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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<title>Using custom semantics for the Commons SCXML engine</title>
<author email="">Commons Documentation Team</author>
<section name="SCXML Semantics">
<p><b>This section is for advanced users only, and will probably not
be needed by most users of the Commons SCXML library.</b></p>
<subsection name="Pluggable semantics">
<p>The Commons SCXML state machine engine is really a tuple, the
<a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/scxml/SCXMLExecutor.html">SCXMLExecutor</a>
(an API that new users can code to, and is almost always sufficient)
accompanied by a
<a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/scxml/SCXMLSemantics.html">SCXMLSemantics</a>
implementation (an API that advanced users can code to, to change the
engine behavior to suit their needs).</p>
<p>The basic modus operandi for an engine is simple - when an event is
triggered, figure out which (if any) transition(s) to follow, and
transit to the new set of states executing any specified actions along
the way. The default semantics available in the Commons SCXML distribution
can be replaced with custom semantics provided by the user using the
<code>SCXMLExecutor</code> constructor that takes the
<code>SCXMLSemantics</code> parameter i.e. the engine semantics are
<subsection name="Example scenario">
<p>Consider dispute resolution for example -- when more than one
outbound transitions from a single state hold true. The default
<code>SCXMLSemantics</code> implementation available in the distribution
does none, it will follow all filtered transitions, possibly leading to a
<code>ModelException</code> immediately or down the road. However, a user
may want:</p>
<li>The transition defined closest to the document root to be
<li>The transition defined farthest from the document root to be
<li>The transition whose origin and target have the lowest common
ancestor to be followed</li>
<li>The transition whose origin and target have the highest common
ancestor to be followed</li>
<p>Even after one of above dispute resolution algorithms is applied, if
there are more than one candidate transitions, the user may want:</p>
<li>A <code>ModelException</code> to be thrown</li>
<li>The transition that appears first in document order to be
<li>The transition that appears last in document order to be
<p>To implement any of the above choices, the user may extend the
default <code>SCXMLSemantics</code> implementation, override the
<code>filterTransitionsSet()</code> method (or write a new implementation
from scratch), and plug in the new semantics while instantiating the
<code>SCXMLExecutor</code>. The pluggability allows differing semantics
to be developed for the Commons SCXML engine, independent of the Commons
SCXML codebase.</p>