incorporate reviewer feedback re: example format
diff --git a/website/content/releases/index.html b/website/content/releases/index.html
index 57b01c0..3cf51ce 100644
--- a/website/content/releases/index.html
+++ b/website/content/releases/index.html
@@ -219,22 +219,22 @@
 					The PGP signatures can be verified using PGP or GPG. First download the <a href="">KEYS</a> as well as the <em>asc signature</em> file for the particular distribution. Then verify the signatures using:
 				<p style="margin-left:5%"><tt>
-       				% pgpk -a KEYS
+       				pgpk -a KEYS
-        			% pgpv ${filename}.tar.gz.asc</tt>
+        			pgpv ${filename}.tgz.asc</tt>
 				<p style="margin-left:5%"><tt>
-        			% pgp -ka KEYS
+        			pgp -ka KEYS
-        			% pgp ${filename}.tar.gz.asc</tt>
+        			pgp ${filename}.tgz.asc</tt>
 				<p style="margin-left:5%"><tt>
-        			% gpg --import KEYS
+        			gpg --import KEYS
-        			% gpg --verify ${filename}.tar.gz.asc</tt>
+        			gpg --verify ${filename}.tgz.asc</tt>
         Alternatively, you can verify the SHA256 checksum on the files. A program called <tt>sha256sum</tt>