blob: d9f56be791a484ba0c642f9a173ab56a93deb681 [file] [log] [blame]
All docs need update to reflect the new "copyless" way and the new filesystem.
Note the ones that have been done using a code in the left-hand columns:
In column #1 ...
S = Reviewed for pathnames, etc. following the 0.7-dev SVN restructure
In column #2 ...
R = Reviewed for pathnames, URLs, and techniques; perhaps needs general review.
F = Fully reviewed.
* = There are issues to be addressed.
U = Unrelated to changes in forrest, perhaps still needs general review.
F |-- build.xml
|-- contrib.xml
|-- docs
R | |-- cap.xml
SR | |-- catalog.xml
R | |-- compliance.xml
U | |-- document-v11.xml
R | |-- document-v12.xml
R | |-- document-v13.xml
R | |-- document-v20.xml
U | |-- dreams.xml
F | |-- dtd-docs.xml
R | |-- forrest-contract.xml
F | |-- forrestbar.xml
F | |-- forrestbot-web-interface.xml
F | |-- forrestbot.xml
U | |-- libre-intro.xml
R* | |-- linking.xml #FIXME: need updated screenshots and site snippets
F | |-- oowriter.sxw
U | |-- primer.xml #FIXME: Still seems to be useful doc, but needs review.
R | |-- searching.xml
R | |-- sitemap-ref.xml
R | |-- skin-package.xml
U | |-- upgrading_05.xml
* | |-- upgrading_06.xml #FIXME: Add more items as necessary.
F | |-- validation.xml
F | |-- wiki-sample.cwiki
F | `-- your-project.xml
R |-- faq.xml
* |-- bylaws.xml #FIXME: Not yet published.
|-- howto
U | |-- bugzilla-patch
U | | |-- book.xml
U | | |-- howto-bugzilla-patch.xml
U | |-- cvs-ssh
U | | |-- book.xml
U | | `-- howto-cvs-ssh.xml
F | |-- howto-asf-mirror.xml
F | |-- howto-howto.xml
F | |-- howto-pdf-tab.xml
F | |-- index.xml
U | `-- multi
U | |-- howto-multi.xml
U | |-- revision-howto-multi-2003-09-14.xml
U | |-- revision-howto-multi-2003-09-15.xml
U | |-- revision-step1-2003-09-16.xml
U | |-- step1.xml
U | |-- step2.xml
U | `-- step3.xml
R |-- index.xml
F |-- license.xml
U |-- live-sites.xml
F |-- mail-archives.xml
F |-- mail-lists.xml
F |-- mirrors.ihtml
|-- site.xml
|-- tabs.xml
* |-- uri-namespace.xml # FIXME: This is old doc, that has not been linked
F `-- who.xml