blob: e737447953e677187c1070412e403f4a3b861bf5 [file] [log] [blame]
- @title=collection_name @creds
- content_for :breadcrumb do
%a{ :href => "/cimi/cloudEntryPoint"} CloudEntryPoint
- content_for :actions do
%a{ :href => "#{}?format=xml", :class => 'label warning' } XML
%a{ :href => "#{}?format=json", :class => 'label warning' } JSON
%a{ :href => '#credModal', :class => 'btn btn-primary', :'data-toggle' => :modal } New Credential
%div{ :id => :credModal, :class => 'modal hide fade' }
%h3 Create mew Credential entity
%form{ :action => "/cimi/credential", :method => :post }
%label.control-label{ :for => 'credential[name]' } Key Name
%input{ :type => :text, :name => 'credential[name]' }
%label.control-label{ :for => 'credential[description]' } Key Description
%input{ :type => :text, :name => 'credential[description]' }
%label.control-label{ :for => 'credential[key]' } PEM data
%textarea{:name => 'credential[key]', :class => 'input-xlarge', :rows => 3}
%a{ :href => '#', :class => 'btn btn-primary', :'data-loading-text' => 'Creating Credential...', :onclick => "postModalForm(this, 'credModal')"} Continue
%a{ :href => '#', :class => 'btn', :'data-dismiss' => 'modal'} Cancel
A Credential Collection entity represents the collection of Credential
entities within a Provider. This entity can be used to locate and create
%h3 CredentialCollection
- @creds.credentials.each do |conf|
%a{ :href => "/cimi/credentials/#{'/').last}"}'/').last
- details 'Collection details' do
- row 'ID',
- row 'Count', @creds.count