blob: 88b379be03f0cd0254ac98af845a5b1f67933f2a [file] [log] [blame]
Apache Commons Logging
Version 1.1.2
The Commons Logging team is pleased to announce the release of Apache Commons Logging 1.1.2
Commons Logging is a thin adapter allowing configurable bridging to other,
well known logging systems.
This is a maintenance release containing bug fixes.
Changes in this version include:
Fixed Bugs:
o LOGGING-124: The jar manifest now contains proper OSGi-related metadata information. Thanks to Christian Schneider.
o LOGGING-144: LogFactory and LogFactoryImpl will not swallow certain errors anymore (ThreadDeath
and VirtualMachineError). Thanks to Sebastian Bazley.
o LOGGING-132: Jdk14Logger now correctly uses the specified logger name. Thanks to Nathan Niesen.
o LOGGING-146: Properly synchronize access to protected static field LogFactory.nullClassLoaderFactory.
Thanks to Sebastian Bazley.
o LOGGING-119: Prevent potential deadlock scenario in WeakHashtable. Thanks to Nitzan Niv, Philippe Mouawad.
o LOGGING-130: Potential missing privileged block for class loader. Thanks to Matthew P. Del Buono.
o LOGGING-145: LogFactoryImpl.setAttribute - possible NPE.
o LOGGING-142: Log4JLogger uses deprecated static members of Priority such as INFO. Thanks to Jingguo Yao.
o LOGGING-128: Static analysis suggests a number of potential improvements. Thanks to Peter Lawrey.
o LOGGING-147: SimpleLog.log - unsafe update of shortLogName.
o LOGGING-148: LogFactory.diagnosticPrefix and diagnosticsStream could be final.
o LOGGING-135: Improved thread-safety for several log adapters, including AvalonLogger, SimpleLog,
Log4JLogger, LogKitLogger. Thanks to Sebastian Bazley.
o LOGGING-138: In case of a discovery failure now also the stacktrace of the cause will be
added to the diagnostic message. Thanks to Luke Lu.
o LOGGING-133: Change scope of Jdk14Logger.log(Level, String, Throwable) to protected, allowing
subclasses to modify the logging output. Thanks to Shevek.
Historical list of changes:
For complete information on Commons Logging, including instructions on how to submit bug reports,
patches, or suggestions for improvement, see the Apache Commons Logging website: