blob: 2d010976ea95c666ff5d03ccc60d768135ef371e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.commons.scxml;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.commons.scxml.model.Datamodel;
import org.apache.commons.scxml.model.History;
import org.apache.commons.scxml.model.ModelException;
import org.apache.commons.scxml.model.SCXML;
import org.apache.commons.scxml.model.State;
import org.apache.commons.scxml.model.Transition;
import org.apache.commons.scxml.model.TransitionTarget;
import org.apache.commons.scxml.semantics.SCXMLSemanticsImpl;
* <p>The SCXML &quot;engine&quot; that executes SCXML documents. The
* particular semantics used by this engine for executing the SCXML are
* encapsulated in the SCXMLSemantics implementation that it uses.</p>
* <p>The default implementation is
* <code>org.apache.commons.scxml.semantics.SCXMLSemanticsImpl</code></p>
* @see SCXMLSemantics
public class SCXMLExecutor implements Serializable {
* Serial version UID.
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* The Logger for the SCXMLExecutor.
private Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SCXMLExecutor.class);
* The stateMachine being executed.
private SCXML stateMachine;
* The current status of the stateMachine.
private Status currentStatus;
* The event dispatcher to interface with external documents etc.
private EventDispatcher eventdispatcher;
* The environment specific error reporter.
private ErrorReporter errorReporter = null;
* Run-to-completion.
private boolean superStep = true;
* Interpretation semantics.
private SCXMLSemantics semantics;
* The SCInstance.
private SCInstance scInstance;
* The worker method.
* Re-evaluates current status whenever any events are triggered.
* @param evts
* an array of external events which triggered during the last
* time quantum
* @throws ModelException in case there is a fatal SCXML object
* model problem.
public synchronized void triggerEvents(final TriggerEvent[] evts)
throws ModelException {
// Set event data, saving old values
Object[] oldData = setEventData(evts);
// Forward events (external only) to any existing invokes,
// and finalize processing
semantics.processInvokes(evts, errorReporter, scInstance);
List evs = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(evts));
Step step = null;
do {
// CreateStep
step = new Step(evs, currentStatus);
// EnumerateReachableTransitions
semantics.enumerateReachableTransitions(stateMachine, step,
// FilterTransitionSet
semantics.filterTransitionsSet(step, eventdispatcher,
errorReporter, scInstance);
// FollowTransitions
semantics.followTransitions(step, errorReporter, scInstance);
// UpdateHistoryStates
semantics.updateHistoryStates(step, errorReporter, scInstance);
// ExecuteActions
semantics.executeActions(step, stateMachine, eventdispatcher,
errorReporter, scInstance);
// AssignCurrentStatus
// ***Cleanup external events if superStep
if (superStep) {
} while (superStep && currentStatus.getEvents().size() > 0);
// InitiateInvokes only after state machine has stabilized
semantics.initiateInvokes(step, errorReporter, scInstance);
// Restore event data
* Convenience method when only one event needs to be triggered.
* @param evt
* the external events which triggered during the last
* time quantum
* @throws ModelException in case there is a fatal SCXML object
* model problem.
public void triggerEvent(final TriggerEvent evt)
throws ModelException {
triggerEvents(new TriggerEvent[] {evt});
* Constructor.
* @param expEvaluator The expression evaluator
* @param evtDisp The event dispatcher
* @param errRep The error reporter
public SCXMLExecutor(final Evaluator expEvaluator,
final EventDispatcher evtDisp, final ErrorReporter errRep) {
this(expEvaluator, evtDisp, errRep, null);
* Convenience constructor.
public SCXMLExecutor() {
this(null, null, null, null);
* Constructor.
* @param expEvaluator The expression evaluator
* @param evtDisp The event dispatcher
* @param errRep The error reporter
* @param semantics The SCXML semantics
public SCXMLExecutor(final Evaluator expEvaluator,
final EventDispatcher evtDisp, final ErrorReporter errRep,
final SCXMLSemantics semantics) {
this.eventdispatcher = evtDisp;
this.errorReporter = errRep;
this.currentStatus = new Status();
this.stateMachine = null;
if (semantics == null) {
// Use default semantics, if none provided
this.semantics = new SCXMLSemanticsImpl();
} else {
this.semantics = semantics;
this.scInstance = new SCInstance(this);
* Clear all state and begin from &quot;initialstate&quot; indicated
* on root SCXML element.
* @throws ModelException in case there is a fatal SCXML object
* model problem.
public synchronized void reset() throws ModelException {
// Reset all variable contexts
Context rootCtx = scInstance.getRootContext();
// Clone root datamodel
if (stateMachine == null) {
throw new ModelException(ERR_NO_STATE_MACHINE);
} else {
Datamodel rootdm = stateMachine.getDatamodel();
SCXMLHelper.cloneDatamodel(rootdm, rootCtx,
scInstance.getEvaluator(), log);
// all states and parallels, only states have variable contexts
for (Iterator i = stateMachine.getTargets().values().iterator();
i.hasNext();) {
TransitionTarget tt = (TransitionTarget);
if (tt instanceof State) {
Context context = scInstance.lookupContext(tt);
if (context != null) {
Datamodel dm = tt.getDatamodel();
if (dm != null) {
SCXMLHelper.cloneDatamodel(dm, context,
scInstance.getEvaluator(), log);
} else if (tt instanceof History) {
scInstance.reset((History) tt);
// CreateEmptyStatus
currentStatus = new Status();
Step step = new Step(null, currentStatus);
// DetermineInitialStates
step.getEntryList(), errorReporter, scInstance);
// ExecuteActions
semantics.executeActions(step, stateMachine, eventdispatcher,
errorReporter, scInstance);
// AssignCurrentStatus
// Execute Immediate Transitions
if (superStep && currentStatus.getEvents().size() > 0) {
this.triggerEvents(new TriggerEvent[0]);
} else {
// InitiateInvokes only after state machine has stabilized
semantics.initiateInvokes(step, errorReporter, scInstance);
* Get the current status.
* @return The current Status
public synchronized Status getCurrentStatus() {
return currentStatus;
* Set the expression evaluator.
* @param evaluator The evaluator to set.
public void setEvaluator(final Evaluator evaluator) {
* Get the expression evaluator in use.
* @return Evaluator The evaluator in use.
public Evaluator getEvaluator() {
return scInstance.getEvaluator();
* Set the root context for this execution.
* @param rootContext The Context that ties to the host environment.
public void setRootContext(final Context rootContext) {
* Get the root context for this execution.
* @return Context The root context.
public Context getRootContext() {
return scInstance.getRootContext();
* Get the state machine that is being executed.
* @return Returns the stateMachine.
public SCXML getStateMachine() {
return stateMachine;
* Set the state machine to be executed.
* @param stateMachine The stateMachine to set.
public void setStateMachine(final SCXML stateMachine) {
// NormalizeStateMachine
SCXML sm = semantics.normalizeStateMachine(stateMachine,
// StoreStateMachine
this.stateMachine = sm;
* Initiate state machine execution.
* @throws ModelException in case there is a fatal SCXML object
* model problem.
public void go() throws ModelException {
// same as reset
* Get the environment specific error reporter.
* @return Returns the errorReporter.
public ErrorReporter getErrorReporter() {
return errorReporter;
* Set the environment specific error reporter.
* @param errorReporter The errorReporter to set.
public void setErrorReporter(final ErrorReporter errorReporter) {
this.errorReporter = errorReporter;
* Get the event dispatcher.
* @return Returns the eventdispatcher.
public EventDispatcher getEventdispatcher() {
return eventdispatcher;
* Set the event dispatcher.
* @param eventdispatcher The eventdispatcher to set.
public void setEventdispatcher(final EventDispatcher eventdispatcher) {
this.eventdispatcher = eventdispatcher;
* Use &quot;super-step&quot;, default is <code>true</code>
* (that is, run-to-completion is default).
* @return Returns the superStep property.
* @see #setSuperStep(boolean)
public boolean isSuperStep() {
return superStep;
* Set the super step.
* @param superStep
* if true, the internal derived events are also processed
* (run-to-completion);
* if false, the internal derived events are stored in the
* CurrentStatus property and processed within the next
* triggerEvents() invocation, also the immediate (empty event) transitions
* are deferred until the next step
public void setSuperStep(final boolean superStep) {
this.superStep = superStep;
* Add a listener to the document root.
* @param scxml The document root to attach listener to.
* @param listener The SCXMLListener.
public void addListener(final SCXML scxml, final SCXMLListener listener) {
Object observable = scxml;
scInstance.getNotificationRegistry().addListener(observable, listener);
* Remove this listener from the document root.
* @param scxml The document root.
* @param listener The SCXMLListener to be removed.
public void removeListener(final SCXML scxml,
final SCXMLListener listener) {
Object observable = scxml;
* Add a listener to this transition target.
* @param transitionTarget The <code>TransitionTarget</code> to
* attach listener to.
* @param listener The SCXMLListener.
public void addListener(final TransitionTarget transitionTarget,
final SCXMLListener listener) {
Object observable = transitionTarget;
scInstance.getNotificationRegistry().addListener(observable, listener);
* Remove this listener for this transition target.
* @param transitionTarget The <code>TransitionTarget</code>.
* @param listener The SCXMLListener to be removed.
public void removeListener(final TransitionTarget transitionTarget,
final SCXMLListener listener) {
Object observable = transitionTarget;
* Add a listener to this transition.
* @param transition The <code>Transition</code> to attach listener to.
* @param listener The SCXMLListener.
public void addListener(final Transition transition,
final SCXMLListener listener) {
Object observable = transition;
scInstance.getNotificationRegistry().addListener(observable, listener);
* Remove this listener for this transition.
* @param transition The <code>Transition</code>.
* @param listener The SCXMLListener to be removed.
public void removeListener(final Transition transition,
final SCXMLListener listener) {
Object observable = transition;
* Register an <code>Invoker</code> for this target type.
* @param targettype The target type (specified by "targettype"
* attribute of &lt;invoke&gt; tag).
* @param invokerClass The <code>Invoker</code> <code>Class</code>.
public void registerInvokerClass(final String targettype,
final Class invokerClass) {
scInstance.registerInvokerClass(targettype, invokerClass);
* Remove the <code>Invoker</code> registered for this target
* type (if there is one registered).
* @param targettype The target type (specified by "targettype"
* attribute of &lt;invoke&gt; tag).
public void unregisterInvokerClass(final String targettype) {
* Get the state chart instance for this executor.
* @return The SCInstance for this executor.
SCInstance getSCInstance() {
return scInstance;
* Log the current set of active states.
private void logState() {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
Iterator si = currentStatus.getStates().iterator();
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("Current States: [");
while (si.hasNext()) {
State s = (State);
if (si.hasNext()) {
sb.append(", ");
* @param step The most recent Step
private void updateStatus(final Step step) {
currentStatus = step.getAfterStatus();
SCXMLHelper.getAncestorClosure(currentStatus.getStates(), null));
setEventData((TriggerEvent[]) currentStatus.getEvents().
toArray(new TriggerEvent[0]));
* @param evts The events being triggered.
* @return Object[] Previous values.
private Object[] setEventData(final TriggerEvent[] evts) {
Context rootCtx = scInstance.getRootContext();
Object[] oldData = {rootCtx.get(EVENT_DATA),
int len = evts.length;
if (len > 0) { // 0 has retry semantics (eg: see usage in reset())
Object eventData = null;
Map payloadMap = new HashMap();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
TriggerEvent te = evts[i];
payloadMap.put(te.getName(), te.getPayload());
if (len == 1) {
// we have only one event
eventData = evts[0].getPayload();
rootCtx.setLocal(EVENT_DATA, eventData);
rootCtx.setLocal(EVENT_DATA_MAP, payloadMap);
return oldData;
* @param oldData The old values to restore to.
private void restoreEventData(final Object[] oldData) {
scInstance.getRootContext().setLocal(EVENT_DATA, oldData[0]);
scInstance.getRootContext().setLocal(EVENT_DATA_MAP, oldData[1]);
* The special variable for storing single event data / payload.
private static final String EVENT_DATA = "_eventdata";
* The special variable for storing event data / payload,
* when multiple events are triggered, keyed by event name.
private static final String EVENT_DATA_MAP = "_eventdatamap";
* SCXMLExecutor put into motion without setting a model (state machine).
private static final String ERR_NO_STATE_MACHINE =
"SCXMLExecutor: State machine not set";