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title: Setup and Configuration
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The Apache Geode developer REST interface runs as an embedded HTTP or HTTPS service (Jetty server) within a Geode data node.
All Geode REST interface classes and required JAR files are distributed as a WAR file with the Geode product distribution. You can locate the file in the following location:
``` pre
To enable the developer REST API service in Apache Geode, set the `start-dev-rest-api` Geode property to `true` when starting a data node using either `gfsh` or the ServerLauncher API. Setting this property to true on a data node will start up an embedded Jetty server and deploy the REST developer API WAR file.
The REST API service for application development can only be started on servers; you cannot use locators to host the developer Geode REST API services.
You can have multiple REST enabled data nodes in a single distributed system. Each data node should have a separate host name and unique end point. To ensure that the data node is reachable on a machine with multiple NIC addresses, you can use `http-service-bind-address` to bind an address to the REST API service (as well as the other embedded web services such as Pulse.)
You can also configure the Developer REST API service to run over
HTTPS by enabling ssl for the `http` component in ``
or `` or on server startup:
See [SSL](../managing/security/ssl_overview.html) for details on configuring SSL parameters.
These SSL parameters apply to all HTTP services hosted on the configured server, which can include the following:
- Developer REST API service
- Management REST API service (for remote cluster management)
- Pulse monitoring tool
The following procedure starts up a REST API service-enabled Geode deployment:
1. Configure PDX for your cluster. You must configure PDX if either or both of the following conditions apply:
- Application peer member caches will access REST-accessible Regions (resources) with the `Region.get(key)`.
- Your deployment has persistent regions that must be available as resources to the REST API. To configure PDX in your cluster, perform the following steps:
1. Start up a locator running the [cluster configuration service](../configuring/cluster_config/gfsh_persist.html) (enabled by default). For example:
``` pre
gfsh>start locator --name=locator1
2. If your deployment has application peer member caches (for example, Java clients) that must also access REST-accessible Regions (resources), use the following gfsh command:
``` pre
gfsh>configure pdx --read-serialized=true
You do not need to configure `--read-serialized=true` if no application peer member caches are accessing the REST-accessible regions (resources) in your deployment.
3. If your deployment contains **persistent regions** that must be REST-accessible, use the following gfsh command:
``` pre
gfsh>configure pdx --disk-store
This command sets `pdx` `persistent` equal to true and sets the disk-store-name to DEFAULT. If desired, specify an existing disk store name as the value for `--disk-store`.
4. If both of the above cases apply to your deployment, then configure PDX with the following single command:
``` pre
gfsh>configure pdx --read-serialized=true --disk-store
After you have configured PDX for your caches, then proceed with starting up your REST-enabled servers and other data nodes.
2. Start a server node with the Geode property `start-dev-rest-api` set to `true`. For example:
``` pre
gfsh>start server --name=server1 --J=-Dgemfire.start-dev-rest-api=true \
--J=-Dgemfire.http-service-port=8080 --J=-Dgemfire.http-service-bind-address=localhost
Optionally, you can also configure a `http-service-bind-address` and `http-service-port` to identify the cache server and specific port that will host REST services. If you do not specify the `http-service-port`, the default port is 7070. If you do not specify `http-service-bind-address`, the HTTP service will bind to all local addresses by default.
Any server that hosts data, even a server acting as a JMX manager, can start the developer REST API service. For example, to start the service on a server that is also a JMX manager, you would run:
``` pre
gfsh>start server --name=server1 --J=-Dgemfire.start-dev-rest-api=true \
--J=-Dgemfire.http-service-port=8080 --J=-Dgemfire.http-service-bind-address=localhost \
--J=-Dgemfire.jmx-manager=true --J=-Dgemfire.jmx-manager-start=true
Note that when started as a JMX Manager, the server will also host the Pulse web application in the same HTTP service.
3. You may also need to specify a CLASSPATH to load any functions that need to be made available to your REST services. For example:
``` pre
gfsh>start server --name=server1 --J=-Dgemfire.start-dev-rest-api=true \
--J=-Dgemfire.http-service-port=8080 --J=-Dgemfire.http-service-bind-address=localhost \
4. You can also specify these properties either upon server startup or in the servers configuration file.
``` pre
gfsh>start server --name=serverX --server-port=40405 --cache-xml-file=cache-config.xml \ --classpath=/myapps/testfunctions.jar
where contains:
``` pre
5. Verify that the Geode REST API service is up and running. To validate this, you can perform the following checks:
1. Test the list resources endpoint (this step assumes that you have regions defined on your cluster):
``` pre
curl -i http://localhost:8080/gemfire-api/v1
2. Examine the server logs for the following messages:
``` pre
[info 2014/06/12 14:56:52.431 PDT rest-test <localhost-startStop-1> tid=0x4d]
(tid=11 msgId=8) Initializing Spring FrameworkServlet 'gemfire-api'[info 2014/06/12
14:56:52.432 PDT rest-test <localhost-startStop-1> tid=0x4d] (tid=11 msgId=9)
FrameworkServlet 'gemfire-api': initialization started
3. Open a browser and enter the following URL to browse the Swagger-enabled REST APIs:
``` pre
where *http-service-bind-address* is the address and *http-service-port* is the port number that you specified when starting the Development REST API service on the server. For example, based on the server started in step 2, you would enter:
``` pre
If you did not specify these properties upon server startup or in ``, then use the default of localhost and port 7070. See [Using the Swagger UI to Browse REST APIs](using_swagger.html#concept_rlr_y3c_54) for more information.
## Programmatic Startup
You can also start up and configure Geode REST services programmatically. For example:
``` pre
import org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher;
public class MyEmbeddedRestServer {
public static void main(String[] args){
ServerLauncher serverLauncher = new ServerLauncher.Builder()
.set("start-dev-rest-api", "true")
.set("http-service-port", "8080")
.set("http-service-bind-address", "localhost")
System.out.println("REST server successfully started");
You can then verify that the developer REST API service has been started programmatically by visiting the following URL:
``` pre