible export of a plugin
* [GERONIMO-3867] - Export Plugin in Web Console results in NullPointerException if no component is selected
* [GERONIMO-3869] - geronimo/stop-server doesn't use connection established by deploy/connect in gshell
* [GERONIMO-3873] - Console Keystore Configuration links contain partial HTML tags
* [GERONIMO-3875] - Enabling authentication for Derby renders DB Viewer portlet unusable for all db's except SystemDatabase
* [GERONIMO-3879] - Web Access Log Viewer problems in multiple server instances scenario
* [GERONIMO-3880] - PersistenceUnitInfo.getJarFileUrls() can return null
* [GERONIMO-3881] - geronimo/stop-server dumps ConnectException: Connection refused: connect when server's stopped yet Shutdown request has been issued
* [GERONIMO-3882] - Mdb container ids not set during creation.
* [GERONIMO-3883] - Database wizard looses track of which connector to use if you download a driver jar
* [GERONIMO-3887] - After installing with wrong configuration unable to proceed with any new plugin installs
* [GERONIMO-3891] - Derby Log Viewer portlet - ignores all search criteria
* [GERONIMO-3893] - When installing plugins, exception thrown when no plugins selected
* [GERONIMO-3896] - Error processing HEAD method by default HttpServlet#doHead()
* [GERONIMO-3897] - Always set the web deploymentDescriptor, not just when we make it metadata-complete
* [GERONIMO-3899] - Missing geronimo-common depend from car-maven-plugin
* [GERONIMO-3901] - Security Realms portlet - "encoding" option missing for Properties File Realm
* [GERONIMO-3902] - start-server, default.groovy in etc/rc.d overrides -Xmx value when starting server using gshell
* [GERONIMO-3906] - start-server uses hard-coded credentials that cannot be overridden
* [GERONIMO-3908] - Spec parent pom should be in a specs-parent project so releasing it doesn't copy all the specs that happen to be in trunk.
* [GERONIMO-3913] - NPE in caused by incorrect JAVA_HOME or JRE_HOME
* [GERONIMO-3921] - getContextRoot() returns forward slash rather than empty string for apps deployed to root context
* [GERONIMO-3924] - Make car-maven-plugin assembly independent of tools-maven-plugin
* [GERONIMO-3927] - Plugin installer can't unpack much from jars
* [GERONIMO-3930] - IllegalArgumentException reading Transaction Log
* [GERONIMO-3931] - Unable to delete a datasource from administrative console
* [GERONIMO-3932] - several enhancements to the async container client sample app
* [GERONIMO-3935] - start-server command fails to parse arguments correctly
* [GERONIMO-3937] - java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
* [GERONIMO-3939] - Failing to start plugin after install if previous plugin install failed.
* [GERONIMO-3944] - Web plan schema munging reordering elements wrong
* [GERONIMO-3951] - org.apache.geronimo.cxf.CXFHandlerResolverTest fails on Harmony intermittently
* [GERONIMO-3955] - Typo
* [GERONIMO-3965] - Custom LoginModule uses wrong classloader
* [GERONIMO-3966] - Spaces in server installation directory causes deployment problems when using JMX to deploy
* [GERONIMO-3970] - Fail to delploy a web application to a WADI cluster
* [GERONIMO-3971] - Error message during assembling a server
* [GERONIMO-3972] - Monitering Graphics failed to represent in IE 6 SP2
* [GERONIMO-3973] - Fail to assemble a server via gsh when Geronimo is installed in a directory with white space
* [GERONIMO-3974] - Shutdown exceptions on IBM JVM
* [GERONIMO-3976] - Exceptions are thrown in Geronimo launch console when clicking "Console Navigation --> Debug Views --> JNDI Viewer"
* [GERONIMO-3977] - Use gmaven's ant 1.7.0 libraries which are compatible with Groovy and Windows
* [GERONIMO-3982] - WADI cluster fails to distribute the installed application to all the nodes in the same cluster
* [GERONIMO-3984] - Keystores portlet - Unlock keystore page shows wrong label on submit button
* [GERONIMO-3990] - CORBA application client fails to login to the server
* [GERONIMO-3993] - Server fails to relaunch after deploying an application to a WADI cluster
* [GERONIMO-3994] - GShell command remote-control/server-control can not control the remote server
* [GERONIMO-3995] - Can not export a plugin via Admin Console in IE 6 SP2
* [GERONIMO-3996] - Clicking "Test these settings" leads to 500 error in admin console
* [GERONIMO-3999] - Cannot remote deploy a plugin through deploy.bat|.sh
* [GERONIMO-4001] - Cannot remote deploy a sample thru gshell deploy/deploy command
* [GERONIMO-4006] - Deployment of EJB-based JAX-WS web service with WebServiceContext injection fails
* [GERONIMO-4007] - Exceptions received in Async HTTP sample app when under heavy load.
* [GERONIMO-4008] - HTTP GET requests on Provider endpoints might fail sometimes with Axis2
* [GERONIMO-4009] - HTML errors and warnings in calculator-stateless-pojo sample .jsp file
* [GERONIMO-4014] - simplify monitorying plugin structure
* [GERONIMO-4016] - The exception of failing to start client is not recorded in client.log
* [GERONIMO-4017] - Include PLUTO-485 to handle question marks in our portlet URIs
* [GERONIMO-4020] - ResourceBinding doesn't actually override preprocessValue
* [GERONIMO-4022] - QuotedPrintableDecoderStream read should return -1 when no more data
* [GERONIMO-4024] - Accessibility issue: missing image alt tags and no skip to main content support
* [GERONIMO-4025] - Accessibility issues: No caption tag or summary property, no column and row scope property for data tables in admin console
* [GERONIMO-4029] - Transforming from DOM Document to SAAJ SOAPBody throws TransformerException
* [GERONIMO-4033] - QuotedPrintableEncoder.decode(InputStream) doesn't handle space before soft newline
* [GERONIMO-4036] - Warning message after running gsh geronimo/stop-server
* [GERONIMO-4037] - Geronimo 2.0.3 (and I guess at least 2.0.2) can't run with a security manager settled from the command line using
* [GERONIMO-4039] - Unable to include 2 versions of a jar in a server
* [GERONIMO-4070] - Plugin installer fails to install after previous attempt of a plugin has failed.
* [GERONIMO-4071] - car-maven-plugin should be able to download provided dependencies
* [GERONIMO-4072] - Fail to offline deploy an application because of the dependency to rmi-naming
* [GERONIMO-4076] - Console runs in unhandled exception when user starts module with unresolved dependencies
* [GERONIMO-4081] - Accessibility issue: Webking scan errors against "Check Web Accessibility(Section 508)" rules
* [GERONIMO-4082] - <hidden-classes> ignored for certain classes that are loaded by system class loader
* [GERONIMO-4086] - sharelib plugin does not include or create shared/lib or shared/classes directories
* [GERONIMO-4088] - Make it more obvious and document how to set the tmId so you can use more than one geronimo server with a distributed transaction.
* [GERONIMO-4090] - non-overridable-classes in an environment are ignored in that configuration, only used for children
* [GERONIMO-4093] - gsh scripts are not using setjavaenv or optional setenv script
* [GERONIMO-4094] - Tomcat APR connector didn't load the native library
* [GERONIMO-4095] - Run SQL portlet doesn't work in a non-English browser
* [GERONIMO-4096] - Remove PortOffset from SMTPPort definition.
* [GERONIMO-4099] - Calling isUserInRole wipes out run-as info
* [GERONIMO-4100] - Allow users to use jaxws-tools.bat/sh when SUN SAAJ impl is not provided in the assembly
* [GERONIMO-4101] - ContextManager shouldn't know about specific Permission classes such as EJBRolePermission
* [GERONIMO-4103] - Fail to Restart APR HTTP Connector
* [GERONIMO-4109] - Relationship between engine and host is wrong direction
* [GERONIMO-4110] - NPE upon deployment of unrecognized xml file (seam-gen based application)
* [GERONIMO-4111] - Plugin installation works with search-plugins command but fails with install-plugin command
* [GERONIMO-4113] - Cannot deploy context specific Valve GBeans on Tomcat
* [GERONIMO-4114] - newly created APR HTTPS connector failed to start
* [GERONIMO-4116] - Upgrade from DWR 2.0.1 to 2.0.3
* [GERONIMO-4119] - request.isUserInRole("some-role") always return false after @EJB injection
* [GERONIMO-4122] - MimeMessage copy constructor is not copying/initizing the message flags.
* [GERONIMO-4123] - Some License/Notice file updates
* [GERONIMO-4124] - Tomcat jacc usage is messed up
* [GERONIMO-4125] - Mismatch in predefined Internet headers with Sun implementation
* [GERONIMO-4126] - NPE if null argument specified for InternetHeaders.getMatchingHeaders()
* [GERONIMO-4127] - Problems generating a new simple/basic mail (both from API and from InputStream)
* [GERONIMO-4129] - genorimo MimeMessage extensibility internal behaviour vs sun implementation OOM issue.
* [GERONIMO-4131] - Problems with WebSphere MQ RA deployment
* [GERONIMO-4137] - Message missing Content-Transfer-Encoding header is parsed as quoted-printable (sun's parse it as 7bit or 8bit)
* [GERONIMO-4138] - The SMTPTransport should be adding the BODY=8BITMIME when using 8-bit encodings for the body.
* [GERONIMO-4142] - Quoted-printable encoder/decoder problem with an "=" that immediately precedes a line break.
* [GERONIMO-4143] - Unable to edit deployed pools in Database Pools Portlet
* [GERONIMO-4151] - MIME-Version header gets added in different order from Sun implementation.
* [GERONIMO-4155] - Can use a run-as role without defining it
* [GERONIMO-4163] - Startup failed when use multi repository
* [GERONIMO-4166] - EAR missing dependency on j2ee-security breaks Server Console
* [GERONIMO-4167] - MimeMesage.reply() is not setting the In-Reply-To and Responses headers in the reply message
* [GERONIMO-4169] - JAX-WS web services not discovered with partial web.xml file
* [GERONIMO-4172] - Add support for the mail.<protocol>.ssl.protocols and mail.<protocol>.ssl.ciphersuites properties.
* [GERONIMO-4175] - dojo v1.0.2 dijit/demos/i18n directory contains wikipedia content
* [GERONIMO-4177] - uses incorrect hardcoded tomcat class
* [GERONIMO-4178] - Misleading errors during deployment when missing entries in openejb-jar.xml
* [GERONIMO-4182] - Artifact aliases are not honored when deploying a plugin that has a dependency on another plugin with an alias
* [GERONIMO-4188] - View Server portlet runs in unhandled exception if the statistics bean is not available
* [GERONIMO-4194] - jsp sample view source links are broken
* [GERONIMO-4201] - Accessing admin console portlets that use DWR after restart giving error
* [GERONIMO-4204] - Admin Console portlets layout messed up after accessibility changes
* [GERONIMO-4205] - unable to build samples on windows platoform due to Filename too long
* [GERONIMO-4208] - Eliminate individual sample references from Geronimo Welcome Page
* [GERONIMO-4209] - Geronimo does not start on SAP JVM
* [GERONIMO-4210] - EJB Injection in JSF Managed Bean
* [GERONIMO-4215] - Server Info portlet no longer auto refreshes
* [GERONIMO-4217] - Check for all data primitive types when shortcutting to the primordial classloader
* [GERONIMO-4218] - NullPointerException in ConnectorModuleBuilder
* [GERONIMO-4224] - Outofmemory exception throwed by WebAccessLogViewer if the access log file size is too large, such as more than 200M
* [GERONIMO-4226] - GShell can not be started in a server assembly which only includes geronimo-boilerplate plugin
* [GERONIMO-4227] - Incorrect message is show even if the deployment failed in the web console
* [GERONIMO-4229] - clarify use of GERONIMO_HOME vs. GERONIMO_BASE in shell scripts
* [GERONIMO-4231] - Build exception: no !/ in spec
* [GERONIMO-4232] - JMSException: Failed to build body from bytes
* [GERONIMO-4233] - gshell-geronimo plugin pulls in Sun dependencies
* [GERONIMO-4237] - Elements <jndi-name>, <jndi-local-name> and <jndi> ignored in openejb-jar.xml
* [GERONIMO-4239] - car-maven-plugin dependencies configuration should enhance maven dependencies
* [GERONIMO-4245] - Upgrade to Tomcat 6.0.18 to pickup latest security fixes
* [GERONIMO-4251] - Class-Path entry in WAR manifest didn't work if entry is a directory
* [GERONIMO-4253] - Server logging similar exceptions for AxisFaults and for unexpected errors
* [GERONIMO-4258] - Fix module locations and dependencies
* [GERONIMO-4262] - Include patched build of AMQ 4.1.2 to resolve AMQ-1272 security exposure
* [GERONIMO-4266] - Upgrade to DWR 2.0.5 for XSS security fix
* [GERONIMO-4273] - add postgresql-8.2 to the auto driver download list
* [GERONIMO-4275] - PCEnhancer java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
* [GERONIMO-4276] - openejb-jar-2.2.xsd missing from the schema subdirectory of the main Geronimo installation directory
* [GERONIMO-4285] - The simple mode of server command general option --syserr and --secure is same
* [GERONIMO-4286] - Can't configure log4j using log4jResource in ApplicationLog4jConfigurationGBean
* [GERONIMO-4291] - Unable to deploy tomcat app with WADI Cluster
* [GERONIMO-4292] - Monitoring console is pulling in DWR 2.0.1
* [GERONIMO-4293] - use generics in the kernel interface and related code.
* [GERONIMO-4299] - Session invalidation problem - WADI Tomcat Clustering
* [GERONIMO-4300] - help with plugin groups.... no plan means no classloader
* [GERONIMO-4304] - PluginInstallerGBean cant use credentials for plugin repositories
* [GERONIMO-4305] - PortletException with Redeploy application checked for non existent application
* [GERONIMO-4306] - Plugin list won't be updated after installing a new server plugin
* [GERONIMO-4308] - Web service address caching in WSDL
* [GERONIMO-4309] - Credentials in list of allowed plugin repositories should be encrypted
* [GERONIMO-4311] - Deployment of service-refs with wsdl with external wsdl/xsd imports fails
* [GERONIMO-4312] - Starting using Java command failed with ClassNotFound exception
* [GERONIMO-4317] - SQL jdbc driver class name is wrong in db pool creation wizard
* [GERONIMO-4318] - All the plugins are marked as installable on the install plugins portlet
* [GERONIMO-4320] - selecting any db that uses vendor specific tranql wrapper leads to empty database pools portlet page
* [GERONIMO-4323] - Plugin installation requires all plugins be of type "car", but default ejb plugin is of type "jar" (and likely similar problems for other app types)
* [GERONIMO-4326] - Update Repository List action in Plugins portlet is broken
* [GERONIMO-4330] - db pool wizard and security realm wizard should save constructed plan
* [GERONIMO-4332] - deploy new should not fail on "redeploy" if app is not deployed
* [GERONIMO-4346] - c-m-p leaves invalid plugin in plugin catalog and doesn't update plugin catalog when desp is updated
* [GERONIMO-4356] - search-plugins, list-targets, and list-modules commands fail using framework assembly
* [GERONIMO-4361] - Resource injection of simple env. entry types
* [GERONIMO-4367] - default-subject does not work with EJB security
* [GERONIMO-4369] - The new attribute values are overwrote while restarting the DB pool connector
* [GERONIMO-4375] - rebind of "auto-bound" stuff in jca: context doesn't work
* [GERONIMO-4377] - Fail to indicate datasource create unsuccessfully in admin console "database pool" porlet when choosing wrong database driver
* [GERONIMO-4378] - Remove accidentally added -s (server name) option from StartServerCommand
* [GERONIMO-4387] - Incorrect JNDI name in the monitor portlet's plan file
* [GERONIMO-4389] - Can't start server when install it in a directory containing space
* [GERONIMO-4393] - Duplicate Xid with multiple JVMs on single host - default impl needs some 'random' entropy
* [GERONIMO-4399] - GBean Annotations are not supported for GBeans declared in XML configuration
* [GERONIMO-4404] - ActiveMQ connectors default to when ServerHostname is set to localhost or actual IP.
* [GERONIMO-4405] - Postgresql new drives would not be listed in Drive Jars list and download driver list
* [GERONIMO-4407] - Dupldate attribute entries exist in the config.xml while changing the value between zero-length string and no-zero-length string
* [GERONIMO-4411] - Tools.jar expected but not found on Mac OS 10.5.5
* [GERONIMO-4415] - monitoring console code needs improvement
* [GERONIMO-4416] - Axis2 creates an invalid extra instance of web service beans
* [GERONIMO-4420] - Create Files under repository even if fail to deploy a jar having problems.
* [GERONIMO-4422] - Show parent/child components option in the System Modules portlet no longer works
* [GERONIMO-4427] - Incorrect httpbinding namespace is used in Axis2 plugin
* [GERONIMO-4428] - Non-ascii characters in SQL script causing build failure in GB18030 encoded shell
* [GERONIMO-4436] - The address of httpbinding port in the WSDL query is not updated
* [GERONIMO-4438] - TransactionSynchronizationRegistry.getTransactionKey should return null when transaction is not associated with the current thread
* [GERONIMO-4440] - MTOM binding style is overwrite by the style from WSDL
* [GERONIMO-4441] - The assignment to variable "handler" has no effect in
* [GERONIMO-4442] - Unable to configure IP address for many listening ports
* [GERONIMO-4448] - TransactionManager resume method should only resume valid transaction
* [GERONIMO-4449] - Transaction.rollback method also calls beforeCompletion
* [GERONIMO-4450] - EJB based Provider implementation should allow other interfaces in addtion to
* [GERONIMO-4451] - locking and unlocking for availability of a keystore results in duplicate attributes in config.xml
* [GERONIMO-4452] - Is it possible to deploy more than one mdb???
* [GERONIMO-4454] - JMS Resources - Destination stats not suported with new AMQ5 integration
* [GERONIMO-4455] - JMS Resources - Uninstalling a AMQ5 connector causes a console exception
* [GERONIMO-4456] - ClassLoader memory leak caused by AspectJ
* [GERONIMO-4458] - Another ClassLoader deadlock during server startup
* [GERONIMO-4459] - Provider <DataSource> does not work correctly
* [GERONIMO-4464] - GShell does not support login option of old deploy scripts
* [GERONIMO-4467] - null pointer acess in code.
* [GERONIMO-4468] - <jar-file> elements are interpreted relatively to EAR root instead of persistence unit
* [GERONIMO-4469] - Missing schema's in /schema directory?
* [GERONIMO-4470] - non-overridable filters working properly
* [GERONIMO-4472] - Incorrect Dojo link path in OpenEJB portlet
* [GERONIMO-4473] - Validate the artifact fields when adding an archive to the repository
* [GERONIMO-4479] - Custom server assembly does not work
* [GERONIMO-4480] - Trying to view a graph in the Monitoring portlet results in a NPE
* [GERONIMO-4481] - GShell command jaxws/java2ws error: Syntax error, annotations are only available if source level is 5.0
* [GERONIMO-4486] - Custom server assembly portlet doesn't filter specific word
* [GERONIMO-4487] - Can't disable/enable a server in monitoring portlet.
* [GERONIMO-4488] - Framework assembly can not be stopped successfully
* [GERONIMO-4489] - Creating an application centric custom server does not include Framework plugin group
* [GERONIMO-4491] - Can not assemble application centric custom server if there is deployed application, which is not converted into plugin
* [GERONIMO-4495] - Invoking stop method on a gbean whose instancestate is destoryed caused that gbean in the stopping state
* [GERONIMO-4496] - Update copyright years for 2009
* [GERONIMO-4497] - Searching for resources in MultiParentClassLoader is not fully optimized
* [GERONIMO-4498] - ClassNotFoundException: BasicExtendedJMXConnectorInfoEditor throwned when farming geronimo using Deployment
* [GERONIMO-4499] - can't use PortOffset in var\config\ to start two geronimo instance at the same machine.
* [GERONIMO-4501] - Tomcat/Axis ignores jax-ws-catalog.xml while resolving wsdlLocation URLs
* [GERONIMO-4502] - Warning msg occurs when stopping custom server (Framework + Web Services Axis2)
* [GERONIMO-4503] - PlanCreator threw exception with .war
* [GERONIMO-4504] - Can't deploy a war to farm clustering successfully.
* [GERONIMO-4512] - Wrong JMS resource deployment plan causes server down
* [GERONIMO-4518] - Can't shutdown the server when host was set to in
* [GERONIMO-4519] - When XAException.XA_RBROLLBACK arisen from XAResource.end, TM should not send rollback request again to the XAResource
* [GERONIMO-4522] - history dependencies.xml file should support property substitutions. Plan processing should use maven filtering, not velocity
* [GERONIMO-4524] - Can't start the 2.2 server with Sun JDK 1.5, IBM JDK 1.5, or IBM JDK 6.0.
* [GERONIMO-4525] - No effective exit code for all Windows commands
* [GERONIMO-4526] - ejbTimout method not subject to permission checks
* [GERONIMO-4528] - Accessing a web service's WSDL throws a NPE
* [GERONIMO-4529] - Corba port 1050 is not released after stopping j2ee-corba-yoko configuration
* [GERONIMO-4530] - unnecessary dependencies in custom server
* [GERONIMO-4533] - Fix "This is ridiculous" error messages on command execution
* [GERONIMO-4534] - Can't secure connect to JMX with JConsole.
* [GERONIMO-4539] - Deployment failed if JPA PU jar in web module
* [GERONIMO-4543] - EAR classloader not garbage collected
* [GERONIMO-4544] - Error occured when repeatedly create DB or records
* [GERONIMO-4545] - TomcatJAASRealm keeps reference to undeployed EAR/WAR's classloader
* [GERONIMO-4546] - New Axis2 rs spec import
* [GERONIMO-4547] - Fail to install a plugin from a remote repository
* [GERONIMO-4549] - JMS resource jndi entries are not removed after uninstalling the JMS connect adapter
* [GERONIMO-4550] - No error message displays in console when fail to create jms resource
* [GERONIMO-4554] - Cant deploy an ejb web service as a plugin using car-maven-plugin
* [GERONIMO-4555] - Can't start App Client after stop it from console
* [GERONIMO-4558] - Update to latest TranQL DB2 driver
* [GERONIMO-4561] - An invalid string "system" shows up in the "Login Timeout" field in Derby Embedded or Derby Embedded XA database pool configuration page
* [GERONIMO-4562] - 405 error when create plugin via admin console
* [GERONIMO-4563] - Connecting To ip or hostname...Could not open connection to the host, on port 9999: Connect failed
* [GERONIMO-4566] - Need extra servlet mappings for jetty and tomcat for welcome jsps compiled into servlets
* [GERONIMO-4570] - deploy error after using login to save the name and password
* [GERONIMO-4574] - PolicyContext handler data objects are never released
* [GERONIMO-4578] - The commands for running the application client don't work.
* [GERONIMO-4579] - There are errors during zip file extracted on Linux OS using farm clustering
* [GERONIMO-4581] - The batch file for deploying the ExampleClient.jar doesn't work.
* [GERONIMO-4587] - Array security issue
* [GERONIMO-4588] - Adding multiple server with the same host in monitoring portlet results in a sql error
* [GERONIMO-4589] - Does not echo the command after expection occur in command line
* [GERONIMO-4597] - Validate Web Admin Console input - address admin console security vulnerabilities
* [GERONIMO-4599] - EJbs not visible in jndi viewer, possibly classloading problem
* [GERONIMO-4600] - JarFileClassLoader allows resources to be loaded from locations outside of the directory specified in its classpath
* [GERONIMO-4603] - PropertiesLoginManager is hardwired to properties-login login module
* [GERONIMO-4605] - Text based apache license at the bottom of every console pages
* [GERONIMO-4607] - Useless META-INF dir in the JEE server assembly
* [GERONIMO-4609] - Console could not display correctly on Chinese platfrom
* [GERONIMO-4610] - Can not create a broker on Linux platform
* [GERONIMO-4620] - Database Security Realm is removed from admin consonle after delete datasource it's based
* [GERONIMO-4621] - Exception occurs when export debugviews-console-tomcat plugin
* [GERONIMO-4623] - Webservice request handling consuming considerable CPU
* [GERONIMO-4625] - JMS statistics does not work correctly while the server url is of vm protocol
* [GERONIMO-4628] - Console plan wizards need to save plans
* [GERONIMO-4633] - extra semicolon in code.
* [GERONIMO-4635] - Security realm changes are lost after restart server
* [GERONIMO-4638] - ForwardData held by GenericForwardServlet will be invalid after the target application is restarted
* [GERONIMO-4640] - import link from the Jboss and Weblogic server in Database Pools portlet does not work.
* [GERONIMO-4641] - XSSXSRFFilter cause some link failure
* [GERONIMO-4643] - Geronimo LDAP realm follow referrals
* [GERONIMO-4645] - jetty7 ejb web service authentication is turned off
* [GERONIMO-4646] - Warn during a war deployment, if no WEB-INF/web.xml file is found
* [GERONIMO-4647] - welcome files with servlet mappings
* [GERONIMO-4651] - use maven 2.0.10
* [GERONIMO-4652] - Upgrade to apache pom 6 or later
* [GERONIMO-4653] - use assembly plugin v 2.2-beta-4
* [GERONIMO-4654] - Release genesis 2, use it
* [GERONIMO-4656] - Get all our private artifacts into public repos
* [GERONIMO-4659] - Include web app "Display Name" in console web app portlet
* [GERONIMO-4661] - Meaningless message displays while Geronimo ear plan contains modules that aren't in the ear
* [GERONIMO-4662] - Console title is not displayed with the correct locale setting
* [GERONIMO-4664] - OpenSSO Deployment fails with "WSDL generation failed"
* [GERONIMO-4665] - Application start error with virtual host configuration in deployment plan
* [GERONIMO-4666] - Incorrect artifactId in 3_securityRealmPlan.xml
* [GERONIMO-4667] - PlanCreator have some spelling errors in pages
* [GERONIMO-4669] - EJ B security does not work correctly when no permssion is set and the user does a login
* [GERONIMO-4670] - Incorrect document for stateful EJB container configuration
* [GERONIMO-4673] - Geronimo cannot be run as a Windows service by configuring Java Service Wrapper
* [GERONIMO-4676] - Incorrect USAGE_MSG of cxf-tools script
* [GERONIMO-4677] - GShell jaxws commands should provide help in a uniform way
* [GERONIMO-4682] - Unique snapshots does not work
* [GERONIMO-4685] - Build our own tomcat.
* [GERONIMO-4687] - System Modules Portlet doesn't list the stopped application names when you stop an application.
* [GERONIMO-4698] - Jetty7 could not handle the non-existed temp path
* [GERONIMO-4700] - Workaround jetty 7 bug 280843
* [GERONIMO-4704] - JMS Resource Porlet can't display
* [GERONIMO-4706] - DB2 XA properties show crash code in database pool porlet
* [GERONIMO-4713] - Disable Tomcat JNDI
* [GERONIMO-4714] - Turn on openejb.strict.interface.declaration for OpenEJB
* [GERONIMO-4716] - Upgrade HTTPComponent HTTPCore to released version 4.0.1
* [GERONIMO-4720] - Default "headerBufferSizeBytes" 8192 is causing connector creating error
* [GERONIMO-4721] - Follow jacc spec implications more closely when stringigying HTTPMethodSpec
* [GERONIMO-4722] - XSS/XSRF filters are triggering Session object creation for unknown URLs
* [GERONIMO-4724] - Empty string for contextPath should not be allowed
* [GERONIMO-4726] - Explicitly shutdown logging during shutdown
* [GERONIMO-4730] - Some messages in dbpool wizard are undefined in the sysdb portlet resource bundle.
* [GERONIMO-4732] - click monitoring and delete the server localhost and there is an Error rendering portlet.
* [GERONIMO-4733] - Unable to starting to configure Apache mod_jk
* [GERONIMO-4734] - JACC web permissions httpMethodSpec equals method wrong
* [GERONIMO-4736] - All descriptions in Jetty connector settings page are displayed as undefined message.
* [GERONIMO-4739] - create a monitoring server when using a JMX protocol in G2.2 and the server status is offline??
* [GERONIMO-4740] - jetty7 run-as code not hooked up right
* [GERONIMO-4742] - Connector portlets for Tomcat does not work
* [GERONIMO-4743] - a bug when the assembled server stops in eclipse
* [GERONIMO-4746] - OpenEJB portlet page crushes.
* [GERONIMO-4747] - a {0} did not get replaced in the last portlet of console ---> Apache HTTP
* [GERONIMO-4748] - Security context is not cleared before the thread is returned to the pool for Tomcat
* [GERONIMO-4752] - Implement jaspic support for tomcat
* [GERONIMO-4753] - Upgrade dwr to 3.0.M1 or figure out why it won't work
* [GERONIMO-4754] - Unnecessary attributes retrieval causes slow login in LDAPLoginModule
* [GERONIMO-4758] - The Server Console page displays messy codes when set zh as the prefered language in browser
* [GERONIMO-4766] - JACC handler data is not implemented properly
* [GERONIMO-4769] - Add English resource bundle for Admin console
* [GERONIMO-4772] - <attribute name="global">false</attribute> in security realm result in deployment error and no option to set it to true
* [GERONIMO-4773] - logger not initialized in shutdown command
* [GERONIMO-4776] - the view of step 3 of plan-create guide countain some demonstration mistakes
* [GERONIMO-4778] - Servlet run-as role should apply to a dispatch to another servlet
* [GERONIMO-4780] - jsr88 client is too dependent on too many plugins
* [GERONIMO-4781] - Not getting the callbacks filled in means the logn module should be ignored, not an auth failure.
* [GERONIMO-4782] - TemporaryClassLoader loads annotation classes from wrong classloader
* [GERONIMO-4784] - Problem with ActiveMQ, two connections/sessions, and UserTransaction
* [GERONIMO-4785] - "useCaches" property of JarFileUrlConnection doesn't work
* [GERONIMO-4786] - Mulitple connections outside UserTransaction result in ManageConnection leak
* [GERONIMO-4788] - Dont force jasper on every web app whether or not it uses jsps -- for jetty
* [GERONIMO-4791] - ResourceAdapters are not released after the app is uninstalled
* [GERONIMO-4793] - Remove those duplicated jars in the lib folder of the console applications
* [GERONIMO-4796] - can't restart DefaultActiveMQBroker after I stop it
* [GERONIMO-4798] - can't start server because of an error of Http11AprProtocol
* [GERONIMO-4802] - Error occurs when click Information link on the console
* [GERONIMO-4803] - ClassCastExeption after disabling access log valve for web container
* [GERONIMO-4811] - The new PolicyContext is not set while forwarding to another web application
* [GERONIMO-4812] - can not configure httpd server
* [GERONIMO-4813] - exceptions occur when running geronimo as a service on AIX
* [GERONIMO-4814] - Disable the cache while forwarding to the login/error page in the form authentication
* [GERONIMO-4816] - Status of monitoring servers will remain the same as previous when recreated
* [GERONIMO-4818] - Can not configure username and password of logging in the server through ldap
* [GERONIMO-4822] - Monitoring server via JMX cannot be restarted.
* [GERONIMO-4825] - can not config geronimo as a service in ubuntu
* [GERONIMO-4834] - artifact aliasing does not seem to work for configuration id's
* [GERONIMO-4835] - Can not import datasource from JBOSS4
* [GERONIMO-4836] - Default Pluto URL parser could not hanle semicolon in the parameter values
* [GERONIMO-4838] - Should automatically omit space in
* [GERONIMO-4839] - A non-existent EJB server also can run
* [GERONIMO-4840] - DBWizard Portlet issue : NullPointerException when trying to create the datasource for SQL Server with jTDS Driver
* [GERONIMO-4841] - Problems exist when importing database pool from WebLogic 8.1
* [GERONIMO-4849] - Such warning will be shown after deleted a remote monitoring server via JMX
* [GERONIMO-4851] - Server will get into abnormal status when trying to edit/delete Tomcat Connector HTTPS BIO network listener
* [GERONIMO-4852] - Fail to connect to a new created Tomcat BIO HTTPS Connector network listener
* [GERONIMO-4854] - The protocol option will be reset after testing connection when addint server
* [GERONIMO-4856] - Some abnormal conditions with Tomcat NIO HTTPS Connector
* [GERONIMO-4858] - Geronimo 2.2 doesn't add correct connector attributes to server.xml
* [GERONIMO-4859] - Default JMX monitoring MBeans list should include JVM MBean.
* [GERONIMO-4860] - WebManagerPortlet doesn't complete remove a connector - leads to inability to start server
* [GERONIMO-4862] - it tells "" when i shutdown the server after i change the log level
* [GERONIMO-4863] - no other graphs can be chosen when I click "Modify this view" of a view
* [GERONIMO-4864] - Unselecting graph(s) doesn't work when editing an existed view
* [GERONIMO-4867] - Compared to 2.1, 2.2 doesn't handle security realms created through the console the same
* [GERONIMO-4868] - cglib ThreadLocal causing ClassLoader memory leak
* [GERONIMO-4869] - InheritableThreadLocal causing ClassLoader memory leak in TransactionTimer thread
* [GERONIMO-4873] - Unable creating a new JMS Resource Group via "For another JMS provider... " under IE
* [GERONIMO-4875] - "edit" button shows under "Created time" column in monitoring portlet.
* [GERONIMO-4876] - "" when I shutdown the server
* [GERONIMO-4882] - some doc update in G22 might be caused by bugs in code.
* [GERONIMO-4884] - Using the default port number may cause unexpected build failure
* [GERONIMO-4885] - Configure default max heap and max permsize
* [GERONIMO-4886] - Request Time Count attribute does not exist in connector mbean.
* [GERONIMO-4889] - sysdb-portlets BUILD ERROR
* [GERONIMO-4890] - The graphs still can be seen under the view when I disable the server
* [GERONIMO-4891] - Null destination error when browsing a new created jms resource group.
* [GERONIMO-4892] - Farm Deployment Error if deploy more than one applications
* [GERONIMO-4903] - Jetty Advanced Integration Test Failure
* [GERONIMO-4928] - In the JPA persistence.xml loading code, exclude-unlisted-classes handling not compliant with JPA3.0 spec
* [GERONIMO-4929] - Upgrade to latest tranql wrappers
* [GERONIMO-4930] - Support wildcards in @ParamReference collection valued parameter types in gbeans
* [GERONIMO-4941] - JMS connector ports are not listed on the console after the server started
* [GERONIMO-4943] - Finalize License/Notice files for 2.2 release
* [GERONIMO-4953] - No way to set Tomcat native cluster on engine and host level
** Improvement
* [GERONIMO-1224] - shutdown.bat / and associated StopServer class do not allow a hostname to be specified and is inconsistent with deploy tool
* [GERONIMO-1367] - Shutdown JAR should use deployer stored username/password
* [GERONIMO-1511] - Rewrite JMS portlet
* [GERONIMO-2401] - Upgrade commons-logging to 1.1
* [GERONIMO-3192] - use mvn dependency:analyze to clean up dependencies
* [GERONIMO-3316] - warn but don't prevent deployment if an ear's manifest cps are messed up, and provide more info on where.
* [GERONIMO-3389] - console: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError is thrown when create a Tomcat APR HTTP Connector
* [GERONIMO-3402] - Remove depricated DeployUtils with FileUtils
* [GERONIMO-3408] - Clean up deployer login code in ServerConnection
* [GERONIMO-3545] - Upgrade Apache Derby to
* [GERONIMO-3651] - gshell should make it dead simple to run geronimo with remote debugging
* [GERONIMO-3680] - The Monitoring agent should optimize DB activity
* [GERONIMO-3759] - Geronimo Tomcat Clustering - No GBeans for adding Static Members
* [GERONIMO-3774] - monitoring agent should separate any constant assignment inside one class
* [GERONIMO-3802] - In plugin installer, assembling a server, add a page at the end to confirm or deny the assembly of a server package.
* [GERONIMO-3828] - Provide jaxws-tools stack traces to the server.log
* [GERONIMO-3848] - geronimo:deploy-module prints out Using non-artifact based plan: null when no plan is specified
* [GERONIMO-3856] - Assemble a Server Confirmation Page
* [GERONIMO-3859] - Provide toString method to StartupMonitorUtil to aid monitoring, logging, debugging
* [GERONIMO-3900] - Add runtime support for non-Sun JVMs
* [GERONIMO-3903] - Upgrade to OpenJPA 1.0.2
* [GERONIMO-3925] - Monitoring agent should use JAXB to do XML manipulation
* [GERONIMO-3926] - Add a Derby config/plugin for easier inclusion of Derby jars without a system-database depend
* [GERONIMO-3940] - A easy way to create a new server instance via command/gsh/console
* [GERONIMO-3941] - Port the sample app-per-port from 1.1 docs to trunk and maybe 2.1.1
* [GERONIMO-3943] - Upgrade dojo plugin to dojo version 1.1.0
* [GERONIMO-3959] - Freeze during deploying OrderEAR sample from GMOxDOC21
* [GERONIMO-3961] - Upgrade to use the latest Groovy 1.5.x release
* [GERONIMO-3963] - Remote deployment using the --inPlace option
* [GERONIMO-3964] - Concentrate spec security setup for webapps into one class. Consider not using excluded permissions
* [GERONIMO-3980] - Replace maven-maven-plugin usage with shitty-maven-plugin
* [GERONIMO-3985] - Use SLF4J as the logging facade for Geronimo
* [GERONIMO-3986] - Upgrade SLF4J to 1.5.0
* [GERONIMO-3987] - Upgrade Log4j to 1.2.15
* [GERONIMO-3992] - Switch to a Pluto 1.1.6 based patch build
* [GERONIMO-4004] - Upgrade XStream to 1.3
* [GERONIMO-4013] - Make our dependency usage the same as maven dependency usage via car-maven-plugin
* [GERONIMO-4031] - Upgrade to MyFaces 1.2.3 release
* [GERONIMO-4035] - Upgrade cxf to 2.0.6, may fix new testsuite errors
* [GERONIMO-4074] - Testsuite for commands
* [GERONIMO-4084] - Set up samples with itests and plugins and a separate datasource plugin
* [GERONIMO-4085] - Change tomcat version to 6.0.16
* [GERONIMO-4087] - Improve usability of gshell commands deploy/* when failing to connect to server
* [GERONIMO-4108] - Upgrade Dojo to version 1.1.1
* [GERONIMO-4139] - Add a comment to to indicate its usage
* [GERONIMO-4145] - Additional Admin Console navigational icons
* [GERONIMO-4148] - Add OS info to the Server Information portlet
* [GERONIMO-4149] - Minor updates to commands-testsuite
* [GERONIMO-4152] - Add a way to show/hide parent and child components of modules in the console
* [GERONIMO-4154] - Converting Debugviews Portlet from Dojo 0.4->1.1.1
* [GERONIMO-4158] - Plan Creator attempts to load old widget files after dijit migration
* [GERONIMO-4170] - Upgrade Selenium version for Firefox 3
* [GERONIMO-4173] - Add SSL support to the NNTP Store and Transport.
* [GERONIMO-4174] - Restructure the SMTPTransport class to use the comment MailConnection class.
* [GERONIMO-4187] - setManagerClassName has been deprecated for the SimpleTCPCluster class in Tomcat Clustering
* [GERONIMO-4207] - Provide a LoginModule which can be used to add user or group principals via configuration
* [GERONIMO-4211] - Upgrade wsdl4j to 1.6.2 version
* [GERONIMO-4212] - Upgrade Ant to 1.7.1 version
* [GERONIMO-4220] - Tomcat Cluster Sender gbean should allow Transport element
* [GERONIMO-4225] - Allow Run SQL portlet run sql against any configured data source
* [GERONIMO-4228] - install plugin from deploy tool doesn't honor load="false"
* [GERONIMO-4230] - When installing a plugin that is already existed, we still give people confusing missingDependency message
* [GERONIMO-4234] - Upgrade to JAX-B 2.1
* [GERONIMO-4235] - JNDI search should be case-insensitive by default
* [GERONIMO-4236] - Remove unused geronimo-timer module
* [GERONIMO-4242] - Upgrade to JAX-WS API 2.1
* [GERONIMO-4244] - Update to latest wadi 2.1-SNAPSHOT
* [GERONIMO-4263] - Upgrade CXF for JAX-WS 2.1 support
* [GERONIMO-4264] - Enable static configuration of a wadi cluster
* [GERONIMO-4265] - Enhance Custom server assembly portlet usability
* [GERONIMO-4272] - Upgrade to geronimo-javamail_1.4_mail-1.6
* [GERONIMO-4274] - Automate version numbers in README and RELASE_NOTES files
* [GERONIMO-4278] - Upgrade to OpenJPA 1.2.0
* [GERONIMO-4282] - Enhance deploy/assemble gshell command usability
* [GERONIMO-4295] - Upgrade to Derby
* [GERONIMO-4297] - Include TranQL connector for Oracle RAC
* [GERONIMO-4298] - Upgrade to ActiveMQ 5.2.0 or later
* [GERONIMO-4301] - extract the schemas from the cars that need them, don't put them all in boilerplate.
* [GERONIMO-4303] - Document new 2.2 Plugin features - plugingroups, pluginGroup attribute and no classloader option
* [GERONIMO-4316] - Use plugin groups to construct javaee5 assemblies
* [GERONIMO-4319] - All plugin groups are shown as installable from the install plugin portlet
* [GERONIMO-4321] - Install JUL to SLF4J brige
* [GERONIMO-4324] - Upgrade to MyFaces v1.2.6
* [GERONIMO-4325] - Switch to new Dojo 1.1.1 mini release bundle
* [GERONIMO-4327] - Upgrade Axis2 for JAX-WS 2.1 support
* [GERONIMO-4328] - change boilerplate geronimo plugin to use car format (instead of current jar format)
* [GERONIMO-4336] - some improvements to the addRepository page of the install plugin portlet
* [GERONIMO-4337] - Upgrade to activeMQ 5.x
* [GERONIMO-4359] - Upgrade txmanager/connector component to use slf4j
* [GERONIMO-4362] - Allow users to filter plugins on server assembly portlet & allow users to turn on expert users mode
* [GERONIMO-4364] - Split the assemblylist page to 2 pages
* [GERONIMO-4370] - improve usage of default-repository in plugin catalog
* [GERONIMO-4371] - remove unnecessary plugin groups
* [GERONIMO-4386] - rmi-naming should use ServerHostname from
* [GERONIMO-4390] - Upgrade to SLF4J v1.5.5
* [GERONIMO-4391] - Upgrade to ANT v1.7.1
* [GERONIMO-4397] - change log4j ConversionPattern to ISO8601
* [GERONIMO-4400] - Improve error message of DependencyChangeMojo
* [GERONIMO-4406] - when client.bat/sh a non-exist project, return a error msg instead of a Exception stack log to user
* [GERONIMO-4409] - Eliminate ianal-maven-plugin snapshot
* [GERONIMO-4412] - Upgrade jspc-maven-plugin and jspc-compiler-tomcat6 to 2.0-alpha-2
* [GERONIMO-4413] - Improve usability of client.bat/sh
* [GERONIMO-4417] - Enhance manifest classpath generation in ArchiveCarMojo
* [GERONIMO-4432] - Allow users to filter plugins by category and name columns when selecting assembly list
* [GERONIMO-4445] - Make it possible to set up GeronimoLoginConfiguration instances containing specific security realms and to exclude others.
* [GERONIMO-4453] - Upgrade to shitty-maven-plugin 1.0-alpha-3
* [GERONIMO-4460] - Upgrade Spring plugin to 2.5.6 artifacts
* [GERONIMO-4461] - Improve exception during transaction manager one phase commit
* [GERONIMO-4462] - Allow JAVA_HOME to point to a JRE in Windows OS
* [GERONIMO-4463] - Display complete usage information in the geronimo command
* [GERONIMO-4466] - Improve exception during transaction manager commit when there are multiple XAResources
* [GERONIMO-4471] - improve heuristic exception handling in rollback when txmanager.commit is called
* [GERONIMO-4474] - Pull out the text in the JSP files to resource bundle files
* [GERONIMO-4475] - Improve JMS portlet for AMQ 5.3 Broker configuration
* [GERONIMO-4478] - enhance exception handling during transaction rollback
* [GERONIMO-4482] - a few improvements on XAExceptions during enlist resource, prepare, commit, rollback
* [GERONIMO-4484] - Extraction, localization and display of messages generated in portlets
* [GERONIMO-4490] - Improvement expected during customizing server assembly via Gshell
* [GERONIMO-4506] - switch to use txmanager 2.1.2-snapshot in geronimo server 2.1 branch
* [GERONIMO-4507] - Admin console should honor the priority of user agent's language setting
* [GERONIMO-4517] - Apply unified message display style(G-4484) to javascript alert messages. Together with the localization of these messages.
* [GERONIMO-4521] - ejb apps with spec security constraints should only deploy if there are corresponding geronimo security constraints, as with web apps
* [GERONIMO-4531] - Make NamespaceDrivenBuilderCollection more flexible wrt substitution groups
* [GERONIMO-4536] - Run integration tests in a profile rather than skipping them in a profile
* [GERONIMO-4538] - Make framework self contained to build the framework server
* [GERONIMO-4552] - Upgrade to Geronimo JavaMail provider 1.7 and JavaMail spec 1.6
* [GERONIMO-4559] - Allow use of platform mbean server instead of forcing creation of a new one
* [GERONIMO-4564] - update to use transaction manager 2.1.2
* [GERONIMO-4572] - EJB Webservice BASIC login HTTPServletRequest into LoginModule
* [GERONIMO-4577] - upgrade trunk to jetty 6.1.15
* [GERONIMO-4593] - Upgrade to OpenJPA 1.2.1
* [GERONIMO-4615] - Make the client application could use their own Log4j configuration with ApplicationLog4jConfigurationGBean
* [GERONIMO-4622] - Contribution: Linux service script for Geronimo/WAS CE
* [GERONIMO-4626] - Tomcat Clustering with WADI - JSESSIONID with jvmRoute to support mod_jk routing
* [GERONIMO-4658] - Console should let you add/edit artifact-aliases. When installing a jar, you should be able to add an artifact alias so it replaces something else.
* [GERONIMO-4660] - warning message if no WEB-INF/web.xml file is found during war
* [GERONIMO-4663] - Improvement of "New Server Instance via plugins-GERONIMO-4382"
* [GERONIMO-4679] - many [ERROR] "The protocol for the JAR file's URL is not supported" in the build log when building geronimo on windows
* [GERONIMO-4686] - No clear hints in startup error when 1050 port is already in use.
* [GERONIMO-4689] - Cleanup code in jetty7 integration
* [GERONIMO-4692] - Sort dependencies.xml history so you can tell what changed.
* [GERONIMO-4697] - Update those folders contained jetty6 to jetty
* [GERONIMO-4702] - Upgrade juddi to the released 2.0rc6
* [GERONIMO-4703] - Upgrade scout to 1.1 when released
* [GERONIMO-4705] - Use sun jstl 1.2 that is available from maven central
* [GERONIMO-4708] - Use released pluto 1.1.6 and implement icon handling in geronimo code that replaces appropriate pluto classes.
* [GERONIMO-4712] - Some INFO log is not very good/useful.
* [GERONIMO-4717] - There are some texts that aren't pulled out in the activemq portlet.
* [GERONIMO-4723] - Replace our dojo repackaging with the released dojo-war
* [GERONIMO-4729] - Duplicate clusterName value sets in
* [GERONIMO-4735] - JACC EJBMethodPermission permission collection stores data twice and is hard to understand
* [GERONIMO-4737] - geronimo source code should follow resource filtering best practice defined in genesis.
* [GERONIMO-4749] - The resource adapter created via console should be deployed as car
* [GERONIMO-4750] - port dojo-legacy external
* [GERONIMO-4759] - Remove repository entries via Console
* [GERONIMO-4761] - MBean not found exception: agent-car-jmx
* [GERONIMO-4763] - i18n properties files should be converted to ascii at build time.
* [GERONIMO-4767] - Use keywords strategy when filter the jdbc driver in database pools
* [GERONIMO-4790] - Migrate debug-views code to base on the up-to-date dojo
* [GERONIMO-4806] - improvement about ssl in JMS broker
* [GERONIMO-4824] - the created graphs can't be listed under view which is created before these graphs
* [GERONIMO-4874] - Improve the console filter performance
* [GERONIMO-4883] - ship agent-car-jmx and make it default agent, mark ejb agent as "load=false".
* [GERONIMO-4907] - GBeanInstance to Ignore Missing Setters
** New Feature
* [GERONIMO-2814] - Add a second repository to Geronimo
* [GERONIMO-2990] - Axis2: Supports OASIS XML Catalogs 1.1 specification to be used to resolve web service description document (wsdl/xsd)
* [GERONIMO-3417] - Implement JASPI
* [GERONIMO-3665] - Create ghell commands for wsgen and wsimport tools
* [GERONIMO-3811] - EjbServer portlet
* [GERONIMO-3819] - Update JMS Resources Portlet
* [GERONIMO-3871] - maven archetypes for modules and assemblies
* [GERONIMO-3876] - Allow configuring JMX over SSL
* [GERONIMO-3884] - Console && gshell action to upgrade an artifact (jar/car) from a handy repo such as apache-snapshot
* [GERONIMO-3898] - Provide handy way to configure log4j for a particular app
* [GERONIMO-3909] - Make NamingBuilders/NamingBuilderCollection ordered
* [GERONIMO-3922] - Addition of an AspectJ configuration enabling the load-time-weaving of aspects defined by children configurations
* [GERONIMO-3952] - Definition of GBeanInfo via annotations
* [GERONIMO-3983] - Update JMS Resource portlet to show the Destination statistics
* [GERONIMO-4015] - Protecting EJB based Web services but excluding wsdl from the protection
* [GERONIMO-4083] - g-m-p needs install/uninstall plugin commands
* [GERONIMO-4089] - Investigate building and running Geronimo on JSE 6
* [GERONIMO-4115] - Add wait-for-server gshell command
* [GERONIMO-4121] - Add support for 8-bit MIME body encoding in the SMTPTransport.
* [GERONIMO-4156] - Add javamail SMTP support for the SIZE= extension on the MAIL FROM command.
* [GERONIMO-4189] - Enable Geronimo Eclipse Plug-in (GEP) to get dynamic information from server
* [GERONIMO-4199] - servlet 3.0 edr spec jar
* [GERONIMO-4248] - dependency history
* [GERONIMO-4249] - Integrate jetty7 (servlet 3.0) with jaspi support
* [GERONIMO-4279] - Pull in TranQL SQLServer 2000 and 2005 XA connector
* [GERONIMO-4284] - Server farm management based on plugins
* [GERONIMO-4351] - Use CXF tooling to generate WSDL and other artifacts for JAX-WS services
* [GERONIMO-4357] - Update jacc spec to 1.1-MR5: fix colon escaping
* [GERONIMO-4358] - Update connector spec to 1.6
* [GERONIMO-4365] - Pull in TranQL Informix XA connector
* [GERONIMO-4382] - New Server Instance via plugins
* [GERONIMO-4394] - Run Geronimo as a Windows service out of box
* [GERONIMO-4401] - Extension of configuration dependencies and gbeans via Groovy scripts
* [GERONIMO-4403] - Provide a mechanism to hide specific classes of a configuration to all its children
* [GERONIMO-4408] - install-library goal for geronimo-maven-plugin
* [GERONIMO-4493] - Could not browser messages for Topic
* [GERONIMO-4523] - Security Realm based Group-Role Mapping
* [GERONIMO-4560] - Run the activemq web console on geronimo
* [GERONIMO-4678] - Initial Japanese translation
* [GERONIMO-4684] - Configure tomcat server using server.xml
* [GERONIMO-4693] - Update OpenEJB version from 3.1.1 to 3.1.2
* [GERONIMO-4810] - Predefine a "localhost" server with some predefined graphs and views
* [GERONIMO-4865] - Login module to enable Kerberos authentication
* [GERONIMO-4918] - EJB 3.1 Singleton Support
** Task
* [GERONIMO-2273] - Update downloadable JDBC driver versions
* [GERONIMO-4038] - Change the yoko version to the 1.0 release
* [GERONIMO-4181] - Upgrade derby to
* [GERONIMO-4644] - Update XBean version to 3.6 SNAPSHOT
* [GERONIMO-4655] - Branch and release 2.2
* [GERONIMO-4888] - Update the version of dojo-war dependency to 1.3.2
** Test
* [GERONIMO-4034] - testsuite sec-tests need to demonstrate how to do app client openejb login and check that it still works
* [GERONIMO-4439] - Add MTOM feature testing in the webservice testsuite
* [GERONIMO-4457] - Add testcases about dynamic webservice interface Provider
* [GERONIMO-4937] - Geronimo Testsuite Test for Singletons
Certification Status
Apache Geronimo v@VERSION@ has passed 100% of SUN's Java Enterprise Edition 5.0
Certification Test Suite. See "Distributions" for further details.
Apache Geronimo v@VERSION@ is available in five distributions so you can pick the
one that best fits your environment.
The available distributions are as follows:
Certified distributions:
- Apache Geronimo with Tomcat web container, AXIS2 for Web Services and OpenJPA
for persistence.
- Apache Geronimo with Jetty web container, CXF for Web Services and OpenJPA
for persistence.
Non-Certified distributions:
- Little-G with Tomcat web container, minimal configuration.
- Little-G with Jetty web container, minimal configuration.
- Geronimo framework, stripped down Geronimo pluggable framework.
Note: Non-Certified distributions do not contain a complete JavaEE5 stack and
so cannot be certified. Certified distributions can be reconfigured by the
user (such as Tomcat web container with CXF for Web Services).
Supported features
All programming elements of the Java EE 5.0 Specification are available.