blob: c12ecbb5810e16eacd5d8768532cd4c99862170b [file] [log] [blame]
- @title="#{}"
- content_for :breadcrumb do
%a{ :href => "/cimi/cloudEntryPoint"} CloudEntryPoint
%a{ :href => "/cimi/system_templates"} SystemTemplateCollection
- content_for :actions do
%div{:class => 'btn-group btn-group-vertical'}
%form{ :action => "/cimi/system_templates/#{href_to_id}/delete", :method => :post, :style => 'display:inline', :id => 'frm_delete'}
%input{ :type => :hidden, :name => '_method', :value => 'delete'}
- if @system_template.operations.find {|o| o.rel == ''}
%a{ :class => 'btn btn-primary', :href => '#systemModal', :'data-toggle' => :modal} Export
- if @system_template.operations.find {|o| o.rel == 'delete'}
%button{ :class => 'btn btn-danger', :type => :button, :onclick => '$("#frm_delete").submit()'} Destroy
%div{ :id => :systemModal, :class => 'modal hide fade' }
%h3 Export System Template entity
%form{ :action => "/cimi/system_templates/#{href_to_id}/export", :method => :post }
%label.control-label{ :for => 'system_template[format]' } Media Type
%input{ :type => :text, :name => 'system_template[format]' }
%label.control-label{ :for => 'system_template[destination]' } Location to Put Exported Data
%input{ :type => :text, :name => 'system_template[destination]' }
%a{ :href => '#', :class => 'btn btn-primary', :'data-loading-text' => 'System Template Export Initiated...', :onclick => "postModalForm(this, 'systemModal')"} Continue
%a{ :href => '#', :class => 'btn', :'data-dismiss' => 'modal'} Cancel
%p{:style => 'margin-top:1em;'}
%a{ :href => "#{}?format=xml", :class => 'label warning' } XML
%a{ :href => "#{}?format=json", :class => 'label warning' } JSON
-details 'SystemTemplate details' do
-row 'ID',
-row 'Name',
-row 'Description',@system_template.description
-row 'Created',@system_template.created
%h5 Component Descriptors
%table{ :class => 'table table-bordered table-striped' }
%th Name
%th Description
%th Type
%th Component Template
%th Quantity
- @system_template.component_descriptors.each do |compo|
-descriptors = [:machine_template,:system_template,:credential_template,:volume_template,:network_template,:network_port_template,:forwarding_group_template,:address_template]
-value = nil
-unless descriptors.find {|d| value = compo.send(d)[:href]}
-descriptors.find do |d|
- values = compo.send(d).attribute_values.collect do |k, v|
- "#{k} => #{v.attribute_values[:href]}" if v and v.respond_to? 'attribute_values' and v.attribute_values[:href]
- value = values.compact.join(' <br> ')
%td=value ? convert_urls(value) : 'N/A'
%td=compo.quantity ? compo.quantity : 1