blob: 76a29fc155f11b9ec8e37e4883dca5db1b35426d [file] [log] [blame]
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package org.apache.cordova.whitelist;
import org.apache.cordova.CordovaInterface;
import org.apache.cordova.CordovaPlugin;
import org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebView;
import org.apache.cordova.ConfigXmlParser;
import org.apache.cordova.Whitelist;
import android.content.res.XmlResourceParser;
public class LegacyWhitelistPlugin extends CordovaPlugin {
private Whitelist internalWhitelist = new Whitelist();
private Whitelist externalWhitelist = new Whitelist();
private static final String TAG = "Whitelist";
public void initialize(CordovaInterface cordova, CordovaWebView webView) {
// Add implicitly allowed URLs
internalWhitelist.addWhiteListEntry("file:///*", false);
internalWhitelist.addWhiteListEntry("content:///*", false);
internalWhitelist.addWhiteListEntry("data:*", false);
new ConfigXmlParser(){
public void handleStartTag(XmlPullParser xml) {
String strNode = xml.getName();
if (strNode.equals("access")) {
String origin = xml.getAttributeValue(null, "origin");
String subdomains = xml.getAttributeValue(null, "subdomains");
boolean external = (xml.getAttributeValue(null, "launch-external") != null);
if (origin != null) {
if (external) {
externalWhitelist.addWhiteListEntry(origin, (subdomains != null) && (subdomains.compareToIgnoreCase("true") == 0));
} else {
if ("*".equals(origin)) {
// Special-case * origin to mean http and https when used for internal
// whitelist. This prevents external urls like sms: and geo: from being
// handled internally.
internalWhitelist.addWhiteListEntry("http://*/*", false);
internalWhitelist.addWhiteListEntry("https://*/*", false);
} else {
internalWhitelist.addWhiteListEntry(origin, (subdomains != null) && (subdomains.compareToIgnoreCase("true") == 0));
public void handleEndTag(XmlPullParser xml) {
public Boolean shouldAllowRequest(String url) {
return internalWhitelist.isUrlWhiteListed(url);
public Boolean shouldAllowNavigation(String url) {
return internalWhitelist.isUrlWhiteListed(url);
public Boolean shouldOpenExternalUrl(String url) {
return externalWhitelist.isUrlWhiteListed(url);