blob: 2a6590b24fdf182992f5e51fa32b3cd0d984290a [file] [log] [blame]
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<author email="">Apache Commons devlopers</author>
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<release version="6.0" date="TBA" description="Major release with Java 7 and 8 support
N.B. The Clirr report shows that there are several incompatible changes which in theory can affect
projects that update to this version. However the changes are considered to be OK, because they
apply to code that is not generally directly referenced externally.
For example, the Visitor interfaces have some new methods. These interfaces have lots of methods,
so external code will use the provided abstract implementation instead.
Classes no longer implement Serializable.
It does not make sense to serialize BCEL, and it would be unlikely to work anyway.
The following classes no longer implement the Constants interface:
classfile.CodeException (final)
classfile.LocalVariable (final)
The following classes no longer implement the InstructionConstants interface:
External code should not have been relying on such classes to provide definitions of the constants.
<action issue="BCEL-237" type="fix" dev="sebb">non-empty final arrays should be private as they are mutable</action>
<action issue="BCEL-230" type="update" dev="britter">Document the Java platform requirement clearly and early</action>
<action issue="BCEL-243" type="fix">Type.getType() needs to understand TypeVariableSignature(s)</action>
<action issue="BCEL-272" type="add">Add constants for Java 9 class file version 53</action>
<action issue="BCEL-271" type="fix">FCONST pattern does not include FCONST_2</action>
<action issue="BCEL-264" type="fix">Add missing Node.accept() implementations (ConstantMethodHandle, ConstantMethodType, ParameterAnnotationEntry)</action>
<action issue="BCEL-221" type="fix">BCELifier is not working for Java8Example (incomplete)</action>
<action issue="BCEL-195" type="fix">addition of hashCode() to generic/ breaks Targeters. Never make distinct BranchInstructions compare equal</action>
<action issue="BCEL-261" type="fix">Select constructor allows partially constructed instance to escape. Re-ordered code to delay the escape.</action>
<action issue="BCEL-259" type="fix">Minor doc error in</action>
<action issue="BCEL-260" type="fix">ClassDumper example duplicates field attribute types</action>
<action issue="BCEL-258" type="fix">No tests to check the output of dump methods</action>
<action issue="BCEL-257" type="fix">INVOKESPECIAL, INVOKESTATIC, INVOKEVIRTUAL need to define dump() methods</action>
<action issue="BCEL-254" type="fix">Two more methods that would be nice to be public.</action>
<action issue="BCEL-245" type="fix">Type class includes constants that reference subclasses</action>
<action issue="BCEL-253" type="fix">Pass 3b verifier is too strict.</action>
<action issue="BCEL-248" type="fix">StackMapTable[Entry] should be removed and improvements merged into StackMap[Entry]</action>
<action issue="BCEL-202" type="fix">StackMap[Table]Entry.copy() needs to be deep; Improved support for StackMaps</action>
<action issue="BCEL-251" type="fix">Pass3aVerifier visitANEWARRAY() does not allow 255 array dimensions</action>
<action issue="BCEL-211" type="update">Some additional clone methods should be public.</action>
<action issue="BCEL-249" type="fix">Check for max Short seems wrong</action>
<action issue="BCEL-127" type="update">Document that Instruction Factory returns singleton instances</action>
<action issue="BCEL-198" type="update">better support for clone/copy methods</action>
<action issue="BCEL-242" type="remove">Remove Serializable</action>
<action issue="BCEL-110" type="remove">Problem with JAXB if the bcel classloader is used; remove the broken ClassLoader class</action>
<action issue="BCEL-201" type="update">modify several toString methods to make output similar to "javap"</action>
<action issue="BCEL-205" type="update">add javadoc comments to and</action>
<action issue="BCEL-208" type="fix">Need to check for an empty InstructionList</action>
<action issue="BCEL-212" type="update">Inconsistent toString() results</action>
<action issue="BCEL-217" type="fix">long type instructions are not searched by InstructionFinder using regular expression</action>
<action issue="BCEL-244" type="update" dev="ggregory">Update Java requirement from 5 to 7</action>
<action issue="BCEL-239" type="fix">Interfaces should not be used to define constants</action>
<action issue="BCEL-234" type="fix">Code must not swallow Throwable</action>
<action issue="BCEL-219" type="update" due-to="Maxim Degtyarev">
Make org.apache.bcel.classfile.ConstantPool.ConstantPool(DataInput) public.
<action issue="BCEL-209" type="fix" due-to="Mark Roberts">
Bug fixes and improvements to InvokeDynamic and BootStrapMethods implementation
<action issue="BCEL-187" type="fix" due-to="Jérôme Leroux">
Verification error when an invoke references a method defined in superclass
<action issue="BCEL-218" type="fix" due-to="chas">
Remove ObjectType cache.
<action issue="BCEL-184" type="fix" due-to="Jérôme Leroux">
The verifier now checks if methods with a void return type attempt to return an object.
<action issue="BCEL-184" type="fix" due-to="Jérôme Leroux">
The verifier now checks if methods with a void return type attempt to return an object.
<action issue="BCEL-207" type="fix" due-to="Mark Roberts">
MethodGen.removeLocalVariable now properly unreference the removed variable
from the targetters of the instruction handlers delimiting the scope of the variable.
<action issue="BCEL-197" type="fix" due-to="Mark Roberts">
Utility.signatureToString() no longer throws a ClassFormatException on TypeVariables
found in generic signatures.
<action issue="BCEL-194" type="fix" due-to="Mark Roberts">
Removed the 'index' variable from the LocalVariableGen's hash code.
<action issue="BCEL-193" type="fix" dev="markt" due-to="Jérôme Leroux">
The verifier should not check for run time compatibility of objects
assigned to arrays.
<action issue="BCEL-188" type="fix" dev="markt" due-to="Jérôme Leroux">
Correct verification of the return value of a method.
<action issue="BCEL-186" type="fix" dev="sebb">
Performance degradation with the UTF8 cache
getInstance no longer uses cache
<action issue="BCEL-181" type="fix" dev="ggregory">
org.apache.bcel.util.ClassLoaderRepository.loadClass(String) leaks input streams.
<action issue="BCEL-76" type="update">
Add parent type processing for ClassPath class.
<action issue="BCEL-83" type="update">
Add support for getResource and getResourceAsStream to ClassPath
<action issue="BCEL-92" type="update">
Properly parse StackMapTable attributes in Java 6 classfiles
<action issue="BCEL-104" type="update">
Javadoc overhaul
<action issue="BCEL-119" type="update">
BCEL is unnecessarily slow
<action issue="BCEL-157" type="update">
Add support for INVOKEDYNAMIC and MethodHandles
<action issue="BCEL-160" type="update" dev="sebb">
Why using unstable sort at MethodGen.getLocalVariables() ?
<action issue="BCEL-163" type="update">
Incorporate patch file from Findbugs
<action issue="BCEL-175" type="update">
Implement the MethodParameters attribute
<action issue="BCEL-28" type="fix">
Mistake in "Peephole optimizer" example at
<action issue="BCEL-74" type="fix">
BCEL cannot be used as java.system.class.loader
<action issue="BCEL-77" type="fix">
XSLT transforms broken in Turkish Locale.
<action issue="BCEL-79" type="fix">
java.lang.ClassFormatError: LVTT entry for 'local' in class file org/shiftone/jrat/test/dummy/CrashTestDummy does not match any LVT entry
<action issue="BCEL-81" type="fix">
ClassParser.parse() throws NullPointerException if class does not exist and ClassParser(String) constructor is used
<action issue="BCEL-85" type="fix">
ArrayOutOfBoundsException in InstructionFinder
<action issue="BCEL-87" type="fix">
Website: Incorrect URL for source; version 5.2 is not in the bug page
<action issue="BCEL-88" type="fix">
bcelified method doesn't pass verification
<action issue="BCEL-89" type="fix">
return type not verified by JustIce
<action issue="BCEL-94" type="fix">
@since tag incorrect for Annotation classes in BCEL trunk
<action issue="BCEL-95" type="fix">
InstructionFactory missing % operator for Float, Double
<action issue="BCEL-96" type="fix">
Fields in Annotations and AnnotationEntry are inaccessible to subclasses
<action issue="BCEL-97" type="fix">
Add support for getResources to ClassPath
<action issue="BCEL-98" type="fix">
Two source files in repository are empty
<action issue="BCEL-99" type="fix">
Maven POM file calls in apache regex but code does not use it
<action issue="BCEL-100" type="fix">
ClassParser throws unintelligible Exception
<action issue="BCEL-101" type="fix">
verifier raises an AssertionViolatedException when done against Java 5 files with generics/annotations
<action issue="BCEL-102" type="fix">
Verifier fails in pass 2 with "Number of LocalVariableTable attributes of Code attribute" on static methods.
<action issue="BCEL-107" type="fix">
ParameterAnnotationEntries are read not dumped
<action issue="BCEL-108" type="fix">
RuntimeVisible Annotations duplicated
<action issue="BCEL-112" type="fix">
ARRAYLENGTH incorrectly not StackConsumer
<action issue="BCEL-114" type="fix">
Error in method search() defined in org.apache.bcel.util.InstructionFinder
<action issue="BCEL-115" type="fix">
Deleting all instructions of a list shows wrong behaviour
<action issue="BCEL-120" type="fix">
Make BCEL JAR OSGi compatible
<action issue="BCEL-122" type="fix">
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException thrown from TABLESWITCH.initFromFile
<action issue="BCEL-124" type="fix">
tableswitch/lookupswitch invalid alignment of 4-byte operands
<action issue="BCEL-125" type="fix">
Incorrect size calculation in InstructionFinder
<action issue="BCEL-130" type="fix">
Class files containing "ParameterAnnotations" are dumped incorrectly
<action issue="BCEL-131" type="fix">
Class files containing "StackMapTable" attributes (on method code) are dumped incorrectly
<action issue="BCEL-132" type="fix">
org.apache.bcel.classfile.ClassParser: NullPointerException caused by fileopen failed
<action issue="BCEL-133" type="fix">
org.apache.bcel.classfile.ClassParser: NullPointerException caused by invalid filename
<action issue="BCEL-134" type="fix">
ExecutionVisitor doesn't support Class constant type for LDC and LDC_W
<action issue="BCEL-135" type="fix">
BCELifier issue: BCELFactory fails to handle float and long constants
<action issue="BCEL-137" type="fix">
"Invalid method signature: TT;" when using MethodGen for a method having a generic parameter
<action issue="BCEL-138" type="fix">
FieldInstruction.getFieldSize() doesn't decode Type.getTypeSize() output
<action issue="BCEL-140" type="fix">
org.apache.bcel.generic.Instruction.equals(Object) does not follow Object.equals(Object) rules
<action issue="BCEL-141" type="fix">
Select instructions should implement StackConsumer instead of StackProducer
<action issue="BCEL-143" type="fix">
Fix CPL License issues with and
<action issue="BCEL-145" type="fix">
Type.getReturnTypeSize() doesn't decode Type.getTypeSize() output
<action issue="BCEL-146" type="fix">
SyntheticRepository.loadClass() fails to close the inputStream
<action issue="BCEL-148" type="fix">
BCELifier produces incorrect code for methods containing loads of class literals from constant pool
<action issue="BCEL-151" type="fix">
Code attribute size not updated
<action issue="BCEL-152" type="fix">
Incorrect link for Jasmin assembler language
<action issue="BCEL-153" type="fix" dev="sebb">
Examples not present in source or binary downloads
<action issue="BCEL-154" type="fix">
ClassParser.parse() generates NPE if it cannot open the file
<action issue="BCEL-155" type="fix">
InstConstraintVisitor does not handle class constants
<action issue="BCEL-156" type="fix">
Pass3bVerifier crashes on empty methods
<action issue="BCEL-159" type="fix">
LocalVariableGen.getLocalVariable() computes incorrect length
<action issue="BCEL-164" type="fix">
Method does not have a method to access parameter annotations
<action issue="BCEL-167" type="fix">
ClassPath.getResource does not correctly perform URL escaping
<action issue="BCEL-173" type="fix">
ClassParser fails to parse JDK classes in Java 8: ClassFormatException: Invalid byte tag in constant pool
<action issue="BCEL-174" type="fix">
Verification of interfaces with default methods fails with Java 8
<action issue="BCEL-177" type="fix" dev="markt">
When reading the number of parameters in a MethodParameters structure
only read a single byte as per the JVM specification.