blob: 8aa292630ab2205dd60cb4663171e00b86608704 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* under the License.
package org.apache.directmemory.lightning;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.apache.directmemory.lightning.base.AbstractObjectMarshaller;
import org.apache.directmemory.lightning.base.AbstractSerializerDefinition;
import org.apache.directmemory.lightning.metadata.Attribute;
import org.apache.directmemory.lightning.metadata.PropertyDescriptor;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Test;
public class CustomBenchmark
private static final int WARMUP_ROUNDS = 100000;
private static final int BENCHMARK_ROUNDS = 800000;
public void benchmarkLightningSerialization()
throws Exception
long buildStartTime = System.nanoTime();
Serializer serializer =
Lightning.newBuilder().debugCacheDirectory( new File( "target" ) ).serializerDefinitions( new BenchmarkSerializerDefinition() ).build();
long nanos = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis( System.nanoTime() - buildStartTime );
System.out.println( "Lightning Serializer build time: " + nanos + " ms" );
long size = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < WARMUP_ROUNDS; i++ )
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
OutputStreamTarget target = new OutputStreamTarget( baos );
SerializerOutputStream out = new SerializerOutputStream( serializer, target );
Foo foo = buildRandomFoo();
out.writeObject( foo );
assertNotNull( baos );
assertNotNull( out );
assertNotNull( baos.toByteArray() );
size = baos.toByteArray().length;
Thread.sleep( 5000 );
catch ( Exception e )
long time = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < BENCHMARK_ROUNDS; i++ )
Foo foo = buildRandomFoo();
long startTime = System.nanoTime();
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
OutputStreamTarget target = new OutputStreamTarget( baos );
SerializerOutputStream out = new SerializerOutputStream( serializer, target );
out.writeObject( foo );
time += System.nanoTime() - startTime;
assertNotNull( baos.toByteArray() );
double avg = time / (double) BENCHMARK_ROUNDS;
System.out.println( "Lightning Serialization Avg: " + String.format( "%5.2f", avg ) + " ns, runs: "
+ BENCHMARK_ROUNDS + ", size: " + size + " bytes" );
Thread.sleep( 5000 );
catch ( Exception e )
public void benchmarkLightningDeserialization()
throws Exception
Serializer serializer =
Lightning.newBuilder().serializerDefinitions( new BenchmarkSerializerDefinition() ).build();
long size = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < WARMUP_ROUNDS; i++ )
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
OutputStreamTarget target = new OutputStreamTarget( baos );
SerializerOutputStream out = new SerializerOutputStream( serializer, target );
Foo foo = buildRandomFoo();
out.writeObject( foo );
assertNotNull( baos );
assertNotNull( out );
assertNotNull( baos.toByteArray() );
size = baos.toByteArray().length;
ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream( baos.toByteArray() );
InputStreamSource source = new InputStreamSource( bais );
SerializerInputStream in = new SerializerInputStream( serializer, source );
Object value = in.readObject();
assertNotNull( value );
assertEquals( foo, value );
Thread.sleep( 5000 );
catch ( Exception e )
long time = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < BENCHMARK_ROUNDS; i++ )
Foo foo = buildRandomFoo();
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
OutputStreamTarget target = new OutputStreamTarget( baos );
SerializerOutputStream out = new SerializerOutputStream( serializer, target );
out.writeObject( foo );
long startTime = System.nanoTime();
ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream( baos.toByteArray() );
InputStreamSource source = new InputStreamSource( bais );
SerializerInputStream in = new SerializerInputStream( serializer, source );
Object value = in.readObject();
time += System.nanoTime() - startTime;
assertNotNull( value );
assertEquals( foo, value );
double avg = time / (double) BENCHMARK_ROUNDS;
System.out.println( "Lightning Deserialization Avg: " + String.format( "%5.2f", avg ) + " ns, runs: "
+ BENCHMARK_ROUNDS + ", size: " + size + " bytes" );
Thread.sleep( 5000 );
catch ( Exception e )
public void benchmarkJavaSerialization()
throws Exception
long size = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < WARMUP_ROUNDS; i++ )
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream( baos );
Foo foo = buildRandomFoo();
out.writeObject( foo );
assertNotNull( baos );
assertNotNull( out );
assertNotNull( baos.toByteArray() );
size = baos.toByteArray().length;
Thread.sleep( 5000 );
catch ( Exception e )
long time = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < BENCHMARK_ROUNDS; i++ )
Foo foo = buildRandomFoo();
long startTime = System.nanoTime();
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream( baos );
out.writeObject( foo );
time += System.nanoTime() - startTime;
assertNotNull( baos.toByteArray() );
double avg = time / (double) BENCHMARK_ROUNDS;
System.out.println( "Java Serialization Avg: " + String.format( "%5.2f", avg ) + " ns, runs: "
+ BENCHMARK_ROUNDS + ", size: " + size + " bytes" );
Thread.sleep( 5000 );
catch ( Exception e )
public void benchmarkJavaDeserialization()
throws Exception
long size = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < WARMUP_ROUNDS; i++ )
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream( baos );
Foo foo = buildRandomFoo();
out.writeObject( foo );
assertNotNull( baos );
assertNotNull( out );
assertNotNull( baos.toByteArray() );
size = baos.toByteArray().length;
ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream( baos.toByteArray() );
ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream( bais );
Object value = in.readObject();
assertNotNull( value );
assertEquals( foo, value );
Thread.sleep( 5000 );
catch ( Exception e )
long time = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < BENCHMARK_ROUNDS; i++ )
Foo foo = buildRandomFoo();
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream( baos );
out.writeObject( foo );
long startTime = System.nanoTime();
ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream( baos.toByteArray() );
ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream( bais );
Object value = in.readObject();
time += System.nanoTime() - startTime;
assertNotNull( value );
assertEquals( foo, value );
double avg = time / (double) BENCHMARK_ROUNDS;
System.out.println( "Java Deserialization Avg: " + String.format( "%5.2f", avg ) + " ns, runs: "
+ BENCHMARK_ROUNDS + ", size: " + size + " bytes" );
Thread.sleep( 5000 );
catch ( Exception e )
private static final Random RANDOM = new Random( System.nanoTime() );
private static final String[] STRING_VALUES = { "HGHO", "jldu", "oösd", "JKGH", "HGFG", "JLHL", "GJJK", "JKGH" };
private static Foo buildRandomFoo()
Foo foo = new Foo();
foo.enumValue = RANDOM.nextInt( 100 ) < 50 ? Bar.Value1 : Bar.Value2;
foo.someOther = RANDOM.nextInt();
foo.value = RANDOM.nextInt( 100 ) < 50 ? null : RANDOM.nextInt();
foo.first = STRING_VALUES[RANDOM.nextInt( STRING_VALUES.length )];
foo.second = STRING_VALUES[RANDOM.nextInt( STRING_VALUES.length )];
return foo;
public static class BenchmarkSerializerDefinition
extends AbstractSerializerDefinition
protected void configure()
serialize( Foo.class ).attributes();
@SuppressWarnings( "serial" )
public static class Foo
implements Serializable
private String first;
private String second;
private Integer value;
private int someOther;
private Bar enumValue;
public String getFirst()
return first;
public void setFirst( String first )
this.first = first;
public String getSecond()
return second;
public void setSecond( String second )
this.second = second;
public Integer getValue()
return value;
public void setValue( Integer value )
this.value = value;
// Implicitly required
public int getSomeOther()
return someOther;
public void setSomeOther( int someOther )
this.someOther = someOther;
public Bar getEnumValue()
return enumValue;
public void setEnumValue( Bar enumValue )
this.enumValue = enumValue;
public String toString()
return "Foo [hash=@" + hashCode() + ", first=" + first + ", second=" + second + ", value=" + value
+ ", someOther=" + someOther + ", enumValue=" + enumValue + "]";
public int hashCode()
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + ( ( enumValue == null ) ? 0 : enumValue.hashCode() );
result = prime * result + ( ( first == null ) ? 0 : first.hashCode() );
result = prime * result + ( ( second == null ) ? 0 : second.hashCode() );
result = prime * result + someOther;
result = prime * result + ( ( value == null ) ? 0 : value.hashCode() );
return result;
public boolean equals( Object obj )
if ( this == obj )
return true;
if ( obj == null )
return false;
if ( getClass() != obj.getClass() )
return false;
Foo other = (Foo) obj;
if ( enumValue != other.enumValue )
return false;
if ( first == null )
if ( other.first != null )
return false;
else if ( !first.equals( other.first ) )
return false;
if ( second == null )
if ( other.second != null )
return false;
else if ( !second.equals( other.second ) )
return false;
if ( someOther != other.someOther )
return false;
if ( value == null )
if ( other.value != null )
return false;
else if ( !value.equals( other.value ) )
return false;
return true;
public static enum Bar
Value1, Value2
public static class BarMarshaller
extends AbstractObjectMarshaller
public boolean acceptType( Class<?> type )
return type == Bar.class;
public void marshall( Object value, PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor, Target target,
SerializationContext serializationContext )
throws IOException
public <V> V unmarshall( V value, PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor, Source source,
SerializationContext serializationContext )
throws IOException
return null;
public static class SomeSpecialIntegerMarshaller
extends AbstractObjectMarshaller
public boolean acceptType( Class<?> type )
return type == Integer.class;
public void marshall( Object value, PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor, Target target,
SerializationContext serializationContext )
throws IOException
public <V> V unmarshall( V value, PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor, Source source,
SerializationContext serializationContext )
throws IOException
return value;