blob: 37f08a4403d115ecb6123674d457a118491d36ae [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.avro.Schema;
import org.apache.avro.file.DataFileReader;
import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericData;
import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericDatumReader;
import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericRecord;
import org.apache.avro.mapred.FsInput;
import org.apache.avro.specific.SpecificRecord;
import org.apache.crunch.Pair;
import org.apache.crunch.Source;
import org.apache.crunch.TableSource;
import org.apache.crunch.types.PTableType;
import org.apache.crunch.types.PType;
import org.apache.crunch.types.PTypeFamily;
import org.apache.crunch.types.avro.AvroType;
import org.apache.crunch.types.avro.Avros;
import org.apache.crunch.types.writable.Writables;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.PathFilter;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FileInputFormat;
* <p>Static factory methods for creating common {@link Source} types.</p>
* <p>The {@code From} class is intended to provide a literate API for creating
* Crunch pipelines from common input file types.
* <pre>
* {@code
* Pipeline pipeline = new MRPipeline(this.getClass());
* // Reference the lines of a text file by wrapping the TextInputFormat class.
* PCollection<String> lines ="/path/to/myfiles"));
* // Reference entries from a sequence file where the key is a LongWritable and the
* // value is a custom Writable class.
* PTable<LongWritable, MyWritable> table =
* "/path/to/seqfiles", LongWritable.class, MyWritable.class));
* // Reference the records from an Avro file, where MyAvroObject implements Avro's
* // SpecificRecord interface.
* PCollection<MyAvroObject> myObjects ="/path/to/avrofiles",
* MyAvroObject.class));
* // References the key-value pairs from a custom extension of FileInputFormat:
* PTable<KeyWritable, ValueWritable> custom =
* "/custom", MyFileInputFormat.class, KeyWritable.class, ValueWritable.class));
* }
* </pre>
public class From {
* Creates a {@code TableSource<K, V>} for reading data from files that have custom
* {@code FileInputFormat<K, V>} implementations not covered by the provided {@code TableSource}
* and {@code Source} factory methods.
* @param pathName The name of the path to the data on the filesystem
* @param formatClass The {@code FileInputFormat} implementation
* @param keyClass The {@code Writable} to use for the key
* @param valueClass The {@code Writable} to use for the value
* @return A new {@code TableSource<K, V>} instance
public static <K extends Writable, V extends Writable> TableSource<K, V> formattedFile(
String pathName, Class<? extends FileInputFormat<K, V>> formatClass,
Class<K> keyClass, Class<V> valueClass) {
return formattedFile(new Path(pathName), formatClass, keyClass, valueClass);
* Creates a {@code TableSource<K, V>} for reading data from files that have custom
* {@code FileInputFormat<K, V>} implementations not covered by the provided {@code TableSource}
* and {@code Source} factory methods.
* @param path The {@code Path} to the data
* @param formatClass The {@code FileInputFormat} implementation
* @param keyClass The {@code Writable} to use for the key
* @param valueClass The {@code Writable} to use for the value
* @return A new {@code TableSource<K, V>} instance
public static <K extends Writable, V extends Writable> TableSource<K, V> formattedFile(
Path path, Class<? extends FileInputFormat<K, V>> formatClass,
Class<K> keyClass, Class<V> valueClass) {
return formattedFile(path, formatClass, Writables.writables(keyClass),
* Creates a {@code TableSource<K, V>} for reading data from files that have custom
* {@code FileInputFormat<K, V>} implementations not covered by the provided {@code TableSource}
* and {@code Source} factory methods.
* @param paths A list of {@code Path}s to the data
* @param formatClass The {@code FileInputFormat} implementation
* @param keyClass The {@code Writable} to use for the key
* @param valueClass The {@code Writable} to use for the value
* @return A new {@code TableSource<K, V>} instance
public static <K extends Writable, V extends Writable> TableSource<K, V> formattedFile(
List<Path> paths, Class<? extends FileInputFormat<K, V>> formatClass,
Class<K> keyClass, Class<V> valueClass) {
return formattedFile(paths, formatClass, Writables.writables(keyClass),
* Creates a {@code TableSource<K, V>} for reading data from files that have custom
* {@code FileInputFormat} implementations not covered by the provided {@code TableSource}
* and {@code Source} factory methods.
* @param pathName The name of the path to the data on the filesystem
* @param formatClass The {@code FileInputFormat} implementation
* @param keyType The {@code PType} to use for the key
* @param valueType The {@code PType} to use for the value
* @return A new {@code TableSource<K, V>} instance
public static <K, V> TableSource<K, V> formattedFile(String pathName,
Class<? extends FileInputFormat<?, ?>> formatClass,
PType<K> keyType, PType<V> valueType) {
return formattedFile(new Path(pathName), formatClass, keyType, valueType);
* Creates a {@code TableSource<K, V>} for reading data from files that have custom
* {@code FileInputFormat} implementations not covered by the provided {@code TableSource}
* and {@code Source} factory methods.
* @param path The {@code Path} to the data
* @param formatClass The {@code FileInputFormat} implementation
* @param keyType The {@code PType} to use for the key
* @param valueType The {@code PType} to use for the value
* @return A new {@code TableSource<K, V>} instance
public static <K, V> TableSource<K, V> formattedFile(Path path,
Class<? extends FileInputFormat<?, ?>> formatClass,
PType<K> keyType, PType<V> valueType) {
PTableType<K, V> tableType = keyType.getFamily().tableOf(keyType, valueType);
return new FileTableSourceImpl<K, V>(path, tableType, formatClass);
* Creates a {@code TableSource<K, V>} for reading data from files that have custom
* {@code FileInputFormat} implementations not covered by the provided {@code TableSource}
* and {@code Source} factory methods.
* @param paths A list of {@code Path}s to the data
* @param formatClass The {@code FileInputFormat} implementation
* @param keyType The {@code PType} to use for the key
* @param valueType The {@code PType} to use for the value
* @return A new {@code TableSource<K, V>} instance
public static <K, V> TableSource<K, V> formattedFile(List<Path> paths,
Class<? extends FileInputFormat<?, ?>> formatClass,
PType<K> keyType, PType<V> valueType) {
PTableType<K, V> tableType = keyType.getFamily().tableOf(keyType, valueType);
return new FileTableSourceImpl<K, V>(paths, tableType, formatClass);
* Creates a {@code Source<T>} instance from the Avro file(s) at the given path name.
* @param pathName The name of the path to the data on the filesystem
* @param avroClass The subclass of {@code SpecificRecord} to use for the Avro file
* @return A new {@code Source<T>} instance
public static <T extends SpecificRecord> Source<T> avroFile(String pathName, Class<T> avroClass) {
return avroFile(new Path(pathName), avroClass);
* Creates a {@code Source<T>} instance from the Avro file(s) at the given {@code Path}.
* @param path The {@code Path} to the data
* @param avroClass The subclass of {@code SpecificRecord} to use for the Avro file
* @return A new {@code Source<T>} instance
public static <T extends SpecificRecord> Source<T> avroFile(Path path, Class<T> avroClass) {
return avroFile(path, Avros.specifics(avroClass));
* Creates a {@code Source<T>} instance from the Avro file(s) at the given {@code Path}s.
* @param paths A list of {@code Path}s to the data
* @param avroClass The subclass of {@code SpecificRecord} to use for the Avro file
* @return A new {@code Source<T>} instance
public static <T extends SpecificRecord> Source<T> avroFile(List<Path> paths, Class<T> avroClass) {
return avroFile(paths, Avros.specifics(avroClass));
* Creates a {@code Source<T>} instance from the Avro file(s) at the given path name.
* @param pathName The name of the path to the data on the filesystem
* @param ptype The {@code AvroType} for the Avro records
* @return A new {@code Source<T>} instance
public static <T> Source<T> avroFile(String pathName, PType<T> ptype) {
return avroFile(new Path(pathName), ptype);
* Creates a {@code Source<T>} instance from the Avro file(s) at the given {@code Path}.
* @param path The {@code Path} to the data
* @param ptype The {@code AvroType} for the Avro records
* @return A new {@code Source<T>} instance
public static <T> Source<T> avroFile(Path path, PType<T> ptype) {
return new AvroFileSource<T>(path, (AvroType<T>) ptype);
* Creates a {@code Source<T>} instance from the Avro file(s) at the given {@code Path}s.
* @param paths A list of {@code Path}s to the data
* @param ptype The {@code PType} for the Avro records
* @return A new {@code Source<T>} instance
public static <T> Source<T> avroFile(List<Path> paths, PType<T> ptype) {
return new AvroFileSource<T>(paths, (AvroType<T>) ptype);
* Creates a {@code Source<GenericData.Record>} by reading the schema of the Avro file
* at the given path. If the path is a directory, the schema of a file in the directory
* will be used to determine the schema to use.
* @param pathName The name of the path to the data on the filesystem
* @return A new {@code Source<GenericData.Record>} instance
public static Source<GenericData.Record> avroFile(String pathName) {
return avroFile(new Path(pathName));
* Creates a {@code Source<GenericData.Record>} by reading the schema of the Avro file
* at the given path. If the path is a directory, the schema of a file in the directory
* will be used to determine the schema to use.
* @param path The path to the data on the filesystem
* @return A new {@code Source<GenericData.Record>} instance
public static Source<GenericData.Record> avroFile(Path path) {
return avroFile(path, new Configuration());
* Creates a {@code Source<GenericData.Record>} by reading the schema of the Avro file
* at the given paths. If the path is a directory, the schema of a file in the directory
* will be used to determine the schema to use.
* @param paths A list of paths to the data on the filesystem
* @return A new {@code Source<GenericData.Record>} instance
public static Source<GenericData.Record> avroFile(List<Path> paths) {
return avroFile(paths, new Configuration());
* Creates a {@code Source<GenericData.Record>} by reading the schema of the Avro file
* at the given path using the {@code FileSystem} information contained in the given
* {@code Configuration} instance. If the path is a directory, the schema of a file in
* the directory will be used to determine the schema to use.
* @param path The path to the data on the filesystem
* @param conf The configuration information
* @return A new {@code Source<GenericData.Record>} instance
public static Source<GenericData.Record> avroFile(Path path, Configuration conf) {
return avroFile(path, Avros.generics(getSchemaFromPath(path, conf)));
* Creates a {@code Source<GenericData.Record>} by reading the schema of the Avro file
* at the given paths using the {@code FileSystem} information contained in the given
* {@code Configuration} instance. If the first path is a directory, the schema of a file in
* the directory will be used to determine the schema to use.
* @param paths The path to the data on the filesystem
* @param conf The configuration information
* @return A new {@code Source<GenericData.Record>} instance
public static Source<GenericData.Record> avroFile(List<Path> paths, Configuration conf) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(!paths.isEmpty(), "At least one path must be supplied");
return avroFile(paths, Avros.generics(getSchemaFromPath(paths.get(0), conf)));
* Creates a {@code TableSource<K,V>} for reading an Avro key/value file at the given path.
* @param path The path to the data on the filesystem
* @param tableType Avro table type for deserializing the table data
* @return a new {@code TableSource<K,V>} instance for reading Avro key/value data
public static <K, V> TableSource<K, V> avroTableFile(Path path, PTableType<K, V> tableType) {
return avroTableFile(ImmutableList.of(path), tableType);
* Creates a {@code TableSource<K,V>} for reading an Avro key/value file at the given paths.
* @param paths list of paths to be read by the returned source
* @param tableType Avro table type for deserializing the table data
* @return a new {@code TableSource<K,V>} instance for reading Avro key/value data
public static <K, V> TableSource<K, V> avroTableFile(List<Path> paths, PTableType<K, V> tableType) {
return new AvroTableFileSource<K, V>(paths, (AvroType<Pair<K,V>>)tableType);
static Schema getSchemaFromPath(Path path, Configuration conf) {
DataFileReader reader = null;
try {
FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
if (!fs.isFile(path)) {
FileStatus[] fstat = fs.listStatus(path, new PathFilter() {
public boolean accept(Path path) {
String name = path.getName();
return !name.startsWith("_") && !name.startsWith(".");
if (fstat == null || fstat.length == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No valid files found in directory: " + path);
path = fstat[0].getPath();
reader = new DataFileReader(new FsInput(path, conf), new GenericDatumReader<GenericRecord>());
return reader.getSchema();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error reading schema from path: " + path, e);
} finally {
if (reader != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// ignored
* Creates a {@code Source<T>} instance from the SequenceFile(s) at the given path name
* from the value field of each key-value pair in the SequenceFile(s).
* @param pathName The name of the path to the data on the filesystem
* @param valueClass The {@code Writable} type for the value of the SequenceFile entry
* @return A new {@code Source<T>} instance
public static <T extends Writable> Source<T> sequenceFile(String pathName, Class<T> valueClass) {
return sequenceFile(new Path(pathName), valueClass);
* Creates a {@code Source<T>} instance from the SequenceFile(s) at the given {@code Path}
* from the value field of each key-value pair in the SequenceFile(s).
* @param path The {@code Path} to the data
* @param valueClass The {@code Writable} type for the value of the SequenceFile entry
* @return A new {@code Source<T>} instance
public static <T extends Writable> Source<T> sequenceFile(Path path, Class<T> valueClass) {
return sequenceFile(path, Writables.writables(valueClass));
* Creates a {@code Source<T>} instance from the SequenceFile(s) at the given {@code Path}s
* from the value field of each key-value pair in the SequenceFile(s).
* @param paths A list of {@code Path}s to the data
* @param valueClass The {@code Writable} type for the value of the SequenceFile entry
* @return A new {@code Source<T>} instance
public static <T extends Writable> Source<T> sequenceFile(List<Path> paths, Class<T> valueClass) {
return sequenceFile(paths, Writables.writables(valueClass));
* Creates a {@code Source<T>} instance from the SequenceFile(s) at the given path name
* from the value field of each key-value pair in the SequenceFile(s).
* @param pathName The name of the path to the data on the filesystem
* @param ptype The {@code PType} for the value of the SequenceFile entry
* @return A new {@code Source<T>} instance
public static <T> Source<T> sequenceFile(String pathName, PType<T> ptype) {
return sequenceFile(new Path(pathName), ptype);
* Creates a {@code Source<T>} instance from the SequenceFile(s) at the given {@code Path}
* from the value field of each key-value pair in the SequenceFile(s).
* @param path The {@code Path} to the data
* @param ptype The {@code PType} for the value of the SequenceFile entry
* @return A new {@code Source<T>} instance
public static <T> Source<T> sequenceFile(Path path, PType<T> ptype) {
return new SeqFileSource<T>(path, ptype);
* Creates a {@code Source<T>} instance from the SequenceFile(s) at the given {@code Path}s
* from the value field of each key-value pair in the SequenceFile(s).
* @param paths A list of {@code Path}s to the data
* @param ptype The {@code PType} for the value of the SequenceFile entry
* @return A new {@code Source<T>} instance
public static <T> Source<T> sequenceFile(List<Path> paths, PType<T> ptype) {
return new SeqFileSource<T>(paths, ptype);
* Creates a {@code TableSource<K, V>} instance for the SequenceFile(s) at the given path name.
* @param pathName The name of the path to the data on the filesystem
* @param keyClass The {@code Writable} subclass for the key of the SequenceFile entry
* @param valueClass The {@code Writable} subclass for the value of the SequenceFile entry
* @return A new {@code SourceTable<K, V>} instance
public static <K extends Writable, V extends Writable> TableSource<K, V> sequenceFile(
String pathName, Class<K> keyClass, Class<V> valueClass) {
return sequenceFile(new Path(pathName), keyClass, valueClass);
* Creates a {@code TableSource<K, V>} instance for the SequenceFile(s) at the given {@code Path}.
* @param path The {@code Path} to the data
* @param keyClass The {@code Writable} subclass for the key of the SequenceFile entry
* @param valueClass The {@code Writable} subclass for the value of the SequenceFile entry
* @return A new {@code SourceTable<K, V>} instance
public static <K extends Writable, V extends Writable> TableSource<K, V> sequenceFile(
Path path, Class<K> keyClass, Class<V> valueClass) {
return sequenceFile(path, Writables.writables(keyClass), Writables.writables(valueClass));
* Creates a {@code TableSource<K, V>} instance for the SequenceFile(s) at the given {@code Path}s.
* @param paths A list of {@code Path}s to the data
* @param keyClass The {@code Writable} subclass for the key of the SequenceFile entry
* @param valueClass The {@code Writable} subclass for the value of the SequenceFile entry
* @return A new {@code SourceTable<K, V>} instance
public static <K extends Writable, V extends Writable> TableSource<K, V> sequenceFile(
List<Path> paths, Class<K> keyClass, Class<V> valueClass) {
return sequenceFile(paths, Writables.writables(keyClass), Writables.writables(valueClass));
* Creates a {@code TableSource<K, V>} instance for the SequenceFile(s) at the given path name.
* @param pathName The name of the path to the data on the filesystem
* @param keyType The {@code PType} for the key of the SequenceFile entry
* @param valueType The {@code PType} for the value of the SequenceFile entry
* @return A new {@code SourceTable<K, V>} instance
public static <K, V> TableSource<K, V> sequenceFile(String pathName, PType<K> keyType, PType<V> valueType) {
return sequenceFile(new Path(pathName), keyType, valueType);
* Creates a {@code TableSource<K, V>} instance for the SequenceFile(s) at the given {@code Path}.
* @param path The {@code Path} to the data
* @param keyType The {@code PType} for the key of the SequenceFile entry
* @param valueType The {@code PType} for the value of the SequenceFile entry
* @return A new {@code SourceTable<K, V>} instance
public static <K, V> TableSource<K, V> sequenceFile(Path path, PType<K> keyType, PType<V> valueType) {
PTypeFamily ptf = keyType.getFamily();
return new SeqFileTableSource<K, V>(path, ptf.tableOf(keyType, valueType));
* Creates a {@code TableSource<K, V>} instance for the SequenceFile(s) at the given {@code Path}s.
* @param paths A list of {@code Path}s to the data
* @param keyType The {@code PType} for the key of the SequenceFile entry
* @param valueType The {@code PType} for the value of the SequenceFile entry
* @return A new {@code SourceTable<K, V>} instance
public static <K, V> TableSource<K, V> sequenceFile(List<Path> paths, PType<K> keyType, PType<V> valueType) {
PTypeFamily ptf = keyType.getFamily();
return new SeqFileTableSource<K, V>(paths, ptf.tableOf(keyType, valueType));
* Creates a {@code Source<String>} instance for the text file(s) at the given path name.
* @param pathName The name of the path to the data on the filesystem
* @return A new {@code Source<String>} instance
public static Source<String> textFile(String pathName) {
return textFile(new Path(pathName));
* Creates a {@code Source<String>} instance for the text file(s) at the given {@code Path}.
* @param path The {@code Path} to the data
* @return A new {@code Source<String>} instance
public static Source<String> textFile(Path path) {
return textFile(path, Writables.strings());
* Creates a {@code Source<String>} instance for the text file(s) at the given {@code Path}s.
* @param paths A list of {@code Path}s to the data
* @return A new {@code Source<String>} instance
public static Source<String> textFile(List<Path> paths) {
return textFile(paths, Writables.strings());
* Creates a {@code Source<T>} instance for the text file(s) at the given path name using
* the provided {@code PType<T>} to convert the input text.
* @param pathName The name of the path to the data on the filesystem
* @param ptype The {@code PType<T>} to use to process the input text
* @return A new {@code Source<T>} instance
public static <T> Source<T> textFile(String pathName, PType<T> ptype) {
return textFile(new Path(pathName), ptype);
* Creates a {@code Source<T>} instance for the text file(s) at the given {@code Path} using
* the provided {@code PType<T>} to convert the input text.
* @param path The {@code Path} to the data
* @param ptype The {@code PType<T>} to use to process the input text
* @return A new {@code Source<T>} instance
public static <T> Source<T> textFile(Path path, PType<T> ptype) {
return new TextFileSource<T>(path, ptype);
* Creates a {@code Source<T>} instance for the text file(s) at the given {@code Path}s using
* the provided {@code PType<T>} to convert the input text.
* @param paths A list of {@code Path}s to the data
* @param ptype The {@code PType<T>} to use to process the input text
* @return A new {@code Source<T>} instance
public static <T> Source<T> textFile(List<Path> paths, PType<T> ptype) {
return new TextFileSource<T>(paths, ptype);