blob: 17ad984eaa9abcf508e3c66ca013e7fa0f411b7e [file] [log] [blame]
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- Ant file for running tests for commons-logging.
- Quick build instructions:
- * mvn package
- * ant getlibs
- * cp
- * Depending on which platform you are on, do either
- or
- * ant -lib lib/junit-3.8.1.jar -f build-testing.xml test
- Note that we have to run Ant without the JIT compiler to get around bugs in
- the 1.2 JVM. That's why we need to set JAVA_COMPILER to NONE.
- See
- Note that this build file uses the optional <junit> task. While the
- task "adapter" class comes by default with ant 1.6+, the junit libraries
- (3.8.1 or later) are also required to be made available to ant. This
- requires that you do one of the following:
- * create directory ~/.ant/lib and place the junit jar there
- * put the junit jar in $ANT_HOME/lib
- * run ant as "ant -lib path-to-junit-jar"
- * put the junit jar in $CLASSPATH
- Note when running these test before a JCL release it is strongly
- recommended that a 1.2 JVM is used.
- $Id$
<project name="Logging" default="all" basedir=".">
<!-- ========== Initialize Properties ===================================== -->
<property file=""/> <!-- Component local -->
<property file="../"/> <!-- Commons local -->
<property file="${user.home}/"/> <!-- User local -->
<!-- ========== External Dependencies ===================================== -->
<!-- The directories corresponding to your necessary dependencies -->
<property name="junit.home" value="/usr/local/junit3.5"/>
<property name="jakarta.home" value="../.."/>
- The names of the unit tests to run. By default all tests are run, but
- this can be overridden from the command line by something like:
- ant -Dtestmatch=**/FooTestCase test
<property name="testmatch" value="**/*TestCase"/>
<!-- ========== Derived Values ============================================ -->
<!-- The locations of necessary jar files -->
<property name="junit.jar" value="junit-3.8.1.jar"/>
<property name="log4j12.jar" value="log4j-1.2.12.jar"/>
<property name="log4j13.jar" value="log4j-1.3.0.jar"/>
<property name="logkit.jar" value="logkit-1.0.1.jar"/>
<property name="avalon-framework.jar" value="avalon-framework-4.1.3.jar"/>
<property name="servletapi.jar" value="servletapi-2.3.jar"/>
<!-- ========== Component Declarations ==================================== -->
<!-- The name of this component -->
<property name="" value="logging"/>
<!-- The primary package name of this component -->
<property name="component.package" value="org.apache.commons.logging"/>
<!-- The title of this component -->
<property name="component.title" value="Logging Wrapper Library"/>
<!-- The current version number of this component -->
<property name="component.version" value="1.1.1-SNAPSHOT"/>
<!-- The base directory for compilation targets -->
<property name="build.home" value="${basedir}/target"/>
<!-- The base directory for component configuration files -->
<property name="conf.home" value="src/conf"/>
<!-- jar names -->
<property name="" value="commons-${}-${component.version}.jar"/>
<property name="" value="commons-${}-api-${component.version}.jar"/>
<property name="" value="commons-${}-adapters-${component.version}.jar"/>
<property name="" value="commons-${}-${component.version}"/>
<!-- Construct compile classpath -->
<path id="compile.classpath">
<pathelement location="${build.home}/classes"/>
<pathelement location="${junit.jar}"/>
<pathelement location="${logkit.jar}"/>
<pathelement location="${avalon-framework.jar}"/>
<pathelement location="${servletapi.jar}"/>
<!-- ========== Test Execution Defaults =================================== -->
- Construct unit test classpath (generic tests).
- Note that unit tests that use the PathableTestSuite approach don't need
- any of this (except junit). However unit tests that don't use PathableTestSuite
- to configure their classpath will need the basic classes to be provided
- via this mechanism.
<path id="test.classpath">
<pathelement location="${build.home}/classes"/>
<pathelement location="${build.home}/test-classes"/>
<pathelement location="${junit.jar}"/>
<pathelement location="${logkit.jar}"/>
<pathelement location="${avalon-framework.jar}"/>
<pathelement location="${conf.home}"/>
<pathelement location="${servletapi.jar}"/>
<!-- Construct unit test classpath (Log4J tests) -->
<path id="test.classpath.log4j13">
<pathelement location="${build.home}/classes"/>
<pathelement location="${build.home}/test-classes"/>
<pathelement location="${junit.jar}"/>
<pathelement location="${log4j13.jar}"/>
<!-- Construct unit test classpath (Log4J tests) -->
<path id="test.classpath.log4j12">
<pathelement location="${build.home}/classes"/>
<pathelement location="${build.home}/test-classes"/>
<pathelement location="${junit.jar}"/>
<pathelement location="${log4j12.jar}"/>
<!-- Should all tests fail if one does? -->
<property name="test.failonerror" value="true"/>
<!-- The test runner to execute -->
<property name="test.runner" value="junit.textui.TestRunner"/>
<!-- libs to pass to the tests -->
<property name="test.sysprops.testclasses" value="${build.home}/test-classes"/>
<property name="test.sysprops.log4j12" value="${log4j12.jar}"/>
<property name="test.sysprops.log4j13" value="${log4j13.jar}"/>
<property name="test.sysprops.logkit" value="${logkit.jar}"/>
<property name="test.sysprops.servlet-api" value="${servletapi.jar}"/>
<property name="test.sysprops.commons-logging" value="${build.home}/${}"/>
<property name="test.sysprops.commons-logging-api" value="${build.home}/${}"/>
<property name="test.sysprops.commons-logging-adapters" value="${build.home}/${}"/>
<propertyset id="test-lib-props">
<propertyref prefix="test.sysprops."/>
<mapper type="glob" from="test.sysprops.*" to="*"/>
<!-- ========== Executable Targets ======================================== -->
- Running this target will download all the necessary dependencies into the "lib" subdirectory.
<property name="getlibs.base" value=""/>
<target name="getlibs">
<mkdir dir="lib"/>
<get dest="lib/junit-3.8.1.jar" src="${getlibs.base}/junit/jars/junit-3.8.1.jar"/>
<get dest="lib/logkit-1.0.1.jar" src="${getlibs.base}/logkit/jars/logkit-1.0.1.jar"/>
<get dest="lib/avalon-framework-4.1.3.jar" src="${getlibs.base}/avalon-framework/jars/avalon-framework-4.1.3.jar"/>
<get dest="lib/log4j-1.2.12.jar" src="${getlibs.base}/log4j/jars/log4j-1.2.12.jar"/>
<get dest="lib/servletapi-2.3.jar" src="${getlibs.base}/servletapi/jars/servletapi-2.3.jar"/>
<target name="init"
description="Initialize and evaluate conditionals">
<echo message="-------- ${component.title} ${component.version} --------"/>
<filter token="name" value="${}"/>
<filter token="package" value="${component.package}"/>
<filter token="version" value="${component.version}"/>
<target name="prepare" depends="init"
description="Prepare build directory">
Log4j12: ${log4j12.jar}
<!-- Note: log4j13 support is not available in the 1.1 release. -->
<!--Log4j13: ${log4j13.jar}-->
LogKit: ${logkit.jar}
Avalon-Framework: ${avalon-framework.jar}
<mkdir dir="${build.home}"/>
<mkdir dir="${build.home}/classes"/>
<mkdir dir="${build.home}/conf"/>
<mkdir dir="${build.home}/tests"/>
<target name='discovery' depends='init'>
<available property="jdk.1.4.present"
<available property="logkit.present"
<available property="avalon-framework.present"
<available file="${log4j12.jar}" property="log4j12.present"/>
<available file="${log4j13.jar}" property="log4j13.present"/>
<available file="${build.home}/docs" property=""/>
<target name="log4j12-test-warning" unless='log4j12.jar' depends='init,discovery'>
*** WARNING ***
Log4J 1.2.x Jar not found: Cannot execute 1.2.x tests
<target name="show-lib-presence">
<echo message="jdk.1.4.present=${jdk.1.4.present}"/>
<echo message="log4j12.present=${log4j12.present}"/>
<!-- Note: log4j13 support is not available in the 1.1 release. -->
<!--<echo message="log4j13.present=${log4j13.present}"/>-->
<echo message="logkit.present=${logkit.present}"/>
<echo message="avalon-framework.present=${avalon-framework.present}"/>
<target name="all" depends="test"
description="Test all components"/>
<!-- ========== Unit Test Targets ========================================= -->
- Target to run all unit tests.
- The batchtest task auto-detects what tests are available without
- any need to define TestSuite objects in the code to compose
- sets of tests to be run.
- Details of the unit test results for each TestCase will appear in
- a file in directory ${build.home}/test-reports, together with any
- output to stdout or stderr generated by the test code.
- If you're having problems running this target due to the use of
- the "junit" task below, see the comments at the head of this file.
- Individual tests (or subsets of tests) can be run by doing
- ant -Dtestmatch=**/FooTestCase testall
<target name="test" depends="log4j12-test-warning"
description="Run all unit tests">
<echo message="Test output can be found in directory ${build.home}/test-reports."/>
<delete dir="${build.home}/test-reports"/>
<mkdir dir="${build.home}/test-reports"/>
<echo message="executing tests [${testmatch}.java]"/>
- Note that the fork/forkmode settings define default behaviour for tests.
- The <test> and <batchtest> tags can override these settings if needed.
- The default settings cause a single VM to be created in which all of
- the tests are then run.
<junit printsummary="off" showoutput="no" fork="yes" forkmode="once" failureproperty="test.failure">
<!-- plain output to file; brief output to console. -->
<formatter type="plain"/>
<formatter usefile="false" type="brief"/>
- Provide a set of properties pointing to the logging libs for
- the use of the PathableClassLoader class used by some unit tests.
<syspropertyset refid="test-lib-props"/>
<classpath refid="test.classpath"/>
- Uncomment this to enable logging diagnostics for tests
- <jvmarg value="-Dorg.apache.commons.logging.diagnostics.dest=STDERR"/>
- Auto-detect the tests to run. Checking the ${build.home}/tests
- directory for .class files rather than the src/test directory
- for .java files means that when we run the tests on platforms
- where some components (eg jdk14 logging) is not available,
- just ensuring the tests are skipped from the compile will
- also cause them to be skipped from the testing.
- This does introduce the danger that if tests accidentally
- fail to compile then we won't notice it here. However that
- should have been reported earlier anyway.
<batchtest todir="${build.home}/test-reports">
<fileset dir="${build.home}/test-classes">
<include name="${testmatch}.class"/>
- Exclude the jdk14 tests because we are running these tests on
- a jvm < 1.4
<exclude name="org/apache/commons/logging/jdk14/*"/>
- Exclude the security tests because they rely on the
- MockSecurityManager that uses code that was first introduced in
- Java 1.4
<exclude name="org/apache/commons/logging/security/*"/>
<fail if="test.failure">
One or more unit tests failed.