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Derby - Class org.apache.derby.vti.VTIEnvironment
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package org.apache.derby.vti;
* <P>
* VTIEnvironment is the state variable created by the optimizer to help it
* place a Table Function in the join order.
* The methods of <a href="./VTICosting.html">VTICosting</a> use this state variable in
* order to pass information to each other and learn other details of the
* operating environment.
* </P>
* @see org.apache.derby.vti.VTICosting
public interface VTIEnvironment
Return true if this instance of the Table Function has been created for compilation,
false if it is for runtime execution.
public boolean isCompileTime();
Return the SQL text of the original SQL statement.
public String getOriginalSQL();
Get the specific JDBC isolation of the statement. If it returns Connection.TRANSACTION_NONE
then no isolation was specified and the connection's isolation level is implied.
public int getStatementIsolationLevel();
Saves an object associated with a key that will be maintained
for the lifetime of the statement plan.
Any previous value associated with the key is discarded.
Any saved object can be seen by any JDBC Connection that has a Statement object
that references the same statement plan.
public void setSharedState(String key, value);
Get an object associated with a key from set of objects maintained with the statement plan.
public Object getSharedState(String key);