package.json files updated from new npm
diff --git a/weinre.server/node_modules/coffee-script/node_modules/mkdirp/package.json b/weinre.server/node_modules/coffee-script/node_modules/mkdirp/package.json
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+  "_resolved": "",
+  "_from": "mkdirp@>=0.3.5 <0.4.0"
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     "mkdirp": "~0.3.5"
-  "readme": "            {\n         }   }   {\n        {   {  }  }\n         }   }{  {\n        {  }{  }  }                    _____       __  __\n       { }{ }{  { }                   / ____|     / _|/ _|\n     .- { { }  { }} -.               | |     ___ | |_| |_ ___  ___\n    (  { } { } { } }  )              | |    / _ \\|  _|  _/ _ \\/ _ \\\n    |`-..________ ..-'|              | |___| (_) | | | ||  __/  __/\n    |                 |               \\_____\\___/|_| |_| \\___|\\___|\n    |                 ;--.\n    |                (__  \\            _____           _       _\n    |                 | )  )          / ____|         (_)     | |\n    |                 |/  /          | (___   ___ _ __ _ _ __ | |_\n    |                 (  /            \\___ \\ / __| '__| | '_ \\| __|\n    |                 |/              ____) | (__| |  | | |_) | |_\n    |                 |              |_____/ \\___|_|  |_| .__/ \\__|\n     `-.._________..-'                                  | |\n                                                        |_|\n\n\n  CoffeeScript is a little language that compiles into JavaScript.\n\n  If you have the Node Package Manager installed:\n  npm install -g coffee-script\n  (Leave off the -g if you don't wish to install globally.)\n\n  Or, if you don't wish to use npm:\n  sudo bin/cake install\n\n  Execute a script:\n  coffee /path/to/\n\n  Compile a script:\n  coffee -c /path/to/\n\n  For documentation, usage, and examples, see:\n\n\n  To suggest a feature, report a bug, or general discussion:\n\n\n  If you'd like to chat, drop by #coffeescript on Freenode IRC,\n  or on\n\n  The source repository:\n  git://\n\n  Top 100 contributors are listed here:\n\n",
-  "readmeFilename": "README",
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+      "email": ""
+    },
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+      "name": "michaelficarra",
+      "email": ""
+    }
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+  "readme": "ERROR: No README data found!"
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index 0c67f7f..f4b1033 100644
--- a/weinre.server/node_modules/express/node_modules/connect/node_modules/formidable/package.json
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@@ -30,9 +30,37 @@
     "url": ""
   "optionalDependencies": {},
-  "readme": "# Formidable\n\n[![Build Status](](\n\n## Purpose\n\nA node.js module for parsing form data, especially file uploads.\n\n## Current status\n\nThis module was developed for [Transloadit](, a service focused on uploading\nand encoding images and videos. It has been battle-tested against hundreds of GB of file uploads from\na large variety of clients and is considered production-ready.\n\n## Features\n\n* Fast (~500mb/sec), non-buffering multipart parser\n* Automatically writing file uploads to disk\n* Low memory footprint\n* Graceful error handling\n* Very high test coverage\n\n## Installation\n\nThis is a low level package, and if you're using a high level framework such as Express, chances are it's already included in it. You can [read this discussion]( about how Formidable is integrated with Express.\n\nVia [npm](\n```\nnpm install formidable@latest\n```\nManually:\n```\ngit clone git:// formidable\nvim my.js\n# var formidable = require('./formidable');\n```\n\nNote: Formidable requires [gently]( to run the unit tests, but you won't need it for just using the library.\n\n## Example\n\nParse an incoming file upload.\n```javascript\nvar formidable = require('formidable'),\n    http = require('http'),\n    util = require('util');\n\nhttp.createServer(function(req, res) {\n  if (req.url == '/upload' && req.method.toLowerCase() == 'post') {\n    // parse a file upload\n    var form = new formidable.IncomingForm();\n\n    form.parse(req, function(err, fields, files) {\n      res.writeHead(200, {'content-type': 'text/plain'});\n      res.write('received upload:\\n\\n');\n      res.end(util.inspect({fields: fields, files: files}));\n    });\n\n    return;\n  }\n\n  // show a file upload form\n  res.writeHead(200, {'content-type': 'text/html'});\n  res.end(\n    '<form action=\"/upload\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" method=\"post\">'+\n    '<input type=\"text\" name=\"title\"><br>'+\n    '<input type=\"file\" name=\"upload\" multiple=\"multiple\"><br>'+\n    '<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Upload\">'+\n    '</form>'\n  );\n}).listen(8080);\n```\n## API\n\n### Formidable.IncomingForm\n```javascript\nvar form = new formidable.IncomingForm()\n```\nCreates a new incoming form.\n\n```javascript\nform.encoding = 'utf-8';\n```\nSets encoding for incoming form fields.\n\n```javascript\nform.uploadDir = \"/my/dir\";\n```\nSets the directory for placing file uploads in. You can move them later on using\n`fs.rename()`. The default is `os.tmpDir()`.\n\n```javascript\nform.keepExtensions = false;\n```\nIf you want the files written to `form.uploadDir` to include the extensions of the original files, set this property to `true`.\n\n```javascript\nform.type\n```\nEither 'multipart' or 'urlencoded' depending on the incoming request.\n\n```javascript\nform.maxFieldsSize = 2 * 1024 * 1024;\n```\nLimits the amount of memory a field (not file) can allocate in bytes.\nIf this value is exceeded, an `'error'` event is emitted. The default\nsize is 2MB.\n\n```javascript\nform.maxFields = 1000;\n```\nLimits the number of fields that the querystring parser will decode. Defaults\nto 1000 (0 for unlimited).\n\n```javascript\nform.hash = false;\n```\nIf you want checksums calculated for incoming files, set this to either `'sha1'` or `'md5'`.\n\n```javascript\nform.multiples = false;\n```\nIf this option is enabled, when you call `form.parse`, the `files` argument will contain arrays of files for inputs which submit multiple files using the HTML5 `multiple` attribute.\n\n```javascript\nform.bytesReceived\n```\nThe amount of bytes received for this form so far.\n\n```javascript\nform.bytesExpected\n```\nThe expected number of bytes in this form.\n\n```javascript\nform.parse(request, [cb]);\n```\nParses an incoming node.js `request` containing form data. If `cb` is provided, all fields and files are collected and passed to the callback:\n\n\n```javascript\nform.parse(req, function(err, fields, files) {\n  // ...\n});\n\nform.onPart(part);\n```\nYou may overwrite this method if you are interested in directly accessing the multipart stream. Doing so will disable any `'field'` / `'file'` events  processing which would occur otherwise, making you fully responsible for handling the processing.\n\n```javascript\nform.onPart = function(part) {\n  part.addListener('data', function() {\n    // ...\n  });\n}\n```\nIf you want to use formidable to only handle certain parts for you, you can do so:\n```javascript\nform.onPart = function(part) {\n  if (!part.filename) {\n    // let formidable handle all non-file parts\n    form.handlePart(part);\n  }\n}\n```\nCheck the code in this method for further inspiration.\n\n\n### Formidable.File\n```javascript\nfile.size = 0\n```\nThe size of the uploaded file in bytes. If the file is still being uploaded (see `'fileBegin'` event), this property says how many bytes of the file have been written to disk yet.\n```javascript\nfile.path = null\n```\nThe path this file is being written to. You can modify this in the `'fileBegin'` event in\ncase you are unhappy with the way formidable generates a temporary path for your files.\n```javascript\ = null\n```\nThe name this file had according to the uploading client.\n```javascript\nfile.type = null\n```\nThe mime type of this file, according to the uploading client.\n```javascript\nfile.lastModifiedDate = null\n```\nA date object (or `null`) containing the time this file was last written to. Mostly\nhere for compatibility with the [W3C File API Draft](\n```javascript\nfile.hash = null\n```\nIf hash calculation was set, you can read the hex digest out of this var.\n\n#### Formidable.File#toJSON()\n\n  This method returns a JSON-representation of the file, allowing you to\n  `JSON.stringify()` the file which is useful for logging and responding\n  to requests.\n\n### Events\n\n\n#### 'progress'\n```javascript\nform.on('progress', function(bytesReceived, bytesExpected) {\n});\n```\nEmitted after each incoming chunk of data that has been parsed. Can be used to roll your own progress bar.\n\n\n\n#### 'field'\n```javascript\nform.on('field', function(name, value) {\n});\n```\n\n#### 'fileBegin'\n\nEmitted whenever a field / value pair has been received.\n```javascript\nform.on('fileBegin', function(name, file) {\n});\n```\n\n#### 'file'\n\nEmitted whenever a new file is detected in the upload stream. Use this even if\nyou want to stream the file to somewhere else while buffering the upload on\nthe file system.\n\nEmitted whenever a field / file pair has been received. `file` is an instance of `File`.\n```javascript\nform.on('file', function(name, file) {\n});\n```\n\n#### 'error'\n\nEmitted when there is an error processing the incoming form. A request that experiences an error is automatically paused, you will have to manually call `request.resume()` if you want the request to continue firing `'data'` events.\n```javascript\nform.on('error', function(err) {\n});\n```\n\n#### 'aborted'\n\n\nEmitted when the request was aborted by the user. Right now this can be due to a 'timeout' or 'close' event on the socket. In the future there will be a separate 'timeout' event (needs a change in the node core).\n```javascript\nform.on('aborted', function() {\n});\n```\n\n##### 'end'\n```javascript\nform.on('end', function() {\n});\n```\nEmitted when the entire request has been received, and all contained files have finished flushing to disk. This is a great place for you to send your response.\n\n\n\n## Changelog\n\n### v1.0.14\n\n* Add failing hash tests. (Ben Trask)\n* Enable hash calculation again (Eugene Girshov)\n* Test for immediate data events (Tim Smart)\n* Re-arrange IncomingForm#parse (Tim Smart)\n\n### v1.0.13\n\n* Only update hash if update method exists (Sven Lito)\n* According to travis v0.10 needs to go quoted (Sven Lito)\n* Bumping build node versions (Sven Lito)\n* Additional fix for empty requests (Eugene Girshov)\n* Change the default to 1000, to match the new Node behaviour. (OrangeDog)\n* Add ability to control maxKeys in the querystring parser. (OrangeDog)\n* Adjust test case to work with node 0.9.x (Eugene Girshov)\n* Update package.json (Sven Lito)\n* Path adjustment according to eb4468b (Markus Ast)\n\n### v1.0.12\n\n* Emit error on aborted connections (Eugene Girshov)\n* Add support for empty requests (Eugene Girshov)\n* Fix name/filename handling in Content-Disposition (jesperp)\n* Tolerate malformed closing boundary in multipart (Eugene Girshov)\n* Ignore preamble in multipart messages (Eugene Girshov)\n* Add support for application/json (Mike Frey, Carlos Rodriguez)\n* Add support for Base64 encoding (Elmer Bulthuis)\n* Add File#toJSON (TJ Holowaychuk)\n* Remove support for Node.js 0.4 & 0.6 (Andrew Kelley)\n* Documentation improvements (Sven Lito, Andre Azevedo)\n* Add support for application/octet-stream (Ion Lupascu, Chris Scribner)\n* Use os.tmpDir() to get tmp directory (Andrew Kelley)\n* Improve package.json (Andrew Kelley, Sven Lito)\n* Fix benchmark script (Andrew Kelley)\n* Fix scope issue in incoming_forms (Sven Lito)\n* Fix file handle leak on error (OrangeDog)\n\n### v1.0.11\n\n* Calculate checksums for incoming files (sreuter)\n* Add definition parameters to \"IncomingForm\" as an argument (Math-)\n\n### v1.0.10\n\n* Make parts to be proper Streams (Matt Robenolt)\n\n### v1.0.9\n\n* Emit progress when content length header parsed (Tim Koschützki)\n* Fix Readme syntax due to GitHub changes (goob)\n* Replace references to old 'sys' module in Readme with 'util' (Peter Sugihara)\n\n### v1.0.8\n\n* Strip potentially unsafe characters when using `keepExtensions: true`.\n* Switch to utest / urun for testing\n* Add travis build\n\n### v1.0.7\n\n* Remove file from package that was causing problems when installing on windows. (#102)\n* Fix typos in Readme (Jason Davies).\n\n### v1.0.6\n\n* Do not default to the default to the field name for file uploads where\n  filename=\"\".\n\n### v1.0.5\n\n* Support filename=\"\" in multipart parts\n* Explain unexpected end() errors in parser better\n\n**Note:** Starting with this version, formidable emits 'file' events for empty\nfile input fields. Previously those were incorrectly emitted as regular file\ninput fields with value = \"\".\n\n### v1.0.4\n\n* Detect a good default tmp directory regardless of platform. (#88)\n\n### v1.0.3\n\n* Fix problems with utf8 characters (#84) / semicolons in filenames (#58)\n* Small performance improvements\n* New test suite and fixture system\n\n### v1.0.2\n\n* Exclude node\\_modules folder from git\n* Implement new `'aborted'` event\n* Fix files in example folder to work with recent node versions\n* Make gently a devDependency\n\n[See Commits](\n\n### v1.0.1\n\n* Fix package.json to refer to proper main directory. (#68, Dean Landolt)\n\n[See Commits](\n\n### v1.0.0\n\n* Add support for multipart boundaries that are quoted strings. (Jeff Craig)\n\nThis marks the beginning of development on version 2.0 which will include\nseveral architectural improvements.\n\n[See Commits](\n\n### v0.9.11\n\n* Emit `'progress'` event when receiving data, regardless of parsing it. (Tim Koschützki)\n* Use [W3C FileAPI Draft]( properties for File class\n\n**Important:** The old property names of the File class will be removed in a\nfuture release.\n\n[See Commits](\n\n### Older releases\n\nThese releases were done before starting to maintain the above Changelog:\n\n* [v0.9.10](\n* [v0.9.9](\n* [v0.9.8](\n* [v0.9.7](\n* [v0.9.6](\n* [v0.9.5](\n* [v0.9.4](\n* [v0.9.3](\n* [v0.9.2](\n* [v0.9.1](\n* [v0.9.0](\n* [v0.9.0](\n* [v0.9.0](\n* [v0.9.0](\n* [v0.9.0](\n* [v0.9.0](\n* [v0.9.0](\n* [v0.9.0](\n* [v0.1.0](\n\n## License\n\nFormidable is licensed under the MIT license.\n\n## Ports\n\n* [multipart-parser]( a C++ parser based on formidable\n\n## Credits\n\n* [Ryan Dahl]( for his work on [http-parser]( which heavily inspired multipart_parser.js\n",
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+      "email": ""
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+      "email": ""
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+    "url": "git://",
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   "version": "1.2.4",
-  "readme": "# mime\n\nSupport for mapping between file extensions and MIME types.  This module uses the latest version of the Apache \"mime.types\" file (maps over 620 types to 800+ extensions).  It is also trivially easy to add your own types and extensions, should you need to do that.\n\n## Install\n\nInstall with [npm](\n\n    npm install mime\n\n## API - Queries\n\n### mime.lookup(path)\nGet the mime type associated with a file. This is method is case-insensitive. Everything in path up to and including the last '/' or '.' is ignored, so you can pass it paths, filenames, or extensions, like so:\n\n    var mime = require('mime');\n\n    mime.lookup('/path/to/file.txt');         // => 'text/plain'\n    mime.lookup('file.txt');                  // => 'text/plain'\n    mime.lookup('.txt');                      // => 'text/plain'\n    mime.lookup('htm');                       // => 'text/html'\n\n### mime.extension(type) - lookup the default extension for type\n\n    mime.extension('text/html');                 // => 'html'\n    mime.extension('application/octet-stream');  // => 'bin'\n\n### mime.charsets.lookup() - map mime-type to charset\n\n    mime.charsets.lookup('text/plain');        // => 'UTF-8'\n\n(The logic for charset lookups is pretty rudimentary.  Feel free to suggest improvements.)\n\n## API - Customizing\n\nThe following APIs allow you to add your own type mappings within your project.  If you feel a type should be included as part of node-mime, see [requesting new types](\n### mime.define() - Add custom mime/extension mappings\n\n    mime.define({\n        'text/x-some-format': ['x-sf', 'x-sft', 'x-sfml'],\n        'application/x-my-type': ['x-mt', 'x-mtt'],\n        // etc ...\n    });\n\n    mime.lookup('x-sft');                 // => 'text/x-some-format'\n    mime.extension('text/x-some-format'); // => 'x-sf'\n\n### mime.load(filepath) - Load mappings from an Apache \".types\" format file\n\n    mime.load('./my_project.types');\n",
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+    "serverjs": false
+  },
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+    "node": "*"
+  },
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   "repository": {
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+    "url": "git://"
   "scripts": {
     "test": "tap test/*.js"
@@ -26,12 +26,28 @@
   "engines": {
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-  "readme": "mkdirp\n======\n\nLike `mkdir -p`, but in node.js!\n\nexample\n=======\n\npow.js\n------\n    var mkdirp = require('mkdirp');\n    \n    mkdirp('/tmp/foo/bar/baz', function (err) {\n        if (err) console.error(err)\n        else console.log('pow!')\n    });\n\nOutput\n    pow!\n\nAnd now /tmp/foo/bar/baz exists, huzzah!\n\nmethods\n=======\n\nvar mkdirp = require('mkdirp');\n\nmkdirp(dir, mode, cb)\n---------------------\n\nCreate a new directory and any necessary subdirectories at `dir` with octal\npermission string `mode`.\n\nIf `mode` isn't specified, it defaults to `0777 & (~process.umask())`.\n\nmkdirp.sync(dir, mode)\n----------------------\n\nSynchronously create a new directory and any necessary subdirectories at `dir`\nwith octal permission string `mode`.\n\nIf `mode` isn't specified, it defaults to `0777 & (~process.umask())`.\n\ninstall\n=======\n\nWith [npm]( do:\n\n    npm install mkdirp\n\nlicense\n=======\n\nMIT/X11\n",
-  "readmeFilename": "README.markdown",
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+      "email": ""
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-  "readme": "# node-querystring\n\n  query string parser for node supporting nesting, as it was removed from `0.3.x`, so this library provides the previous and commonly desired behaviour (and twice as fast). Used by [express](, [connect]( and others.\n\n## Installation\n\n    $ npm install qs\n\n## Examples\n\n```js\nvar qs = require('qs');\n\nqs.parse('user[name][first]=Tobi&user[email]');\n// => { user: { name: { first: 'Tobi' }, email: '' } }\n\nqs.stringify({ user: { name: 'Tobi', email: '' }})\n// => user[name]=Tobi&user[email]\n```\n\n## Testing\n\nInstall dev dependencies:\n\n    $ npm install -d\n\nand execute:\n\n    $ make test\n\n## License \n\n(The MIT License)\n\nCopyright (c) 2010 TJ Holowaychuk &lt;;\n\nPermission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining\na copy of this software and associated documentation files (the\n'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including\nwithout limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,\ndistribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to\npermit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to\nthe following conditions:\n\nThe above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be\nincluded in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n\nTHE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,\nEXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF\nMERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.\nIN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY\nCLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT,\nTORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE\nSOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.",
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     "test": "make test",
     "prepublish": "npm prune"
-  "readme": "\n# Express\n      \n  Insanely fast (and small) server-side JavaScript web development framework\n  built on [node]( and [Connect](\n  \n     var app = express.createServer();\n     \n     app.get('/', function(req, res){\n       res.send('Hello World');\n     });\n     \n     app.listen(3000);\n\n## Installation\n\n    $ npm install express\n\nor to access the `express(1)` executable install globally:\n\n    $ npm install -g express\n\n## Quick Start\n\n The quickest way to get started with express is to utilize the executable `express(1)` to generate an application as shown below:\n\n Create the app:\n\n    $ npm install -g express\n    $ express /tmp/foo && cd /tmp/foo\n\n Install dependencies:\n\n    $ npm install -d\n\n Start the server:\n\n    $ node app.js\n\n## Features\n\n  * Robust routing\n  * Redirection helpers\n  * Dynamic view helpers\n  * Content negotiation\n  * Focus on high performance\n  * View rendering and partials support\n  * Environment based configuration\n  * Session based flash notifications\n  * Built on [Connect](\n  * High test coverage\n  * Executable for generating applications quickly\n  * Application level view options\n\nVia Connect:\n\n  * Session support\n  * Cache API\n  * Mime helpers\n  * ETag support\n  * Persistent flash notifications\n  * Cookie support\n  * JSON-RPC\n  * Logging\n  * and _much_ more!\n\n## Contributors\n\nThe following are the major contributors of Express (in no specific order).\n\n  * TJ Holowaychuk ([visionmedia](\n  * Ciaran Jessup ([ciaranj](\n  * Aaron Heckmann ([aheckmann](\n  * Guillermo Rauch ([guille](\n\n## More Information\n\n  * #express on freenode\n  * [express-expose]( expose objects, functions, modules and more to client-side js with ease\n  * [express-configure]( async configuration support\n  * [express-messages]( flash notification rendering helper\n  * [express-namespace]( namespaced route support\n  * [express-params]( param pre-condition functions\n  * [express-mongoose]( plugin for easy rendering of Mongoose async Query results\n  * Follow [tjholowaychuk]( on twitter for updates\n  * [Google Group]( for discussion\n  * Visit the [Wiki](\n  * [日本語ドキュメンテーション]( by [hideyukisaito](\n  * Screencast - [Introduction](\n  * Screencast - [View Partials](\n  * Screencast - [Route Specific Middleware](\n  * Screencast - [Route Path Placeholder Preconditions](\n\n## Node Compatibility\n\nExpress 1.x is compatible with node 0.2.x and connect < 1.0.\n\nExpress 2.x is compatible with node 0.4.x or 0.6.x, and connect 1.x\n\nExpress 3.x (master) will be compatible with node 0.6.x and connect 2.x\n\n## Viewing Examples\n\nFirst install the dev dependencies to install all the example / test suite deps:\n\n    $ npm install\n\nthen run whichever tests you want:\n\n    $ node examples/jade/app.js\n\n## Running Tests\n\nTo run the test suite first invoke the following command within the repo, installing the development dependencies:\n\n    $ npm install\n\nthen run the tests:\n\n    $ make test\n\n## License \n\n(The MIT License)\n\nCopyright (c) 2009-2011 TJ Holowaychuk &lt;;\n\nPermission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining\na copy of this software and associated documentation files (the\n'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including\nwithout limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,\ndistribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to\npermit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to\nthe following conditions:\n\nThe above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be\nincluded in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n\nTHE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,\nEXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF\nMERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.\nIN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY\nCLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT,\nTORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE\nSOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.\n",
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+  },
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+    {
+      "name": "tjholowaychuk",
+      "email": ""
+    }
+  ],
+  "directories": {},
+  "_shasum": "4ce8ea1f3635e69e49f0ebb497b6a4b0a51ce6f0",
+  "_resolved": "",
+  "_from": "express@>=2.5.0 <2.6.0",
   "bugs": {
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-  "_from": "express@2.5.x"
+  "readme": "ERROR: No README data found!",
+  "homepage": ""
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-  "readme": "If you want to write an option parser, and have it be good, there are\ntwo ways to do it.  The Right Way, and the Wrong Way.\n\nThe Wrong Way is to sit down and write an option parser.  We've all done\nthat.\n\nThe Right Way is to write some complex configurable program with so many\noptions that you go half-insane just trying to manage them all, and put\nit off with duct-tape solutions until you see exactly to the core of the\nproblem, and finally snap and write an awesome option parser.\n\nIf you want to write an option parser, don't write an option parser.\nWrite a package manager, or a source control system, or a service\nrestarter, or an operating system.  You probably won't end up with a\ngood one of those, but if you don't give up, and you are relentless and\ndiligent enough in your procrastination, you may just end up with a very\nnice option parser.\n\n## USAGE\n\n    // my-program.js\n    var nopt = require(\"nopt\")\n      , Stream = require(\"stream\").Stream\n      , path = require(\"path\")\n      , knownOpts = { \"foo\" : [String, null]\n                    , \"bar\" : [Stream, Number]\n                    , \"baz\" : path\n                    , \"bloo\" : [ \"big\", \"medium\", \"small\" ]\n                    , \"flag\" : Boolean\n                    , \"pick\" : Boolean\n                    , \"many\" : [String, Array]\n                    }\n      , shortHands = { \"foofoo\" : [\"--foo\", \"Mr. Foo\"]\n                     , \"b7\" : [\"--bar\", \"7\"]\n                     , \"m\" : [\"--bloo\", \"medium\"]\n                     , \"p\" : [\"--pick\"]\n                     , \"f\" : [\"--flag\"]\n                     }\n                 // everything is optional.\n                 // knownOpts and shorthands default to {}\n                 // arg list defaults to process.argv\n                 // slice defaults to 2\n      , parsed = nopt(knownOpts, shortHands, process.argv, 2)\n    console.log(parsed)\n\nThis would give you support for any of the following:\n\n```bash\n$ node my-program.js --foo \"blerp\" --no-flag\n{ \"foo\" : \"blerp\", \"flag\" : false }\n\n$ node my-program.js ---bar 7 --foo \"Mr. Hand\" --flag\n{ bar: 7, foo: \"Mr. Hand\", flag: true }\n\n$ node my-program.js --foo \"blerp\" -f -----p\n{ foo: \"blerp\", flag: true, pick: true }\n\n$ node my-program.js -fp --foofoo\n{ foo: \"Mr. Foo\", flag: true, pick: true }\n\n$ node my-program.js --foofoo -- -fp  # -- stops the flag parsing.\n{ foo: \"Mr. Foo\", argv: { remain: [\"-fp\"] } }\n\n$ node my-program.js --blatzk -fp # unknown opts are ok.\n{ blatzk: true, flag: true, pick: true }\n\n$ node my-program.js --blatzk=1000 -fp # but you need to use = if they have a value\n{ blatzk: 1000, flag: true, pick: true }\n\n$ node my-program.js --no-blatzk -fp # unless they start with \"no-\"\n{ blatzk: false, flag: true, pick: true }\n\n$ node my-program.js --baz b/a/z # known paths are resolved.\n{ baz: \"/Users/isaacs/b/a/z\" }\n\n# if Array is one of the types, then it can take many\n# values, and will always be an array.  The other types provided\n# specify what types are allowed in the list.\n\n$ node my-program.js --many 1 --many null --many foo\n{ many: [\"1\", \"null\", \"foo\"] }\n\n$ node my-program.js --many foo\n{ many: [\"foo\"] }\n```\n\nRead the tests at the bottom of `lib/nopt.js` for more examples of\nwhat this puppy can do.\n\n## Types\n\nThe following types are supported, and defined on `nopt.typeDefs`\n\n* String: A normal string.  No parsing is done.\n* path: A file system path.  Gets resolved against cwd if not absolute.\n* url: A url.  If it doesn't parse, it isn't accepted.\n* Number: Must be numeric.\n* Date: Must parse as a date. If it does, and `Date` is one of the options,\n  then it will return a Date object, not a string.\n* Boolean: Must be either `true` or `false`.  If an option is a boolean,\n  then it does not need a value, and its presence will imply `true` as\n  the value.  To negate boolean flags, do `--no-whatever` or `--whatever\n  false`\n* NaN: Means that the option is strictly not allowed.  Any value will\n  fail.\n* Stream: An object matching the \"Stream\" class in node.  Valuable\n  for use when validating programmatically.  (npm uses this to let you\n  supply any WriteStream on the `outfd` and `logfd` config options.)\n* Array: If `Array` is specified as one of the types, then the value\n  will be parsed as a list of options.  This means that multiple values\n  can be specified, and that the value will always be an array.\n\nIf a type is an array of values not on this list, then those are\nconsidered valid values.  For instance, in the example above, the\n`--bloo` option can only be one of `\"big\"`, `\"medium\"`, or `\"small\"`,\nand any other value will be rejected.\n\nWhen parsing unknown fields, `\"true\"`, `\"false\"`, and `\"null\"` will be\ninterpreted as their JavaScript equivalents.\n\nYou can also mix types and values, or multiple types, in a list.  For\ninstance `{ blah: [Number, null] }` would allow a value to be set to\neither a Number or null.  When types are ordered, this implies a\npreference, and the first type that can be used to properly interpret\nthe value will be used.\n\nTo define a new type, add it to `nopt.typeDefs`.  Each item in that\nhash is an object with a `type` member and a `validate` method.  The\n`type` member is an object that matches what goes in the type list.  The\n`validate` method is a function that gets called with `validate(data,\nkey, val)`.  Validate methods should assign `data[key]` to the valid\nvalue of `val` if it can be handled properly, or return boolean\n`false` if it cannot.\n\nYou can also call `nopt.clean(data, types, typeDefs)` to clean up a\nconfig object and remove its invalid properties.\n\n## Error Handling\n\nBy default, nopt outputs a warning to standard error when invalid\noptions are found.  You can change this behavior by assigning a method\nto `nopt.invalidHandler`.  This method will be called with\nthe offending `nopt.invalidHandler(key, val, types)`.\n\nIf no `nopt.invalidHandler` is assigned, then it will console.error\nits whining.  If it is assigned to boolean `false` then the warning is\nsuppressed.\n\n## Abbreviations\n\nYes, they are supported.  If you define options like this:\n\n```javascript\n{ \"foolhardyelephants\" : Boolean\n, \"pileofmonkeys\" : Boolean }\n```\n\nThen this will work:\n\n```bash\nnode program.js --foolhar --pil\nnode program.js --no-f --pileofmon\n# etc.\n```\n\n## Shorthands\n\nShorthands are a hash of shorter option names to a snippet of args that\nthey expand to.\n\nIf multiple one-character shorthands are all combined, and the\ncombination does not unambiguously match any other option or shorthand,\nthen they will be broken up into their constituent parts.  For example:\n\n```json\n{ \"s\" : [\"--loglevel\", \"silent\"]\n, \"g\" : \"--global\"\n, \"f\" : \"--force\"\n, \"p\" : \"--parseable\"\n, \"l\" : \"--long\"\n}\n```\n\n```bash\nnpm ls -sgflp\n# just like doing this:\nnpm ls --loglevel silent --global --force --long --parseable\n```\n\n## The Rest of the args\n\nThe config object returned by nopt is given a special member called\n`argv`, which is an object with the following fields:\n\n* `remain`: The remaining args after all the parsing has occurred.\n* `original`: The args as they originally appeared.\n* `cooked`: The args after flags and shorthands are expanded.\n\n## Slicing\n\nNode programs are called with more or less the exact argv as it appears\nin C land, after the v8 and node-specific options have been plucked off.\nAs such, `argv[0]` is always `node` and `argv[1]` is always the\nJavaScript program being run.\n\nThat's usually not very useful to you.  So they're sliced off by\ndefault.  If you want them, then you can pass in `0` as the last\nargument, or any other number that you'd like to slice off the start of\nthe list.\n",
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+      "email": ""
+    }
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-  "readme": "                       __\n                      /\\ \\                                                         __\n     __  __    ___    \\_\\ \\     __   _ __   ____    ___    ___   _ __    __       /\\_\\    ____\n    /\\ \\/\\ \\ /' _ `\\  /'_  \\  /'__`\\/\\  __\\/ ,__\\  / ___\\ / __`\\/\\  __\\/'__`\\     \\/\\ \\  /',__\\\n    \\ \\ \\_\\ \\/\\ \\/\\ \\/\\ \\ \\ \\/\\  __/\\ \\ \\//\\__, `\\/\\ \\__//\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\//\\  __/  __  \\ \\ \\/\\__, `\\\n     \\ \\____/\\ \\_\\ \\_\\ \\___,_\\ \\____\\\\ \\_\\\\/\\____/\\ \\____\\ \\____/\\ \\_\\\\ \\____\\/\\_\\ _\\ \\ \\/\\____/\n      \\/___/  \\/_/\\/_/\\/__,_ /\\/____/ \\/_/ \\/___/  \\/____/\\/___/  \\/_/ \\/____/\\/_//\\ \\_\\ \\/___/\n                                                                                  \\ \\____/\n                                                                                   \\/___/\n\nUnderscore.js is a utility-belt library for JavaScript that provides\nsupport for the usual functional suspects (each, map, reduce, filter...)\nwithout extending any core JavaScript objects.\n\nFor Docs, License, Tests, and pre-packed downloads, see:\n\n\nUnderscore is an open-sourced component of DocumentCloud:\n\n\nMany thanks to our contributors:\n\n",
-  "readmeFilename": "",
+  "gitHead": "da996e665deb0b69b257e80e3e257c04fde4191c",
   "bugs": {
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   "_id": "underscore@1.7.0",
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+  "_from": "underscore@>=1.7.0 <1.8.0",
+  "_npmVersion": "1.4.24",
+  "_npmUser": {
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+    "email": ""
+  },
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+      "name": "jashkenas",
+      "email": ""
+    }
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