- Replace all images marked as FIXME to Apache Flex image logo
- Replace texts marked as FIXME to text taken from SDK README
diff --git a/automation_tests/src/UnitTest/Tests/ContainerAttributeTest.as b/automation_tests/src/UnitTest/Tests/ContainerAttributeTest.as
index 55673ce..f44c2e0 100644
--- a/automation_tests/src/UnitTest/Tests/ContainerAttributeTest.as
+++ b/automation_tests/src/UnitTest/Tests/ContainerAttributeTest.as
@@ -1583,8 +1583,7 @@
             // Get image content height which has padding top set
             var textFlow:TextFlow = SelManager.textFlow;
-	    // FIXME replace image/logo content
-            var markup:String = '<TextFlow fontFamily="Arial" fontSize="16" paddingBottom="2" paddingLeft="2" paddingRight="2" paddingTop="2" whiteSpaceCollapse="preserve" version="2.0.0" xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/textLayout/2008"><p><img paddingTop="-100" paddingLeft="50" height="auto" width="auto" source="http://www.lacitelibreria.info/ambientazione-cite/cite-libreria-logo.png" float="left"/><span fontFamily="Georgia" fontSize="24">La Cité Libreria Cafè</span></p></TextFlow>';
+            var markup:String = '<TextFlow fontFamily="Arial" fontSize="16" paddingBottom="2" paddingLeft="2" paddingRight="2" paddingTop="2" whiteSpaceCollapse="preserve" version="2.0.0" xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/textLayout/2008"><p><img paddingTop="-100" paddingLeft="50" height="auto" width="auto" source="http://flex.apache.org/images/logo_01_fullcolor-sm.png" float="left"/><span fontFamily="Georgia" fontSize="24">La Cité Libreria Cafè</span></p></TextFlow>';
             var textFlowNew:TextFlow = TextConverter.importToFlow(markup, TextConverter.TEXT_LAYOUT_FORMAT);
             textFlow.addEventListener(StatusChangeEvent.INLINE_GRAPHIC_STATUS_CHANGE, statusChangeHandler);
diff --git a/automation_tests/src/UnitTest/Tests/FloatTest.as b/automation_tests/src/UnitTest/Tests/FloatTest.as
index f994ead..99633c5 100644
--- a/automation_tests/src/UnitTest/Tests/FloatTest.as
+++ b/automation_tests/src/UnitTest/Tests/FloatTest.as
@@ -115,12 +115,11 @@
         public static function setUpClass():void
-            _englishContent = "There are many such lime-kilns in that tract of country, for the purpose of burning the white marble which composes a large part of the substance of the hills. Some of them, built years ago, and long deserted, with weeds growing in the vacant round of the interior, which is open to the sky, and grass and wild-flowers rooting themselves into the chinks of the stones, look already like relics of antiquity, and may yet be overspread with the lichens of centuries to come. Others, where the lime-burner still feeds his daily and nightlong fire, afford points of interest to the wanderer among the hills, who seats himself on a log of wood or a fragment of marble, to hold a chat with the solitary man. It is a lonesome, and, when the character is inclined to thought, may be an intensely thoughtful occupation; as it proved in the case of Ethan Brand, who had mused to such strange purpose, in days gone by, while the fire in this very kiln was burning.\n" +
-                    "The man who now watched the fire was of a different order, and troubled himself with no thoughts save the very few that were requisite to his business. At frequent intervals, he flung back the clashing weight of the iron door, and, turning his face from the insufferable glare, thrust in huge logs of oak, or stirred the immense brands with a long pole. Within the furnace were seen the curling and riotous flames, and the burning marble, almost molten with the intensity of heat; while without, the reflection of the fire quivered on the dark intricacy of the surrounding forest, and showed in the foreground a bright and ruddy little picture of the hut, the spring beside its door, the athletic and coal-begrimed figure of the lime-burner, and the half-frightened child, shrinking into the protection of his father's shadow. And when again the iron door was closed, then reappeared the tender light of the half-full moon, which vainly strove to trace out the indistinct shapes of the neighboring mountains; and, in the upper sky, there was a flitting congregation of clouds, still faintly tinged with the rosy sunset, though thus far down into the valley the sunshine had vanished long and long ago."
-			// FIXME reed to be replaced
-			_japaneseContent = '文字コードが割り当てられていないグリフの大半は既に文字コードが割り当てられているグリフの異体字です。次のセクションでは、このようなグリフスする方法について解説しまが割り当てられていないグリフの大半は既に文字コードが割り当てられているグリフの異体字です。次のセクす。\n文字コードが割り当てられていないグリフの大半は既に文字コードが割り当てられているグリフの異体字です。次のセクションでは、このようなグリフスする方法について解説しまが割り当てられていないグリフの大半は既に文字コードが割り当てられているグリフの異体字です。次のセクす。\n' +
-                    '文字コードが割り当てられていないグリフの大半は既に文字コードが割り当てられているグリフの異体字です。次のセクションでは、このようなグリフスする方法について解説しまが割り当てられていないグリフの大半は既に文字コードが割り当てられているグリフの異体字です。次のセクす。\n文字コードが割り当てられていないグリフの大半は既に文字コードが割り当てられているグリフの異体字です。次のセクションでは、このようなグリフスする方法について解説しまが割り当てられていないグリフの大半は既に文字コードが割り当てられているグリフの異体字です。次のセクす。';
+            _englishContent = "The Apache Flex SDK is the evolution of the popular Adobe Flex SDK. The Apache Flex SDK is an application development framework for easily building Flash based applications for mobile devices, web browsers, and desktop platforms. The Apache Flex SDK is the evolution of the popular Adobe Flex SDK. The Apache Flex SDK is an application development framework for easily building Flash based applications for mobile devices, web browsers, and desktop platforms. The Apache Flex SDK is the evolution of the popular Adobe Flex SDK. The Apache Flex SDK is an application development framework for easily building Flash based applications for mobile devices, web browsers, and desktop platforms. The Apache Flex SDK is the evolution of the popular Adobe Flex SDK. The Apache Flex SDK is an application development framework for easily building Flash based applications for mobile devices, web browsers, and desktop platforms. The Apache Flex SDK is the evolution of the popular Adobe Flex SDK. The Apache Flex SDK is an application development framework for easily building Flash based applications for mobile devices, web browsers, and desktop platforms.The Apache Flex SDK is the evolution of the popular Adobe Flex SDK. The Apache Flex SDK is an application development framework for easily building Flash based applications for mobile devices, web browsers, and desktop platforms.\n" +
+                    "The Apache Flex SDK is the evolution of the popular Adobe Flex SDK. The Apache Flex SDK is an application development framework for easily building Flash based applications for mobile devices, web browsers, and desktop platforms. The Apache Flex SDK is the evolution of the popular Adobe Flex SDK. The Apache Flex SDK is an application development framework for easily building Flash based applications for mobile devices, web browsers, and desktop platforms. The Apache Flex SDK is the evolution of the popular Adobe Flex SDK. The Apache Flex SDK is an application development framework for easily building Flash based applications for mobile devices, web browsers, and desktop platforms. The Apache Flex SDK is the evolution of the popular Adobe Flex SDK. The Apache Flex SDK is an application development framework for easily building Flash based applications for mobile devices, web browsers, and desktop platforms. The Apache Flex SDK is the evolution of the popular Adobe Flex SDK. The Apache Flex SDK is an application development framework for easily building Flash based applications for mobile devices, web browsers, and desktop platforms."
+			_japaneseContent = 'ApacheのFlex SDKには、人気のAdobeのFlex SDKの進化である。 ApacheのFlex SDKには、人気のAdobeのFlex SDKの進化である。 ApacheのFlex SDKには、人気のAdobeのFlex SDKの進化である。 ApacheのFlex SDKには、人気のAdobeのFlex SDKの進化である。 ApacheのFlex SDKには、人気のAdobeのFlex SDKの進化である。 ApacheのFlex SDKには、人気のAdobeのFlex SDKの進化である。 ApacheのFlex SDKには、人気のAdobeのFlex SDKの進化である。 ApacheのFlex SDKには、人気のAdobeのFlex SDKの進化である。\n' +
+                    'ApacheのFlex SDKには、人気のAdobeのFlex SDKの進化である。ApacheのFlex SDKには、人気のAdobeのFlex SDKの進化である。ApacheのFlex SDKには、人気のAdobeのFlex SDKの進化である。ApacheのFlex SDKには、人気のAdobeのFlex SDKの進化である。ApacheのFlex SDKには、人気のAdobeのFlex SDKの進化である。ApacheのFlex SDKには、人気のAdobeのFlex SDKの進化である。ApacheのFlex SDKには、人気のAdobeのFlex SDKの進化である。ApacheのFlex SDKには、人気のAdobeのFlex SDKの進化である。ApacheのFlex SDKには、人気のAdobeのFlex SDKの進化である。ApacheのFlex SDKには、人気のAdobeのFlex SDKの進化である。';
             floatTypeList = [Float.LEFT, Float.RIGHT /*, Float.START, Float.END */];	// start & end disabled to make tests run faster
             contentLanguageList = [ _englishContent, _japaneseContent];
@@ -1990,22 +1989,19 @@
         public function htmlImportTest():void
-			// FIXME replace image
-            var htmlString:String = "<HTML><BODY><p>Example paragraph, with a img aligned left<img align='left' src='http://mozcom-cdn.mozilla.net/img/tignish/template/mozilla-logo.png'>more text</p></BODY></HTML>";
+            var htmlString:String = "<HTML><BODY><p>Example paragraph, with a img aligned left<img align='left' src='http://flex.apache.org/images/logo_01_fullcolor-sm.png'>more text</p></BODY></HTML>";
             var textFlow:TextFlow = TextConverter.importToFlow(htmlString, TextConverter.TEXT_FIELD_HTML_FORMAT);
             var ilg:InlineGraphicElement = findFloat(textFlow);
             assertTrue(ilg != null, "Expected to find InlineGraphicElement from <img> import");
             assertTrue(ilg.float != Float.LEFT, "align=left <img> import, expected float=left");
-			// FIXME replace image
-            htmlString = "<HTML><BODY><p>Example paragraph, with a img aligned left<img align='right' src='http://mozcom-cdn.mozilla.net/img/tignish/template/mozilla-logo.png'>more text</p></BODY></HTML>";
+            htmlString = "<HTML><BODY><p>Example paragraph, with a img aligned left<img align='right' src='http://flex.apache.org/images/logo_01_fullcolor-sm.png'>more text</p></BODY></HTML>";
             textFlow = TextConverter.importToFlow(htmlString, TextConverter.TEXT_FIELD_HTML_FORMAT);
             ilg = findFloat(textFlow);
             assertTrue(ilg != null, "Expected to find InlineGraphicElement from <img> import");
             assertTrue(ilg.float != Float.RIGHT, "align=right <img> import, expected float=right");
-			// FIXME replace image
-            htmlString = "<HTML><BODY><p>Example paragraph, with a img aligned left<img align='foo' src='http://mozcom-cdn.mozilla.net/img/tignish/template/mozilla-logo.png'>more text</p></BODY></HTML>";
+            htmlString = "<HTML><BODY><p>Example paragraph, with a img aligned left<img align='foo' src='http://flex.apache.org/images/logo_01_fullcolor-sm.png'>more text</p></BODY></HTML>";
             textFlow = TextConverter.importToFlow(htmlString, TextConverter.TEXT_FIELD_HTML_FORMAT);
             ilg = findFloat(textFlow);
             assertTrue(ilg != null, "Expected to find InlineGraphicElement from <img> import");
@@ -2224,7 +2220,7 @@
         public function caretOnEmptyInlineGraphic():void		// Bug 2719488
 			// FIXME content needs to be replaced
-            var markup:String = '<TextFlow whiteSpaceCollapse="preserve" xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/textLayout/2008"><p textAlign="center" textIndent="0"><span fontSize="24">Amid Blight and Scanenging, Old G.M. Plants Linger</span></p><p textAlign="center" textIndent="0"><span></span></p><p textIndent="0"><img height="auto" width="auto" source="Auto-articleLarge.jpg" float="start"/><span>FLINT, Mich. — By day, hundreds of </span><a href="http://topics.nytimes.com/top/news/business/companies/general_motors_corporation/index.html?inline=nyt-org"><span>General Motors</span></a><span> work­ers make pis­tons and other en­gine parts at a fac­tory on this city’s east side. </span></p></TextFlow>';
+            var markup:String = '<TextFlow whiteSpaceCollapse="preserve" xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/textLayout/2008"><p textAlign="center" textIndent="0"><span fontSize="24">The Apache Flex SDK is the evolution of the popular Adobe Flex SDK.</span></p><p textAlign="center" textIndent="0"><span></span></p><p textIndent="0"><img height="auto" width="auto" source="http://flex.apache.org/images/logo_01_fullcolor-sm.png" float="start"/><span>The Apache Flex SDK is the evolution of the popular Adobe Flex SDK. </span><a href="http://flex.apache.org/"><span>Linux support is currently experimental and you may run into issues.</span></a><span> The Apache Flex SDK 4.14.0 is a follow up release to version 4.13.0. </span></p></TextFlow>';
             _textFlow = TextConverter.importToFlow(markup, TextConverter.TEXT_LAYOUT_FORMAT);
             _flowComposer = _textFlow.flowComposer;
diff --git a/automation_tests/src/UnitTest/Tests/ScrollingTest.as b/automation_tests/src/UnitTest/Tests/ScrollingTest.as
index e1d8e10..5a27b9e 100644
--- a/automation_tests/src/UnitTest/Tests/ScrollingTest.as
+++ b/automation_tests/src/UnitTest/Tests/ScrollingTest.as
@@ -487,13 +487,11 @@
             for (var i:int = 0; i < 15; i++)
-		// FIXME change image content
-                        '<TextFlow xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/textLayout/2008">xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <img source="http://static.v41.skyrock.net/chat/chat20080110/images/smileys/3-blink.png"/> xxxx</TextFlow>',
+                        '<TextFlow xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/textLayout/2008">xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <img source="http://flex.apache.org/images/logo_01_fullcolor-sm.png"/> xxxx</TextFlow>',
-		// FIXME change image content
                                 '<TextFlow xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/textLayout/2008">xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</TextFlow>',
@@ -536,10 +534,8 @@
             var tf:TextFlow = TextConverter.importToFlow(str, TextConverter.PLAIN_TEXT_FORMAT);
             var flowElem:FlowElement = tf.getChildAt(0);
-	    // FIXME change image content
-                    '<TextFlow xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/textLayout/2008"><img source="http://static.v41.skyrock.net/chat/chat20080110/images/smileys/3-blink.png"/> </TextFlow>',
+                    '<TextFlow xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/textLayout/2008"><img source="http://flex.apache.org/images/logo_01_fullcolor-sm.png"/> </TextFlow>',
@@ -547,9 +543,8 @@
             for (var j:int = 0; j < 100; j++)
                 textFlow.addChild(TextConverter.importToFlow("aaa", TextConverter.PLAIN_TEXT_FORMAT).getChildAt(0));
-	    	// FIXME change image content
-                        '<TextFlow xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/textLayout/2008"><img source="http://static.v41.skyrock.net/chat/chat20080110/images/smileys/3-blink.png"/> </TextFlow>',
+                        '<TextFlow xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/textLayout/2008"><img source="http://flex.apache.org/images/logo_01_fullcolor-sm.png"/> </TextFlow>',
@@ -568,7 +563,7 @@
 		// FIXME change image content
-                        '<TextFlow xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/textLayout/2008">Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister	on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had	peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, “and what is the use of a book,” thought Alice “without pictures or conversation?<img source="http://static.v41.skyrock.net/chat/chat20080110/images/smileys/3-blink.png"/> conversation?</TextFlow>',
+                        '<TextFlow xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/textLayout/2008">The Apache Flex SDK is the evolution of the popular Adobe Flex SDK. The Apache Flex SDK is an application development framework for easily building Flash based applications for mobile devices, web browsers, and desktop platforms.<img source="http://flex.apache.org/images/logo_01_fullcolor-sm.png"/> Currently supported platforms</TextFlow>',