blob: 5ec120a6e3b6aa0c9a41de693f75ddf7e4266869 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD Simplified DocBook XML V4.1.2.5//EN"
<!-- See the Apache Cocoon documentation userdocs/concepts/catalog.html
for explanation about configuring the Catalog Entity Resolver
to use your local copy of the Simplified DocBook DTD.
<title>Catalog demonstration - Simplified DocBook DTD</title>
Here is a subtitle
This is an introduction paragraph.
<title>This is the first top-level section</title>
Another paragraph.
<title>This is a second-level section</title>
with its own paragraph.
<title>This is the second top-level section</title>
The logo below is included using a <emphasis>mediaobject</emphasis>
element containing an <emphasis>imageobject</emphasis> element.
<imagedata srccredit="Powered by Apache Cocoon"
width="300" depth="49" format="GIF"/>