blob: 661360e98938090b968ed8ec7a8b1afad9d54b0a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013, JoshuaTree Software. All rights reserved.
package us.jts.commander.panel;
import com.googlecode.wicket.jquery.core.Options;
import com.googlecode.wicket.jquery.ui.kendo.datatable.DataTable;
import com.googlecode.wicket.jquery.ui.kendo.datatable.column.IColumn;
import com.googlecode.wicket.jquery.ui.kendo.datatable.column.PropertyColumn;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.wicket.Component;
import org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget;
import org.apache.wicket.event.IEvent;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.basic.Label;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.Form;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.FormComponentPanel;
import org.apache.wicket.model.CompoundPropertyModel;
import org.apache.wicket.model.IModel;
import org.apache.wicket.model.PropertyModel;
import org.apache.wicket.spring.injection.annot.SpringBean;
import us.jts.commander.*;
import us.jts.commander.GlobalIds;
import us.jts.fortress.*;
import us.jts.fortress.rbac.Mod;
import us.jts.fortress.rbac.User;
import us.jts.fortress.util.attr.VUtil;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* @author Shawn McKinney
* @version $Rev$
* Date: 8/6/13
public class AuditModDetailPanel extends FormComponentPanel
//public static final String MODPHOTO = "modphoto";
public static final int MOD_OFFSET = 3;
public static final int ROWS = 5;
private AuditMgr auditMgr;
private ReviewMgr reviewMgr;
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger( AuditModDetailPanel.class.getName() );
private Form detailForm;
private Displayable display;
private UserAuditDetailPanel userPanel;
public Form getForm()
return this.detailForm;
public AuditModDetailPanel( String id, Displayable display )
super( id );
this.auditMgr.setAdmin( GlobalUtils.getRbacSession( this ) );
this.reviewMgr.setAdmin( GlobalUtils.getRbacSession( this ) );
this.detailForm = new AuditAuthzDetailForm( GlobalIds.DETAIL_FIELDS, new CompoundPropertyModel<Mod>( new Mod() ) );
this.display = display;
add( detailForm );
public class AuditAuthzDetailForm extends Form
private Component component;
private String ftModifier;
private String ftModCode;
private String ftModId;
private String userId;
private byte[] modPhoto;
private DataTable<RequestMod> table;
private List<IColumn<RequestMod>> columns;
private Options options;
public AuditAuthzDetailForm( String id, final IModel<Mod> model )
super( id, model );
add( new Label( GlobalIds.FT_MOD_ID, new PropertyModel<String>( this, GlobalIds.FT_MOD_ID ) ) );
add( new Label( GlobalIds.FT_MOD_CODE, new PropertyModel<String>( this, GlobalIds.FT_MOD_CODE ) ) );
// DataTable //
columns = newColumnList();
options = new Options();
options.set( "height", 240 );
options.set( "pageable", "{ pageSizes: [ 5, 10, 15, 20 ] }" );
table = new DataTable<RequestMod>( "modstable", columns, createDataProvider( null ), ROWS, options );
table.setOutputMarkupId( true );
add( table );
add( new Label( "reqType" ) );
add( new Label( GlobalIds.REQ_DN ) );
add( new Label( GlobalIds.REQ_START ) );
userPanel = new UserAuditDetailPanel( GlobalIds.USERAUDITDETAILPANEL, new CompoundPropertyModel<User>( new User()
) );
add( userPanel );
setOutputMarkupId( true );
public void onEvent( final IEvent<?> event )
if ( event.getPayload() instanceof SelectModelEvent )
SelectModelEvent modelEvent = ( SelectModelEvent ) event.getPayload();
Mod mod = ( Mod ) modelEvent.getEntity();
String msg = "Mod: " + mod.getReqAuthzID() + " has been selected";
LOG.debug( ".onEvent SelectModelEvent: " + mod.getReqAuthzID() );
List<RequestMod> modifications = parseRequestMods( mod.getReqMod() );
table = new DataTable<RequestMod>( "modstable", columns, createDataProvider( modifications ), ROWS,
options );
User user = null;
// necessary to push the 'changed' model down into the aggregated panel:
int indx = modifications.indexOf( new RequestMod( GlobalIds.FT_MODIFIER ) );
if ( indx != -1 )
ftModifier = modifications.get( indx ).getValue();
if ( VUtil.isNotNullOrEmpty( ftModifier ) )
user = GlobalUtils.getUserByInternalId( reviewMgr, ftModifier );
userId = user.getUserId();
indx = modifications.indexOf( new RequestMod( GlobalIds.FT_MOD_CODE ) );
if ( indx != -1 )
ftModCode = modifications.get( indx ).getValue();
indx = modifications.indexOf( new RequestMod( GlobalIds.FT_MOD_ID ) );
if ( indx != -1 )
ftModId = modifications.get( indx ).getValue();
if ( user == null )
user = new User();
IModel<User> userModel = new CompoundPropertyModel<User>( user );
userPanel.setDefaultModel( userModel );
addOrReplace( table );
display.setMessage( msg );
component = detailForm;
else if ( event.getPayload() instanceof AjaxRequestTarget )
// only add the form to ajax target if something has changed...
if ( component != null )
AjaxRequestTarget target = ( ( AjaxRequestTarget ) event.getPayload() );
LOG.debug( ".onEvent AjaxRequestTarget: " + target.toString() );
target.add( component );
component = null;
display.display( ( AjaxRequestTarget ) event.getPayload() );
private List<RequestMod> parseRequestMods( List<String> mods )
List<RequestMod> results = new ArrayList<RequestMod>();
if ( VUtil.isNotNullOrEmpty( mods ) )
Mod mod = ( Mod ) detailForm.getModelObject();
if ( mod != null && VUtil.isNotNullOrEmpty( mod.getReqMod() ) )
int ctr = 1;
for ( String szMod : mod.getReqMod() )
int indx = szMod.indexOf( ':' );
if ( indx != -1 )
String szName = szMod.substring( 0, indx );
String szValue = "";
// ensure value not blank:
if ( szMod.length() > indx + MOD_OFFSET && !szName.equalsIgnoreCase( GlobalIds.JPEGPHOTO ) )
szValue = szMod.substring( indx + MOD_OFFSET );
RequestMod requestMod = new RequestMod( ctr++, szName, szValue );
char type = szMod.charAt( indx + 1 );
if ( type == '=' )
requestMod.setType( RequestMod.TYPE.UPDATE );
else if ( type == '+' )
requestMod.setType( RequestMod.TYPE.ADD );
else if ( type == '-' )
requestMod.setType( RequestMod.TYPE.DELETE );
requestMod.setType( RequestMod.TYPE.UNKNOWN );
results.add( requestMod );
return results;
private IDataProvider<RequestMod> createDataProvider( List<RequestMod> mods )
ListDataProvider<RequestMod> results;
if ( VUtil.isNotNullOrEmpty( mods ) )
results = new ListDataProvider<RequestMod>( mods );
results = new ListDataProvider<RequestMod>( new ArrayList<RequestMod>() );
return results;
private List<IColumn<RequestMod>> newColumnList()
List<IColumn<RequestMod>> columns = new ArrayList<IColumn<RequestMod>>();
columns.add( new PropertyColumn<RequestMod>( "#", "index", 30 ) );
columns.add( new PropertyColumn<RequestMod>( "Op", "type", 50 ) );
columns.add( new PropertyColumn<RequestMod>( "Name", "name", 80 ) );
columns.add( new PropertyColumn<RequestMod>( "Value", "value", 200 ) );
return columns;