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<chapter id="gettingstarted">
<title>Getting started</title>
This getting started guide provides a brief introduction to the LDAP Studio Browser.
<section id="gettingstarted_download_install">
<title>Download and installation</title>
Beside the integration in LDAP Studio the LDAP Studio Browser could also be installed
as a plug-in into a regular Eclipse installation. This section describes this
Using the Eclipse Install/Update Manager is the easiest way to
install the LDAP Studio Browser plug-in.
From workbench menu choose
<emphasis role="strong">
<guisubmenu>Software Updates</guisubmenu>
<guimenuitem>Find and Install...</guimenuitem>
In the opened wizard choose
<emphasis role="strong">Search for new features to install</emphasis>
and click <emphasis role="strong">Next</emphasis>.
fileref="images/gettingstarted_install_1.png" format="PNG" />
Next please specify the LDAP Studio update site. Click the <emphasis role="strong">New Remote Site...</emphasis> button.
In the dialog input the following and press <emphasis role="strong">OK</emphasis>:
<listitem>Name: LDAP Studio Update Site</listitem>
fileref="images/gettingstarted_install_2.png" format="PNG" />
Make sure the new update site is checked an press
<emphasis role="strong">Finish</emphasis>.
fileref="images/gettingstarted_install_3.png" format="PNG" />
Now the install manager checks the update site and presents the search results. Select the
feature you want to install - of course the LDAP Studio Browser - and click
<emphasis role="strong">Next</emphasis>.
fileref="images/gettingstarted_install_4.png" format="PNG" />
Accept the license agreement, the LDAP Studio Browser is distributed under the
Apache License, Version 2.0.
fileref="images/gettingstarted_install_5.png" format="PNG" />
In the next dialog ensure that the LDAP Studio Browser feature is selected and
click to <emphasis role="strong">Finish</emphasis>.
fileref="images/gettingstarted_install_6.png" format="PNG" />
Now the install manager loads the necessary files. When download is finished
you have to verify the installation, please click to
<emphasis role="strong">Install</emphasis>.
fileref="images/gettingstarted_install_7.png" format="PNG" />
After installation it is recommended to restart the Eclipse workbench.
<section id="gettingstarted_open_perspecitve">
<title>Open LDAP perspective</title>
To use the LDAP Studio Browser plug-in open the LDAP perspective. Therefore go to
<emphasis role="strong">
<guisubmenu>Open Perspective</guisubmenu>
and select the <emphasis role="strong">LDAP</emphasis> perspective.
fileref="images/gettingstarted_open_perspective_1.png" format="PNG" />
For more information about the LDAP perspective see <link linkend="tools_ldap_perspective">LDAP perspective</link>
<section id="gettingstarted_create_connection">
<title>Create connection</title>
The bottom left corner shows all of the LDAP connections. As can be seen, the view is empty, meaning a connection still needs to be specified.
To create a new connection click the
<inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="icons/connection_add.gif" format="GIF"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject>
<emphasis role="strong">New Connection</emphasis> button.
fileref="images/gettingstarted_create_connection_1.png" format="PNG" />
In the wizard's first page enter a connection name as well as the hostname and the port of the LDAP server. To check the connection
parameter you entered you may click to <emphasis role="strong"><guibutton>Check Network Parameter</guibutton></emphasis>.
Click <emphasis role="strong">Next</emphasis> when done.
fileref="images/gettingstarted_create_connection_2.png" format="PNG" />
In the wizard's second page select the authentication method. If you choose the simple bind method also enter your bind DN or user and bind password.
To check the authentication parameter you entered you may click to <emphasis role="strong"><guibutton>Check Authentication</guibutton></emphasis>.
Click <emphasis role="strong">Finish</emphasis> when done.
fileref="images/gettingstarted_create_connection_3.png" format="PNG" />
Observe that the <emphasis role="strong">Connections view</emphasis> now shows the created connection.
fileref="images/gettingstarted_create_connection_4.png" format="PNG" />
For more information see <link linkend="tools_connections_view">Connections view</link>
<section id="gettingstarted_browse">
<title>Browse the directory</title>
The <emphasis role="strong">LDAP Browser view</emphasis> is on the top left.
The category <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="icons/dit.gif" format="GIF"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject>
<emphasis role="strong">DIT</emphasis> shows the hierarchical content of the directory. You may expand and collapse the tree.
fileref="images/gettingstarted_browse_1.png" format="PNG" />
When selecting an entry its attributes and values will be displayed in the <emphasis role="strong">Entry editor</emphasis>.
For more information see <link linkend="tools_browser_view">LDAP Browser view</link> and <link linkend="tools_entry_editor">Entry editor</link>.
<section id="gettingstarted_search">
<title>Search the directory</title>
To search the directory you may use the Eclipse search function.
<orderedlist numeration="arabic">
In the Workbench toolbar, click the
<inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="icons/search.gif" format="GIF"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject>
<emphasis role="strong">Search</emphasis> button.
If it is not already selected, select the
<inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="icons/browser_searchresulteditor.gif" format="GIF"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject>
<emphasis role="strong">LDAP Search</emphasis> tab.
fileref="images/gettingstarted_search_1.png" format="PNG" />
In the search dialog type in a search name. Select a connection to search on and the search base DN.
Specify a valid LDAP filter and the returning attributes as comma separated list, hit Ctrl-Space to get content assistance.
Additionally you may choose scope, limits, alias and referral options.
Press the <emphasis role="strong">Search</emphasis> button.
The category <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="icons/searches.gif" format="GIF"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject>
<emphasis role="strong">Searches</emphasis> in the LDAP Browser shows the searches. You may expand the search to see all search result enties.
fileref="images/gettingstarted_search_2.png" format="PNG" />
When selecting a search the search results and returning attributes will be displayed in the <emphasis role="strong">Search Result editor</emphasis>.
When selecting a search result entry its attributes and values will be displayed in the <emphasis role="strong">Entry editor</emphasis>.
For more information see <link linkend="tools_browser_view">LDAP Browser view</link> and <link linkend="tools_search_result_editor">Search Result editor</link>.