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Release Notes -- Apache Geronimo -- Version 2.2.1
Geronimo URLs
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Bug Tracking:
Please see for the
latest documentation on this release.
System Requirements
You need a platform that supports the Sun JDK 5.0+ (J2SE 1.5.0+) or greater.
Most testing has been done on Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows.
Geronimo 2.2.1 Enhancements
Annotation based gbeans
- GBean metadata can be specified via annotations rather than static code blocks.
In addition, collection-valued annotated constructor arguments support both plain and
wildcard generics.
Improvements to plugin generation and custom server assemblies
- The car-maven-plugin now follows maven transitive dependencies by default.
This greatly simplifies including all needed jars and cars into a custom server
Clustering Support
- WADI can now be used to support clustering of stateful seesion beans as well
as web applications.
- As an alternative to the deployment-based clustering support, the set of plugins
deployed in a cluster can now be centrally managed. In this
scheme, cluster membership is maintained through a multicast heartbeat, and
plugin-plugin-list and plugin-list-cluster association is tracked in a database.
- Stateless session bean failover support
ActiveMQ 5.4.1
- We have upgraded to the latest released ActiveMQ version. The ActiveMQ broker is
now configured through the native activemq/xbean/spring native xml.
Jetty 7
- Jetty support is upgraded to Jetty 7 from the eclipse foundation. This includes considerable
amounts of servlet 3.0 functionality, and JASPIC support.
- The Tomcat server is now configured through native server.xml configuration files rather than gbeans.
JASPIC support (jsr-196)
- Both the jetty and tomcat servers include tck-compliant support for the jsr-196 JASPIC specification
servlet profile. This enables standards-based integration of authentication protocols such as openId,
SPNEGO, and various SSO providers into container-managed authentication.
App-independent principal-role mapping
- principal-role mapping can be configured independently of an application and used by reference.
Improvements to console menu navigation.
- The menu tree could be collapsed/expanded
- A quick launcher box is added for user to quick access a menu item.
Geronimo 2.2.1 Issues Resolved
** New Feature
* [GERONIMO-5516] - Add isAdvanced properties to AdminConsoleExtensionGBean
* [GERONIMO-5156] - Command line utility to unlock a keystore and private key
* [GERONIMO-5044] - Prepared Statement Cache to be made available in Informix XA tranql RA
* [GERONIMO-5027] - Redeploy option for farming
* [GERONIMO-4535] - Alternate Node Discovery for Plugin Based Farming
** Improvement
* [GERONIMO-5696] - Add db2 for iSeries tranql xa connector to server
* [GERONIMO-5668] - Use fewer acceptor threads for Jetty
* [GERONIMO-5533] - Upgrade to Tomcat 6.0.29
* [GERONIMO-5532] - Add overrrides options to geronimo-maven-plugin start-server goal
* [GERONIMO-5504] - Add "overrides" and "overriDir" parameters to geronimo-maven-plugin start-server goal
* [GERONIMO-5444] - Add slight delay during async startup of ActiveMQ
* [GERONIMO-5373] - Enable previous released geronimo 2.2 plugins installable on G 2.2.1
* [GERONIMO-5354] - Support configuration from openejb portlet for added attributes of stateless ejb container.
* [GERONIMO-5277] - Update CXF to 2.1.9 , Update myfaces to 1.28
* [GERONIMO-5244] - Upgrade to AMQ 5.3.1
* [GERONIMO-5206] - Assembly may start failed when server-security-config car is not assembled
* [GERONIMO-5193] - Upgrade DOJO from 1.3.2 to 1.4.2 in 22 branch and trunk.
* [GERONIMO-5148] - Remove the dependency of clustering over JMXConnector
* [GERONIMO-5122] - Upgrade Tomcat to 6.0.26
* [GERONIMO-4977] - EN/Simp.Chinese UI information improvement for Console
* [GERONIMO-4637] - Need documents on how to replace default file realm in Geronimo
* [GERONIMO-4593] - Upgrade to OpenJPA 1.2.2
* [GERONIMO-4583] - Remove obsolete plugins from plugins group
* [GERONIMO-4363] - Update plugin metadata (especially category) to represent function of a plugin
* [GERONIMO-4296] - Start Derby NetworkServerControl with credentials to prevent unauthorized shutdowns
* [GERONIMO-4238] - JMX over SSL improvements
* [GERONIMO-3003] - Encrypt password strings in deployment plans
* [GERONIMO-2593] - Document Javamail Session creation and usage
** Bug
* [GERONIMO-5706] - When derby authentication is disabled, DB manager portlet run SQL error: Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Schema 'DBADMIN' does not exist
* [GERONIMO-5684] - Some txmanager Timers are not being created as daemon threads
* [GERONIMO-5672] - Overriding an env-entry in geronimo-web.xml fails with a DeploymentException
* [GERONIMO-5660] - Shutdown of server with asyncStartup of ActiveMQ can hang
* [GERONIMO-5649] - txmanager could try to replace dead XAResources in commit and rollback tasks
* [GERONIMO-5648] - txmanager rollback needs retry scheduler too
* [GERONIMO-5640] - Qualified web resource permission for each role should be calculated based its own url set
* [GERONIMO-5638] - Remove the encrypt(String) method in ConfiguredEncryption
* [GERONIMO-5612] - Filter no permission functions for built-in user "monitor"
* [GERONIMO-5590] - startup script does not consume --help option
* [GERONIMO-5578] - incorrect behaviour of security-constraint configuration in web.xml
* [GERONIMO-5563] - Clicking on application URL in console opens app in the console frame with controls truncated.
* [GERONIMO-5558] - Transaction Commit status is not configured correctly
* [GERONIMO-5548] - Default user "monitor" can't login admin console in Geronimo_3.0_trunk
* [GERONIMO-5535] - jms-mdb sample contains too many jar files
* [GERONIMO-5534] - AccessTimeout warning during server startup.
* [GERONIMO-5530] - NullPointerException during MDB deployment
* [GERONIMO-5519] - Transaction recovery might commit the wrong branch on an XAResource
* [GERONIMO-5501] - Support recovery of inbound xaresources in openejb
* [GERONIMO-5469] - Add EJB cluster testsuite
* [GERONIMO-5455] - "No instances available in Stateless Session Bean pool" error when call ejb in EJB singlepoint cluster
* [GERONIMO-5452] - PersistenceUnitBuilder cannot find persistence.xml on inPlace deployments
* [GERONIMO-5446] - "ERROR [EjbModuleImpl] Module does not exist." when start MEJB module
* [GERONIMO-5441] - Update openejb pool JMX attributes
* [GERONIMO-5426] - AMQPeristentAdapter reported errors when setup activemq share file system master/slave
* [GERONIMO-5424] - Encrypt truststore pass for tomcat web ssl connector
* [GERONIMO-5419] - Console testsuite has failures with Tomcat assembly
* [GERONIMO-5418] - Console testsuite failures are caused by the new DOJO navigation tree
* [GERONIMO-5401] - Geronimo encrypts empty passwords
* [GERONIMO-5387] - Update the spring framework to fix Spring framework CVE-2010-1622 vulnerability.
* [GERONIMO-5384] - Geronimo console doesn't seem to handle % in sql statements right.
* [GERONIMO-5383] - CVE-2010-1632 and CVE-2010-2076: Axis2 and CXF HTTP binding enables DTD based XML attacks.
* [GERONIMO-5382] - Enable the max permsize configuration in geronimo-maven-plugin
* [GERONIMO-5376] - OpenEJB failover failed
* [GERONIMO-5372] - Linux cann't grap file lock from windows but windows can grap share file lock from linux
* [GERONIMO-5371] - Connection refused when change ServerHostName attribute to short hostname
* [GERONIMO-5370] - ActiveMQ: After failover, messages will not be delivered to MessageEndpoint
* [GERONIMO-5369] - Geronimo 2.2.1 start failed on jdk 1.5.22, but successfully on JDK 1.6
* [GERONIMO-5368] - Search failed when find text in debug views
* [GERONIMO-5364] - "HTTP Status 400 - XSSXSRFFilter blocked HttpServletRequest due to invalid FORM content" error
* [GERONIMO-5358] - NPE "Error deploying 'ejb/mgmt/MEJB'." when starting geronimo server.
* [GERONIMO-5357] - Run ActiveMQ 5.4 in Geronimo 2.2?
* [GERONIMO-5356] - EJB Client can access a stopped EJB Node
* [GERONIMO-5349] - Update <geronimoVersion> attribute in g221 sample branch pom.xml
* [GERONIMO-5348] - Fail to install plugin from Geronimo2.2.1 Sample Plugin URL
* [GERONIMO-5347] - Upgrade selenium to support latest version browsers in testsuite.
* [GERONIMO-5341] - (master node)NODE-A's Web Application page in Console doesn't display the app(cviewer) which has been deployed.
* [GERONIMO-5339] - cannot assign instance of org.apache.catalina.tribes.UniqueId to field org.codehaus.wadi.tribes.TribesPeer.uniqueId of type org.apache.catalina.tribes.UniqueId error when deploy wadi based session bean cluster to tomcat build.
* [GERONIMO-5332] - More changes needed in geronimo openejb modules after upgrading openejb to 3.1.3-snapshot.
* [GERONIMO-5330] - env-entry values should not be trimmed
* [GERONIMO-5325] - iframe causes some portlets display incorrectly
* [GERONIMO-5324] - the "Console navigation" is always displayed in Chinese although the browser language has been set to English-US
* [GERONIMO-5312] - support asynchronous start of ActiveMQ BrokerService
* [GERONIMO-5303] - Improve metadata of encrypt command
* [GERONIMO-5274] - Deploy New/Install New Application portlet needs some love to help out newbies
* [GERONIMO-5254] - The ActiveMQ XML configuration is incorrect regarding memoryUsage limit
* [GERONIMO-5243] - '/activemq-console does not require admin authentication
* [GERONIMO-5204] - var/security/keystores seems to be a required directory, but is not being created for custom assemblies
* [GERONIMO-5200] - high cpu load, probably result of concurrent access of resourcesNotFound in MultiParentClassLoader
* [GERONIMO-5192] - Changeing http port to 80 causes a port in use exception in the RMI service
* [GERONIMO-5180] - Deployer unlockKeystore command cannot be utilized if keystore is created through Java provided KeyTool
* [GERONIMO-5177] - Removing an entry from the Repository results in NullPointerException
* [GERONIMO-5167] - " ERROR [JNDIReferenceFactory] null" when I deploy new JMS Resource Group for Active MQ
* [GERONIMO-5163] - Admin console assemble server problems
* [GERONIMO-5161] - OpenEJB is starting an ejbds listener which is not currently controlled by geronimo
* [GERONIMO-5155] - Locking a keystore under "Available" results in exception
* [GERONIMO-5154] - system property overrides to does not work for activemq.xml
* [GERONIMO-5152] - Transaction manager doesn't retry stuff that might work later
* [GERONIMO-5150] - Connection pool idleReleaser should not expand the number of permits
* [GERONIMO-5146] - Geronimo should provide a default encrypted password for trustStore and keyStore
* [GERONIMO-5125] - Enable connecting to a ldap server anonymously on console
* [GERONIMO-5124] - No actions for JMS Resouces
* [GERONIMO-5055] - Informix tranql XA 1.2 snapshot leads to weird admin console
* [GERONIMO-5043] - Informix IFX_XASPEC property to be made available to set through Administrative Console
* [GERONIMO-5039] - Informix Lock Mode Wait property
* [GERONIMO-5036] - [OpenEJB] Unable to clear Sun JarFileFactory cache: warning after upgrading to Sun JDK 1.6.0 u18
* [GERONIMO-5032] - Procrun issue: windows service is stoped when user log off console session
* [GERONIMO-5020] - "JACC manager gbean already present" deploymentException stop car-maven-plugin to generate valid geronimo plugin car
* [GERONIMO-5015] - The testsuite is not working.
* [GERONIMO-5013] - ConcurrentModificationException in MultiParentClassLoader.getResource()
* [GERONIMO-5011] - EJB Web Service security not working at all in G 2.2
* [GERONIMO-5010] - Transport confifential not working, 403 instead of 302 HTTP headers returned
* [GERONIMO-4997] - Can not connect to a ldap server in an anonymous way
* [GERONIMO-4991] - Update AXIS2 stack to 1.5.1
* [GERONIMO-4983] - In debug mode Properties file login module reurns loginsucceeded as true for non existent users and null password
* [GERONIMO-4968] - Problemastic OS check in Windows startup command
* [GERONIMO-4957] - javax.el.CompositeELResolver is not thread-safe
* [GERONIMO-4945] - Unable to deploy ejb with custom annotation
* [GERONIMO-4944] - Deploying an EAR with security tries to create a new JACCManager
* [GERONIMO-4898] - can't install app-per-port sample using deploy/install-plugin command
* [GERONIMO-4896] - Commands to a Secure JMX Connector require the SSL keyStorePassword to be specified on command line
* [GERONIMO-4892] - Farm Deployment Error if deploy more than one applications
* [GERONIMO-4871] - Something blocking 'kill -3' signals?
* [GERONIMO-4866] - G22 doc bugs: tutorial part
* [GERONIMO-4844] - There is an error after undeploy the application and deploy the application again when configure WADI clustering,
* [GERONIMO-4801] - it says "JACC manager gbean already present" when i deploy PlantsByWebSphere sample
* [GERONIMO-4800] - Wrong information when run deploy.bat install-plugin command
* [GERONIMO-4792] - deploy --inPlace - wrong error message for non-existing folders
* [GERONIMO-4738] - ejb ws report authorization failures as 500 internal server error
* [GERONIMO-4608] - when reading ejb response
* [GERONIMO-4446] - ServletRequestAttributeListener does not work with G Jetty 2.1.3, works with G Tomcat 2.1.3
* [GERONIMO-4329] - plan create for web app doesn't work if app contains compiled jsps
* [GERONIMO-4157] - Generating plan for EAR on minimal install leads to Null Pointer Exception
** Task
* [GERONIMO-5707] - Document the usage of derby authentication and possible problems during updgrade
* [GERONIMO-5127] - login module for spnego support in geronimo
** Sub-task
* [GERONIMO-5589] - Display basic set of navigation items in a list instead of a tree
* [GERONIMO-5573] - Fix console-testsuite for Geroniom-4950 change
* [GERONIMO-5328] - deployment-testsuite/jca-cms-tests has failures
* [GERONIMO-5315] - concurrent-testsuite/concurrent-basic has failures in the build console output
* [GERONIMO-5314] - commands-testsuite/jaxws test failures
* [GERONIMO-5218] - The portlets page in iframe height is limited in debug view, so that some content is not visible when expanding the tree in debug view.
* [GERONIMO-5217] - History.back and History.forward is not working correctly after change the console navigation to ajax.
* [GERONIMO-5132] - In debug mode Properties file login module reurns loginsucceeded as true for non existent users and null password GERONIMO-4983
* [GERONIMO-5131] - Retrieving group information from Active Directory server for authorization in Spnego
* [GERONIMO-5130] - Documentation for using Spnego with geronimo
* [GERONIMO-5128] - login module for spnego support in geronimo
** Test
Certification Status
Apache Geronimo v2.2.1 has passed 100% of SUN's Java Enterprise Edition 5.0
Certification Test Suite. See "Distributions" for further details.
Apache Geronimo v2.2.1 is available in five distributions so you can pick the
one that best fits your environment.
The available distributions are as follows:
Certified distributions:
- Apache Geronimo with Tomcat web container, AXIS2 for Web Services and OpenJPA
for persistence.
- Apache Geronimo with Jetty web container, CXF for Web Services and OpenJPA
for persistence.
Non-Certified distributions:
- Little-G with Tomcat web container, minimal configuration.
- Little-G with Jetty web container, minimal configuration.
- Geronimo framework, stripped down Geronimo pluggable framework.
Note: Non-Certified distributions do not contain a complete JavaEE5 stack and
so cannot be certified. Certified distributions can be reconfigured by the
user (such as Tomcat web container with CXF for Web Services).
Supported features
All programming elements of the Java EE 5.0 Specification are available.
Known Issues and Limitations
** Bug
GERONIMO-5635 corrupt JobSchedulerStore can cause server restart to fail
GERONIMO-5142 runtime errors if JAVA_HOME or JRE_HOME is not specified
GERONIMO-5052 Re-enable Single Sign On for G2.2 with Tomcat
GERONIMO-4901 Shutting down Geronimo destroys pending Timers
GERONIMO-4494 Add and remove connectors for broker do not work