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Derby - Class org.apache.derby.impl.load.ExportWriteData
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package org.apache.derby.impl.load;
import java.util.Date;
//this class takes the passed row and writes it into the data file using the
//properties from the control file
//FIXED FORMAT: if length of nullstring is greater than column width, throw execption
final class ExportWriteData extends ExportWriteDataAbstract
implements<Object> {
private String outputFileName;
private String lobsFileName;
private boolean lobsInExtFile = false;
private long lobFileOffset = 0;
// i18n support - instead of using DataOutputStream.writeBytes - use
// OutputStreamWriter.write with the correct codeset.
private OutputStreamWriter aStream;
private OutputStreamWriter lobCharStream;
private BufferedOutputStream lobOutBinaryStream;
private ByteArrayOutputStream lobByteArrayStream;
// temporary buffers userd to read/write the lob data.
private byte[] byteBuf;
private char[] charBuf;
//writes data into the o/p file using control file properties
ExportWriteData(String outputFileName, ControlInfo controlFileReader)
throws Exception {
this.outputFileName = outputFileName;
this.controlFileReader = controlFileReader;
//writes data into the o/p file using control file properties
ExportWriteData(String outputFileName,
String lobsFileName,
ControlInfo controlFileReader)
throws Exception {
this.outputFileName = outputFileName;
this.lobsFileName = lobsFileName;
this.controlFileReader = controlFileReader;
lobsInExtFile = true;
byteBuf = new byte[8192];
charBuf = new char[8192];
private void init() throws Exception
try {;
} catch ( pae) {
throw pae.getException();
public final Object run() throws Exception {
return null;
//prepares the o/p file for writing
private void openFiles() throws Exception {
outputFileName = FileUtil.stripProtocolFromFileName( outputFileName );
if ( lobsInExtFile ) { lobsFileName = FileUtil.stripProtocolFromFileName( lobsFileName ); }
FileOutputStream anOutputStream = null;
BufferedOutputStream buffered = null;
FileOutputStream lobOutputStream = null;
try {
File outputFile = new File(outputFileName);
anOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(outputFileName);
buffered = new BufferedOutputStream(anOutputStream);
aStream = dataCodeset == null ?
new OutputStreamWriter(buffered) :
new OutputStreamWriter(buffered, dataCodeset);
// if lobs are exported to an external file, then
// setup the required streams to write lob data.
if (lobsInExtFile)
// setup streams to write large objects into the external file.
File lobsFile = new File(lobsFileName);
if (lobsFile.getParentFile() == null) {
// lob file name is unqualified. Make lobs file
// parent directory is same as the the main export file.
// lob file should get created at the same location
// as the main export file.
lobsFile = new File((new File (outputFileName)).getParentFile(),
lobOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(lobsFile);
lobOutBinaryStream = new BufferedOutputStream(lobOutputStream);
// helper stream to convert char data to binary, after conversion
// data is written to lobOutBinaryStream.
lobByteArrayStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
lobCharStream = dataCodeset == null ?
new OutputStreamWriter(lobByteArrayStream) :
new OutputStreamWriter(lobByteArrayStream, dataCodeset);
} catch (Exception e) {
// might have failed to setup export file stream. for example
// user has specified invalid codeset or incorrect file path.
// close the opened file streams.
if (aStream == null) {
if (buffered != null) {
} else {
if(anOutputStream != null)
anOutputStream .close();
} else {
// close the main export file stream.
// close the external lob file stream.
if (lobOutBinaryStream != null) {
lobOutBinaryStream.close() ;
} else {
if (lobOutputStream != null)
// throw back the original exception.
throw e;
/**if control file says true for column definition, write it as first line of the
* data file
* @exception Exception if there is an error
void writeColumnDefinitionOptionally(String[] columnNames,
String[] columnTypes)
throws Exception {
boolean ignoreColumnTypes=true;
//do uppercase because the ui shows the values as True and False
if (columnDefinition.toUpperCase(java.util.Locale.ENGLISH).equals(ControlInfo.INTERNAL_TRUE.toUpperCase(java.util.Locale.ENGLISH))) {
String tempStr="";
//put the start and stop delimiters around the column name and type
for (int i=0; i<columnNames.length; i++) {
// take care at adding fieldSeparator at the
// end of the field if needed
if (i>0) {
} else {
if (ignoreColumnTypes==false) {
aStream.write(tempStr, 0, tempStr.length());
aStream.write(recordSeparator, 0, recordSeparator.length());
//puts the start and stop delimiters only if column value contains field/record separator
//in it
private void writeNextColumn(String oneColumn, boolean isNumeric) throws Exception {
if (oneColumn != null) {
//put the start and end delimiters always
//because of the bug 2045, I broke down following
//into 3 writeBytes. That bug had a table with long bit varying datatype and while
//writing data from that column using the stream, it would run out of memory.
// i18n - write using the write method of OutputStreamWriter
if (!isNumeric)
aStream.write(fieldStartDelimiter, 0, fieldStartDelimiter.length());
//convert the string to double character delimiters format if requred.
oneColumn = makeDoubleDelimiterString(oneColumn , fieldStartDelimiter);
aStream.write(oneColumn, 0, oneColumn.length());
if (!isNumeric)
aStream.write(fieldStopDelimiter, 0, fieldStopDelimiter.length());
* Writes the binary data in the given input stream to an
* external lob export file, and return it's location
* information in the file as string. Location information
* is written in the main export file.
* @param istream input streams that contains a binary column data.
* @return Location where the column data written in the external file.
* @exception Exception if any error occurs while writing the data.
String writeBinaryColumnToExternalFile(InputStream istream)
throws Exception
// read data from the input stream and write it to
// the lob export file and also calculate the amount
// of data written in bytes.
long blobSize = 0;
int noBytes = 0 ;
if (istream != null ) {
noBytes = ;
while(noBytes != -1)
lobOutBinaryStream.write(byteBuf, 0 , noBytes);
blobSize += noBytes;
noBytes = ;
// close the input stream.
// flush the output binary stream.
} else {
// stream is null, column value must be SQL NULL.
// set the size to -1, on import columns will
// be interepreted as NULL, filename and offset are
// ignored.
blobSize = -1;
// Encode a lob location information as string. This is
// stored in the main export file. It will be used
// to retrive this blob data on import.
// Format is : <code > <fileName>.<lobOffset>.<size of lob>/ </code>.
// For a NULL blob, size will be written as -1
String lobLocation = lobsFileName + "." +
lobFileOffset + "." + blobSize + "/";
// update the offset, this will be where next
// large object data will be written.
if (blobSize != -1)
lobFileOffset += blobSize;
return lobLocation;
* Writes the clob data in the given input Reader to an
* external lob export file, and return it's location
* information in the file as string. Location information
* is written in the main export file.
* @param ir Reader that contains a clob column data.
* @return Location where the column data written in the external file.
* @exception Exception if any error occurs while writing the data.
String writeCharColumnToExternalFile(Reader ir)
throws Exception
// read data from the input stream and write it to
// the lob export file and also calculate the amount
// of data written in bytes.
long clobSize = 0;
int noChars = 0 ;
if (ir != null ) {
noChars = ;
while(noChars != -1)
// characters data is converted to bytes using
// the user specified code set.
lobCharStream.write(charBuf, 0 , noChars);
clobSize += lobByteArrayStream.size();
noChars = ;
// close the input reader.
// flush the output binary stream.
} else {
// reader is null, the column value must be SQL NULL.
// set the size to -1, on import columns will
// be interepreted as NULL, filename and offset are
// ignored.
clobSize = -1;
// Encode this lob location information as string. This will
// be written to the main export file. It will be used
// to retrive this blob data on import.
// Format is : <code > <fileName>.<lobOffset>.<size of lob>/ </code>.
// For a NULL blob, size will be written as -1
String lobLocation = lobsFileName + "." +
lobFileOffset + "." + clobSize + "/";
// update the offset, this will be where next
// large object data will be written.
if (clobSize != -1)
lobFileOffset += clobSize;
return lobLocation;
/**write the passed row into the data file
* @exception Exception if there is an error
public void writeData(String[] oneRow, boolean[] isNumeric) throws Exception {
if (format.equals(ControlInfo.DEFAULT_FORMAT)) {
//if format is delimited, write column data and field separator and then the record separator
//if a column's value is null, write just the column separator
writeNextColumn(oneRow[0], isNumeric[0]);
for (int i = 1; i < oneRow.length; i++) {
aStream.write(fieldSeparator, 0, fieldSeparator.length());
writeNextColumn(oneRow[i], isNumeric[i]);
if (hasDelimiterAtEnd){ //write an additional delimeter if user wants one at the end of each row
aStream.write(fieldSeparator, 0, fieldSeparator.length());
aStream.write(recordSeparator, 0, recordSeparator.length());
/**if nothing more to write, then close the file and write a message of completion
* in message file
*@exception Exception if there is an error
public void noMoreRows() throws IOException {
if (lobsInExtFile) {
// close the streams associated with lob data.
if (lobOutBinaryStream != null) {
if (lobCharStream != null)
if (lobByteArrayStream != null)
// System.err.print(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()) + " ");
// System.err.println("Export finished");
// System.setErr(System.out);
* Convert the input string into double delimiter format for export.
* double character delimiter recognition in delimited format
* files applies to the export and import utilities. Character delimiters are
* permitted within the character-based fields of a file. This applies to
* fields of type CHAR, VARCHAR, LONGVARCHAR, or CLOB. Any pair of character
* delimiters found between the enclosing character delimiters is imported
* into the database. For example with doble quote(") as character delimiter
* "What a ""nice""day!"
* will be imported as:
* What a "nice"day!
* In the case of export, the rule applies in reverse. For example,
* I am 6"tall.
* will be exported to a file as:
* "I am 6""tall."
private String makeDoubleDelimiterString(String inputString , String charDelimiter)
int start = inputString.indexOf(charDelimiter);
StringBuffer result;
//if delimeter is not found inside the string nothing to do
if(start != -1)
result = new StringBuffer(inputString);
int current;
int delLength = charDelimiter.length();
while(start!= -1)
//insert delimter character
result = result.insert(start, charDelimiter);
current = start + delLength +1 ;
start = result.toString().indexOf(charDelimiter, current);
return result.toString();
return inputString;