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Derby - Class org.apache.derby.impl.drda.Database
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package org.apache.derby.impl.drda;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.jdbc.EngineConnection;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.reference.Attribute;
Database stores information about the current database
It is used so that a session may have more than one database
class Database
* Considering that we are now doing some fiddling with the db name
* it is probably wise to keep dbName and shortDbName private and have
* accessors for them.
private String dbName; // database name
private String shortDbName; // database name without attributes
String attrString=""; // attribute string
protected int securityMechanism; // Security mechanism
protected String userId; // User Id
protected String password; // password
protected String decryptedUserId; // Decrypted User id
protected String decryptedPassword; // Decrypted password
protected byte[] passwordSubstitute;// password substitute - SECMEC_USRSSBPWD
protected boolean rdbAllowUpdates = true; // Database allows updates -default is true
protected int accessCount; // Number of times we have tried to
// set up access to this database (only 1
// allowed)
protected byte[] secTokenIn; // Security token from app requester
protected byte[] secTokenOut; // Security token sent to app requester
protected byte[] crrtkn; // Correlation token
protected String typDefNam; // Type definition name
protected int byteOrder; //deduced from typDefNam, save String comparisons
protected int ccsidSBC; // Single byte CCSID
protected int ccsidDBC; // Double byte CCSID
protected int ccsidMBC; // Mixed byte CCSID
protected String ccsidSBCEncoding; // Encoding for single byte code page
protected String ccsidDBCEncoding; // Encoding for double byte code page
protected String ccsidMBCEncoding; // Encoding for mixed byte code page
protected boolean RDBUPDRM_sent = false; //We have sent that an update
// occurred in this transaction
protected boolean sendTRGDFTRT = false; // Send package target default value
* Connection to the database in the embedded engine.
private EngineConnection conn;
DRDAStatement defaultStatement; // default statement used
// for execute imm
private DRDAStatement currentStatement; // current statement we are working on
/** Hash table for storing statements. */
private Hashtable<Object, DRDAStatement> stmtTable;
// constructor
* Database constructor
* @param dbName database name
Database (String dbName)
this.stmtTable = new Hashtable<Object, DRDAStatement>();
* Take database name including attributes and set
* attrString and shortDbName accordingly.
* @param dbName database name, including attributes.
public void setDatabaseName(String dbName) {
if (dbName != null)
int attrOffset = dbName.indexOf(';');
if (attrOffset != -1)
this.attrString = dbName.substring(attrOffset,dbName.length());
this.shortDbName = dbName.substring(0,attrOffset);
this.shortDbName = dbName;
this.dbName = dbName;
public String getDatabaseName() {
return this.dbName;
public String getShortDbName() {
return this.shortDbName;
private void initializeDefaultStatement()
this.defaultStatement = new DRDAStatement(this);
* Set connection and create the SQL statement for the default statement
* @param conn Connection
* @exception SQLException
final void setConnection(EngineConnection conn)
throws SQLException
if (this.conn != conn) {
// Need to drop the pb session data when switching connections
pbsd_ = null;
this.conn = conn;
if(conn != null)
* Get the connection
* @return connection
final EngineConnection getConnection()
return conn;
* Get current DRDA statement
* @return DRDAStatement
* @exception SQLException
protected DRDAStatement getCurrentStatement()
return currentStatement;
* Get default statement for use in EXCIMM
* @return DRDAStatement
protected DRDAStatement getDefaultStatement()
currentStatement = defaultStatement;
return defaultStatement;
* Get default statement for use in EXCIMM with specified pkgnamcsn
* The pkgnamcsn has the encoded isolation level
* @param pkgnamcsn package/ section # for statement
* @return DRDAStatement
protected DRDAStatement getDefaultStatement(Pkgnamcsn pkgnamcsn)
currentStatement = defaultStatement;
return currentStatement;
* Get a new DRDA statement and store it in the stmtTable if stortStmt is
* true. If possible recycle an existing statement. When the server gets a
* new statement with a previously used pkgnamcsn, it means that
* client-side statement associated with this pkgnamcsn has been closed. In
* this case, server can re-use the DRDAStatement by doing the following:
* 1) Retrieve the old DRDAStatement associated with this pkgnamcsn and
* close it.
* 2) Reset the DRDAStatement state for re-use.
* @param pkgnamcsn Package name and section
* @return DRDAStatement
protected DRDAStatement newDRDAStatement(Pkgnamcsn pkgnamcsn)
throws SQLException
DRDAStatement stmt = getDRDAStatement(pkgnamcsn);
if (stmt != null) {
stmt = new DRDAStatement(this);
return stmt;
* Get DRDA statement based on pkgnamcsn
* @param pkgnamcsn - key to access statement
* @return DRDAStatement
protected DRDAStatement getDRDAStatement(Pkgnamcsn pkgnamcsn) {
DRDAStatement newStmt =
(DRDAStatement) stmtTable.get(pkgnamcsn.getStatementKey());
if (newStmt != null) {
currentStatement = newStmt;
return newStmt;
* Make a new connection using the database name and set
* the connection in the database
* @param p Properties for connection attributes to pass to connect
void makeConnection(Properties p) throws SQLException
p.put(Attribute.USERNAME_ATTR, userId);
// take care of case of SECMEC_USRIDONL
if (password != null)
p.put(Attribute.PASSWORD_ATTR, password);
// Contract between network server and embedded engine
// is that any connection returned implements EngineConnection.
EngineConnection conn = (EngineConnection)
+ shortDbName + attrString, p);
if (conn != null) {
* This makes a dummy connection to the database in order to
* boot and/or create this last one. If database cannot
* be found or authentication does not succeed, this will throw
* a SQLException which we catch and do nothing. We don't pass a
* userid and password here as we don't need to for the purpose
* of this method - main goal is to cause the database to be
* booted via a dummy connection.
void makeDummyConnection()
try {
// Contract between network server and embedded engine
// is that any connection returned implements EngineConnection.
EngineConnection conn = (EngineConnection)
+ shortDbName + attrString, new Properties());
// If we succeeded in getting a connection, well just close it
if (conn != null) {
} catch (SQLException se) {} // Simply do nothing
// Create string to pass to DataSource.setConnectionAttributes
String appendAttrString(Properties p)
if (p == null)
return null;
Enumeration pKeys = p.propertyNames();
while (pKeys.hasMoreElements())
String key = (String) pKeys.nextElement();
attrString +=";" + key + "=" + p.getProperty(key);
return attrString;
* Store DRDA prepared statement
* @param stmt DRDA prepared statement
protected void storeStatement(DRDAStatement stmt) throws SQLException
stmtTable.put(stmt.getPkgnamcsn().getStatementKey(), stmt);
protected void removeStatement(DRDAStatement stmt) throws SQLException
* Make statement the current statement
* @param stmt
protected void setCurrentStatement(DRDAStatement stmt)
currentStatement = stmt;
protected void commit() throws SQLException
if (conn != null)
protected void rollback() throws SQLException
if (conn != null)
* Database close does following cleanup tasks
* 1)Rollback any pending transaction on the Connection object (except
* for a global-XA Connection obejct) before closing the Connection.
* Without the rollback, the Connection close will result into an
* exception if there is a pending transaction on that Connection.
* 2)Clean up the statement table
* @throws SQLException on conn.close() error to be handled in DRDAConnThread.
protected void close() throws SQLException
try {
if (stmtTable != null)
for (Enumeration e = stmtTable.elements() ; e.hasMoreElements() ;)
((DRDAStatement) e.nextElement()).close();
if (defaultStatement != null)
if ((conn != null) && !conn.isClosed())
//rollback all the pending transactions except global XA trans
if (! conn.isInGlobalTransaction())
finally {
conn = null;
currentStatement = null;
defaultStatement = null;
final void setDrdaID(String drdaID)
if (conn != null)
* Set the internal isolation level to use for preparing statements.
* Subsequent prepares will use this isoalation level
* @param level internal isolation level
* @throws SQLException
* @see EngineConnection#setPrepareIsolation
final void setPrepareIsolation(int level) throws SQLException
final int getPrepareIsolation() throws SQLException
return conn.getPrepareIsolation();
protected String buildRuntimeInfo(String indent, LocalizedResource localLangUtil)
// DERBY-6714: stmtTable can be null if the session gets closed
// while we are constructing the runtime info. Create a local copy
// and check for null before accessing it.
Hashtable<Object, DRDAStatement> statements = stmtTable;
String s = indent +
localLangUtil.getTextMessage("DRDA_RuntimeInfoDatabase.I") +
dbName + "\n" +
localLangUtil.getTextMessage("DRDA_RuntimeInfoUser.I") +
userId + "\n" +
localLangUtil.getTextMessage("DRDA_RuntimeInfoNumStatements.I") +
(statements == null ? 0 : statements.size()) + "\n";
s += localLangUtil.getTextMessage("DRDA_RuntimeInfoPreparedStatementHeader.I");
if (statements != null) {
for (Enumeration e = statements.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); )
s += ((DRDAStatement) e.nextElement()).toDebugString(indent
+"\t") +"\n";
return s;
private boolean locatorSupport = false;
private boolean locatorSupportChecked = false;
* Checks whether database can support locators. This is done by
* checking whether one of the stored procedures needed for
* locators exists. (If the database has been soft-upgraded from
* an earlier version, the procedures will not exist).
* @throws SQLException if metadata call fails
* @return <code>true</code> if locators are supported,
* <code>false</code> otherwise
boolean supportsLocator() throws SQLException
if (!locatorSupportChecked) {
// Check if locator procedures exist
ResultSet rs = getConnection().getMetaData()
.getProcedures(null, "SYSIBM", "BLOBTRUNCATE");
locatorSupport =; // True if procedure exists
locatorSupportChecked = true;
return locatorSupport;
* This method resets the state of this Database object so that it can
* be re-used.
* Note: currently this method resets the variables related to security
* mechanisms that have been investigated as needing a reset.
* TODO: Investigate what all variables in this class need to be
* reset when this database object is re-used on a connection pooling or
* transaction pooling. see DRDAConnThread.parseACCSEC (CodePoint.RDBNAM)
* where database object is re-used on a connection reset.
public void reset()
// Reset variables for connection re-use. Currently only takes care
// of reset the variables that affect EUSRIDPWD and USRSSBPWD
// security mechanisms. (DERBY-1080)
decryptedUserId = null;
decryptedPassword = null;
passwordSubstitute = null;
secTokenIn = null;
secTokenOut = null;
userId = null;
password = null;
securityMechanism = 0;
* Piggy-backed session data. Null if no piggy-backing
* has happened yet. Lazy initialization is acceptable since the client's
* cache initially is empty so that any request made prior to the first
* round of piggy-backing will trigger an actual request to the server.
private PiggyBackedSessionData pbsd_ = null;
* Get a reference (handle) to the PiggyBackedSessionData object. Null will
* be returned either if Database.conn is not a valid connection, or if the
* create argument is false and no object has yet been created.
* @param createOnDemand if true create the PiggyBackedSessionData on demand
* @return a reference to the PBSD object or null
* @throws java.sql.SQLException
public PiggyBackedSessionData getPiggyBackedSessionData(
boolean createOnDemand) throws SQLException {
pbsd_ = PiggyBackedSessionData.getInstance(pbsd_, conn, createOnDemand);
return pbsd_;