blob: 79767df28b0705520e64c74c27cd0c9f17dd0726 [file] [log] [blame]
To publish from trunk/site-author/
Do once:
# Create $FORREST_HOME/deploy.svn.settings file. These credentials
# are needed by forrestbot so that it can do your 'svn add'
# and 'svn commit' etc. to the forrest/site/ repository.
# The deploy.svn.settings file looks like:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<property name="deploy.svn.user" value="myApacheUsername"/>
<property name="deploy.svn.password" value="myPassword"/>
# Make changes to sources, and then test, then commit.
# Use the forrestbot to build and then deploy to ...
cd site-author
forrest -f publish.xml build
# ... verify files in build/forrest-docs
forrest -f publish.xml deploy -Ddeploy.svn.commit-message="my commit message"
Now the files are in SVN at forrest/site
Periodically the real website files are updated from there.
You do not have to do anything else.
Note: The first time that you deploy, it will need to do
a long svn checkout first.