blob: a24a8bb7cc71810bcb08944f4a03ca416d1ba9c2 [file] [log] [blame]
cordova-cli platform <command> [options]
Manage project platforms
add <plat-spec> [...].............. Add specified platforms
--save ........................ Save specified platforms into config.xml after installing them
--link ........................ When <plat-spec> is a local path, links the platform
library directly instead of making a copy of it (support
varies by platform; useful for platform development)
--fetch ....................... Fetches the plugin into the project's node_modules directory.
Uses `npm install` to do the fetching.
remove <platform> [...] ........... Remove specified platforms
--save ........................ Delete specified platforms from config.xml after removing them
--fetch ....................... Removes the plugin from the project's node_modules directory.
Runs `npm uninstall` under the hood.
update <plat-spec> ................ Update the version of Cordova used for a specific platform;
update to the latest <version> if no <plat-spec> is specified
--save ........................ Save the latest versions for specified platforms into config.xml
--fetch ....................... Fetches the plugin into the project's node_modules directory.
Uses `npm install` to do the fetching.
list .............................. List all installed and available platforms
check ............................. List platforms which can be updated by `cordova-cli platform update`
save .............................. Save version of all platforms added to config.xml
<plat-spec> : <platform>[@<version>]|<path>|<url>[#<commit-ish>]
<platform> ........................ Platform name e.g. android, ios, windows etc.
<version> ......................... Major.minor.patch version specifier using semver
<path> ............................ Path to a directory containing a platform
<url> ............................. Url to a git repository containing a platform
<commit-ish> ...................... Commit/tag/bramch reference. If none is specified, 'master' is used
platforms -> platform
rm -> remove
ls -> list
cordova-cli platform add android ios --save
cordova-cli platform add android@^5.0.0 --save
cordova-cli platform add --save
cordova-cli platform add ../android --save
cordova-cli platform add ../cordova-android.tgz --save
cordova-cli platform rm android --save
cordova-cli platform ls