blob: a8ff700bcee2295a5ca95a9eaf0059fc3459bcaa [file] [log] [blame]
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<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
There is a separate "flink-yarn-tests" package that expects the "flink-dist" package
to be build before.
We need the YARN fat jar build by flink-dist for the tests.
<name>Flink : Yarn Tests</name>
<!-- test dependencies -->
<!-- Needed for the streaming wordcount example -->
<!-- This dependency is no longer shipped with the JDK since Java 9.-->
<!-- This dependency is no longer shipped with the JDK since Java 9.-->
<!-- This dependency is no longer shipped with the JDK since Java 9.-->
<!-- Enforce single threaded execution due to port conflicts with the mini yarn cluster -->
<!-- Some plugin has a nasty side-effect that sets the working directory to
.../flink-yarn-tests/target during integration tests, which is rather unusual -->
<!-- Skip the deployment of this module since it only contains yarn tests -->
<!-- Scala Compiler -->
<!-- Run scala compiler in the process-resources phase, so that dependencies on
scala classes can be resolved later in the (Java) compile phase -->
<!-- Run scala compiler in the process-test-resources phase, so that dependencies on
scala classes can be resolved later in the (Java) test-compile phase -->
<!-- Eclipse Integration -->
<!-- Adding scala source directories to build path -->
<!-- Add src/main/scala to eclipse build path -->
<!-- Add src/test/scala to eclipse build path -->
<!-- Scala Code Style, most of the configuration done via plugin management -->
Copy batch and streaming examples programs in to the flink-yarn-tests/target/programs
directory to be run during YARN integration tests.
<!-- Write classpath of flink-yarn-tests to a file, so that the yarn tests can use it as their classpath
for the YARN "containers".