blob: 9ecaa31668eee7c52c992934784d6e5917515342 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.directmemory.lightning;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.directmemory.lightning.ClassComparisonStrategy;
import org.apache.directmemory.lightning.SerializationStrategy;
import org.apache.directmemory.lightning.Serializer;
import org.apache.directmemory.lightning.base.DefaultValueNullableEvaluator;
import org.apache.directmemory.lightning.configuration.SerializerDefinition;
import org.apache.directmemory.lightning.internal.InternalSerializerCreator;
import org.apache.directmemory.lightning.logging.Logger;
import org.apache.directmemory.lightning.logging.NoOpLogger;
import org.apache.directmemory.lightning.metadata.PropertyDescriptor;
import org.apache.directmemory.lightning.metadata.ValueNullableEvaluator;
public final class Lightning
private Lightning()
* Creates a new Lightning {@link Builder} for more complex configuration of a new {@link Serializer} instance.
* @return A Builder instance for configuring a new {@link Serializer} instance.
public static final Builder newBuilder()
return new Builder();
* Provides fast configuration of a new {@link Serializer} instance by just providing a bunch of
* {@link SerializerDefinition}s.
* @param serializerDefinitions The {@link SerializerDefinition}s to use for configuring the {@link Serializer}
* instance
* @return A new {@link Serializer} instance configured using the given {@link SerializerDefinition}s
public static final Serializer createSerializer( SerializerDefinition... serializerDefinitions )
return createSerializer( Arrays.asList( serializerDefinitions ) );
* Provides fast configuration of a new {@link Serializer} instance by just providing a bunch of
* {@link SerializerDefinition}s.
* @param serializerDefinitions The {@link SerializerDefinition}s to use for configuring the {@link Serializer}
* instance
* @return A new {@link Serializer} instance configured using the given {@link SerializerDefinition}s
public static final Serializer createSerializer( Iterable<? extends SerializerDefinition> serializerDefinitions )
return new Builder().serializerDefinitions( serializerDefinitions ).build();
public static class Builder
private Set<SerializerDefinition> serializerDefinitions = new HashSet<SerializerDefinition>();
private SerializationStrategy serializationStrategy = SerializationStrategy.SpeedOptimized;
private Class<? extends Annotation> attributeAnnotation = null;
private ClassComparisonStrategy classComparisonStrategy = ClassComparisonStrategy.LightningChecksum;
private ValueNullableEvaluator valueNullableEvaluator = new DefaultValueNullableEvaluator();
private File debugCacheDirectory = null;
private Logger logger = new NoOpLogger();
private Builder()
* Defines a basic {@link Annotation} to describe an class attribute (instance field) as an attribute (de-)
* serialized by Lightning.
* @param attributeAnnotation {@link Annotation} to describe a field as an serializable attribute
* @return The actual builder instance for chaining
public Builder describesAttributs( Class<? extends Annotation> attributeAnnotation )
this.attributeAnnotation = attributeAnnotation;
return this;
* Defines a directory where generated classes should be stored for debug purpose.
* @param debugCacheDirectory Directory for storing generated class files
* @return The actual builder instance for chaining
public Builder debugCacheDirectory( File debugCacheDirectory )
this.debugCacheDirectory = debugCacheDirectory;
return this;
* <p>
* The strategy to be used for serializing objects. There are two different strategies provided:
* </p>
* <p>
* {@link SerializationStrategy#SpeedOptimized} does not look for same instances to be (de-) serialized only
* once but written many times to the stream. This maybe needs more bytes in the stream but is faster because no
* additional metadata needs to be managened.<br>
* {@link SerializationStrategy#SizeOptimized} manages metadata of the allready serialized data and will not
* serialize them again (but just writing an object-id to the stream). This will likely save bytes but managing
* the metadata is using some time.
* </p>
* @param serializationStrategy The strategy to be used when serialize data
* @return The actual builder instance for chaining
public Builder serializationStrategy( SerializationStrategy serializationStrategy )
this.serializationStrategy = serializationStrategy;
return this;
* <p>
* The strategy to be used to compare class informations of different serializers (for example in clustered
* environments). Lightning offers three different strategies:
* </p>
* <p>
* {@link ClassComparisonStrategy#LightningChecksum} is a lightweight checksum only taking the defined
* attributes into account and is pretty insensitive to other changes in classes but adding / removing of
* attributes is not supported. This strategy is used by default.<br>
* {@link ClassComparisonStrategy#SerialVersionUID} is using the standard Java serialVersionUID fields (or if
* not provided calculates it's value from the given class). Using this value you can force Lightning to see
* different versions of a class to be compatible but only adding attributes in newer class versions is
* supported.<br>
* {@link ClassComparisonStrategy#SkipComparison} skips any kind of comparison check and can be used when user
* provided marshallers can handle different versions of classes. This could be used to implement some kind of
* schema evolution but is only recommended for export use.
* </p>
* @param classComparisonStrategy The strategy to be used when compare class information
* @return The actual builder instance for chaining
public Builder classComparisonStrategy( ClassComparisonStrategy classComparisonStrategy )
this.classComparisonStrategy = classComparisonStrategy;
return this;
* Defines a bunch of {@link SerializerDefinition}s to be used by the final {@link Serializer}. Multiple calls
* of this methods are possible.
* @param serializerDefinitions The {@link SerializerDefinition}s to use for configuring the {@link Serializer}
* @return The actual builder instance for chaining
public Builder serializerDefinitions( SerializerDefinition... serializerDefinitions )
return serializerDefinitions( Arrays.asList( serializerDefinitions ) );
* Defines a bunch of {@link SerializerDefinition}s to be used by the final {@link Serializer}. Multiple calls
* of this methods are possible.
* @param serializerDefinitions The {@link SerializerDefinition}s to use for configuring the {@link Serializer}
* @return The actual builder instance for chaining
public Builder serializerDefinitions( Iterable<? extends SerializerDefinition> serializerDefinitions )
for ( SerializerDefinition serializerDefinition : serializerDefinitions )
this.serializerDefinitions.add( serializerDefinition );
return this;
* Defines a user implementation of the {@link ValueNullableEvaluator} interface which is used to evaluate if a
* {@link PropertyDescriptor} defined attribute can be null. A custom implementation should extends
* {@link DefaultValueNullableEvaluator} to inherit all standard behavior. Custom implementations are needed to
* give Lightning an information if a value is nullable when using customized attribute annotations.
* @param valueNullableEvaluator A {@link ValueNullableEvaluator} implementation to evaluate a value is nullable
* or not
* @return The actual builder instance for chaining
public Builder setValueNullableEvaluator( ValueNullableEvaluator valueNullableEvaluator )
this.valueNullableEvaluator = valueNullableEvaluator;
return this;
* A custom logger implementation can be given to the {@link Serializer} to redirect logging output to any other
* logging framework like slf4j, log4j, java.util.Logging or even a custom framework.
* @param logger The {@link Logger} implementation to be used for logging events.
* @return The actual builder instance for chaining
public Builder logger( Logger logger )
this.logger = logger;
return this;
* Finally builds the {@link Serializer} using the given configurations. In that step all {@link Marshaller}
* implementations (that are not provided by the user) are autogenerated using the given
* {@link SerializerDefinition}s.
* @return The configured and ready to use {@link Serializer}
public Serializer build()
return new InternalSerializerCreator().setLogger( logger ).setSerializationStrategy( serializationStrategy ).setClassComparisonStrategy( classComparisonStrategy ).setAttributeAnnotation( attributeAnnotation ).setDebugCacheDirectory( debugCacheDirectory ).setValueNullableEvaluator( valueNullableEvaluator ).addSerializerDefinitions( serializerDefinitions ).build();