blob: 0ab0cf41789f5dbc98726957144a4c50e0ea3023 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package flashx.textLayout.compose
import flash.text.engine.TextBlock;
import flash.text.engine.TextLine;
import flash.text.engine.TextLineValidity;
import flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.BackgroundManager;
import flashx.textLayout.debug.Debugging;
import flashx.textLayout.debug.assert;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowLeafElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow;
import flashx.textLayout.tlf_internal;
use namespace tlf_internal;
* The FlowComposerBase class is the base class for Text Layout Framework flow composer classes, which control the
* composition of text lines in ContainerController objects.
* <p>FlowComposerBase is a utility class that implements methods and properties that are common
* to several types of flow composer. Application code would not typically instantiate or use this class
* (unless extending it to create a custom flow composer).</p>
* @see flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow#flowComposer
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
public class FlowComposerBase
// Composition data
[ ArrayElementType("text.elements.TextFlowLine") ]
private var _lines:Array;
/** @private */
protected var _textFlow:TextFlow;
/** Absolute start of the damage area -- first character in the flow that is dirty and needs to be recomposed. @private */
protected var _damageAbsoluteStart:int;
/** @private */
protected var _swfContext:ISWFContext;
/** Constructor.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
public function FlowComposerBase():void
_lines = new Array();
_swfContext = null;
/** Returns the array of lines. @private */
public function get lines():Array
{ return _lines; }
* @copy IFlowComposer#getLineAt()
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
public function getLineAt(index:int):TextFlowLine
{ return _lines[index]; }
/** @copy IFlowComposer#numLines
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
public function get numLines():int
{ return _lines.length; }
* The TextFlow object to which this flow composer is attached.
* @see flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
public function get textFlow():TextFlow
{ return _textFlow; }
* The absolute position immediately preceding the first element in the text
* flow that requires composition and updating.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
public function get damageAbsoluteStart():int
return _damageAbsoluteStart;
* Initialize the lines for the TextFlow. Creates a single TextFlowLine with no content. @private
protected function initializeLines():void
var backgroundManager:BackgroundManager = _textFlow ? _textFlow.backgroundManager : null;
// remove all the lines we have now - cache for reuse
if (TextLineRecycler.textLineRecyclerEnabled)
for each (var line:TextFlowLine in _lines)
var textLine:TextLine = line.peekTextLine();
if (textLine && !textLine.parent)
// releasing all textLines so release each still connected textBlock
if (textLine.validity != TextLineValidity.INVALID)
var textBlock:TextBlock = textLine.textBlock;
CONFIG::debug { Debugging.traceFTECall(null,textBlock,"releaseLines",textBlock.firstLine,textBlock.lastLine); }
textLine.userData = null;
if (backgroundManager)
_damageAbsoluteStart = 0;
CONFIG::debug { checkFirstDamaged(); }
/** Make sure that there is a TextFlowLine for all the content - even if compose has stopped early. @private */
protected function finalizeLinesAfterCompose():void
var line:TextFlowLine;
if (_lines.length == 0)
// create a new line, with damage, that covers the entire area
line = new TextFlowLine(null,null);
line = _lines[_lines.length-1];
var lineEnd:int = line.absoluteStart + line.textLength;
if (lineEnd < textFlow.textLength)
line = new TextFlowLine(null,null);
* @copy IFlowComposer#updateLengths()
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
public function updateLengths(startPosition:int,deltaLength:int):void
// no lines yet - skip it
if (numLines == 0)
var line:TextFlowLine; // sratch line variable
var lineIdx:int = findLineIndexAtPosition(startPosition);
var damageStart:int = int.MAX_VALUE;
if (deltaLength > 0)
if (lineIdx == _lines.length)
line = _lines[_lines.length-1];
CONFIG::debug { assert(line.absoluteStart+line.textLength == startPosition,"updateLengths bad startIdx"); }
line.setTextLength(line.textLength + deltaLength);
line = _lines[lineIdx++];
line.setTextLength(line.textLength + deltaLength);
damageStart = line.absoluteStart;
var lenToDel:int = -deltaLength;
var curPos:int = 0;
while (true)
line = _lines[lineIdx];
line.setAbsoluteStart(line.absoluteStart + lenToDel + deltaLength);
curPos = (startPosition > line.absoluteStart ? startPosition : line.absoluteStart);
var lineEndIdx:int = line.absoluteStart + line.textLength;
var deleteChars:int = 0;
if (curPos + lenToDel <= lineEndIdx)
if (curPos == line.absoluteStart)
deleteChars = lenToDel; //delete from begin of line to end of selection
else if (curPos == startPosition)
deleteChars = lenToDel; //delete is all included in one line
CONFIG::debug { assert(false, "insertText: should never happen"); }
else //(curPos + lenToDel > lineEndIdx) //multiline delete
if (curPos == line.absoluteStart)
deleteChars = line.textLength; //delete the whole line
deleteChars = lineEndIdx-curPos; //delete from middle of line to end of line
if (curPos == line.absoluteStart && curPos + deleteChars == lineEndIdx) //the whole line is selected
lenToDel -= deleteChars;
_lines.splice(lineIdx,1); //lineIdx now points to the next line
else //partial line
if (damageStart > line.absoluteStart)
damageStart = line.absoluteStart;
line.setTextLength(line.textLength - deleteChars);
lenToDel -= deleteChars;
CONFIG::debug { assert(lenToDel >= 0,"updateLengths deleted too much"); }
if (lenToDel <= 0)
for ( ; lineIdx < _lines.length; lineIdx++)
line = _lines[lineIdx];
if (deltaLength >= 0)
line.setAbsoluteStart(line.absoluteStart + deltaLength);
line.setAbsoluteStart(line.absoluteStart > -deltaLength ? line.absoluteStart+deltaLength : 0);
if (_damageAbsoluteStart > damageStart)
_damageAbsoluteStart = damageStart;
* @copy IFlowComposer#damage()
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
public function damage(startPosition:int, damageLength:int, damageType:String):void
// find the line at damageStart
if (_lines.length == 0 || textFlow.textLength == 0)
// This case the damageStart is at the end of the text. This can happen if the last paragraph is deleted
if (startPosition == textFlow.textLength)
CONFIG::debug { assert(startPosition + damageLength <= textFlow.textLength, "Damaging past end of flow!"); }
// Start damaging one line before the startPosition location in case some of the first "damaged" line will fit on the previous line.
// We do this only if we're not on the first line of the paragraph -- figuring this out is expensive but otherwise we could damage
// back while we're composing because we damaged in the process of constructing a textBlock.
var lineIndex:int = findLineIndexAtPosition(startPosition);
var leaf:FlowLeafElement = textFlow.findLeaf(startPosition);
if (leaf && lineIndex > 0 && leaf.getParagraph().getAbsoluteStart() != startPosition)
if (lines[lineIndex].absoluteStart < _damageAbsoluteStart)
_damageAbsoluteStart = _lines[lineIndex].absoluteStart;
CONFIG::debug { assert(lineIndex < _lines.length && _lines[lineIndex].absoluteStart <= startPosition + damageLength, "Missing line"); }
while (lineIndex < _lines.length)
var line:TextFlowLine = _lines[lineIndex];
// Changed to >= from >, as > seemed to damage too
// many lines when editing tables.
// Should verify the correctness of this.
if (line.absoluteStart >= startPosition+damageLength)
* @copy IFlowComposer#isDamaged()
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
public function isDamaged(absolutePosition:int):Boolean
// Returns true if any text from _damageAbsoluteStart through absolutePosition needs to be recomposed
// no lines - damaged
if (_lines.length == 0)
return true;
CONFIG::debug { checkFirstDamaged(); }
return _damageAbsoluteStart <= absolutePosition && _damageAbsoluteStart != textFlow.textLength;
/** @private */
CONFIG::debug public function checkFirstDamaged():void
// find the line at start
if (_lines.length == 0)
var lineIndex:int = findLineIndexAtPosition(0);
while (lineIndex < _lines.length)
if (_lines[lineIndex].isDamaged())
// trace("is damaged");
CONFIG::debug { assert(_lines[lineIndex].absoluteStart >= _damageAbsoluteStart, "_damageAbsoluteStart doesn't match actual line value"); }
// trace("not damaged");
* @copy IFlowComposer#findLineIndexAtPosition()
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
public function findLineIndexAtPosition(absolutePosition:int,preferPrevious:Boolean = false):int
var lo:int = 0;
var hi:int = _lines.length-1;
while (lo <= hi)
var mid:int = (lo+hi)/2;
var line:TextFlowLine = _lines[mid];
if (line.absoluteStart <= absolutePosition)
if (preferPrevious)
if (line.absoluteStart + line.textLength >= absolutePosition)
return mid;
if (line.absoluteStart + line.textLength > absolutePosition)
return mid;
lo = mid+1;
hi = mid-1;
return _lines.length;
* @copy IFlowComposer#findLineAtPosition()
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
public function findLineAtPosition(absolutePosition:int,preferPrevious:Boolean = false):TextFlowLine
return _lines[findLineIndexAtPosition(absolutePosition,preferPrevious)];
* add a new line
* Add a new line to the list of composed lines for the frame. Lines are sorted
* by the start location, and each line has a span. The start of the next line
* has to match the start of the previous line + the span of the previous line.
* The last line needs to end at the end of the text. Therefore, when we add a
* new line, we may need to adjust the span and/or start locations of other lines
* in the text.
* @private
public function addLine(newLine:TextFlowLine,workIndex:int):void
CONFIG::debug { assert(workIndex == findLineIndexAtPosition(newLine.absoluteStart),"bad workIndex to TextFlow.addLine"); };
CONFIG::debug { assert (!newLine.isDamaged(), "adding damaged line"); }
var workLine:TextFlowLine = _lines[workIndex];
var afterLine:TextFlowLine;
var damageStart:int = int.MAX_VALUE;
if (_damageAbsoluteStart == newLine.absoluteStart)
_damageAbsoluteStart = newLine.absoluteStart + newLine.textLength;
if (workLine == null)
else if (workLine.absoluteStart != newLine.absoluteStart)
if (workLine.absoluteStart + workLine.textLength > newLine.absoluteStart + newLine.textLength)
// Making a new line in the middle of an old one. Need to split the old one.
afterLine = new TextFlowLine(null,newLine.paragraph);
afterLine.setAbsoluteStart(newLine.absoluteStart + newLine.textLength);
var oldCharCount:int = workLine.textLength;
workLine.setTextLength(newLine.absoluteStart - workLine.absoluteStart);
CONFIG::debug { assert(workLine.textLength != 0, "0 width line"); }
afterLine.setTextLength((oldCharCount - newLine.textLength) - workLine.textLength);
CONFIG::debug { assert(afterLine.textLength != 0, "0 width line"); }
_lines.splice(workIndex + 1, 0, newLine, afterLine);
// We're composing ahead, so we need to split the line where we're at
// This can happen if a table is getting composed, some cells can be composed before
// others that go before.
CONFIG::debug { assert(workLine.isDamaged(), "Uneven line boundary, but lines marked up to date"); }
workLine.setTextLength(newLine.absoluteStart - workLine.absoluteStart);
CONFIG::debug { assert(workLine.textLength != 0, "0 width line"); }
afterLine = _lines[workIndex+1];
afterLine.setTextLength((newLine.absoluteStart + newLine.textLength) - afterLine.absoluteStart);
CONFIG::debug { assert(_lines[workIndex + 1].textLength != 0, "0 width line"); }
afterLine.setAbsoluteStart(newLine.absoluteStart + newLine.textLength);
_lines.splice(workIndex + 1, 0, newLine);
damageStart = workLine.absoluteStart;
else if (workLine.textLength > newLine.textLength)
// New line partially overlaps old line.
// Keep the old line, but resize it so it comes after the new line.
// Insert the new line at the old line's position
workLine.setTextLength(workLine.textLength - newLine.textLength);
CONFIG::debug { assert(workLine.textLength != 0, "0 width line"); }
workLine.setAbsoluteStart(newLine.absoluteStart + newLine.textLength);
_lines.splice(workIndex, 0, newLine);
damageStart = workLine.absoluteStart;
var deleteCount:int = 1;
// The new line completely overlaps the old line.
// Insert the new line over the old line. If the line extents don't match,
// fix-up the starting position & extent of the following line.
if (workLine.textLength != newLine.textLength)
var amtRemaining:int = (newLine.textLength - workLine.textLength);
var nextLine:int = workIndex + 1;
while (amtRemaining > 0)
afterLine = _lines[nextLine];
if (amtRemaining < afterLine.textLength)
afterLine.setTextLength(afterLine.textLength - amtRemaining);
amtRemaining -= afterLine.textLength;
afterLine = nextLine < _lines.length ? _lines[nextLine] : null
if (afterLine && afterLine.absoluteStart != newLine.absoluteStart + newLine.textLength)
afterLine.setAbsoluteStart(newLine.absoluteStart + newLine.textLength);
CONFIG::debug { assert(afterLine.textLength != 0, "0 width line"); }
damageStart = newLine.absoluteStart + newLine.textLength;
// remove userData on the deleted lines so they can be recycled
if (TextLineRecycler.textLineRecyclerEnabled)
var backgroundManager:BackgroundManager = textFlow.backgroundManager;
for (var recycleIdx:int = workIndex; recycleIdx < workIndex+deleteCount; recycleIdx++)
var textLine:TextLine = TextFlowLine(_lines[recycleIdx]).peekTextLine();
if (textLine && !textLine.parent)
// lines shouldn't be valid here but lets check anyhow
CONFIG::debug { assert(textLine.validity != TextLineValidity.VALID,"caught a bug here"); }
if (textLine.validity != TextLineValidity.VALID) // recycle immediately if not parented
textLine.userData = null;
if (backgroundManager)
_lines.splice(workIndex, deleteCount, newLine);
if (_damageAbsoluteStart > damageStart)
_damageAbsoluteStart = damageStart;
// CONFIG::debug { debugCheckTextFlowLines(false); }
// CONFIG::debug { checkFirstDamaged(); } enabling this will cause false positives due to _damageAbsoluteStart during composition not updated when GEOMETRY_DAMAGE lines are cleared
/** @private - helper function for finding a base swf context from a swf context */
tlf_internal static function computeBaseSWFContext(context:ISWFContext):ISWFContext
return context && Object(context).hasOwnProperty("getBaseSWFContext") ? context["getBaseSWFContext"]() : context;
* The ISWFContext instance used to make FTE calls as needed.
* <p>By default, the ISWFContext implementation is this FlowComposerBase object.
* Applications can provide a custom implementation to use fonts
* embedded in a different SWF file or to cache and reuse text lines.</p>
* @see flashx.textLayout.compose.ISWFContext
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
public function get swfContext():ISWFContext
return _swfContext;
public function set swfContext(context:ISWFContext):void
if (context != _swfContext)
// swf contexts can be wrappers for other swf contexts - we're going to let the swfcontext give us a hint here
if (textFlow)
var newBaseContext:ISWFContext = computeBaseSWFContext(context);
var oldBaseContext:ISWFContext = computeBaseSWFContext(_swfContext);
_swfContext = context;
if (newBaseContext != oldBaseContext)
_swfContext = context;
* Validate that the lines associated with the flow are internally consistent.
* @private
* The start of the next line has to match the start of the previous line + the
* span of the previous line. The last line needs to end at the end of the flow,
* and the first line must be at the start of the text.
CONFIG::debug public function debugCheckTextFlowLines(validateControllers:Boolean=true):int
var rslt:int = 0;
var position:int = 0;
var overflow:Boolean = false;
for each (var line:TextFlowLine in _lines)
// trace("validateLines:",lines.indexOf(line).toString()," ",line.start," ",line.textLength);
rslt += assert(line.absoluteStart == position, "Line start incorrect");
rslt += assert(line.textLength >= 0,"Invalind length");
if (validateControllers)
var lineController:ContainerController = line.controller;
if (lineController != null)
rslt += assert(overflow == false,"non overflow line after overflow line?");
rslt += assert(line.absoluteStart >= line.controller.absoluteStart,"bad container mapping");
rslt += assert(line.absoluteStart+line.textLength<= lineController.absoluteStart+lineController.textLength,"bad container mapping");
overflow = true;
position += line.textLength;
return rslt;