blob: 7e87a5d9c1db6c14aaa6477d06087780eb4717ce [file] [log] [blame]
#! /usr/bin/env escript
-define(WITH_LRU(F), tutil:with_lru(fun(LRU) -> F(LRU) end)).
main([]) ->
tutil:run(16, fun() -> test() end).
test() ->
test_lifecycle() ->
Resp = ets_lru:start_link(?MODULE, []),
fun({ok, LRU}) when is_pid(LRU) -> true; (_) -> false end,
"ets_lru:start_link/2 returned an LRU"
{ok, LRU} = Resp,
etap:is(ok, ets_lru:stop(LRU), "Destroyed the LRU ok").
test_table_names() ->
{ok, LRU} = ets_lru:start_link(foo, []),
Exists = fun(Name) -> ets:info(Name, size) == 0 end,
NExists = fun(Name) -> ets:info(Name, size) == undefined end,
etap:is(Exists(foo_objects), true, "foo_objects exists"),
etap:is(Exists(foo_atimes), true, "foo_atimes exists"),
etap:is(Exists(foo_ctimes), true, "foo_ctimes exists"),
Ref = erlang:monitor(process, LRU),
receive {'DOWN', Ref, process, LRU, Reason} -> ok end,
etap:is(Reason, normal, "LRU stopped normally"),
etap:is(NExists(foo_objects), true, "foo_objects doesn't exist"),
etap:is(NExists(foo_atimes), true, "foo_atimes doesn't exist"),
etap:is(NExists(foo_ctimes), true, "foo_ctimes doesn't exist"),
test_insert_lookup(LRU) ->
ok = ets_lru:insert(LRU, foo, bar),
Resp = ets_lru:lookup(LRU, foo),
etap:is(Resp, {ok, bar}, "Lookup returned the inserted value").
test_insert_lookup_d(LRU) ->
ok = ets_lru:insert(LRU, foo, bar),
Resp = ets_lru:lookup_d(test_lru, foo),
etap:is(Resp, {ok, bar}, "Dirty lookup returned the inserted value").
test_insert_overwrite(LRU) ->
ok = ets_lru:insert(LRU, foo, bar),
Resp1 = ets_lru:lookup(LRU, foo),
etap:is(Resp1, {ok, bar}, "Lookup returned the inserted value"),
ok = ets_lru:insert(LRU, foo, bam),
Resp2 = ets_lru:lookup(LRU, foo),
etap:is(Resp2, {ok, bam}, "Lookup returned the newly inserted value").
test_insert_remove(LRU) ->
ok = ets_lru:insert(LRU, foo, bar),
Resp1 = ets_lru:lookup(LRU, foo),
etap:is(Resp1, {ok, bar}, "Lookup returned the inserted value"),
ok = ets_lru:remove(LRU, foo),
Resp2 = ets_lru:lookup(LRU, foo),
etap:is(Resp2, not_found, "Lookup returned not_found for removed value").
test_clear(LRU) ->
ok = ets_lru:insert(LRU, foo, bar),
Resp1 = ets_lru:lookup(LRU, foo),
etap:is(Resp1, {ok, bar}, "Lookup returned the inserted value"),
ok = ets_lru:clear(LRU),
Resp2 = ets_lru:lookup(LRU, foo),
etap:is(Resp2, not_found, "Lookup returned not_found after a clear").