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Derby - Class org.apache.derby.impl.load.ImportBlob
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package org.apache.derby.impl.load;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.util.StringUtil;
import java.sql.Blob;
import java.sql.SQLException;
* This class implements <code > java.sql.BLOB interface </code>.
* Objects created using the <code> ImportBlob </code> class are
* intended to be be used to create a blob object of the data stored
* in an import file or as an hex string. Only the routines that
* are needed read the blob data for the blob columns by the
* inserts done through the VTI have real implementations,
* Other routines are dummy ones to satisfy <code> java.sql.Blob </code>
* interface.
class ImportBlob implements java.sql.Blob {
private ImportLobFile lobFile;
private long blobPosition;
private long blobLength;
private byte[] blobData = null;
* Create a import Blob object, that reads <code> length </code> amount of
* data from an external file, starting at <code> position </code>.
* @param lobFile lob file resource object, using which data is read.
* @param position byte offset in the file, of this blob columb data.
* @param length length of this blob object data.
public ImportBlob(ImportLobFile lobFile, long position, long length)
this.lobFile = lobFile;
this.blobPosition = position;
this.blobLength = length;
* Create a import Blob object, whose value is the give hex data string.
* @param data byte array that contains the blob data.
public ImportBlob(byte[] data)
blobData = data;
blobLength = data.length;
* Returns the number of bytes in this <code>BLOB</code> object.
* @return length of the <code>BLOB</code> in bytes
* @exception SQLException on any error.
public long length() throws SQLException {
return blobLength;
* Returns <code>BLOB</code> value designated by this
* <code>Blob</code> object as a input stream.
* @return a stream containing the <code>BLOB</code> data
* @exception SQLException if any error occurs while setting up
* this blob data in the import file as stream.
public getBinaryStream () throws SQLException
try {
InputStream fis;
if(blobData != null) {
fis = new;
// wrap the InputStream with a LimitInputStream class,
// only the length of the
LimitInputStream limitIn = new LimitInputStream(fis);
limitIn.setLimit((int) blobLength);
return limitIn;
} else {
return lobFile.getBinaryStream(blobPosition, blobLength);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw LoadError.unexpectedError(e);
/** following rotines does not have implmentation because there are not
* used by the VTI that is used to import the data.
* This routine is not used by the VTI to read the data, so no
* implementatio is provided , an exception is thrown if used.
* @see java.sql.Blob
public byte[] getBytes(long pos, int length) throws SQLException { throw methodNotImplemented(); }
* This routine is not used by the VTI to read the data, so no
* implementatio is provided , an exception is thrown if used.
* @see java.sql.Blob
public long position(byte pattern[], long start) throws SQLException { throw methodNotImplemented(); }
* This routine is not used by the VTI to read the data, so no
* implementation is provided , an exception is thrown if used.
* @see java.sql.Blob
public long position(Blob pattern, long start) throws SQLException { throw methodNotImplemented(); }
* This routine is not used by the VTI to read the data, so no
* implementation is provided , an exception is thrown if used.
* @see java.sql.Blob
public int setBytes(long pos, byte[] bytes) throws SQLException { throw methodNotImplemented(); }
* This routine is not used by the VTI to read the data, so no
* implementation is provided , an exception is thrown if used.
* @see java.sql.Blob
public int setBytes(long pos, byte[] bytes, int offset, int len) throws SQLException { throw methodNotImplemented(); }
* This routine is not used by the VTI to read the data, so no
* implementation is provided , an exception is thrown if used.
* @see java.sql.Blob
public setBinaryStream(long pos) throws SQLException { throw methodNotImplemented(); }
* This routine is not used by the VTI to read the data, so no
* implementation is provided , an exception is thrown if used.
* @see java.sql.Blob
public void truncate(long len) throws SQLException { throw methodNotImplemented(); }
/** Raise error, not used by import */
public InputStream getBinaryStream(long pos, long length) throws SQLException { throw methodNotImplemented(); }
/** Raise error, not used by import */
public void free() throws SQLException { throw methodNotImplemented(); }
/** Return an unimplemented feature error */
private SQLException methodNotImplemented()
return LoadError.unexpectedError( new Exception("Method not implemented")) ;