blob: c95ea996d7b70b33db6edd0fbff5e79f1d57236c [file] [log] [blame]
Notes on building/releasing Commons Parent
These recipes should work.
Other recipes may suit other tastes!
This is the short form of "Releasing Commons Components"
To perform the license release audit, a.k.a. "RAT check", run.
mvn apache-rat:check
Building for local repo:
mvn -N install
Snapshot deployment:
mvn deploy
Preparing for release candidate:
- Check for updates to plugins and dependencies.
- Ensure NOTICE has correct year.
- Ensure changes.xml is up to date (Release notes are updated during tagging)
- Ensure pom.xml header comment agrees with changes for this release
- Regenerate files:
mvn commons-build:all -Dproject.inceptionYear=2006
(N.B. the year is not defined in the pom to avoid propagation to components)
- Check and commit all changes
Creating release candidate tag:
N.B. This is done in a separate release branch so that the default branch remains a SNAPSHOT version
- Checkout default branch in clean workspace:
git clone commons-parent-<NN>-RC1
- cd commons-parent-<NN>-RC1
- Update the release branch:
git checkout release
git pull origin release
git pull origin master
- Edit version in pom.xml to remove SNAPSHOT suffix
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=NN -DgenerateBackupPoms=false
edit commons.rc.version to agree with the RC number
- Update the release notes. These are cumulative, so the new notes must be generated in a temporary file
Generate a temporary file, for example:
mvn changes:announcement-generate -Prelease-notes -Dchanges.version=NN -Dchanges.announcementFile=NN.tmp
Edit the file to tidy it up, and prepend it to RELEASE-NOTES.txt
Remove the temporary file
- Create tag the from the updated workspace:
git commit -am "Update version numbers for Commons Parent version NN"
git tag -s commons-parent-NN-RC1 -m "Tag Commons Parent version NN-RC1" [-u keyid] # signed tag
git tag -a commons-parent-NN-RC1 -m "Tag Commons Parent version NN-RC1"
git push --tags origin release
Test build of tag:
- mvn deploy -Prelease -Ptest-deploy
- Check the contents of target/deploy/org/apache/commons/commons-parent/<NN>
- should contain commons-parent-<NN>.pom, commons-parent-<NN>-site.xml and sigs/hashes
- also -src.tar.gz, and sigs/hashes
Deploy RC to Nexus:
- Set up passwords in settings.xml (
- Same command as above, but omitting -Ptest-deploy profile:
- mvn package deploy -Prelease
Tidy and close Nexus staging area:
- Login to Nexus:
- Open "Staging Repositories", find the correct "Open" entry (check Summary tab in bottom panel)
- The message "No CLM data recorded" appears to be benign
- Open the bottom "Content" tab and navigate to the files
- Delete *.asc.md5 and *.asc.sha1 if present
- Checkout
- create and change to the appropriate subdir: <NN>-RCn
- Download the -src archives, and their sigs, then delete them (and md5/sha1 hashes) from Nexus.
Likewise for .tar.gz and the corresponding .asc files
TODO: could/should these be fetched from target instead?
- replace the md5 and sha1 hashes with sha512 hashes
- copy RELEASE-NOTES.txt from the git release area
- Commit the dist/dev/commons-parent/<NN>-RCn folder
Close the staging area - Description: "Apache Commons Parent <NN> RC1"
Screen does not auto-refresh - you need to press refresh
Send round the release vote(lazy)
Promote the Nexus staging area
Assuming the vote passes, login to Nexus and use the "Release" function
[If there was a problem identified, Drop the repo instead and start again]
Copy the RC Tag to final tag:
- git co release
- git pull origin release # synch with remote
- git diff commons-parent-NN-RCn # check that the workspace agrees with the tag in the vote
- git tag -s commons-parent-NN -m "Create Commons Parent NN release tag"
- git push --tags
- git checkout master
- git merge release # This should update the RN
- mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=52-SNAPSHOT -DgenerateBackupPoms=false
- Add next release tag in src/changes/changes.xml
- git commit -am "Bump to next development version"
Publish the source files to
Update site documentation
Please check that the site documentation is up to date
This will need updating if any new features / profiles etc are added.
It does not list plugin or dependency versions.
However at the least please update the version details and URL at the start of the page.