blob: 2bb0a0e620269a96f0c7f4aecfe29d3443e7a8ad [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.EmptyStackException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Stack;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.transform.Source;
import javax.xml.validation.Schema;
import javax.xml.validation.SchemaFactory;
import javax.xml.validation.Validator;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.commons.scxml2.Evaluator;
import org.apache.commons.scxml2.PathResolver;
import org.apache.commons.scxml2.env.SimpleErrorHandler;
import org.apache.commons.scxml2.env.URLResolver;
import org.apache.commons.scxml2.model.Action;
import org.apache.commons.scxml2.model.ActionsContainer;
import org.apache.commons.scxml2.model.Assign;
import org.apache.commons.scxml2.model.Cancel;
import org.apache.commons.scxml2.model.Content;
import org.apache.commons.scxml2.model.ContentContainer;
import org.apache.commons.scxml2.model.CustomAction;
import org.apache.commons.scxml2.model.Data;
import org.apache.commons.scxml2.model.Datamodel;
import org.apache.commons.scxml2.model.Else;
import org.apache.commons.scxml2.model.ElseIf;
import org.apache.commons.scxml2.model.EnterableState;
import org.apache.commons.scxml2.model.Executable;
import org.apache.commons.scxml2.model.ExternalContent;
import org.apache.commons.scxml2.model.Final;
import org.apache.commons.scxml2.model.Finalize;
import org.apache.commons.scxml2.model.Foreach;
import org.apache.commons.scxml2.model.History;
import org.apache.commons.scxml2.model.If;
import org.apache.commons.scxml2.model.Initial;
import org.apache.commons.scxml2.model.Invoke;
import org.apache.commons.scxml2.model.Log;
import org.apache.commons.scxml2.model.ModelException;
import org.apache.commons.scxml2.model.NamespacePrefixesHolder;
import org.apache.commons.scxml2.model.OnEntry;
import org.apache.commons.scxml2.model.OnExit;
import org.apache.commons.scxml2.model.Parallel;
import org.apache.commons.scxml2.model.Param;
import org.apache.commons.scxml2.model.ParamsContainer;
import org.apache.commons.scxml2.model.Raise;
import org.apache.commons.scxml2.model.SCXML;
import org.apache.commons.scxml2.model.Script;
import org.apache.commons.scxml2.model.Send;
import org.apache.commons.scxml2.model.SimpleTransition;
import org.apache.commons.scxml2.model.State;
import org.apache.commons.scxml2.model.Transition;
import org.apache.commons.scxml2.model.TransitionType;
import org.apache.commons.scxml2.model.TransitionalState;
import org.apache.commons.scxml2.model.Var;
import org.w3c.dom.Attr;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
* <p>The SCXMLReader provides the ability to read a SCXML document into
* the Java object model provided in the model package.</p>
* <p>See latest version of the SCXML Working Draft for more details.</p>
* <p><b>NOTE:</b> The SCXMLReader assumes that the SCXML document to be
* parsed is well-formed and correct. If that assumption does not hold,
* any subsequent behavior is undefined.</p>
* @since 1.0
public final class SCXMLReader {
//---------------------- PRIVATE CONSTANTS ----------------------//
//---- NAMESPACES ----//
* The SCXML namespace that this Reader is built for. Any document
* that is intended to be parsed by this reader <b>must</b>
* bind the SCXML elements to this namespace.
private static final String XMLNS_SCXML =
* The namespace that defines any custom actions defined by the Commons
* SCXML implementation. Any document that intends to use these custom
* actions needs to ensure that they are in the correct namespace. Use
* of actions in this namespace makes the document non-portable across
* implementations.
private static final String XMLNS_COMMONS_SCXML =
* The version attribute value the SCXML element <em>must</em> have as stated by the spec: 3.2.1
private static final String SCXML_REQUIRED_VERSION = "1.0";
* The default namespace for attributes.
private static final String XMLNS_DEFAULT = null;
//---- ERROR MESSAGES ----//
* Null URL passed as argument.
private static final String ERR_NULL_URL = "Cannot parse null URL";
* Null path passed as argument.
private static final String ERR_NULL_PATH = "Cannot parse null path";
* Null InputStream passed as argument.
private static final String ERR_NULL_ISTR = "Cannot parse null InputStream";
* Null Reader passed as argument.
private static final String ERR_NULL_READ = "Cannot parse null Reader";
* Null Source passed as argument.
private static final String ERR_NULL_SRC = "Cannot parse null Source";
* Error message while attempting to define a custom action which does
* not extend the Commons SCXML Action base class.
private static final String ERR_CUSTOM_ACTION_TYPE = "Custom actions list"
+ " contained unknown object, class not a Commons SCXML Action class subtype: ";
* Parser configuration error while trying to parse stream to DOM node(s).
private static final String ERR_PARSER_CFG = "ParserConfigurationException while trying"
+ " to parse stream into DOM node(s).";
* Error message when the URI in a &lt;state&gt;'s &quot;src&quot;
* attribute does not point to a valid SCXML document, and thus cannot be
* parsed.
private static final String ERR_STATE_SRC =
"Source attribute in <state src=\"{0}\"> cannot be parsed";
* Error message when the target of the URI fragment in a &lt;state&gt;'s
* &quot;src&quot; attribute is not defined in the referenced document.
private static final String ERR_STATE_SRC_FRAGMENT = "URI Fragment in "
+ "<state src=\"{0}\"> is an unknown state in referenced document";
* Error message when the target of the URI fragment in a &lt;state&gt;'s
* &quot;src&quot; attribute is not a &lt;state&gt; or &lt;final&gt; in
* the referenced document.
private static final String ERR_STATE_SRC_FRAGMENT_TARGET = "URI Fragment"
+ " in <state src=\"{0}\"> does not point to a <state> or <final>";
* Error message when the target of the URI fragment in a &lt;state&gt;'s
* &quot;src&quot; attribute is not a &lt;state&gt; or &lt;final&gt; in
* the referenced document.
private static final String ERR_REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTE_MISSING = "<{0}> is missing"
+" required attribute \"{1}\" value at {2}";
* Error message when the target of the URI fragment in a &lt;state&gt;'s
* &quot;src&quot; attribute is not a &lt;state&gt; or &lt;final&gt; in
* the referenced document.
private static final String ERR_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_BOOLEAN = "Illegal value \"{0}\""
+ "for attribute \"{1}\" in element <{2}> at {3}."
+" Only the value \"true\" or \"false\" is allowed.";
* Error message when the element (state|parallel|final|history) uses an id value
* with the reserved prefix {@link SCXML#GENERATED_TT_ID_PREFIX}.
private static final String ERR_RESERVED_ID_PREFIX = "Reserved id prefix \""
+SCXML.GENERATED_TT_ID_PREFIX+"\" used for <{0} id=\"{1}\"> at {2}";
* Error message when the target of the URI fragment in a &lt;state&gt;'s
* &quot;src&quot; attribute is not defined in the referenced document.
private static final String ERR_UNSUPPORTED_TRANSITION_TYPE = "Unsupported transition type "
+ "for <transition type=\"{0}\"> at {1}.";
* Error message when the target of the URI fragment in a &lt;state&gt;'s
* &quot;src&quot; attribute is not a &lt;state&gt; or &lt;final&gt; in
* the referenced document.
private static final String ERR_INVALID_VERSION = "The <scxml> element defines"
+" an unsupported version \"{0}\", only version \"1.0\" is supported.";
//--------------------------- XML VOCABULARY ---------------------------//
//---- ELEMENT NAMES ----//
private static final String ELEM_ASSIGN = "assign";
private static final String ELEM_CANCEL = "cancel";
private static final String ELEM_CONTENT = "content";
private static final String ELEM_DATA = "data";
private static final String ELEM_DATAMODEL = "datamodel";
private static final String ELEM_ELSE = "else";
private static final String ELEM_ELSEIF = "elseif";
private static final String ELEM_RAISE = "raise";
private static final String ELEM_FINAL = "final";
private static final String ELEM_FINALIZE = "finalize";
private static final String ELEM_HISTORY = "history";
private static final String ELEM_IF = "if";
private static final String ELEM_INITIAL = "initial";
private static final String ELEM_INVOKE = "invoke";
private static final String ELEM_FOREACH = "foreach";
private static final String ELEM_LOG = "log";
private static final String ELEM_ONENTRY = "onentry";
private static final String ELEM_ONEXIT = "onexit";
private static final String ELEM_PARALLEL = "parallel";
private static final String ELEM_PARAM = "param";
private static final String ELEM_SCRIPT = "script";
private static final String ELEM_SCXML = "scxml";
private static final String ELEM_SEND = "send";
private static final String ELEM_STATE = "state";
private static final String ELEM_TRANSITION = "transition";
private static final String ELEM_VAR = "var";
//---- ATTRIBUTE NAMES ----//
private static final String ATTR_ARRAY = "array";
private static final String ATTR_ATTR = "attr";
private static final String ATTR_AUTOFORWARD = "autoforward";
private static final String ATTR_COND = "cond";
private static final String ATTR_DATAMODEL = "datamodel";
private static final String ATTR_DELAY = "delay";
private static final String ATTR_DELAYEXPR = "delayexpr";
private static final String ATTR_EVENT = "event";
private static final String ATTR_EVENTEXPR = "eventexpr";
private static final String ATTR_EXMODE = "exmode";
private static final String ATTR_EXPR = "expr";
private static final String ATTR_HINTS = "hints";
private static final String ATTR_ID = "id";
private static final String ATTR_IDLOCATION = "idlocation";
private static final String ATTR_INDEX = "index";
private static final String ATTR_INITIAL = "initial";
private static final String ATTR_ITEM = "item";
private static final String ATTR_LABEL = "label";
private static final String ATTR_LOCATION = "location";
private static final String ATTR_NAME = "name";
private static final String ATTR_NAMELIST = "namelist";
private static final String ATTR_PROFILE = "profile";
private static final String ATTR_SENDID = "sendid";
private static final String ATTR_SENDIDEXPR = "sendidexpr";
private static final String ATTR_SRC = "src";
private static final String ATTR_SRCEXPR = "srcexpr";
private static final String ATTR_TARGET = "target";
private static final String ATTR_TARGETEXPR = "targetexpr";
private static final String ATTR_TYPE = "type";
private static final String ATTR_TYPEEXPR = "typeexpr";
private static final String ATTR_VERSION = "version";
//------------------------- PUBLIC API METHODS -------------------------//
* Public methods
* Parse the SCXML document at the supplied path.
* @param scxmlPath The real path to the SCXML document.
* @return The parsed output, the Commons SCXML object model corresponding to the SCXML document.
* @throws IOException An IO error during parsing.
* @throws ModelException The Commons SCXML object model is incomplete or inconsistent (includes
* errors in the SCXML document that may not be identified by the schema).
* @throws XMLStreamException An exception processing the underlying {@link XMLStreamReader}.
public static SCXML read(final String scxmlPath)
throws IOException, ModelException, XMLStreamException {
return read(scxmlPath, new Configuration());
* Parse the SCXML document at the supplied path with the given {@link Configuration}.
* @param scxmlPath The real path to the SCXML document.
* @param configuration The {@link Configuration} to use when parsing the SCXML document.
* @return The parsed output, the Commons SCXML object model corresponding to the SCXML document.
* @throws IOException An IO error during parsing.
* @throws ModelException The Commons SCXML object model is incomplete or inconsistent (includes
* errors in the SCXML document that may not be identified by the schema).
* @throws XMLStreamException An exception processing the underlying {@link XMLStreamReader}.
public static SCXML read(final String scxmlPath, final Configuration configuration)
throws IOException, ModelException, XMLStreamException {
if (scxmlPath == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(ERR_NULL_PATH);
SCXML scxml = readInternal(configuration, null, scxmlPath, null, null, null);
if (scxml != null) {
return scxml;
* Parse the SCXML document at the supplied {@link URL}.
* @param scxmlURL The SCXML document {@link URL} to parse.
* @return The parsed output, the Commons SCXML object model corresponding to the SCXML document.
* @throws IOException An IO error during parsing.
* @throws ModelException The Commons SCXML object model is incomplete or inconsistent (includes
* errors in the SCXML document that may not be identified by the schema).
* @throws XMLStreamException An exception processing the underlying {@link XMLStreamReader}.
public static SCXML read(final URL scxmlURL)
throws IOException, ModelException, XMLStreamException {
return read(scxmlURL, new Configuration());
* Parse the SCXML document at the supplied {@link URL} with the given {@link Configuration}.
* @param scxmlURL The SCXML document {@link URL} to parse.
* @param configuration The {@link Configuration} to use when parsing the SCXML document.
* @return The parsed output, the Commons SCXML object model corresponding to the SCXML document.
* @throws IOException An IO error during parsing.
* @throws ModelException The Commons SCXML object model is incomplete or inconsistent (includes
* errors in the SCXML document that may not be identified by the schema).
* @throws XMLStreamException An exception processing the underlying {@link XMLStreamReader}.
public static SCXML read(final URL scxmlURL, final Configuration configuration)
throws IOException, ModelException, XMLStreamException {
if (scxmlURL == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(ERR_NULL_URL);
SCXML scxml = readInternal(configuration, scxmlURL, null, null, null, null);
if (scxml != null) {
return scxml;
* Parse the SCXML document supplied by the given {@link InputStream}.
* @param scxmlStream The {@link InputStream} supplying the SCXML document to parse.
* @return The parsed output, the Commons SCXML object model corresponding to the SCXML document.
* @throws IOException An IO error during parsing.
* @throws ModelException The Commons SCXML object model is incomplete or inconsistent (includes
* errors in the SCXML document that may not be identified by the schema).
* @throws XMLStreamException An exception processing the underlying {@link XMLStreamReader}.
public static SCXML read(final InputStream scxmlStream)
throws IOException, ModelException, XMLStreamException {
return read(scxmlStream, new Configuration());
* Parse the SCXML document supplied by the given {@link InputStream} with the given {@link Configuration}.
* @param scxmlStream The {@link InputStream} supplying the SCXML document to parse.
* @param configuration The {@link Configuration} to use when parsing the SCXML document.
* @return The parsed output, the Commons SCXML object model corresponding to the SCXML document.
* @throws IOException An IO error during parsing.
* @throws ModelException The Commons SCXML object model is incomplete or inconsistent (includes
* errors in the SCXML document that may not be identified by the schema).
* @throws XMLStreamException An exception processing the underlying {@link XMLStreamReader}.
public static SCXML read(final InputStream scxmlStream, final Configuration configuration)
throws IOException, ModelException, XMLStreamException {
if (scxmlStream == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(ERR_NULL_ISTR);
SCXML scxml = readInternal(configuration, null, null, scxmlStream, null, null);
if (scxml != null) {
return scxml;
* Parse the SCXML document supplied by the given {@link Reader}.
* @param scxmlReader The {@link Reader} supplying the SCXML document to parse.
* @return The parsed output, the Commons SCXML object model corresponding to the SCXML document.
* @throws IOException An IO error during parsing.
* @throws ModelException The Commons SCXML object model is incomplete or inconsistent (includes
* errors in the SCXML document that may not be identified by the schema).
* @throws XMLStreamException An exception processing the underlying {@link XMLStreamReader}.
public static SCXML read(final Reader scxmlReader)
throws IOException, ModelException, XMLStreamException {
return read(scxmlReader, new Configuration());
* Parse the SCXML document supplied by the given {@link Reader} with the given {@link Configuration}.
* @param scxmlReader The {@link Reader} supplying the SCXML document to parse.
* @param configuration The {@link Configuration} to use when parsing the SCXML document.
* @return The parsed output, the Commons SCXML object model corresponding to the SCXML document.
* @throws IOException An IO error during parsing.
* @throws ModelException The Commons SCXML object model is incomplete or inconsistent (includes
* errors in the SCXML document that may not be identified by the schema).
* @throws XMLStreamException An exception processing the underlying {@link XMLStreamReader}.
public static SCXML read(final Reader scxmlReader, final Configuration configuration)
throws IOException, ModelException, XMLStreamException {
if (scxmlReader == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(ERR_NULL_READ);
SCXML scxml = readInternal(configuration, null, null, null, scxmlReader, null);
if (scxml != null) {
return scxml;
* Parse the SCXML document supplied by the given {@link Source}.
* @param scxmlSource The {@link Source} supplying the SCXML document to parse.
* @return The parsed output, the Commons SCXML object model corresponding to the SCXML document.
* @throws IOException An IO error during parsing.
* @throws ModelException The Commons SCXML object model is incomplete or inconsistent (includes
* errors in the SCXML document that may not be identified by the schema).
* @throws XMLStreamException An exception processing the underlying {@link XMLStreamReader}.
public static SCXML read(final Source scxmlSource)
throws IOException, ModelException, XMLStreamException {
return read(scxmlSource, new Configuration());
* Parse the SCXML document supplied by the given {@link Source} with the given {@link Configuration}.
* @param scxmlSource The {@link Source} supplying the SCXML document to parse.
* @param configuration The {@link Configuration} to use when parsing the SCXML document.
* @return The parsed output, the Commons SCXML object model corresponding to the SCXML document.
* @throws IOException An IO error during parsing.
* @throws ModelException The Commons SCXML object model is incomplete or inconsistent (includes
* errors in the SCXML document that may not be identified by the schema).
* @throws XMLStreamException An exception processing the underlying {@link XMLStreamReader}.
public static SCXML read(final Source scxmlSource, final Configuration configuration)
throws IOException, ModelException, XMLStreamException {
if (scxmlSource == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(ERR_NULL_SRC);
SCXML scxml = readInternal(configuration, null, null, null, null, scxmlSource);
if (scxml != null) {
return scxml;
//---------------------- PRIVATE UTILITY METHODS ----------------------//
* Parse the SCXML document at the supplied {@link URL} using the supplied {@link Configuration}, but do not
* wire up the object model to be usable just yet. Exactly one of the url, path, stream, reader or source
* parameters must be provided.
* @param configuration The {@link Configuration} to use when parsing the SCXML document.
* @param scxmlURL The optional SCXML document {@link URL} to parse.
* @param scxmlPath The optional real path to the SCXML document as a string.
* @param scxmlStream The optional {@link InputStream} providing the SCXML document.
* @param scxmlReader The optional {@link Reader} providing the SCXML document.
* @param scxmlSource The optional {@link Source} providing the SCXML document.
* @return The parsed output, the Commons SCXML object model corresponding to the SCXML document
* (not wired up to be immediately usable).
* @throws IOException An IO error during parsing.
* @throws ModelException The Commons SCXML object model is incomplete or inconsistent (includes
* errors in the SCXML document that may not be identified by the schema).
* @throws XMLStreamException An exception processing the underlying {@link XMLStreamReader}.
private static SCXML readInternal(final Configuration configuration, final URL scxmlURL, final String scxmlPath,
final InputStream scxmlStream, final Reader scxmlReader, final Source scxmlSource)
throws IOException, ModelException, XMLStreamException {
if (configuration.pathResolver == null) {
if (scxmlURL != null) {
configuration.pathResolver = new URLResolver(scxmlURL);
} else if (scxmlPath != null) {
configuration.pathResolver = new URLResolver(new URL(scxmlPath));
XMLStreamReader reader = getReader(configuration, scxmlURL, scxmlPath, scxmlStream, scxmlReader, scxmlSource);
return readDocument(reader, configuration);
* Private utility functions for reading the SCXML document.
* Read the SCXML document through the {@link XMLStreamReader}.
* @param reader The {@link XMLStreamReader} providing the SCXML document to parse.
* @param configuration The {@link Configuration} to use while parsing.
* @return The parsed output, the Commons SCXML object model corresponding to the SCXML document
* (not wired up to be immediately usable).
* @throws IOException An IO error during parsing.
* @throws ModelException The Commons SCXML object model is incomplete or inconsistent (includes
* errors in the SCXML document that may not be identified by the schema).
* @throws XMLStreamException An exception processing the underlying {@link XMLStreamReader}.
private static SCXML readDocument(final XMLStreamReader reader, final Configuration configuration)
throws IOException, ModelException, XMLStreamException {
SCXML scxml = new SCXML();
while (reader.hasNext()) {
String name, nsURI;
switch ( {
case XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT:
pushNamespaces(reader, configuration);
nsURI = reader.getNamespaceURI();
name = reader.getLocalName();
if (XMLNS_SCXML.equals(nsURI)) {
if (ELEM_SCXML.equals(name)) {
readSCXML(reader, configuration, scxml);
} else {
reportIgnoredElement(reader, configuration, "DOCUMENT_ROOT", nsURI, name);
} else {
reportIgnoredElement(reader, configuration, "DOCUMENT_ROOT", nsURI, name);
case XMLStreamConstants.NAMESPACE:
return scxml;
* Read the contents of this &lt;scxml&gt; element.
* @param reader The {@link XMLStreamReader} providing the SCXML document to parse.
* @param configuration The {@link Configuration} to use while parsing.
* @param scxml The root of the object model being parsed.
* @throws IOException An IO error during parsing.
* @throws ModelException The Commons SCXML object model is incomplete or inconsistent (includes
* errors in the SCXML document that may not be identified by the schema).
* @throws XMLStreamException An exception processing the underlying {@link XMLStreamReader}.
private static void readSCXML(final XMLStreamReader reader, final Configuration configuration, final SCXML scxml)
throws IOException, ModelException, XMLStreamException {
scxml.setDatamodelName(readAV(reader, ATTR_DATAMODEL));
scxml.setExmode(readAV(reader, ATTR_EXMODE));
scxml.setInitial(readAV(reader, ATTR_INITIAL));
scxml.setName(readAV(reader, ATTR_NAME));
scxml.setProfile(readAV(reader, ATTR_PROFILE));
scxml.setVersion(readRequiredAV(reader, ELEM_SCXML, ATTR_VERSION));
if (!SCXML_REQUIRED_VERSION.equals(scxml.getVersion())) {
throw new ModelException(new MessageFormat(ERR_INVALID_VERSION).format(new Object[] {scxml.getVersion()}));
readNamespaces(configuration, scxml);
boolean hasGlobalScript = false;
loop : while (reader.hasNext()) {
String name, nsURI;
switch ( {
case XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT:
pushNamespaces(reader, configuration);
nsURI = reader.getNamespaceURI();
name = reader.getLocalName();
if (XMLNS_SCXML.equals(nsURI)) {
if (ELEM_STATE.equals(name)) {
readState(reader, configuration, scxml, null);
} else if (ELEM_PARALLEL.equals(name)) {
readParallel(reader, configuration, scxml, null);
} else if (ELEM_FINAL.equals(name)) {
readFinal(reader, configuration, scxml, null);
} else if (ELEM_DATAMODEL.equals(name)) {
readDatamodel(reader, configuration, scxml, null);
} else if (ELEM_SCRIPT.equals(name) && !hasGlobalScript) {
readGlobalScript(reader, configuration, scxml);
hasGlobalScript = true;
} else {
reportIgnoredElement(reader, configuration, ELEM_SCXML, nsURI, name);
} else {
reportIgnoredElement(reader, configuration, ELEM_SCXML, nsURI, name);
case XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT:
popNamespaces(reader, configuration);
break loop;
* Read the contents of this &lt;state&gt; element.
* @param reader The {@link XMLStreamReader} providing the SCXML document to parse.
* @param configuration The {@link Configuration} to use while parsing.
* @param scxml The root of the object model being parsed.
* @param parent The parent {@link TransitionalState} for this state (null for top level state).
* @throws IOException An IO error during parsing.
* @throws ModelException The Commons SCXML object model is incomplete or inconsistent (includes
* errors in the SCXML document that may not be identified by the schema).
* @throws XMLStreamException An exception processing the underlying {@link XMLStreamReader}.
private static void readState(final XMLStreamReader reader, final Configuration configuration, final SCXML scxml,
final TransitionalState parent)
throws IOException, ModelException, XMLStreamException {
State state = new State();
state.setId(readOrGeneratedTransitionTargetId(reader, scxml, ELEM_STATE));
String initial = readAV(reader, ATTR_INITIAL);
if (initial != null) {
String src = readAV(reader, ATTR_SRC);
if (src != null) {
String source = src;
Configuration copy = new Configuration(configuration);
if (copy.parent == null) {
copy.parent = scxml;
if (configuration.pathResolver != null) {
source = configuration.pathResolver.resolvePath(src);
copy.pathResolver = configuration.pathResolver.getResolver(src);
readTransitionalStateSrc(copy, source, state);
if (parent == null) {
} else if (parent instanceof State) {
else {
if (configuration.parent != null) {
loop : while (reader.hasNext()) {
String name, nsURI;
switch ( {
case XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT:
pushNamespaces(reader, configuration);
nsURI = reader.getNamespaceURI();
name = reader.getLocalName();
if (XMLNS_SCXML.equals(nsURI)) {
if (ELEM_TRANSITION.equals(name)) {
state.addTransition(readTransition(reader, configuration));
} else if (ELEM_STATE.equals(name)) {
readState(reader, configuration, scxml, state);
} else if (ELEM_INITIAL.equals(name)) {
readInitial(reader, configuration, state);
} else if (ELEM_FINAL.equals(name)) {
readFinal(reader, configuration, scxml, state);
} else if (ELEM_ONENTRY.equals(name)) {
readOnEntry(reader, configuration, state);
} else if (ELEM_ONEXIT.equals(name)) {
readOnExit(reader, configuration, state);
} else if (ELEM_PARALLEL.equals(name)) {
readParallel(reader, configuration, scxml, state);
} else if (ELEM_DATAMODEL.equals(name)) {
readDatamodel(reader, configuration, null, state);
} else if (ELEM_INVOKE.equals(name)) {
readInvoke(reader, configuration, state);
} else if (ELEM_HISTORY.equals(name)) {
readHistory(reader, configuration, scxml, state);
} else {
reportIgnoredElement(reader, configuration, ELEM_STATE, nsURI, name);
} else {
reportIgnoredElement(reader, configuration, ELEM_STATE, nsURI, name);
case XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT:
popNamespaces(reader, configuration);
break loop;
* Read the contents of this &lt;parallel&gt; element.
* @param reader The {@link XMLStreamReader} providing the SCXML document to parse.
* @param configuration The {@link Configuration} to use while parsing.
* @param scxml The root of the object model being parsed.
* @param parent The parent {@link TransitionalState} for this parallel (null for top level state).
* @throws IOException An IO error during parsing.
* @throws ModelException The Commons SCXML object model is incomplete or inconsistent (includes
* errors in the SCXML document that may not be identified by the schema).
* @throws XMLStreamException An exception processing the underlying {@link XMLStreamReader}.
private static void readParallel(final XMLStreamReader reader, final Configuration configuration, final SCXML scxml,
final TransitionalState parent)
throws IOException, ModelException, XMLStreamException {
Parallel parallel = new Parallel();
parallel.setId(readOrGeneratedTransitionTargetId(reader, scxml, ELEM_PARALLEL));
String src = readAV(reader, ATTR_SRC);
if (src != null) {
String source = src;
Configuration copy = new Configuration(configuration);
if (copy.parent == null) {
copy.parent = scxml;
if (configuration.pathResolver != null) {
source = configuration.pathResolver.resolvePath(src);
copy.pathResolver = configuration.pathResolver.getResolver(src);
readTransitionalStateSrc(copy, source, parallel);
if (parent == null) {
} else if (parent instanceof State) {
else {
if (configuration.parent != null) {
loop : while (reader.hasNext()) {
String name, nsURI;
switch ( {
case XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT:
pushNamespaces(reader, configuration);
nsURI = reader.getNamespaceURI();
name = reader.getLocalName();
if (XMLNS_SCXML.equals(nsURI)) {
if (ELEM_TRANSITION.equals(name)) {
parallel.addTransition(readTransition(reader, configuration));
} else if (ELEM_STATE.equals(name)) {
readState(reader, configuration, scxml, parallel);
} else if (ELEM_PARALLEL.equals(name)) {
readParallel(reader, configuration, scxml, parallel);
} else if (ELEM_ONENTRY.equals(name)) {
readOnEntry(reader, configuration, parallel);
} else if (ELEM_ONEXIT.equals(name)) {
readOnExit(reader, configuration, parallel);
} else if (ELEM_DATAMODEL.equals(name)) {
readDatamodel(reader, configuration, null, parallel);
} else if (ELEM_INVOKE.equals(name)) {
readInvoke(reader, configuration, parallel);
} else if (ELEM_HISTORY.equals(name)) {
readHistory(reader, configuration, scxml, parallel);
} else {
reportIgnoredElement(reader, configuration, ELEM_PARALLEL, nsURI, name);
} else {
reportIgnoredElement(reader, configuration, ELEM_PARALLEL, nsURI, name);
case XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT:
popNamespaces(reader, configuration);
break loop;
* Read the contents of this &lt;final&gt; element.
* @param reader The {@link XMLStreamReader} providing the SCXML document to parse.
* @param configuration The {@link Configuration} to use while parsing.
* @param scxml The root of the object model being parsed.
* @param parent The parent {@link State} for this final (null for top level state).
* @throws IOException An IO error during parsing.
* @throws XMLStreamException An exception processing the underlying {@link XMLStreamReader}.
* @throws ModelException The Commons SCXML object model is incomplete or inconsistent (includes
* errors in the SCXML document that may not be identified by the schema).
private static void readFinal(final XMLStreamReader reader, final Configuration configuration, final SCXML scxml,
final State parent)
throws XMLStreamException, ModelException, IOException {
Final end = new Final();
end.setId(readOrGeneratedTransitionTargetId(reader, scxml, ELEM_FINAL));
if (parent == null) {
} else {
if (configuration.parent != null) {
loop : while (reader.hasNext()) {
String name, nsURI;
switch ( {
case XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT:
pushNamespaces(reader, configuration);
nsURI = reader.getNamespaceURI();
name = reader.getLocalName();
if (XMLNS_SCXML.equals(nsURI)) {
if (ELEM_ONENTRY.equals(name)) {
readOnEntry(reader, configuration, end);
} else if (ELEM_ONEXIT.equals(name)) {
readOnExit(reader, configuration, end);
} else {
reportIgnoredElement(reader, configuration, ELEM_FINAL, nsURI, name);
} else {
reportIgnoredElement(reader, configuration, ELEM_FINAL, nsURI, name);
case XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT:
popNamespaces(reader, configuration);
break loop;
* Parse the contents of the SCXML document that this "src" attribute value of a &lt;state&gt; or &lt;parallel&gt;
* element points to. Without a URL fragment, the entire state machine is imported as contents of the
* &lt;state&gt; or &lt;parallel&gt;. If a URL fragment is present, the fragment must specify the id of the
* corresponding &lt;state&gt; or &lt;parallel&gt; to import.
* @param configuration The {@link Configuration} to use while parsing.
* @param src The "src" attribute value.
* @param ts The parent {@link TransitionalState} that specifies this "src" attribute.
* @throws IOException An IO error during parsing.
* @throws ModelException The Commons SCXML object model is incomplete or inconsistent (includes
* errors in the SCXML document that may not be identified by the schema).
* @throws XMLStreamException An exception processing the underlying {@link XMLStreamReader}.
private static void readTransitionalStateSrc(final Configuration configuration, final String src,
final TransitionalState ts)
throws IOException, ModelException, XMLStreamException {
// Check for URI fragment
String[] fragments = src.split("#", 2);
String location = fragments[0];
String fragment = null;
if (fragments.length > 1) {
fragment = fragments[1];
// Parse external document
SCXML externalSCXML;
try {
externalSCXML = SCXMLReader.readInternal(configuration, new URL(location), null, null, null, null);
} catch (Exception e) {
MessageFormat msgFormat = new MessageFormat(ERR_STATE_SRC);
String errMsg = msgFormat.format(new Object[] {src});
throw new ModelException(errMsg + " : " + e.getMessage(), e);
// Pull in the parts of the external document as needed
if (fragment == null) {
// All targets pulled in since its not a src fragment
if (ts instanceof State) {
State s = (State) ts;
Initial ini = new Initial();
SimpleTransition t = new SimpleTransition();
for (EnterableState child : externalSCXML.getChildren()) {
} else if (ts instanceof Parallel) {
// TODO src attribute for <parallel>
} else {
// Need to pull in only descendent targets
Object source = externalSCXML.getTargets().get(fragment);
if (source == null) {
MessageFormat msgFormat = new MessageFormat(ERR_STATE_SRC_FRAGMENT);
String errMsg = msgFormat.format(new Object[] {src});
throw new ModelException(errMsg);
if (source instanceof State && ts instanceof State) {
State s = (State) ts;
State include = (State) source;
for (OnEntry onentry : include.getOnEntries()) {
for (OnExit onexit : include.getOnExits()) {
List<History> histories = include.getHistory();
for (History h : histories) {
for (EnterableState child : include.getChildren()) {
readInExternalTargets(configuration.parent, child);
for (Invoke invoke : include.getInvokes()) {
if (include.getInitial() != null) {
List<Transition> transitions = include.getTransitionsList();
for (Transition t : transitions) {
} else if (ts instanceof Parallel && source instanceof Parallel) {
// TODO src attribute for <parallel>
} else {
MessageFormat msgFormat =
String errMsg = msgFormat.format(new Object[] {src});
throw new ModelException(errMsg);
* Add all the nested targets from given target to given parent state machine.
* @param parent The state machine
* @param es The target to import
private static void readInExternalTargets(final SCXML parent, final EnterableState es) {
if (es instanceof TransitionalState) {
for (History h : ((TransitionalState)es).getHistory()) {
for (EnterableState child : ((TransitionalState) es).getChildren()) {
readInExternalTargets(parent, child);
* Read the contents of this &lt;datamodel&gt; element.
* @param reader The {@link XMLStreamReader} providing the SCXML document to parse.
* @param configuration The {@link Configuration} to use while parsing.
* @param scxml The root of the object model being parsed.
* @param parent The parent {@link TransitionalState} for this datamodel (null for top level).
* @throws XMLStreamException An exception processing the underlying {@link XMLStreamReader}.
* @throws ModelException The Commons SCXML object model is incomplete or inconsistent (includes
* errors in the SCXML document that may not be identified by the schema).
private static void readDatamodel(final XMLStreamReader reader, final Configuration configuration,
final SCXML scxml, final TransitionalState parent)
throws XMLStreamException, ModelException {
Datamodel dm = new Datamodel();
loop : while (reader.hasNext()) {
String name, nsURI;
switch ( {
case XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT:
pushNamespaces(reader, configuration);
nsURI = reader.getNamespaceURI();
name = reader.getLocalName();
if (XMLNS_SCXML.equals(nsURI)) {
if (ELEM_DATA.equals(name)) {
readData(reader, configuration, dm);
} else {
reportIgnoredElement(reader, configuration, ELEM_DATAMODEL, nsURI, name);
} else {
reportIgnoredElement(reader, configuration, ELEM_DATAMODEL, nsURI, name);
case XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT:
popNamespaces(reader, configuration);
break loop;
if (parent == null) {
} else {
* Read the contents of this &lt;data&gt; element.
* @param reader The {@link XMLStreamReader} providing the SCXML document to parse.
* @param configuration The {@link Configuration} to use while parsing.
* @param dm The parent {@link Datamodel} for this data.
* @throws XMLStreamException An exception processing the underlying {@link XMLStreamReader}.
private static void readData(final XMLStreamReader reader, final Configuration configuration, final Datamodel dm)
throws XMLStreamException, ModelException {
Data datum = new Data();
datum.setId(readRequiredAV(reader, ELEM_DATA, ATTR_ID));
datum.setExpr(readAV(reader, ATTR_EXPR));
readNamespaces(configuration, datum);
Node node = readNode(reader, configuration, XMLNS_SCXML, ELEM_DATA, new String[]{"id"});
if (node.hasChildNodes()) {
NodeList children = node.getChildNodes();
if (children.getLength() == 1 && children.item(0).getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
String text = configuration.contentParser.trimContent(children.item(0).getNodeValue());
if (configuration.contentParser.hasJsonSignature(text)) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ModelException(e);
else {
if (datum.getValue() == null) {
* Read the contents of this &lt;invoke&gt; element.
* @param reader The {@link XMLStreamReader} providing the SCXML document to parse.
* @param configuration The {@link Configuration} to use while parsing.
* @param parent The parent {@link TransitionalState} for this invoke.
* @throws XMLStreamException An exception processing the underlying {@link XMLStreamReader}.
* @throws ModelException The Commons SCXML object model is incomplete or inconsistent (includes
* errors in the SCXML document that may not be identified by the schema).
private static void readInvoke(final XMLStreamReader reader, final Configuration configuration,
final TransitionalState parent)
throws XMLStreamException, ModelException {
Invoke invoke = new Invoke();
invoke.setId(readAV(reader, ATTR_ID));
invoke.setSrc(readAV(reader, ATTR_SRC));
invoke.setSrcexpr(readAV(reader, ATTR_SRCEXPR));
invoke.setType(readAV(reader, ATTR_TYPE));
invoke.setAutoForward(readBooleanAV(reader, ELEM_INVOKE, ATTR_AUTOFORWARD));
readNamespaces(configuration, invoke);
loop : while (reader.hasNext()) {
String name, nsURI;
switch ( {
case XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT:
pushNamespaces(reader, configuration);
nsURI = reader.getNamespaceURI();
name = reader.getLocalName();
if (XMLNS_SCXML.equals(nsURI)) {
if (ELEM_PARAM.equals(name)) {
readParam(reader, configuration, invoke);
} else if (ELEM_FINALIZE.equals(name)) {
readFinalize(reader, configuration, parent, invoke);
} else if (ELEM_CONTENT.equals(name)) {
readContent(reader, configuration, invoke);
} else {
reportIgnoredElement(reader, configuration, ELEM_INVOKE, nsURI, name);
} else {
reportIgnoredElement(reader, configuration, ELEM_INVOKE, nsURI, name);
case XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT:
popNamespaces(reader, configuration);
break loop;
* Read the contents of this &lt;param&gt; element.
* @param reader The {@link XMLStreamReader} providing the SCXML document to parse.
* @param configuration The {@link Configuration} to use while parsing.
* @param parent The parent {@link org.apache.commons.scxml2.model.ParamsContainer} for this param.
* @throws XMLStreamException An exception processing the underlying {@link XMLStreamReader}.
private static void readParam(final XMLStreamReader reader, final Configuration configuration,
final ParamsContainer parent)
throws XMLStreamException, ModelException {
Param param = new Param();
param.setName(readRequiredAV(reader, ELEM_PARAM, ATTR_NAME));
String location = readAV(reader, ATTR_LOCATION);
String expr = readAV(reader, ATTR_EXPR);
if (expr != null) {
if (location != null) {
reportConflictingAttribute(reader, configuration, ELEM_PARAM, ATTR_LOCATION, ATTR_EXPR);
else {
else if (location == null) {
// force error missing required location or expr: use location attr for this
param.setLocation(readRequiredAV(reader, ELEM_PARAM, ATTR_LOCATION));
else {
readNamespaces(configuration, param);
* Read the contents of this &lt;finalize&gt; element.
* @param reader The {@link XMLStreamReader} providing the SCXML document to parse.
* @param configuration The {@link Configuration} to use while parsing.
* @param state The {@link TransitionalState} which contains the parent {@link Invoke}.
* @param invoke The parent {@link Invoke} for this finalize.
* @throws XMLStreamException An exception processing the underlying {@link XMLStreamReader}.
* @throws ModelException The Commons SCXML object model is incomplete or inconsistent (includes
* errors in the SCXML document that may not be identified by the schema).
private static void readFinalize(final XMLStreamReader reader, final Configuration configuration,
final TransitionalState state, final Invoke invoke)
throws XMLStreamException, ModelException {
Finalize finalize = new Finalize();
readExecutableContext(reader, configuration, finalize, null);
* Read the contents of this &lt;content&gt; element.
* @param reader The {@link XMLStreamReader} providing the SCXML document to parse.
* @param configuration The {@link Configuration} to use while parsing.
* @param contentContainer The {@link ContentContainer} for this content.
* @throws XMLStreamException An exception processing the underlying {@link XMLStreamReader}.
private static void readContent(final XMLStreamReader reader, final Configuration configuration,
final ContentContainer contentContainer)
throws XMLStreamException {
Content content = new Content();
content.setExpr(readAV(reader, ATTR_EXPR));
if (content.getExpr() != null) {
else {
Node body = readNode(reader, configuration, XMLNS_SCXML, ELEM_CONTENT, new String[]{});
if (body.hasChildNodes()) {
NodeList children = body.getChildNodes();
if (children.getLength() == 1 && children.item(0).getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
else {
* Read the contents of this &lt;initial&gt; element.
* @param reader The {@link XMLStreamReader} providing the SCXML document to parse.
* @param configuration The {@link Configuration} to use while parsing.
* @param state The parent composite {@link State} for this initial.
* @throws XMLStreamException An exception processing the underlying {@link XMLStreamReader}.
* @throws ModelException The Commons SCXML object model is incomplete or inconsistent (includes
* errors in the SCXML document that may not be identified by the schema).
private static void readInitial(final XMLStreamReader reader, final Configuration configuration,
final State state)
throws XMLStreamException, ModelException {
Initial initial = new Initial();
loop : while (reader.hasNext()) {
String name, nsURI;
switch ( {
case XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT:
pushNamespaces(reader, configuration);
nsURI = reader.getNamespaceURI();
name = reader.getLocalName();
if (XMLNS_SCXML.equals(nsURI)) {
if (ELEM_TRANSITION.equals(name)) {
initial.setTransition(readSimpleTransition(reader, configuration));
} else {
reportIgnoredElement(reader, configuration, ELEM_INITIAL, nsURI, name);
} else {
reportIgnoredElement(reader, configuration, ELEM_INITIAL, nsURI, name);
case XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT:
popNamespaces(reader, configuration);
break loop;
* Read the contents of this &lt;history&gt; element.
* @param reader The {@link XMLStreamReader} providing the SCXML document to parse.
* @param configuration The {@link Configuration} to use while parsing.
* @param scxml The root of the object model being parsed.
* @param ts The parent {@link org.apache.commons.scxml2.model.TransitionalState} for this history.
* @throws XMLStreamException An exception processing the underlying {@link XMLStreamReader}.
* @throws ModelException The Commons SCXML object model is incomplete or inconsistent (includes
* errors in the SCXML document that may not be identified by the schema).
private static void readHistory(final XMLStreamReader reader, final Configuration configuration,
final SCXML scxml, final TransitionalState ts)
throws XMLStreamException, ModelException {
History history = new History();
history.setId(readOrGeneratedTransitionTargetId(reader, scxml, ELEM_HISTORY));
history.setType(readAV(reader, ATTR_TYPE));
loop : while (reader.hasNext()) {
String name, nsURI;
switch ( {
case XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT:
pushNamespaces(reader, configuration);
nsURI = reader.getNamespaceURI();
name = reader.getLocalName();
if (XMLNS_SCXML.equals(nsURI)) {
if (ELEM_TRANSITION.equals(name)) {
history.setTransition(readTransition(reader, configuration));
} else {
reportIgnoredElement(reader, configuration, ELEM_HISTORY, nsURI, name);
} else {
reportIgnoredElement(reader, configuration, ELEM_HISTORY, nsURI, name);
case XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT:
popNamespaces(reader, configuration);
break loop;
* Read the contents of this &lt;onentry&gt; element.
* @param reader The {@link XMLStreamReader} providing the SCXML document to parse.
* @param configuration The {@link Configuration} to use while parsing.
* @param es The parent {@link EnterableState} for this onentry.
* @throws XMLStreamException An exception processing the underlying {@link XMLStreamReader}.
* @throws ModelException The Commons SCXML object model is incomplete or inconsistent (includes
* errors in the SCXML document that may not be identified by the schema).
private static void readOnEntry(final XMLStreamReader reader, final Configuration configuration,
final EnterableState es)
throws XMLStreamException, ModelException {
OnEntry onentry = new OnEntry();
onentry.setRaiseEvent(readBooleanAV(reader, ELEM_ONENTRY, ATTR_EVENT));
readExecutableContext(reader, configuration, onentry, null);
* Read the contents of this &lt;onexit&gt; element.
* @param reader The {@link XMLStreamReader} providing the SCXML document to parse.
* @param configuration The {@link Configuration} to use while parsing.
* @param es The parent {@link EnterableState} for this onexit.
* @throws XMLStreamException An exception processing the underlying {@link XMLStreamReader}.
* @throws ModelException The Commons SCXML object model is incomplete or inconsistent (includes
* errors in the SCXML document that may not be identified by the schema).
private static void readOnExit(final XMLStreamReader reader, final Configuration configuration,
final EnterableState es)
throws XMLStreamException, ModelException {
OnExit onexit = new OnExit();
onexit.setRaiseEvent(readBooleanAV(reader, ELEM_ONEXIT, ATTR_EVENT));
readExecutableContext(reader, configuration, onexit, null);
* Read the contents of this simple &lt;transition&gt; element.
* @param reader The {@link XMLStreamReader} providing the SCXML document to parse.
* @param configuration The {@link Configuration} to use while parsing.
* @throws XMLStreamException An exception processing the underlying {@link XMLStreamReader}.
* @throws ModelException The Commons SCXML object model is incomplete or inconsistent (includes
* errors in the SCXML document that may not be identified by the schema).
private static SimpleTransition readSimpleTransition(final XMLStreamReader reader, final Configuration configuration)
throws XMLStreamException, ModelException {
SimpleTransition transition = new SimpleTransition();
transition.setNext(readAV(reader, ATTR_TARGET));
String type = readAV(reader, ATTR_TYPE);
if (type != null) {
try {
catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
MessageFormat msgFormat = new MessageFormat(ERR_UNSUPPORTED_TRANSITION_TYPE);
String errMsg = msgFormat.format(new Object[] {type, reader.getLocation()});
throw new ModelException(errMsg);
readNamespaces(configuration, transition);
readExecutableContext(reader, configuration, transition, null);
return transition;
* Read the contents of this &lt;transition&gt; element.
* @param reader The {@link XMLStreamReader} providing the SCXML document to parse.
* @param configuration The {@link Configuration} to use while parsing.
* @throws XMLStreamException An exception processing the underlying {@link XMLStreamReader}.
* @throws ModelException The Commons SCXML object model is incomplete or inconsistent (includes
* errors in the SCXML document that may not be identified by the schema).
private static Transition readTransition(final XMLStreamReader reader, final Configuration configuration)
throws XMLStreamException, ModelException {
Transition transition = new Transition();
transition.setCond(readAV(reader, ATTR_COND));
transition.setEvent(readAV(reader, ATTR_EVENT));
transition.setNext(readAV(reader, ATTR_TARGET));
String type = readAV(reader, ATTR_TYPE);
if (type != null) {
try {
catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
MessageFormat msgFormat = new MessageFormat(ERR_UNSUPPORTED_TRANSITION_TYPE);
String errMsg = msgFormat.format(new Object[] {type, reader.getLocation()});
throw new ModelException(errMsg);
readNamespaces(configuration, transition);
readExecutableContext(reader, configuration, transition, null);
return transition;
* Read this set of executable content elements.
* @param reader The {@link XMLStreamReader} providing the SCXML document to parse.
* @param configuration The {@link Configuration} to use while parsing.
* @param executable The parent {@link Executable} to which this content belongs.
* @param parent The optional parent {@link ActionsContainer} if this is child content of an ActionsContainer action.
* @throws XMLStreamException An exception processing the underlying {@link XMLStreamReader}.
* @throws ModelException The Commons SCXML object model is incomplete or inconsistent (includes
* errors in the SCXML document that may not be identified by the schema).
private static void readExecutableContext(final XMLStreamReader reader, final Configuration configuration,
final Executable executable, final ActionsContainer parent)
throws XMLStreamException, ModelException {
String end = "";
if (parent != null) {
end = parent.getContainerElementName();
} else if (executable instanceof SimpleTransition) {
} else if (executable instanceof OnEntry) {
} else if (executable instanceof OnExit) {
} else if (executable instanceof Finalize) {
loop : while (reader.hasNext()) {
String name, nsURI;
switch ( {
case XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT:
pushNamespaces(reader, configuration);
nsURI = reader.getNamespaceURI();
name = reader.getLocalName();
if (XMLNS_SCXML.equals(nsURI)) {
if (ELEM_RAISE.equals(name)) {
readRaise(reader, configuration, executable, parent);
} else if (ELEM_FOREACH.equals(name)) {
readForeach(reader, configuration, executable, parent);
} else if (ELEM_IF.equals(name)) {
readIf(reader, configuration, executable, parent);
} else if (ELEM_LOG.equals(name)) {
readLog(reader, configuration, executable, parent);
} else if (ELEM_ASSIGN.equals(name)) {
readAssign(reader, configuration, executable, parent);
} else if (ELEM_SEND.equals(name)) {
readSend(reader, configuration, executable, parent);
} else if (ELEM_CANCEL.equals(name)) {
readCancel(reader, configuration, executable, parent);
} else if (ELEM_SCRIPT.equals(name)) {
readScript(reader, configuration, executable, parent);
} else if (ELEM_IF.equals(end) && ELEM_ELSEIF.equals(name)) {
readElseIf(reader, configuration, executable, (If) parent);
} else if (ELEM_IF.equals(end) && ELEM_ELSE.equals(name)) {
readElse(reader, configuration, executable, (If)parent);
} else {
reportIgnoredElement(reader, configuration, end, nsURI, name);
} else if (XMLNS_COMMONS_SCXML.equals(nsURI)) {
if (ELEM_VAR.equals(name)) {
readVar(reader, configuration, executable, parent);
} else {
reportIgnoredElement(reader, configuration, end, nsURI, name);
} else { // custom action
CustomAction customAction = null;
if (!configuration.customActions.isEmpty()) {
for (CustomAction ca : configuration.customActions) {
if (ca.getNamespaceURI().equals(nsURI) && ca.getLocalName().equals(name)) {
customAction = ca;
if (customAction != null) {
readCustomAction(reader, configuration, customAction, executable, parent);
} else {
reportIgnoredElement(reader, configuration, end, nsURI, name);
case XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT:
popNamespaces(reader, configuration);
break loop;
* Read the contents of this &lt;raise&gt; element.
* @param reader The {@link XMLStreamReader} providing the SCXML document to parse.
* @param configuration The {@link Configuration} to use while parsing.
* @param executable The parent {@link Executable} for this action.
* @param parent The optional parent {@link ActionsContainer} if this action is a child of one.
* @throws XMLStreamException An exception processing the underlying {@link XMLStreamReader}.
* @throws ModelException The Commons SCXML object model is incomplete or inconsistent (includes
* errors in the SCXML document that may not be identified by the schema).
private static void readRaise(final XMLStreamReader reader, final Configuration configuration,
final Executable executable, final ActionsContainer parent)
throws XMLStreamException, ModelException {
if (executable instanceof Finalize) {
// [...] the executable content inside <finalize> MUST NOT raise events or invoke external actions.
// In particular, the <send> and <raise> elements MUST NOT occur.
reportIgnoredElement(reader, configuration, ELEM_FINALIZE, XMLNS_SCXML, ELEM_RAISE);
else {
Raise raise = new Raise();
raise.setEvent(readAV(reader, ATTR_EVENT));
readNamespaces(configuration, raise);
if (parent != null) {
} else {
* Read the contents of this &lt;if&gt; element.
* @param reader The {@link XMLStreamReader} providing the SCXML document to parse.
* @param configuration The {@link Configuration} to use while parsing.
* @param executable The parent {@link Executable} for this action.
* @param parent The optional parent {@link ActionsContainer} if this &lt;if&gt; is a child of one.
* @throws XMLStreamException An exception processing the underlying {@link XMLStreamReader}.
* @throws ModelException The Commons SCXML object model is incomplete or inconsistent (includes
* errors in the SCXML document that may not be identified by the schema).
private static void readIf(final XMLStreamReader reader, final Configuration configuration,
final Executable executable, final ActionsContainer parent)
throws XMLStreamException, ModelException {
If iff = new If();
iff.setCond(readRequiredAV(reader, ELEM_IF, ATTR_COND));
readNamespaces(configuration, iff);
if (parent != null) {
} else {
readExecutableContext(reader, configuration, executable, iff);
* Read the contents of this &lt;elseif&gt; element.
* @param reader The {@link XMLStreamReader} providing the SCXML document to parse.
* @param configuration The {@link Configuration} to use while parsing.
* @param executable The parent {@link Executable} for this action.
* @param iff The parent {@link If} for this &lt;elseif&gt;.
* @throws XMLStreamException An exception processing the underlying {@link XMLStreamReader}.
private static void readElseIf(final XMLStreamReader reader, final Configuration configuration,
final Executable executable, final If iff)
throws XMLStreamException, ModelException {
ElseIf elseif = new ElseIf();
elseif.setCond(readRequiredAV(reader, ELEM_ELSEIF, ATTR_COND));
readNamespaces(configuration, elseif);
* Read the contents of this &lt;else&gt; element.
* @param reader The {@link XMLStreamReader} providing the SCXML document to parse.
* @param configuration The {@link Configuration} to use while parsing.
* @param executable The parent {@link Executable} for this action.
* @param iff The parent {@link If} for this &lt;else&gt;.
* @throws XMLStreamException An exception processing the underlying {@link XMLStreamReader}.
private static void readElse(final XMLStreamReader reader, final Configuration configuration,
final Executable executable, final If iff)
throws XMLStreamException {
Else els = new Else();
readNamespaces(configuration, els);
* Read the contents of this &lt;foreach&gt; element.
* @param reader The {@link XMLStreamReader} providing the SCXML document to parse.
* @param configuration The {@link Configuration} to use while parsing.
* @param executable The parent {@link Executable} for this action.
* @param parent The optional parent {@link ActionsContainer} if this &lt;foreach&gt; is a child of one.
* @throws XMLStreamException An exception processing the underlying {@link XMLStreamReader}.
* @throws ModelException The Commons SCXML object model is incomplete or inconsistent (includes
* errors in the SCXML document that may not be identified by the schema).
private static void readForeach(final XMLStreamReader reader, final Configuration configuration,
final Executable executable, final ActionsContainer parent)
throws XMLStreamException, ModelException {
Foreach fe = new Foreach();
fe.setArray(readRequiredAV(reader, ELEM_FOREACH, ATTR_ARRAY));
fe.setItem(readRequiredAV(reader, ELEM_FOREACH, ATTR_ITEM));
fe.setIndex(readAV(reader, ATTR_INDEX));
readNamespaces(configuration, fe);
if (parent != null) {
} else {
readExecutableContext(reader, configuration, executable, fe);
* Read the contents of this &lt;log&gt; element.
* @param reader The {@link XMLStreamReader} providing the SCXML document to parse.
* @param configuration The {@link Configuration} to use while parsing.
* @param executable The parent {@link Executable} for this action.
* @param parent The optional parent {@link ActionsContainer} if this action is a child of one.
* @throws XMLStreamException An exception processing the underlying {@link XMLStreamReader}.
private static void readLog(final XMLStreamReader reader, final Configuration configuration,
final Executable executable, final ActionsContainer parent)
throws XMLStreamException {
Log log = new Log();
log.setExpr(readAV(reader, ATTR_EXPR));
log.setLabel(readAV(reader, ATTR_LABEL));
readNamespaces(configuration, log);
if (parent != null) {
} else {
* Read the contents of this &lt;assign&gt; element.
* @param reader The {@link XMLStreamReader} providing the SCXML document to parse.
* @param configuration The {@link Configuration} to use while parsing.
* @param executable The parent {@link Executable} for this action.
* @param parent The optional parent {@link ActionsContainer} if this action is a child of one.
* @throws XMLStreamException An exception processing the underlying {@link XMLStreamReader}.
private static void readAssign(final XMLStreamReader reader, final Configuration configuration,
final Executable executable, final ActionsContainer parent)
throws XMLStreamException, ModelException {
Assign assign = new Assign();
assign.setExpr(readAV(reader, ATTR_EXPR));
assign.setLocation(readRequiredAV(reader, ELEM_ASSIGN, ATTR_LOCATION));
String attrValue = readAV(reader, ATTR_TYPE);
if (attrValue != null) {
if (assign.getType() == null) {
reportIgnoredAttribute(reader, configuration, ELEM_ASSIGN, ATTR_TYPE, attrValue);
attrValue = readAV(reader, ATTR_ATTR);
if (attrValue != null) {
if (Evaluator.AssignType.ADD_ATTRIBUTE.equals(assign.getType())) {
else {
reportIgnoredAttribute(reader, configuration, ELEM_ASSIGN, ATTR_ATTR, attrValue);
assign.setSrc(readAV(reader, ATTR_SRC));
readNamespaces(configuration, assign);
if (parent != null) {
} else {
* Read the contents of this &lt;send&gt; element.
* @param reader The {@link XMLStreamReader} providing the SCXML document to parse.
* @param configuration The {@link Configuration} to use while parsing.
* @param executable The parent {@link Executable} for this action.
* @param parent The optional parent {@link ActionsContainer} if this action is a child of one.
* @throws XMLStreamException An exception processing the underlying {@link XMLStreamReader}.
* @throws ModelException The Commons SCXML object model is incomplete or inconsistent (includes
* errors in the SCXML document that may not be identified by the schema).
private static void readSend(final XMLStreamReader reader, final Configuration configuration,
final Executable executable, final ActionsContainer parent)
throws XMLStreamException, ModelException {
if (executable instanceof Finalize) {
// [...] the executable content inside <finalize> MUST NOT raise events or invoke external actions.
// In particular, the <send> and <raise> elements MUST NOT occur.
reportIgnoredElement(reader, configuration, ELEM_FINALIZE, XMLNS_SCXML, ELEM_SEND);
Send send = new Send();
send.setId(readAV(reader, ATTR_ID));
String attrValue = readAV(reader, ATTR_IDLOCATION);
if (attrValue != null) {
if (send.getId() != null) {
reportConflictingAttribute(reader, configuration, ELEM_SEND, ATTR_ID, ATTR_IDLOCATION);
else {
send.setDelay(readAV(reader, ATTR_DELAY));
attrValue = readAV(reader, ATTR_DELAYEXPR);
if (attrValue != null) {
if (send.getDelay() != null) {
reportConflictingAttribute(reader, configuration, ELEM_SEND, ATTR_DELAY, ATTR_DELAYEXPR);
else {
send.setEvent(readAV(reader, ATTR_EVENT));
attrValue = readAV(reader, ATTR_EVENTEXPR);
if (attrValue != null) {
if (send.getEvent() != null) {
reportConflictingAttribute(reader, configuration, ELEM_SEND, ATTR_EVENT, ATTR_EVENTEXPR);
else {
send.setHints(readAV(reader, ATTR_HINTS));
send.setNamelist(readAV(reader, ATTR_NAMELIST));
send.setTarget(readAV(reader, ATTR_TARGET));
attrValue = readAV(reader, ATTR_TARGETEXPR);
if (attrValue != null) {
if (send.getTarget() != null) {
reportConflictingAttribute(reader, configuration, ELEM_SEND, ATTR_TARGET, ATTR_TARGETEXPR);
else {
send.setType(readAV(reader, ATTR_TYPE));
attrValue = readAV(reader, ATTR_TYPEEXPR);
if (attrValue != null) {
if (send.getType() != null) {
reportConflictingAttribute(reader, configuration, ELEM_SEND, ATTR_TYPE, ATTR_TYPEEXPR);
else {
readNamespaces(configuration, send);
loop : while (reader.hasNext()) {
String name, nsURI;
switch ( {
case XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT:
pushNamespaces(reader, configuration);
nsURI = reader.getNamespaceURI();
name = reader.getLocalName();
if (XMLNS_SCXML.equals(nsURI)) {
if (ELEM_PARAM.equals(name)) {
if (send.getContent() == null) {
readParam(reader, configuration, send);
else {
reportIgnoredElement(reader, configuration, ELEM_SEND, nsURI, name);
} else if (ELEM_CONTENT.equals(name)) {
if (send.getNamelist() == null && send.getParams().isEmpty()) {
readContent(reader, configuration, send);
else {
reportIgnoredElement(reader, configuration, ELEM_SEND, nsURI, name);
} else {
reportIgnoredElement(reader, configuration, ELEM_SEND, nsURI, name);
} else {
reportIgnoredElement(reader, configuration, ELEM_SEND, nsURI, name);
case XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT:
popNamespaces(reader, configuration);
break loop;
if (parent != null) {
} else {
* Read the contents of this &lt;cancel&gt; element.
* @param reader The {@link XMLStreamReader} providing the SCXML document to parse.
* @param configuration The {@link Configuration} to use while parsing.
* @param executable The parent {@link Executable} for this action.
* @param parent The optional parent {@link ActionsContainer} if this action is a child of one.
* @throws XMLStreamException An exception processing the underlying {@link XMLStreamReader}.
private static void readCancel(final XMLStreamReader reader, final Configuration configuration,
final Executable executable, final ActionsContainer parent)
throws XMLStreamException, ModelException {
Cancel cancel = new Cancel();
cancel.setSendid(readAV(reader, ATTR_SENDID));
String attrValue = readAV(reader, ATTR_SENDIDEXPR);
if (attrValue != null) {
if (cancel.getSendid() != null) {
reportConflictingAttribute(reader, configuration, ELEM_CANCEL, ATTR_SENDID, ATTR_SENDIDEXPR);
else {
readNamespaces(configuration, cancel);
if (parent != null) {
} else {
* Read the contents of this &lt;script&gt; element.
* @param reader The {@link XMLStreamReader} providing the SCXML document to parse.
* @param configuration The {@link Configuration} to use while parsing.
* @param executable The parent {@link Executable} for this action.
* @param parent The optional parent {@link ActionsContainer} if this action is a child of one.
* @throws XMLStreamException An exception processing the underlying {@link XMLStreamReader}.
private static void readScript(final XMLStreamReader reader, final Configuration configuration,
final Executable executable, final ActionsContainer parent)
throws XMLStreamException {
Script script = new Script();
readNamespaces(configuration, script);
if (parent != null) {
} else {
* Read the contents of the initial &lt;script&gt; element.
* @see <a href="">
*<a> section 3.2.2
* @param reader The {@link XMLStreamReader} providing the SCXML document to parse.
* @param configuration The {@link Configuration} to use while parsing.
* @param scxml The root of the object model being parsed.
* @throws XMLStreamException An exception processing the underlying {@link XMLStreamReader}.
private static void readGlobalScript(final XMLStreamReader reader, final Configuration configuration,
final SCXML scxml)
throws XMLStreamException {
Script globalScript = new Script();
readNamespaces(configuration, globalScript);
* Read the contents of this &lt;var&gt; element.
* @param reader The {@link XMLStreamReader} providing the SCXML document to parse.
* @param configuration The {@link Configuration} to use while parsing.
* @param executable The parent {@link Executable} for this action.
* @param parent The optional parent {@link ActionsContainer} if this action is a child of one.
* @throws XMLStreamException An exception processing the underlying {@link XMLStreamReader}.
private static void readVar(final XMLStreamReader reader, final Configuration configuration,
final Executable executable, final ActionsContainer parent)
throws XMLStreamException {
Var var = new Var();
var.setName(readAV(reader, ATTR_NAME));
var.setExpr(readAV(reader, ATTR_EXPR));
readNamespaces(configuration, var);
if (parent != null) {
} else {
* Read the contents of this custom action.
* @param reader The {@link XMLStreamReader} providing the SCXML document to parse.
* @param configuration The {@link Configuration} to use while parsing.
* @param customAction The {@link CustomAction} to read.
* @param executable The parent {@link Executable} for this custom action.
* @param parent The optional parent {@link ActionsContainer} if this custom action is a child of one.
* @throws XMLStreamException An exception processing the underlying {@link XMLStreamReader}.
private static void readCustomAction(final XMLStreamReader reader, final Configuration configuration,
final CustomAction customAction, final Executable executable,
final ActionsContainer parent)
throws XMLStreamException {
// Instantiate custom action
Object actionObject;
String className = customAction.getActionClass().getName();
ClassLoader cl = configuration.customActionClassLoader;
if (configuration.useContextClassLoaderForCustomActions) {
cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
if (cl == null) {
cl = SCXMLReader.class.getClassLoader();
Class<?> clazz;
try {
clazz = cl.loadClass(className);
actionObject = clazz.newInstance();
} catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
throw new XMLStreamException("Cannot find custom action class:" + className, cnfe);
} catch (IllegalAccessException iae) {
throw new XMLStreamException("Cannot access custom action class:" + className, iae);
} catch (InstantiationException ie) {
throw new XMLStreamException("Cannot instantiate custom action class:" + className, ie);
if (!(actionObject instanceof Action)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(ERR_CUSTOM_ACTION_TYPE + className);
// Set the attribute values as properties
Action action = (Action) actionObject;
for (int i = 0; i < reader.getAttributeCount(); i++) {
String name = reader.getAttributeLocalName(i);
String value = reader.getAttributeValue(i);
String setter = "set" + name.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + name.substring(1);
Method method;
try {
method = clazz.getMethod(setter, String.class);
method.invoke(action, value);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) {
throw new XMLStreamException("No setter in class:" + className + ", for string property:" + name,
} catch (InvocationTargetException ite) {
throw new XMLStreamException("Exception calling setter for string property:" + name + " in class:"
+ className, ite);
} catch (IllegalAccessException iae) {
throw new XMLStreamException("Cannot access setter for string property:" + name + " in class:"
+ className, iae);
// Add any body content if necessary
if (action instanceof ExternalContent) {
Node body = readNode(reader, configuration, customAction.getNamespaceURI(),
customAction.getLocalName(), new String [] {});
NodeList childNodes = body.getChildNodes();
List<Node> externalNodes = ((ExternalContent) action).getExternalNodes();
for (int i = 0; i < childNodes.getLength(); i++) {
else {
// Wire in the action and add to parent
readNamespaces(configuration, action);
if (parent != null) {
} else {
* Read the following contents into a DOM {@link Node}.
* @param reader The {@link XMLStreamReader} providing the SCXML document to parse.
* @param configuration The {@link Configuration} to use while parsing.
* @param namespaceURI The namespace URI of the parent element
* @param localName The local name of the parent element
* @param attrs The attributes that will be read into the root DOM node.
* @return The parsed content as a DOM {@link Node}.
* @throws XMLStreamException An exception processing the underlying {@link XMLStreamReader}.
private static Node readNode(final XMLStreamReader reader, final Configuration configuration,
final String namespaceURI, final String localName, final String[] attrs)
throws XMLStreamException {
// Create a document in which to build the DOM node
Document document;
try {
document = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder().newDocument();
} catch (ParserConfigurationException pce) {
throw new XMLStreamException(ERR_PARSER_CFG);
// This root element will be returned, add any attributes as specified
Element root = document.createElementNS(namespaceURI, localName);
for (final String attr1 : attrs) {
Attr attr = document.createAttributeNS(XMLNS_DEFAULT, attr1);
attr.setValue(readAV(reader, attr1));
boolean children = false;
Node parent = root;
// Convert stream to DOM node(s) while maintaining parent child relationships
loop : while (reader.hasNext()) {
String name, nsURI;
Node child = null;
switch ( {
case XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT:
if (!children && root.hasChildNodes()) {
// remove any children
children = true;
pushNamespaces(reader, configuration);
nsURI = reader.getNamespaceURI();
name = reader.getLocalName();
Element elem = document.createElementNS(nsURI, name);
for (int i = 0; i < reader.getAttributeCount(); i++) {
nsURI = reader.getAttributeNamespace(i);
name = reader.getAttributeLocalName(i);
String prefix = reader.getAttributePrefix(i);
if (prefix != null && prefix.length() > 0) {
name = prefix + ":" + name;
Attr attr = document.createAttributeNS(nsURI, name);
parent = elem;
case XMLStreamConstants.SPACE:
case XMLStreamConstants.CHARACTERS:
case XMLStreamConstants.ENTITY_REFERENCE:
if (!children || parent != root) {
child = document.createTextNode(reader.getText());
case XMLStreamConstants.CDATA:
children = true;
child = document.createCDATASection(reader.getText());
case XMLStreamConstants.COMMENT:
children = true;
child = document.createComment(reader.getText());
case XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT:
popNamespaces(reader, configuration);
parent = parent.getParentNode();
if (parent == document) {
break loop;
default: // rest is ignored
if (child != null) {
if (!children && root.hasChildNodes()) {
return root;
* Read the following body contents into a String.
* @param reader The {@link XMLStreamReader} providing the SCXML document to parse.
* @return The body content read into a String.
* @throws XMLStreamException An exception processing the underlying {@link XMLStreamReader}.
private static String readBody(final XMLStreamReader reader)
throws XMLStreamException {
StringBuilder body = new StringBuilder();
org.apache.commons.logging.Log log;
// Add all body content to StringBuilder
loop : while (reader.hasNext()) {
switch ( {
case XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT:
log = LogFactory.getLog(SCXMLReader.class);
log.warn("Ignoring XML content in <script> element, encountered element with local name: "
+ reader.getLocalName());
case XMLStreamConstants.SPACE:
case XMLStreamConstants.CHARACTERS:
case XMLStreamConstants.ENTITY_REFERENCE:
case XMLStreamConstants.CDATA:
case XMLStreamConstants.COMMENT:
case XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT:
break loop;
default: // rest is ignored
return body.toString();
* @param input input string to check if null or empty after trim
* @return null if input is null or empty after trim()
private static String nullIfEmpty(String input) {
return input == null || input.trim().length()==0 ? null : input.trim();
* Get the attribute value at the current reader location.
* @param reader The {@link XMLStreamReader} providing the SCXML document to parse.
* @param attrLocalName The attribute name whose value is needed.
* @return The value of the attribute.
private static String readAV(final XMLStreamReader reader, final String attrLocalName) {
return nullIfEmpty(reader.getAttributeValue(XMLNS_DEFAULT, attrLocalName));
* Get the Boolean attribute value at the current reader location.
* @param reader The {@link XMLStreamReader} providing the SCXML document to parse.
* @param elementName The name of the element for which the attribute value is needed.
* @param attrLocalName The attribute name whose value is needed.
* @return The Boolean value of the attribute.
* @throws ModelException When the attribute value is not empty but neither "true" or "false".
private static Boolean readBooleanAV(final XMLStreamReader reader, final String elementName,
final String attrLocalName)
throws ModelException {
String value = nullIfEmpty(reader.getAttributeValue(XMLNS_DEFAULT, attrLocalName));
Boolean result = "true".equals(value) ? Boolean.TRUE : "false".equals(value) ? Boolean.FALSE : null;
if (result == null && value != null) {
MessageFormat msgFormat = new MessageFormat(ERR_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_BOOLEAN);
String errMsg = msgFormat.format(new Object[] {value, attrLocalName, elementName, reader.getLocation()});
throw new ModelException(errMsg);
return result;
* Get a required attribute value at the current reader location,
* @param reader The {@link XMLStreamReader} providing the SCXML document to parse.
* @param elementName The name of the element for which the attribute value is needed.
* @param attrLocalName The attribute name whose value is needed.
* @return The value of the attribute.
* @throws ModelException When the required attribute is missing or empty.
private static String readRequiredAV(final XMLStreamReader reader, final String elementName, final String attrLocalName)
throws ModelException {
String value = nullIfEmpty(reader.getAttributeValue(XMLNS_DEFAULT, attrLocalName));
if (value == null) {
MessageFormat msgFormat = new MessageFormat(ERR_REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTE_MISSING);
String errMsg = msgFormat.format(new Object[] {elementName, attrLocalName, reader.getLocation()});
throw new ModelException(errMsg);
return value;
private static String readOrGeneratedTransitionTargetId(final XMLStreamReader reader, final SCXML scxml,
final String elementName)
throws ModelException {
String id = readAV(reader, ATTR_ID);
if (id == null) {
id = scxml.generateTransitionTargetId();
else if (id.startsWith(SCXML.GENERATED_TT_ID_PREFIX)) {
MessageFormat msgFormat = new MessageFormat(ERR_RESERVED_ID_PREFIX);
String errMsg = msgFormat.format(new Object[] {elementName, id, reader.getLocation()});
throw new ModelException(errMsg);
return id;
* Read the current active namespace declarations into the namespace prefixes holder.
* @param configuration The {@link Configuration} to use while parsing.
* @param holder The {@link NamespacePrefixesHolder} to populate.
private static void readNamespaces(final Configuration configuration, final NamespacePrefixesHolder holder) {
* Report an ignored element via the {@link XMLReporter} if available and the class
* {@link org.apache.commons.logging.Log}.
* @param reader The {@link XMLStreamReader} providing the SCXML document to parse.
* @param configuration The {@link Configuration} to use while parsing.
* @param parent The parent element local name in the SCXML namespace.
* @param nsURI The namespace URI of the ignored element.
* @param name The local name of the ignored element.
* @throws XMLStreamException An exception processing the underlying {@link XMLStreamReader}.
* @throws ModelException The Commons SCXML object model is incomplete or inconsistent (includes
* errors in the SCXML document that may not be identified by the schema).
private static void reportIgnoredElement(final XMLStreamReader reader, final Configuration configuration,
final String parent, final String nsURI, final String name)
throws XMLStreamException, ModelException {
org.apache.commons.logging.Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SCXMLReader.class);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("Ignoring unknown or invalid element <").append(name)
.append("> in namespace \"").append(nsURI)
.append("\" as child of <").append(parent)
.append("> at ").append(reader.getLocation());
if (!configuration.isSilent() && log.isWarnEnabled()) {
if (configuration.isStrict()) {
throw new ModelException(sb.toString());
XMLReporter reporter = configuration.reporter;
if (reporter != null) {, "COMMONS_SCXML", null, reader.getLocation());
* Advances the XMLStreamReader until after the end of the current element: all children will be skipped as well
* @param reader the reader
* @throws XMLStreamException
private static void skipToEndElement(final XMLStreamReader reader) throws XMLStreamException {
int elementsToSkip = 1;
while (elementsToSkip > 0 && reader.hasNext()) {
int next =;
if (next == XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT) {
else if (next == XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT) {
* Report an ignored attribute via the {@link XMLReporter} if available and the class
* {@link org.apache.commons.logging.Log}.
* @param reader The {@link XMLStreamReader} providing the SCXML document to parse.
* @param configuration The {@link Configuration} to use while parsing.
* @param element The element name.
* @param attr The attribute which is ignored.
* @param value The value of the attribute which is ignored.
* @throws XMLStreamException An exception processing the underlying {@link XMLStreamReader}.
* @throws ModelException The Commons SCXML object model is incomplete or inconsistent (includes
* errors in the SCXML document that may not be identified by the schema).
private static void reportIgnoredAttribute(final XMLStreamReader reader, final Configuration configuration,
final String element, final String attr, final String value)
throws XMLStreamException, ModelException {
org.apache.commons.logging.Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SCXMLReader.class);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("Ignoring unknown or invalid <").append(element).append("> attribute ").append(attr)
.append("=\"").append(value).append("\" at ").append(reader.getLocation());
if (!configuration.isSilent() && log.isWarnEnabled()) {
if (configuration.isStrict()) {
throw new ModelException(sb.toString());
XMLReporter reporter = configuration.reporter;
if (reporter != null) {, "COMMONS_SCXML", null, reader.getLocation());
* Report a conflicting attribute via the {@link XMLReporter} if available and the class
* {@link org.apache.commons.logging.Log}.
* @param reader The {@link XMLStreamReader} providing the SCXML document to parse.
* @param configuration The {@link Configuration} to use while parsing.
* @param element The element name.
* @param attr The attribute with which a conflict is detected.
* @param conflictingAttr The conflicting attribute
* @throws XMLStreamException An exception processing the underlying {@link XMLStreamReader}.
* @throws ModelException The Commons SCXML object model is incomplete or inconsistent (includes
* errors in the SCXML document that may not be identified by the schema).
private static void reportConflictingAttribute(final XMLStreamReader reader, final Configuration configuration,
final String element, final String attr, final String conflictingAttr)
throws XMLStreamException, ModelException {
org.apache.commons.logging.Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SCXMLReader.class);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("Ignoring <").append(element).append("> attribute \"").append(conflictingAttr)
.append("\" which conflicts with already defined attribute \"").append(attr)
.append("\" at ").append(reader.getLocation());
if (!configuration.isSilent() && log.isWarnEnabled()) {
if (configuration.isStrict()) {
throw new ModelException(sb.toString());
XMLReporter reporter = configuration.reporter;
if (reporter != null) {, "COMMONS_SCXML", null, reader.getLocation());
* Push any new namespace declarations on the configuration namespaces map.
* @param reader The {@link XMLStreamReader} providing the SCXML document to parse.
* @param configuration The {@link Configuration} to use while parsing.
private static void pushNamespaces(final XMLStreamReader reader, final Configuration configuration) {
for (int i = 0; i < reader.getNamespaceCount(); i++) {
Stack<String> stack = configuration.namespaces.get(reader.getNamespacePrefix(i));
if (stack == null) {
stack = new Stack<String>();
configuration.namespaces.put(reader.getNamespacePrefix(i), stack);
* Pop any expiring namespace declarations from the configuration namespaces map.
* @param reader The {@link XMLStreamReader} providing the SCXML document to parse.
* @param configuration The {@link Configuration} to use while parsing.
* @throws XMLStreamException An exception processing the underlying {@link XMLStreamReader}.
private static void popNamespaces(final XMLStreamReader reader, final Configuration configuration)
throws XMLStreamException {
for (int i = 0; i < reader.getNamespaceCount(); i++) {
Stack<String> stack = configuration.namespaces.get(reader.getNamespacePrefix(i));
if (stack == null) {
throw new XMLStreamException("Configuration namespaces stack null");
try {
if (stack.empty()) {
} catch (EmptyStackException e) {
throw new XMLStreamException("Configuration namespaces stack popped too many times");
* Use the supplied {@link Configuration} to create an appropriate {@link XMLStreamReader} for this
* {@link SCXMLReader}. Exactly one of the url, path, stream, reader or source parameters must be provided.
* @param configuration The {@link Configuration} to be used.
* @param url The {@link URL} to the SCXML document to read.
* @param path The optional real path to the SCXML document as a string.
* @param stream The optional {@link InputStream} providing the SCXML document.
* @param reader The optional {@link Reader} providing the SCXML document.
* @param source The optional {@link Source} providing the SCXML document.
* @return The appropriately configured {@link XMLStreamReader}.
* @throws IOException Exception with the URL IO.
* @throws XMLStreamException A problem with the XML stream creation or an wrapped {@link SAXException}
* thrown in trying to validate the document against the XML Schema for SCXML.
private static XMLStreamReader getReader(final Configuration configuration, final URL url, final String path,
final InputStream stream, final Reader reader, final Source source)
throws IOException, XMLStreamException {
// Instantiate the XMLInputFactory
XMLInputFactory factory = XMLInputFactory.newInstance();
if (configuration.factoryId != null && configuration.factoryClassLoader != null) {
factory = XMLInputFactory.newFactory(configuration.factoryId, configuration.factoryClassLoader);
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> property : {
factory.setProperty(property.getKey(), property.getValue());
// Consolidate InputStream options
InputStream urlStream = null;
if (url != null || path != null) {
URL scxml = (url != null ? url : new URL(path));
URLConnection conn = scxml.openConnection();
urlStream = conn.getInputStream();
} else if (stream != null) {
urlStream = stream;
// Create the XMLStreamReader
XMLStreamReader xsr = null;
if (configuration.validate) {
// Validation requires us to use a Source
URL scxmlSchema = new URL("TODO"); // TODO, point to appropriate location
SchemaFactory schemaFactory = SchemaFactory.newInstance("");
Schema schema;
try {
schema = schemaFactory.newSchema(scxmlSchema);
} catch (SAXException se) {
throw new XMLStreamException("Failed to create SCXML Schema for validation", se);
Validator validator = schema.newValidator();
validator.setErrorHandler(new SimpleErrorHandler());
Source src = null;
if (urlStream != null) {
// configuration.encoding is ignored
if (configuration.systemId != null) {
src = new StreamSource(urlStream, configuration.systemId);
} else {
src = new StreamSource(urlStream);
} else if (reader != null) {
if (configuration.systemId != null) {
src = new StreamSource(reader, configuration.systemId);
} else {
src = new StreamSource(reader);
} else if (source != null) {
src = source;
xsr = factory.createXMLStreamReader(src);
try {
} catch (SAXException se) {
throw new XMLStreamException("Failed to create apply SCXML Validator", se);
} else {
// We can use the more direct XMLInputFactory API if validation isn't needed
if (urlStream != null) {
// systemId gets preference, then encoding if either are present
if (configuration.systemId != null) {
xsr = factory.createXMLStreamReader(configuration.systemId, urlStream);
} else if (configuration.encoding != null) {
xsr = factory.createXMLStreamReader(urlStream, configuration.encoding);
} else {
xsr = factory.createXMLStreamReader(urlStream);
} else if (reader != null) {
if (configuration.systemId != null) {
xsr = factory.createXMLStreamReader(configuration.systemId, reader);
} else {
xsr = factory.createXMLStreamReader(reader);
} else if (source != null) {
xsr = factory.createXMLStreamReader(source);
return xsr;
* Discourage instantiation since this is a utility class.
private SCXMLReader() {
//------------------------- CONFIGURATION CLASS -------------------------//
* <p>
* Configuration for the {@link SCXMLReader}. The configuration properties necessary for the following are
* covered:
* </p>
* <ul>
* <li>{@link XMLInputFactory} configuration properties such as {@link XMLReporter}, {@link XMLResolver} and
* {@link XMLEventAllocator}</li>
* <li>{@link XMLStreamReader} configuration properties such as <code>systemId</code> and <code>encoding</code>
* </li>
* <li>Commons SCXML object model configuration properties such as the list of custom actions and the
* {@link PathResolver} to use.</li>
* </ul>
public static class Configuration {
* Configuration properties for this {@link SCXMLReader}.
// XMLInputFactory configuration properties.
* The <code>factoryId</code> to use for the {@link XMLInputFactory}.
final String factoryId;
* The {@link ClassLoader} to use for the {@link XMLInputFactory} instance to create.
final ClassLoader factoryClassLoader;
* The {@link XMLEventAllocator} for the {@link XMLInputFactory}.
final XMLEventAllocator allocator;
* The map of properties (keys are property name strings, values are object property values) for the
* {@link XMLInputFactory}.
final Map<String, Object> properties;
* The {@link XMLResolver} for the {@link XMLInputFactory}.
final XMLResolver resolver;
* The {@link XMLReporter} for the {@link XMLInputFactory}.
final XMLReporter reporter;
// XMLStreamReader configuration properties.
* The <code>encoding</code> to use for the {@link XMLStreamReader}.
final String encoding;
* The <code>systemId</code> to use for the {@link XMLStreamReader}.
final String systemId;
* Whether to validate the input with the XML Schema for SCXML.
final boolean validate;
// Commons SCXML object model configuration properties.
* The list of Commons SCXML custom actions that will be available for this document.
final List<CustomAction> customActions;
* The {@link ClassLoader} to use for loading the {@link CustomAction} instances to create.
final ClassLoader customActionClassLoader;
* Whether to use the thread context {@link ClassLoader} for loading any {@link CustomAction} classes.
final boolean useContextClassLoaderForCustomActions;
* The map for bookkeeping the current active namespace declarations. The keys are prefixes and the values are
* {@link Stack}s containing the corresponding namespaceURIs, with the active one on top.
final Map<String, Stack<String>> namespaces;
// Mutable Commons SCXML object model configuration properties.
* The parent SCXML document if this document is src'ed in via the &lt;state&gt; or &lt;parallel&gt; element's
* "src" attribute.
SCXML parent;
* The Commons SCXML {@link PathResolver} to use for this document.
PathResolver pathResolver;
* Whether to silently ignore any unknown or invalid elements
* or to leave warning logs for those.
boolean silent;
* Whether to strictly throw a model exception when there are any unknown or invalid elements
* or to leniently allow to read the model even with those.
boolean strict;
ContentParser contentParser;
* Public constructors
* Default constructor.
public Configuration() {
this(null, null);
* Minimal convenience constructor.
* @param reporter The {@link XMLReporter} to use for this reading.
* @param pathResolver The Commons SCXML {@link PathResolver} to use for this reading.
public Configuration(final XMLReporter reporter, final PathResolver pathResolver) {
this(null, null, null, null, null, reporter, null, null, false, pathResolver, null, null, null, false);
* Convenience constructor.
* @param reporter The {@link XMLReporter} to use for this reading.
* @param pathResolver The Commons SCXML {@link PathResolver} to use for this reading.
* @param customActions The list of Commons SCXML custom actions that will be available for this document.
public Configuration(final XMLReporter reporter, final PathResolver pathResolver,
final List<CustomAction> customActions) {
this(null, null, null, null, null, reporter, null, null, false, pathResolver, null, customActions, null,
* All purpose constructor. Any of the parameters passed in can be <code>null</code> (booleans should default
* to <code>false</code>).
* @param factoryId The <code>factoryId</code> to use.
* @param classLoader The {@link ClassLoader} to use for the {@link XMLInputFactory} instance to create.
* @param allocator The {@link XMLEventAllocator} for the {@link XMLInputFactory}.
* @param properties The map of properties (keys are property name strings, values are object property values)
* for the {@link XMLInputFactory}.
* @param resolver The {@link XMLResolver} for the {@link XMLInputFactory}.
* @param reporter The {@link XMLReporter} for the {@link XMLInputFactory}.
* @param encoding The <code>encoding</code> to use for the {@link XMLStreamReader}
* @param systemId The <code>systemId</code> to use for the {@link XMLStreamReader}
* @param validate Whether to validate the input with the XML Schema for SCXML.
* @param pathResolver The Commons SCXML {@link PathResolver} to use for this document.
* @param customActions The list of Commons SCXML custom actions that will be available for this document.
* @param customActionClassLoader The {@link ClassLoader} to use for the {@link CustomAction} instances to
* create.
* @param useContextClassLoaderForCustomActions Whether to use the thread context {@link ClassLoader} for the
* {@link CustomAction} instances to create.
public Configuration(final String factoryId, final ClassLoader classLoader, final XMLEventAllocator allocator,
final Map<String, Object> properties, final XMLResolver resolver, final XMLReporter reporter,
final String encoding, final String systemId, final boolean validate, final PathResolver pathResolver,
final List<CustomAction> customActions, final ClassLoader customActionClassLoader,
final boolean useContextClassLoaderForCustomActions) {
this(factoryId, classLoader, allocator, properties, resolver, reporter, encoding, systemId, validate,
pathResolver, null, customActions, customActionClassLoader,
* Package access constructors
* Convenience package access constructor.
* @param reporter The {@link XMLReporter} for the {@link XMLInputFactory}.
* @param pathResolver The Commons SCXML {@link PathResolver} to use for this document.
* @param parent The parent SCXML document if this document is src'ed in via the &lt;state&gt; or
* &lt;parallel&gt; element's "src" attribute.
Configuration(final XMLReporter reporter, final PathResolver pathResolver, final SCXML parent) {
this(null, null, null, null, null, reporter, null, null, false, pathResolver, parent, null, null, false);
* Package access copy constructor.
* @param source The source {@link Configuration} to replicate.
Configuration(final Configuration source) {
this(source.factoryId, source.factoryClassLoader, source.allocator,, source.resolver,
source.reporter, source.encoding, source.systemId, source.validate, source.pathResolver,
source.parent, source.customActions, source.customActionClassLoader,
source.useContextClassLoaderForCustomActions, source.silent, source.strict);
* All-purpose package access constructor.
* @param factoryId The <code>factoryId</code> to use.
* @param factoryClassLoader The {@link ClassLoader} to use for the {@link XMLInputFactory} instance to
* create.
* @param allocator The {@link XMLEventAllocator} for the {@link XMLInputFactory}.
* @param properties The map of properties (keys are property name strings, values are object property values)
* for the {@link XMLInputFactory}.
* @param resolver The {@link XMLResolver} for the {@link XMLInputFactory}.
* @param reporter The {@link XMLReporter} for the {@link XMLInputFactory}.
* @param encoding The <code>encoding</code> to use for the {@link XMLStreamReader}
* @param systemId The <code>systemId</code> to use for the {@link XMLStreamReader}
* @param validate Whether to validate the input with the XML Schema for SCXML.
* @param pathResolver The Commons SCXML {@link PathResolver} to use for this document.
* @param parent The parent SCXML document if this document is src'ed in via the &lt;state&gt; or
* &lt;parallel&gt; element's "src" attribute.
* @param customActions The list of Commons SCXML custom actions that will be available for this document.
* @param customActionClassLoader The {@link ClassLoader} to use for the {@link CustomAction} instances to
* create.
* @param useContextClassLoaderForCustomActions Whether to use the thread context {@link ClassLoader} for the
* {@link CustomAction} instances to create.
Configuration(final String factoryId, final ClassLoader factoryClassLoader, final XMLEventAllocator allocator,
final Map<String, Object> properties, final XMLResolver resolver, final XMLReporter reporter,
final String encoding, final String systemId, final boolean validate, final PathResolver pathResolver,
final SCXML parent, final List<CustomAction> customActions, final ClassLoader customActionClassLoader,
final boolean useContextClassLoaderForCustomActions) {
this(factoryId, factoryClassLoader, allocator, properties, resolver, reporter, encoding, systemId,
validate, pathResolver, parent, customActions, customActionClassLoader,
useContextClassLoaderForCustomActions, false, false);
* All-purpose package access constructor.
* @param factoryId The <code>factoryId</code> to use.
* @param factoryClassLoader The {@link ClassLoader} to use for the {@link XMLInputFactory} instance to
* create.
* @param allocator The {@link XMLEventAllocator} for the {@link XMLInputFactory}.
* @param properties The map of properties (keys are property name strings, values are object property values)
* for the {@link XMLInputFactory}.
* @param resolver The {@link XMLResolver} for the {@link XMLInputFactory}.
* @param reporter The {@link XMLReporter} for the {@link XMLInputFactory}.
* @param encoding The <code>encoding</code> to use for the {@link XMLStreamReader}
* @param systemId The <code>systemId</code> to use for the {@link XMLStreamReader}
* @param validate Whether to validate the input with the XML Schema for SCXML.
* @param pathResolver The Commons SCXML {@link PathResolver} to use for this document.
* @param parent The parent SCXML document if this document is src'ed in via the &lt;state&gt; or
* &lt;parallel&gt; element's "src" attribute.
* @param customActions The list of Commons SCXML custom actions that will be available for this document.
* @param customActionClassLoader The {@link ClassLoader} to use for the {@link CustomAction} instances to
* create.
* @param useContextClassLoaderForCustomActions Whether to use the thread context {@link ClassLoader} for the
* {@link CustomAction} instances to create.
* @param silent Whether to silently ignore any unknown or invalid elements or to leave warning logs for those.
* @param strict Whether to strictly throw a model exception when there are any unknown or invalid elements
* or to leniently allow to read the model even with those.
Configuration(final String factoryId, final ClassLoader factoryClassLoader, final XMLEventAllocator allocator,
final Map<String, Object> properties, final XMLResolver resolver, final XMLReporter reporter,
final String encoding, final String systemId, final boolean validate, final PathResolver pathResolver,
final SCXML parent, final List<CustomAction> customActions, final ClassLoader customActionClassLoader,
final boolean useContextClassLoaderForCustomActions, final boolean silent, final boolean strict) {
this.factoryId = factoryId;
this.factoryClassLoader = factoryClassLoader;
this.allocator = allocator; = (properties == null ? new HashMap<String, Object>() : properties);
this.resolver = resolver;
this.reporter = reporter;
this.encoding = encoding;
this.systemId = systemId;
this.validate = validate;
this.pathResolver = pathResolver;
this.parent = parent;
this.customActions = (customActions == null ? new ArrayList<CustomAction>() : customActions);
this.customActionClassLoader = customActionClassLoader;
this.useContextClassLoaderForCustomActions = useContextClassLoaderForCustomActions;
this.namespaces = new HashMap<String, Stack<String>>();
this.silent = silent;
this.strict = strict;
this.contentParser = new ContentParser();
* Package access convenience methods
* Get the current namespaces at this point in the StAX reading.
* @return Map<String,String> The namespace map (keys are prefixes and values are the corresponding current
* namespace URIs).
Map<String, String> getCurrentNamespaces() {
Map<String, String> currentNamespaces = new HashMap<String, String>();
for (Map.Entry<String, Stack<String>> nsEntry : namespaces.entrySet()) {
currentNamespaces.put(nsEntry.getKey(), nsEntry.getValue().peek());
return currentNamespaces;
* Returns true if it is set to read models silently without any model error warning logs.
* @return true if it is set to read models silently without any model error warning logs
* @see #silent
public boolean isSilent() {
return silent;
* Turn on/off silent mode (whether to read models silently without any model error warning logs)
* @param silent silent mode (whether to read models silently without any model error warning logs)
* @see #silent
public void setSilent(boolean silent) {
this.silent = silent;
* Returns true if it is set to check model strictly with throwing exceptions on any model error.
* @return true if it is set to check model strictly with throwing exceptions on any model error
* @see #strict
public boolean isStrict() {
return strict;
* Turn on/off strict model (whether to check model strictly with throwing exception on any model error)
* @param strict strict model (whether to check model strictly with throwing exception on any model error)
* @see #strict
public void setStrict(boolean strict) {
this.strict = strict;